- A Frlnc Rwptrt Caily Revs TJT Tuesday. March 21, 1950 Betty Hamilton Shower Honoree Jock Campbell Wins Tourney Enghsn oiiiiard handicap tournament, defeating Rod Smith by a narrow margin of 17 points In a 200 point match. Campbell, who had a handicap FEEL LIKE LOAFI Bowls Battle Betty Ho'.kesiad. Mrs Lorraine Smith, Mrs. Jane Everhart, Mrs j j Jean Holkest id. Mrs. A. S. Hamil- 1 i ton. Mrs. Yvorne Quick, the Mis- ' jses Shirley Taylor, Nellie Bill,' Mickey Murray. Anne Duma',; I Jackie Budanlch. Rusty Thain Miirjie Brain. Lorraine Barbe. , : Lorraine YounRman. Edith Jord- jan, Jeanne Husoy, Christine Cur- Coming up f:xm behind to win j imin"s 30- n3s s!w la Ppuin ! The home of Mrs. A. S. Hamil- C$3cW 6.95 Honors Close i i j With only lvo weeks of play j i since the teams were divided into . ' v . ton was the j-cene of a delight - .,.k u.j scratch had scored 65 ijwiiuo points , , , r . . ful surpnse ijiiower on Fndav before his opponent had wioed . , , , J ' evening in honor of Mrs. Hamil- v w off hn handicap Smith was' . ,..,.,,,. na,. in spectacular fashion. Jack Campbell yesierday afternoon became th? winner of the Canadian Legion s second handicap PlaJ two divisions indication, are for j , CUy 4 tloae battles and sec-aaw shifts a ne, Irene K-ldal, Irma McKin-non, Arietta Hamilton, Betty Stardale, Aussie Hoikestad, Di-. ane Kennedy Those not present but senduiff gifts were Miss Joyce North. Mrs. Carl Johnson, and Mrs. N. A, Robertson. in standings. Ir, Inst week's play Mansons and Blow-Outs were mU weU in the lead at ha!f time. ' j Mi Rupert Hoike- a lead which he maintained i un- wiU take r, M h 31 uJLV I 60,11 ' Thp We-to-oe was welcomed players Wfre even. ... . .... ' WiU. a saowor oi conreiii tner. Campbell played a steady same seated in a chair decorated in' after ?ertin started, makin- tpink and bhle streamers where ! breaks of 30. 23, and 18 and tvvojsrMf was presented with beauti- i 16 in quirk succession to carnations! .-ecure j fui corsage of pink the lead. Rod Smith s ben breaks ; tw the hastes-;. Miss Shirley Tav- j were 23 and M Campbell missed , I lor A mjclt wec,ding Wil5 lho Headpinners S. Pushovers -Blowouts J. Wharf Rats I Sports Shop 3, Pionsers 1 Manson's 3. Nble and Wick 1 left on top of the h?ap winnlri", from Noble a:id Wick and Wharf Rats. High ladies scoter was I. Garner of City Transfer with 304 jThia advertisement is not and 706. High men's scores were made a pooa unrwtnrity to win the highlight of the evening and prize for the hiehest break. fa!l-am? cU- Bin:) f0Uoed. Cantels 4. C. P. A. 0. ) Royal Blues 4 Ideal Cleaners 0 Bob Parker 4. Handovers 0 Velvets 2, Handicaps 2 Watts and Nicierson's 2. P. R. Plumbing 2 j Booth Seho"! 2. Conrads 2 ' ; Standings ; .c P 'nun or 'e 31 A delicious lunch was served : - published or displayed by the Liquor Control "Board or by the government of British TRAIN SCHEDULE Far the East-Monday. Wednesday, Frlrlay 8:00 p.m. From the East-Tuesday, Thursday. Saturday 10:15 p.m. oreaic m.w c Neil Cameron ir by R. Shearer of Sports Sho;i with 343 and "rf. Tpij result. wer: Northers Lfcht , Maeev's 9 and a toast war. proposed to the ; happiness of the Kuest of honor by the hostess. Miss Ilami'ton ' tlien cut a mock wedding cake, j Those present were Mrs. Pat Ward. Mrs. LeLcra Slader, Mrs. 1 "A" League Mansons 7 r the prestnt Untrnnment. ! There was ood attondar.r ! of members, air of whom were 'as reed that ihe match w.t oe "of the best guines of the season. ,The result certainly sltow?d that ithe handicaps ha4 been ki!fu!-I iy arrantred. t A new table has been nur-'cha.sed for the Letjiru's nes-j premises and another tourr.n-iment wilt be st:irtei shoiMy :f- REXAIR Pointing & Decorating I WALLPAPER HANGING I Call -4-SPENCE & MATUIK Phone Blue 215 233 11th SI NOW IIHtF. 3-in-l Mernan- I f CHOOSE ieal llnnHomaitl IT Dl'STS IT MOTHPROOFS IT ATOMIZES IT SHAMPOOS R!'t;S IT SWKEPS rr pi'rififs IT CLEANS IT Df OOORIZFS 9 it ni MjniFirs IT SC Kl ItS Advertise in te Dtlly News. Classified ads bring results. tr the building opn.s at tlie end ct this month. Blaw-Outs 7 Northern LJqhU 6 City Transfer , 5 Headpinners 5 Maeey's 4 Noble Wit-k 4 Pioneers 4 Sport Shot 3 Wharf Rats I Pushovers I Silver Stroak.; I "B" League Bob Parker 7 P. R Plumbi.is 8 V;!veu 6 Cantels 5 Conrads 5 Royal Blues 4 Watts & Nkkerson 4 Handovers 4 Booth School - 4' Handicaps 3 Ideal Cleaners 1 C. P. A . ; 0 VAfU M CLEANER Phone Today for Free Demonstration CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hushes, DC Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Sl'XDAY LFAfH E TF.S PIX March 26-PR. Plumbing Comm. Hotel; Grotto vs 8 Taxi- i L.C.B. vs W.ELA.C; &ivoy vs Royal Hotel HO th E. This advertisement is nox puTjlwhed or a IJquor Control Bfrtj or by the fl of British Columbia O. A. fiustafson Blac k 9! nionr w.ik 443 ir Appointment " " IIOI'RS 19 SO arm to 1130 pm. and VICKERS" U DUTllU IN CANAtA and it tiitmuiio tv Calvrrt 3 to S pm. MnnrtaT and Friday. 7 SO n m. for Thisnlverlinwot if not publisheJor Ji j yiite uijikble to rtimf during the TU. RECEPTIONIST in attend . j puvej by tltt Liquor Control tkurd o . by the Government of BtmJi Culumhu . lie afim)uus. usiness 4 Kroressiona MIKE COLUSS1 Piaqo Technician ;Pianoa Twued Repaired PHONE BLACK 3S9 2K 4 h S'.reet Bytown Machine Work' Sales Service and Parts Simplex Oxs Engines s,4 hp. 185 hp. Cummin Dependable Diesel 6 h p. 550 ta p. Inquire about our long term Warranty and Service Ca'.nrrme Laurie PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER p 401 Third Ave. West (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) "Phones: Green 667 Days New Residence Phone Number Red 864 654 i t r aii.i i 31 I MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONK BDIDINO Aa tiwT mktm At ult. DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 - P. O. Box 140) PHONK BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 WUAUTY KEPAUta for Downtrodden Heels and Worn Sole MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE OENERAL CONTRACTORS FOR SALE First Class Garden Dirt $2.50 yard Building and Repairs of all kind ROOFS -f CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS fospffyiTr Qood Food For Tasty Meals At Reasonable Prices Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY . CHOW MEIN IRexCale 2nd Ave. Opp. Rupert Hotel 7:00 a m. to 3:30 a m. Phone 173 for Outside Order 1 Rock & Dirt Fillings $2 yard KAIEN TRANSFER Phono Bine 981 84 PHONES Black 334 Red 834 P. O. Box 1670 GEORGE RORIE & CO. Public Accountants and Audi- I 'ij "VXN "'V ' T I Aeroplane parti mini h SrTl'l'i' ,Svw Xi-yl I nd minimum eight. l hJ' V 1J I arc uteJ. In lh nie. Iindin fif , A . Y" tlKouph the sh.p Nickel ll rj " Exhaust ronifld and other parts of radial engines hive to Jf'VX Ns. ' t .jS Mickel alloys do this job .too. ojCX-X- J " OFortr-three year'. of research hj VffSW'' Pf 1 -" unbred huodredof s(o HPiaiSL l ; I f 'iW4 United States and other countries, fow N'J "r 5T. yj ij bring i. million, of U.S. dollars yearly The jWUr. 45"SiH' 'Jf help pay the wages of the H.OOON.ckeemployeesa'w M : .Xt? o- . AT workers and other men and women aiking ul r etf ,5 for the Nkkel mines, smelter and rJaencs. I ft The iet eagine has dereloped only aew , C mm Mmsmf MMMM I Nickel alloy were proren able to stand op .... V KWKmW Jm nder th wrriftc Mmperatur and strain f ' mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJfl B A saeotiat to j opcrauoo. - I (U fl Q I III lTfl WtilclliliiHlGllG THE INTERNATIONAL NICKEL - COMPANY'" OF f CANADA)" LIMITED,?. 2S KING STREET EST, -0 ton. Income Tax Return i compiled G. L. RORIE. A A E, S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. B-sner Block Phone 387 SIDNEY GONICK OPTOMETRIST Complete Visual Analysis ' OFFICE HOURS a m to S pra 23 tc 24 Besner Block Telephone 212 Evenings by Appointment f AP. GARDNER & CO. Chartered Accountants A L. BELL. C.A., Prince Rupert HoU1! B & -W TRANSFER Dry Kindlln Wood 50c per sack Random Length Fir PHONE RED 183 Terrace March 10-Aprll 1st Prince Rupert April 1st - April 15th DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block OR YOUR ROCK 8c CONCRETE WORK CALL BI Ub 939 M.J.SAUNDERS New, Modern Equtpmeat AH Work Guaranteed P O. Box i21fl Phone 525 VANCOIVEK VICTORL4 SEATTLE Sunday, 9 p.m., ChllcoUn Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquitla'm ALICE ARM. STEWART AX1T PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 pm. OR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Chilcotin March 17 and 31 lft p m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss; Chilcotin March 24, 10 p m. and 24, 10 pm. I RANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 568 . HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In ail ' As branches 204 4th Street Phone 51 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 32t 330 Second Arena Prlnc Rupert. B.C.