CHURCHILL. Man.. ffiMnr- I ! .. .,1.1 n vtomU... .1 . MACETS WIN BOWLS . iCoiii.nuea turn Page .1 Handicap '. 43 43 . 43 1 Totals 1296 1016 108P ; , prince Etipert Daflp J3etoj? Friday. October ?9, 1!M3 donation of, Town Teen Terrace Timely Topics from HEADPlNNEHS A. McMeekin 222 Jpta's , , 1047 1126 1034 T. McMeekin 267 fiction ..e reading. Mrs. C. R. De Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter ns rtlfviiin. iiiriiiijf-i ui tile ISt Churchllls. most northerly pane of Wolf Cubs In Canada, treasures a coin given him by Canada's Oovernor-General. The pack was nuard of honor when Viscount Alexander' visited here recently. IV V ithers 24b 21H 240 164 233 248 223 225 172 175 144 181 204 . 253 140 148 J. Murray 143 153 161 246 146 209 lug . t.Td 148 27U L. Bmuh in K. Roberts '" 139 . Hooerts .. . 174 " M. Bniith 124 K. femiih HQ Low Score . 152 HaiKllcao 48 Totals 874 V. Wrathall .. M. Halverson Handicap ... Totals 41 41 41 jew - 1233 1161 1391 140 163 48 48 formed that the dark room In' the Civic Centre will be avail-' able to adults In the afternoon and evening on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and for Juniors on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. j Next Thursday night's meeting will be given over to instruction on developing films and members have been asked; dealer ol Prince Rupert, has sold his property on Lazelle Avenue to John .Haaland, the tJeal going through the real estate office ot Frank Morris. MALKIN8 Mr. A. H. Irving arrived in town last week with his wife and children to take over the duties of local station agent, haying been transferred from Vanderhoof. 1008 124'J 139 191 130 151 130 175 1272 125 355 123 155 232 HOT SHOTS I Schmidt 201 145 139 lel" 117 118 119 A. Leamv -. 218 M. Leamv 167 E. Bhlelds ......Li. 98 R. Claverirw 234 D. Tavlor 199 A. Taylor 201 Handicap 76 TERRACE ! McKinley : 72 88 10a 76 76 992 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hutch ings of Btewart were house guests or C. M. Adams during the past Week-end. Totals 1193 1238 MiM Annie Lip? returned on Thursday morning's train from a ten day trip to Vancouver. Ufl Restaurant ; uanmuer 166 112 25 i t u,c';!el:i 1G0 124 207 Handicap 74 74 74 ! Totals 925 763 1058 I MAPLE LEAFS ( George de Kergommeaux 1 made a brief trip to Prince Ru- to bring negatives or exposed; rolls of films to be developed. ' It was stressed at the "meeting by Mr. Stapleton that be-" glnners will be welcome to the club activities. He urged members to bring In others to increase the rremDership. 1 P. ThomDson 121 122 128 I J. Thompson 2ol 151 163 I A. Shearer 180 191 89 ! R. Shearer 105 150 228 TERRACE LLOYD RAUDER, PROPRIETOR nnn GOOD SERVICE Oebrge Martin of Martin Brothers' land Campbell, contractors, Is expected back in Terrace soon with his bride, having left for his marriage In Vancouver. on Tuesday to undergo a Ipeft medical test for the Royal Can J. Jones b8 114 i4 adian Navy. Men's Work Pants Reg. $4.00- an nc NOW ..VF3 Men's Dress Pants rogw$W0r. $4.50 Boys' All-Wool r V Tweed Pants roV4:50l JiG Boys' Shirts All Sizes 1 Off FROM 01.3 Ladies' Umbrellas W.95' Knitting Wool ... Best Kind OV- 0f Reg. 40C-NOW Boys' Raincoats a. Jones 169 18! lfll Standings to date: Polnt3 Headplnners 26 Maceys 23 , Kin pinners 21 Pioneer Laundry 20 Pushovers ..... 19 Overwalbea 19 DodPtrt ... 18 Cloverleafs 15 B. c. Messenger 14 Wingers 14 Malkins 13 Hotshots 11 . Maple Leafs 11- Brownwoods 10 . Silverslreaks 9 ' Bo'ks : 7 Hih School 3 Pin Busters 0 Lam. t"1 midnight. Closed 9 p.m. Sundays PINE AND I AJiDK The Guides and Brownies had a merry time t their Hallowe' Word has been received Worn the south that, following an accident at his mill when a saw tooth pierced his eye three weeks ago, Colin Cooper has Handicap 100 loo 1WI Totals 934 1014 931 KINGPINNERS A. Pierce 184 146 194 J. Pinnew 185 217 191 L. McLalchie 116 212 128 O. Shenton 147 198 329 J. Shenton 136 .'257 214 N. Kinslor 196 223 170 , your friends ana enjoy yourwiTrt 'pTERNOON TEAS 3 TILL 5 NEW LUXURY STL AMES PRINCE GEORGE SAXLS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. en party In the Oddfellows Hall on Wedneaday night. Games wre played and Rev. Mr. Mal-lett entertained them with a Hallowe'en story which both parents and children enjoyerl. Following delightful refreshments, H.tnuieap 12 12 12 ,4 . ! ' - had the Injured eye removed and. Is now progressing very favorably. His brother, Bob, partner at the same mill, is in the local hospital suffering irom a badly crushed and bro Totals 976 1265 1238 1 OVERWAITEA L. Vanetta 158 ' 117 180 K. Paul 130 135 82 UU Of JAYCEES PLAN RADIO TALKS I .Tans nmc mrA a ItAnnff K. luotj 213 192 154 M. Ku?.lk 158 236 246 1. North 164 137 121 F. Comadina 18 1 293 206 evening came to a close. 4,85 Woll MnHe Weekly 15 - minute radio broadcasts on topics of com- ken leg sustained when a power saw he was using kicked out of a log, knocked him down, the Handicap 22 22 22! TovUls ..' 1024 1132 lOll'munity Interest will be sponsor- Buy leys mt yotir leisure while Ataefcs are complete! You can make a much better -wlecttoti now than will be possible just before Christmas. fed by the Prince Rupert Junior CAMERA GROUP NAMES OFFICERS For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. log rolling over his leg. The log had to be sawn to extricate the Injured man. His brother Don, Another partner, improvised a 1 19 (Chamber of Commerce leader-144!hlp class during the' winter 153 i months. The broadcasts are be- 1041 100 Ing organized by -A. P. Crawley, pllnt from one Inch mill boards! civic Centre Camera Club '4 leadership committee chairman B. C. MESSENGER . H. Swaffield 170 159 C. Bchroeder 179 ' 1.16 J. Schroeder 254 290 C. Swaffield 91 115 N. Matheson ... .... 110 140 T. Smith 142 118 Handicap 76 76 Totals 1022 1034 DODGERS S. Ram.sav 257 119 O. Menzies 219 219 L. Anderson 140 142 G. Anderson 234 154 E. Mastell 161 145 148 76 922 and leather belt laces and removed his brother to hospital. Alex Mackenzie, . furniture in conjunction with station CFPR and will be aired Friday held its organisational meet ing last night, eiectirig Stanley Vickerman president and M. J. Stapleton, secretary-treasurer. The group plans to hold regular meetings Thursday nights. Last night's meeting was in- WRATHALL'S PHOTO FINISHING". Dcvelotiinr, Printing ' ,: Enlareiner QUICK SERVICE " . ' Amateur and 2! evenings. Class members wyi be , 116! responsible for the talks. Each about 12, will organize a brnad-219 member of the Class, which cast as part of the trainins 185 1 meets weekly and . numbers eourse Phone Red 400 le.W. tF. Mastell 252 193 Professional Sunnlies PHOTOS iet Early r & Cowjiill tjpolntments AY: OREEN 389 SITE: BLACK 61J 4th Street AVAILABLE Your Dealer can supply you GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. LTD. Local Distributors: PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HOUSE Prince Rupert, B.ti J1S Second Ave. f. FOR THE RED AND XHITE EM LABEL . FISHERMEN Repairs to HIGH SPEED ENGINES is our specialty. We have the latest in modern machinery and specially TRAINED MECHANICS to handle this class of work. Let us have your, engine now, do not wait until the last minute for that overhaul. If you are thinking of an over- , haul, we will be glad to look your motor over and make our recommendation. T'HONE us or, better still DROP IN and talk it over with our Shop Foreman. " RUPERT MOTORS LTD. PHONE 566 ROYAL MEL p . faj From Home . Hot and Coin Water RUPERT, B C I. , 1 i" 1 I' 5!i ! Ltd,. HICVOUNG- - J JWAir. eWGWOOO.1 THE "BOOK ON S ""","m J m I ( tU PUf HER& v -J? Fa I HEAVENS NQTHAT "t 1 V'Cchild traimimg savs smelu End UP . B in a dark Y1i7V2 j "u -vxju) make wer 4 -h N A PENAI- tNSTITUTlOM IF J- ( f? 1 ( CLOSET FOR ) 5' ' ZJ FEAR DAPtfNESS J -S nrVCU SFANK HER ) ' ' ' H 3 YPUNISHMENT VS L'tSXX -e AMD BE AFRAiO ' ( DOES IT SAY ) ' NO THAT V 1 ( J I f IT SAVS THE BEST . ' TMATB IT "K. f 1 CAM SLAP S SSk f.h ( WOULD TEACH PUNlSMMENT IS TO ) VG WONT ALLOW J HEX HANDS? It Jy ' HER TOSLAP.A f DEPWVE MER OF -J ( WEI? "TO HAVE AN" 1 V XLsZ. 1 ( BACK1 AT HE(? J V. SOMETHING SHE J . PE5SERT FOR J J ( THAT WOULD BE TOoj SSJ I C SSSiS oV . J$ff& -.' ' LZSr " ' f CCUCL AFTEI? ALL. v f AM ALLOWANCE y V R J f) ( CANNOT V. WE'PE "JOT RUNNING J AND THEN PUN ISM A- CwTH-l Ck'J jT HAVE A ,: A CONCENTRATION tIER BY DEDUCTING J Vc5-'Wv!!A FANKINGf ' l CMP i. TEN PERCENT , r J-7 "lfSl LiT1 'Cy- W' K'"g Fwturt' s'fl1. Iw ..H rlghH iwfrvcj V - II I OH. MV UaRlInG A aA3 ) I StTrtTnG tSr J CS) C COOKIE. -FORGIVE J f l A ITT Ao sORW) ( WE'RE GOING TO Be' T-"- . fS2S,J I FELL J TOMORROW I US FOR THINKING csrj LET ME STERN PARENTS lC jt& 'v- Wiring or Lighting ? can be effective only ; IF PROPERLY PLANNED We can assist you in getting the best value1 for money expended. - FOR WIRING, LIGHTING, HEATING, REFRIGERATION AND APPLIANCE SERVICE The Northern B.C. Power Co. kattnir Place FRSF. meals' a' t 8 p.m. ,1et Hall iieons. Tv Thone 21.0 LIMITED O Phone 209 "t 'nutria t) r. f Parties Dishes SEE- THE iM ROYAL PORTABLE) PWAY BFE , in with FINGER FORM KEYSI New! The most tensational typewriter improvement in years FINGER FORM KEYS designed to cradle your finger tipsl Phone 200 m i,:w. 'nm !7th h EBY OIVEN And only the New ROYAL PORTABLE the world's first truly modern typewriter has this revolutionary feature 1 And more, besides! New Beauty! Speed Spacer) n.niil Rihtmn Humeri intends ' Uqimr control No iZ . lr,"sler ol Improvements and perfections! blg part of Come in ana see me vew noyai "Manic" Mai-cta! Portable! New Ouiet De Lux Mm """""ta, upon And many other important model, ' r "Magic" Is a registered trade-mark of Royal Typewriter Co., strict 1 ''T"t ina J" the Prov- v.ic truns- Pftnce RllDert B.C., h Z ,BHOW. iranufpfp, (3(0)