dry- thoroughly and slice :e into. MONTREAL, 0-jul A . .es. boil' ambault, Montreal Tramwav! ' tin' thin strips. Rinse prur PLANNING FOR tftlntt Rupert Dailp i3ctos Friday. October 29. 1948 10 minutes In just enough water engineer, said the traffic Timely Recipe 7 " t t. out . JUNIOR CHAMBER GROUPS PLANNED FOR INTERIOR NEW FESTIVAL fetlon lem in Montreal has never been solved because it has always "re atr S ANNOUNCING RUPERT MENS & BOYS STORE m CHRISTMAS CAKE It takes a long list of fruits, nuts and spices to make a good-tasting fruit cake and it is the skilful blend of flavors and textures that makes Christmas Cake taste so very delicious. s4 cup dried apricots 1 cup prunes 13 cups seedless raisins 1 cup seeded raisins At an executive meeting of the Music and Drama Festival Association, held last night in the Civic Centre, hopes were expressed that an enlarged program might be presented when the spring festival is held in May. Peter Lien and his advisory committee were asked to investigate the possibility of in- to cover; drain and dry thoroughly and cut from pits into small pieces. Rinse raisins, drain and dry; slice seeded ones. Combine fruits, citron, peels, nectar, honey, spice and flavoring, and let stand overnight or while preparing other ingredients. Cream butter, add sugar, and. cream until very light. Stir in well-beaten eggs and mix. Add fruit mixture, flour sifted with salt and soda, and almonds. Pour Into greased waxed paper-lined 10-inch tube pan. Bake in slow oven (275 to 300 degrees F.) about 2?i SHOWING OF Two new central interior Tunior Chambers of Commerce will be officially inaugurated next month under sponsorship of the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce. Ths formalities will take place at Smithers on November 13 where Men's and Boys' Styles 8:45 p.m. Nov. 2 and Aug. 3 CAPITOL THEATRE STAGE the Smithers and Burns Lake i ; i 1 cup halved candled cherries uuuu """" "'"a "ut" " Jaycee groups will come into i cup sliced citron And Bt "Belvedwi" H'j techniqm all tut own! ROBERT YOUNG MAUREEN being. hours. Decorate top if desired. Baked weight approximately 6 pounds. NOTICE Or SKlJXKE .WD SALE OF THE VESSEL -PITT" Prince Rupert Fishermen's Credit Union, the Moruraeee of the motor screw vessel "PITT." 8 6 registered tons. Official Number 134096. of Prince Rupert. B C . having seized 'MUSKEG' DIES AT PIONEERS' HOME Better English By D. C. WILLIAMS O'HARA H Organization of the two groups will bring the number of Junior Chambers in the Prince Rupert region to three. Formerly, Prince Rupert was the only centre having one. Prince George, which has a Junior Chamber group, is In a different region. Presiding over the inaugurations will be Stuart Furk, president of the Prince Rupeit Junior Chamber of Commerce and District Councillor for the B.C. region. He will be accompanied to Smithers by a number of officers and members of the Prince Rupert Junior f2 cup picacifcu icmuii peel j cup sliced preserved orange peel l'i cups apricot whole fruit nectar 1 cup honey 2 teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon allspice' 2 teaspoons rum extract : 1 cup butter or margarine 1 cup granulated sugar 4 eggs i 4'i cups sifted all-purpose flour 14 teaspoons salt 1 Vi teaspoons soda 1 cup coarsely chopped un- blanched almonds 1. What is wrong with this sentence? "We have the fixings for a delicious salad.' by pianists and violinists. It was also suggested that rural schools Be encouraged to pai-ticipate especially in the elementary drama class. The advisory committee was also asked to prepare a list of test pieces for the festival and to prepare a report on the advisability of having part of the music festival arranged on a competitive basis. According to questionaires sent out by the former executive, about half the choir leaders contacted thought competitive group singing would furnish greater instructional value. Present at last night's meeting which was under the chairmanship of president Richard Cleland, were Miss Jean Urq-hart, Mrs. T. Fraser, Mrs. R. O. Large, Carlo Hansen, Basil S. Prockter, Peter Lien, and Harry Seaman. said vessel by reason of default in payment of -the mortgage monies The dog "Muskeg" has given r wtaCStSElX oTwn?r his last bark and investigated Jhirhe SSL.0 his final feleaPh pie-He died satisfy the said mortgag on Thurs- yesterday. He was getting along day. the 4th of day November. 1948. ,n m vea vears- "Musketr" MUSKeg was was in in his niS at the hour of 10:00 o'clock tn the forenoon, pursuant to section so of early prime during the war and the "Canada Shipping Act" 1934, became Dcame a a sort SOTl 01 of soldiers soldiers' can-unless can- the mortgage monies and In- terest in default, with all charges ine. After the war finding a 2. What Is the correct pro nunciation of "height?" 3. Which one of these words Today to and costs are sooner, satisfied. home for him caused concern to I is misspelled? Allegedly, alio- j goric, allegiance. 4. What does the word "profanation" mean? 3. What is a word beginning 2 00 - 4 40-( X7H FUN Nf EST PICTURE EVER MADE" Cover apricots with hot water local humanitarians. "Muskeg" was always in or handy to camps and short of falling in and trotting off for the front, valiantly performed his "bits." He passed out at the Pioneers' Home. and let stand 15 minutes. Drain IB? According to information received from Smithers, initial membership there will be about 20 while a similar number will be enrolled into the Burns Lake body. Both towns have a number of young men who have no Sealed tenders . , marked "Vessel Pin-" will be received at the office of Brown & Harvey, Solicitors. Box 658. Prince Rupert, B.C.i prior to the time of said sale: highest or any tender not necessarily accepted; terms cash. The vessel may be inspected at the Co-op Grid. Cow Bay, by arrangement at the office of the Prince Bupert Fishermen's Co-operative Association. DATED at Prince Rupert, B.C.. this 18th day of October. 1948. PRINCE RUPERT FISHERMEN'S CREDIT UNION (356) j community service affiliations- with lr that means 'not applicable or fitting?" Answers 1. Say, "We have the Ingredients for a delicious salad." 2. pronounce hit. i as in lie, and not hlth. 3. Allegiance. 4. Act of profaning, specially sacred things. "The profanation of the name ,of God.. 5: Irrelevant TRY A CLASSIFIED AD! What's New at CIVIC CENTRE! uration are S. G. Furk. Edward Mussellam, A. P. Crawley, Carlo Hanson. David Hay, J. H. Jef-feries, Allan Armstrong, Harold Helgerson, Harold Hampton, Douglas Pitt-Brooke. M. J. Stapleton and Hugh MacKen-zie. The group plans to leate by car on Saturday. November 13, returning the following day. Gordon Williams of Smithers has been instrumental in organizing both prospective ON THE STAGE FOR THE FIRST TIME IX C( in n ce i hibe ilriv tain urn icrt fcthei nif to! CO poi 1 lUl' 34 las t ipeal the ices ith cUo men 'D t tl v lre. ran do the kt ill TO i rm zrm-r-TTS. i : r - : j'c's j groups. garments for the children. With! Those who plan to go " to all projects lined up before- go to Smithers for the inaue- Modernize your kitchen Men's FasliionS . . . with shiny. CANADA FROM COAST TO COAST hand the course should get off to a satisfactory start. As it is necessary to know beforehand how many will be taking the course so as to have enough sewing machines on ask easy-to-clean, GIRLS! HERE'S YOUR CHANCE OVER SEVERAL HANDSOM stainless steel SEWING COURSE Interest is growing in the sewing courses to be conducted at the Civic Centre during the two weeks beginning November 6 by Miss Sylvia Dyson of the Extension Department of the University of British Columbia. Women taking the afternoon dressmaking course are already hunting through local stores for patterns and materials for dresses, blouses, pajamas or whatever they have decided to make. Those takinir the eve- equipment M"KUS IN THE .MENS ".NEW that will last fzH anri lt i , .A SPONSORED BY hand, those wishing' to take it! are being asked to submit their names to the Civic Centre desk. There is a nominal fee of $2. It is expected that in early March a Home Furnishing course will be given by Miss Eileen Cross. RUPERT MENS AND BOYS CAPITOL THE ati i ning course, the sewing of This will cover the makine of PHONE 108 "PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING AND HEATING Bud Schuman Second Ave. FEATURING children s clothes, are buying ' their patterns and material or merely deciding which of their drapes, the coverlnj of chesterfields, and the reflnishing of furniture. DOLL DRESSING jused clothes to make over into STROMBERG-CARL! ine nine giris . who come Wednesday afternoons to dress dolls are beginning to feel that sJjjD .... I A Combination Console Recei , A Masterpiece at a New m of they are accomplishing something worthwhile and their in i i i ii 1 SEE AND HEAR QUALITY AND BEACl THAT COLD structors are looking forward even more than they to when they progress to more interest RUPERT RADIO & ELECT WITH lia . 1 -t ing doll's clothing Each little girl has learned P ' Jurt hU tW soetk. I iat . ktaliat fane of " aaJMaJtOf, alMlti how to place a pattern on the fold of material- then cut it WKk cM. Got botth out, baste it together, sew French seams then put on . the Hi lace. Some do it all by hand. others baste it then take it home and sew it up on the sewing machine. Having each finished a lace edged doll s slip, they have gone foiH lort ( mrry ' f l built in rebuilt Ih Sarth Omtf i. mil thmt rem.in. oj tht hUtarir fart. ?uir ,h" l"'e inrr,'",, t "he romanrc of Ihe Heal. Thia lual, brauteoua, piotmr-apiritrd nnimunily. funnel to the orld . bread b-,krt I. Ihr ritT Ihruuith ohirb pourvd ilia tbouaands of intrrpid land arrkrn., fanning uul lo break tba fertile aoil, build for Canada the multi-mill... acred grain and cattle empire that ia the Prairie todar. - In the city, proper, arc the moat apaeioua railway yard, ia tb orld under one ayatem. lliionr0flh, ' gre.teat grain centres in the world. Highly citiliaed arrhitecture di4iaauiahea Ha mammoth department atoreaand itt ptraWaut .pired rhurehea. It ia the aim of Winnipeg's eiliaena to oul.hine id preaent tatua in all arta by which cities become ureal. A Canadian Rye hi.k of pro,en worth. Harwood s ia ebaractenied by . auperbly balanced Ba.ur of palatable delicacy, les, the knowing call, first, for liarwood a. on to decorative panties and next week they will bring gay material out of which to make each doll a drlndle skirt Mrs. N. R. Young, In charge "A diamond, sir." he say and fighs. "Sparkling, sir. to matfh her e5-Not too heavy and not too iJ- For this event it must be right" of this group, has the assistance of Mrs. Mary Bruce, Mrs. Jean &m Bias El kins. Mrs. Earl Soiland and Mrs. W. E. Simmons. ONE OF THE TREASURES on birds. are quite all right- He can't go wronR at Bul(fr ' bef O F ALL TIME ju i .,ret in rolor and fla WIN II I VI III 9 m, i"- There is quite a Urge rante in P" id si P small single stone set In H 1 II UK larger diamonds at MM, i'SM a CityMerchants . City merchant are asked In future to have ropy for all display advertisements into the Dally News office by 4 p ro. of the day previous to their publication. This co-operation will greatly assist the mechanical department In keeping to the to J500.09 Aslr Your Lumber Otthr tint QtKfoHOME INSULATION! THE 25-POINT INSULATION -av.rn.sement n not pub.tshed or displayed by the Liquor Control Board regular hour for publication. WWW Government at British CoIjibW It 15. 16. 17. IS. 19. 20. Iniform, tamperproef density. Low thermal conductivity, Low installation cost. Dual insulation value. Constant fuel saving Comfortable summer and winter temperatures. BLONDIE You're a Big Girl, Daisy! By CHICK YOUNG Odorless. Clean. No settlement. Permanent Will not absorb moisture. Sound deadening. Easy to install. Light in weight Thick insulation. No waste Complete fill. Recommended by leading 21. 2, 3. 4 5. 6. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. For air conditioned homes. ZZ. r-i '.liMlll:,!!!! nil i'l' 'li.ijlliiii' 21 24. 25. (blow) Chemically inert Vermin and rodentproof. Rotproof. Fireproof. Safe. Dielectric. LEARNED TO USE ' 'il (a wanokercwep y Zr'jn IB A IP TON TlBtl architects, builders and insulation experts. AVAILABLE AT POttP' DAWN PINK MHITE MF.LLOW BIFF R PAGODA GRfcEN FEAtH J 11 WU Taint The Wonder II I : PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO. LTD. Phones 631 - 652 P.O. Box 74S COAL - LUMBER BUILDING SUPPLIES THOMPSON HARDWARE Cft " ' J " ' ' ' .1 -. a. , c FTffvTV 7T7PTJN Ml E- Civic Centre h