Prince Rupert Daily Newi Tuesday, March 21, 2900 Hew Rule For Tea and Sale By Catholic Women Tonight's train, due from the iMilk Serving east at 10.15, was reported lias oppeoronce long life low cost T, insnr. ihn s:imt:irv serving i m....t.,.. .. l i..,.-. i,. , .... 1 illuming - uu vwvy nuuia aim St. Patrick's w.i liLMOIl w;is III1 .... i , i. . , . i Canadian ' J OI m puD1IC euung p.ues ten minutes late winch would Lein,, p.,,., ...... .. . . .i.u.ivV,...,,,,.,..-, u . bring It In at midnight. - , luiu uartun, wno lias oeen j mi. iui, a civic bylaw, providing mat postponed, till further notice away from Prince Rupert for a"w,,m,'u al Annunciation ' n)irk US(;d as a beverage in any owing to moving to new build- considerable time, is back in the Church Hall with a highly sue- j lestaurant shall be served In lug. ,07. city and expects to be here for cessful .tea and social. Prettily the original bottle and opened ASPHALT SHINGLES Spring . . . SPORTSWEAR HAS HELPFUL HUSBAND win i i . nmmmmmm an indefinite period. Mr. Barton, decorated with snamrocks and 1 in the presence and sight of the Showing of moving pictures, I earlier in life was in the British Irish motifs, the hall was crowd-provided by N. it. Young, will Aty In India, later being cd for both afternoon and evm- , sii. s: red. Kr.T.i, 8rwn blend limd delivered per square $10.75 f per square $10.00 red'aud Brecn .... per square 9.00 patron for whom It is. intended, is now in 'force. Restaurants are, accordingly," changing to paper containers in many cases comprise the program tomorrow located here for years as a mem- ng affairs. Mrs. E. Telseth, pres- and leaving it to the customers I & McCAFFERY LTD. . oer oi me post office statr. ident of the Catholic Women's Hear E. T. Applewhite. M P.' Lf Was KCT1C,al was cm'f f" report from Ottawa CFPR Fri-', -tearoom presided over h? Mrs' N' Your"' and Mrs- J- day, March 24, 6.15 p.m. (68, Bruce, assisted by Mrs. J. Basso C. II. Sawle, who sold the Om- ' and Mrs. L Colussi. Pouring ' ineca Herald of New Hazelton were Mrs. H. F. Glassev. Mrs. M. at the regular weekly luncheon 'of the Prince Rupert Gyro Ch.b. i Mrs. J. E. Walker of th? Canadian Customs at Victoria, arrived on the Princess Norah yesterday from the south to visit here with Dr. and Mrs. D. R. E. J Whltmore. inem.seives to. ao me pouring. Health authorities are following up the enforcement of the bylaw which was finally passed by the city council January 9. Restaurants are falling In line. PHONE 116 Sport Jackets in tweeds and polo cloth materials Priced from and the buildi.ig in which it was p. McCaffery, Mrs. C. P. Balagno A rfflTHFoAlLV NW8 WILL BRINO RESULTS , V Announcements S.O.N, meeting on Wednes- published, recently donated h'? and Mrs. Walter Lahti. Scrvi-labrary to the pjew Ilaiclton tears, members of the Catholic community a'id steps are now Youth Organization, were the Prince Rupilt Music and ! day, March 22, at 8 p.m. Initiation and election of officers. Drama Festival, March 22, 231 being taken to establish a pub- Misses Margaret Dniron, Maria ! . 08i md 24. lie library there. The library Brett, Mary Zogas and B'rankie 'L--L "I. Ni Lutheran Tea and Home Ralph Ovcrgaard, -son .of Mr. $25.00 to $38.50' Gabardine Slacks . .. . . . Blues, G r cy s, Greens, Browns,, Fawn and maroon "1 Priced, from $12.25 to $20.00 - March 25. contains iu well Douna vol- Murphy. Acting as cashier was ('ookinj I a.T . i i 1 :.. units and 75 pocket editions. ; Mrs. R. E. Moore. , r I,... . y, . ti. . iNOt evervuiic uueuaim m n t JAJf ' - Plaza, left on yesterday s i;iane vamui. oiubc.s concert, wcu-j chemifjtj l pa88 on what Ed tt.n Vil.,1. ..4 .......... t 8 15 p.m. j mnnH .. for Alnmerin California tit nti...-,.-! oa'" u' au "K " " After a brief business visit , 4 here, E. Hender returned to booln, f1 bv ....... Mrs I.. TV iimn Mrs T J Ktun- I told me when my wash looked dingy and yellow. 'Blue is one of th spvpn roloura that combine to nuts 19 n.ivaDie in auvain-c. itiiam iiwui 1 J Inonrdnn n.lnln.xm Ihn II., I . I : . , Card Tournament, Catholic itipUi C per WU1U JV-i niflci wuu, iiuuiuiuiu Miu cuuiu(j ui ilia x:oi-'il;l aiiu C0(1UlUam Hal1' Thm' March 30 ZnlTJrJTr1 ! ders. Mrs. C. SchaeHer and Mrs. Notices St'c. i:aros oi inaiiM. also Vislt wiUl reia.,ivej an(j j make white,' he said. 'Without blue there is no pure white.' Now . . . u tj..i.:' iji... 1 1 i,rri,pp and Kneaecmcni ftiinuuiiceiiieiii-. .il.ll lilf-.- IVM1DT I.1 tDTIP Prince Rupert Symphony Orch J. Bugymka. HAL IMSI W . uuvDuii imvu friends in San . Francisco and other southern cities He will be away about three weeks. During draping of the charter , The home cookin table, laden estra Concert, Friday, March 31, 8.15 p.m. I JUKI, swum ivet;iiiii. o uiuc in tim final rinse for a wash that's snowy white every time. Out of the blue cornea the whitest wash. And 1 UIM) for the late Mrs. Frank Gomez with delicious looking cakes, SOTK'E breads etc.. was attended by Mrs. White Elephant Sale Tea and Pair of plastic rim L- w Lefler returned to the at a Women al the Moose meet- FDtlND with Rcckitt a Blue I avoid any RundaV. J. A. Smith, Mrs. S. Dumas.' Mrs. ' 1Iome Cooking at 2 p.m. April 1. danger from chemicals 4hat may KlasKCs. Owner mav claim city on the Princess Norah yesler- injr last week, Mrs. O. Robinson same uuuv l-tcvss wiu John Eckluiul, hut for this advertisement. It day rrom a brlel business trip to sang "In the Garden". A pen of F. St. Amour and Mrs. W. Whiffin. ! mxa &l- bcno1- I fbrla- ' AR .. , ... Ocean Falls and left by today's achievement was presented to CARDS IX EVENING Hear and see artist-evangelist ' PERSONAL plane for the Queen Charlotte Graduate Resent .Mrs. Gladys tables of cards ' UstCurehTehViH r BC R''V, t. .duct seiv.; I'ti'lltt'l a L iav. March .. -- - Islands Glenn by Mrs. J. Rasper of the 1 and' " ln in Uie were play evening Mission Band Explorers' pro-i?! 1(,1W 111 UIU BUKWbK 61-fcWlrtLia rv BC Un- Wick or oot burners unpolled,' Green River casual-" shirts .... a fine wool "" gabardine, in g r e y , brown and fawn. Priced at $7.50 ; D u n I e i g h Sport( Shirts in Maroon, . Grey, Green and Brown, full zipper - !- L ,$6.50 Button $6.95. ii. ! uouege oi Keents. j the prize winners were: I gram tea, Presbyterian Hall, f Monday mot nine eitv ambu- Bridge-R. Loughlan and Mrs. i April 4. ,J nf ar- serviced or repaired, uneon ditional cuafantee of perfect satisfaction covers all service. Gordon Ronson. Black 90G. 72) lance picked up Mrs. E.-Mclllfat- George f'owlie; cribbage, J. Clou- : Canadian Legion Easter Sale rick from the Queen Charlotte tier and Mrs. C. Schacffer; whist, ' April 5th. I Airlines which arrived Mrs. J. Johnson and Mrs. B. An-, Jobs Uauhlers Tea and Sale' MINT l a n rt Heatlnir .,..iient of PLUMBING here on its regular Monday , , of homecookins Aoril 6. at the Sheet Metal work. Phone 543 Hili'li Bettv. rrKiMKNT or tradk AM) COMMKKC'K TKNDKR NO. 01--ll flight from Aliford Bay. Mrs. Mc- ueiicwus reircsnmcnis wore homfe of Mrs. A. Mitchell, Fourth or call 629. Sixth Ave West. H t stretcher rxc servoa unaer me direction oi mis. Ave., west. i Illfatriek was a lvom Justkatla. olace Lctourneau and Sons. -------- FOR RRNT j G. R. Brett assisted by Mrs. J. : QU(.en SrAI.KII TKVDKHS mi Inwri in i n.BrLM4 -,vii.l iit li. lli,. bImim rltpt '1 ttidrt Mary l.O.D.E. Tea Always Prompt, and Courteous? ' Moran. Mrs. O. Winuham and AMrii in Sf. mm! d'lrr.wi to llir mrv, i un- We're Here to Serve YOU UK Tartan Sport Shirts ih' " a fine rayon and wool material $6.50 ' pahflV tiri). ( 'bus, OnUttn. will It rwU il FOR RENT Two room nnl 4 00 P.M. on beddine. dlxheK and other Pilot Roy .Bcrrymau set his Mrs. D. Mulroney. . , ' Q. C. A. Rapid, at the Seal Cove' Grund drawing winners were Cllthcdr1 Saie c ApM 13' air yestciV.ay morning Pas- George Low, No. 2518; J. Mc- i st- Peters Spring &ale April ;ener.s for the city inclined Bill Dmigallt 18()6; J. Bruce, HOG; N. 20- ni Msv. lor InMillmmn of (Til iiKI mail' i b!.i.-k mask. Commodore Cafe a Port utensils for sale. Anolv between 7 aud 8 u-ni. 1113 Park Ave. It FOR RENT-Board and room or room. Ilione Black 000. t! "Ilosnilalitv anil Cloud Fnml"? HxitrK 8v-tin, I'limjirp unit Fttl I'.'-om, rifi ItMsir to Ko'inilati'in nnri -li""", Prinr K'iwrt ArnKMMy, Pnnr llnKTt , H. '. Ti4rr forms w mi(p1tM ly the ('ansdmn ('miPkrt,iHi (.cn"HMiiin mn-r if-fit. No IrtKlTA ! cnn--r-ir uiilr't mmrt rm mirh form M nil lfiJ t-tw'i W miiitcrt to ih lms wt (orih ov frfciTcrt rnesi oi tne n. a. oince nere Fosleri993; Miss Ann Dumas, 331; who had been on a business trip u Mr j McDougall, 1820. i t. r. ti, r,- i Women of tho Moose Novelty Spring Tea, April 19, in the new Temple. Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders, in vdiicouvfi ioi wie c oilier rnffle dinners were: j i 3rd Ave. Diwld Chow, Mgr..' five Of- 10 m 1THlw FOR RENT Suite of Spring Sa! 5 Fortune; Tclseth; OJ!- . jham, won by Theo i m j r i.p't.-- fintri nnrsp fnr ' chilfoii cake, Pauline Presbyterian April 27. i Vivian I'om-i jtiO. i72i, t" S'.udi'baker' fill- Rf.lM)ll- itn at Knox Ci! 1 78t Ci.'.iiircn tor s, Pikme Red (72) Mi'iurrh. tnl!v the native village of Kincolith. ! a u t o rug, C. Charbonncau; arrived in the city Irom the! dressed doll, Agnes, Pierce. . Orange Spring Sale and Tea, May 3. I 1 I ices. Modern in every respect. Available March 1. Phone 57. O. P. Tinker and Co. Ltd. M) FOR RENT Sinulc sleeping room for unlet man. Close to town. 221 FilUl Ave. E. 170! north on the Coquitlam this Day United Church Mothers' Sale, May 4th. morning. Classified ads bring results. . Iimvr. seal. Karanre and i n fin Mf intHtm hit "n rm-hit ion t th OHwin nl Hi i 'AiiaidMii t'otrmwrml ( 'orrpi irm, Hoj.h 12ini. u, 2 'I nirot-iirv HmKlitif (70 . on ftipi l, Oil nun. (htiiirwi. Ml imU iHm-s n-n'B mv b ottattnvl ui'On ilioit. o( $ii 00 in t'i form ni rrnhrcl ftn-ti(f mn-r pavntil n 1h Rrrivr timf-inl of (ikwIh. Tin infii will 1m rrmirtM mUm ?"t'-h wnn iif rttrrnrH in jfKxi rtmlM i"n. Pisn tii fxrtticii(n ar aim on l ii -lny al 'It litnUlmg itH onitrirtiMn InilnVrit-s -.x-rliiti f B. 31 tI P-n.lT Hi., in-o'nrr, Si.'. n.l th H UtiiduiK rirn'-ior Aot-mi win, 1 W r5t liruad-, .St., "nrou", lX'. t'.nrh t-ntT wt'irt n mtrinjiiniM lv r"fifift rhfi'lf on m Hirt-m (tank, in ('ftnaK)it fiax-nltl1 to ihr ('f-itT Grii,riil if ( Bfiii-la. ot bv h'urcr liil IH.M.C.S. Chatham I Wardroom Dance AIR PASSENGERS The !' Vf Best f fyjp Medicine 1 M Radio IS A TRIP TO VANTKI A WANTED Scrau cast, brass, nmwr. radiators and batteries. Phone 543 or call 629, Sixth W. on For Friendly Service: And Advice in Your Gyro KJondyke Night May 5. , I Presbyterian Missionary Teaj - Church Hall, May 11th, ' Sonja Tea May 13. j Eastern Star Tea May 18. j 3.O.N. Badminton Dance every Saturday night,. j WANTTF.n To rent furnished nil "Minn Insulation and .small ant or house. Couple i"1 V '"r t"' ""r) To Vancouver (hxiayl Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thicket and son, R. L. Leighton, B. A: Telford, H. L. Hill, E. F..Bel'l. To Sandspit (today L. V. Lefler. From Vancouver fModiuiyl nt i ix r"'". 77l an 20" Chain smjiI starter, .'lis Almost .; Ave 1 72 1 i: built Venus r. M.iv be "s sliiuvards ') i tin I Cluv dump i:is ni-w SK-el -M, rack and jvf unit. Will mi eitv pro-ftix 1031 1 un- (G9i AH dr(Kiil o mi'l wilt 1 rrtiinii in 111" w I'f 111 c'M-e-."lill ti Ruoert Hotel. An enjoyabie eveninsr wp. r-wvt by over 40 couples at a .St. Patrick's dance in- tho wardroom at the navy drill hall Saturday night. The mess. ;vn:ro-priitiiy decorated in prrcn once attain proved itself a popu lar haven for dancing. In the (ir.ioiniii!; enormous drill hall, while members of the KEN'S Decoration Problems J ' siii-:-' ISLAND CITY BUILDERS' SUPPLIES ' General Builders' Supplies R. A. hi plimilH Hvlin lo Mitft inn, a mmiiihiI for rk riiiftnt lo it" i-m w- hiull 1st' Ki'-ni'ins 111" ronlrml lo f.,nipl'l' 111 pn n'i-!a'ftnlv. 'I li IiiwmiI nr any Iriuirt w ill nol Hrc-arily be- rw.i.. CANADIAN' VMMKI!'IAt. lOKINll! M I' IN J II l. All 111V. J. L. Green W. O. McKenzie, W. Hewat, A. Howard. C. Kay Edison, A. Newman, J. Wing. WANTKD-410 reward for two or three room furnished auart-ment. Phone Black 889. (69) j WANTED Furnished suite or rooms bv eouole. References. Box 080. Daily Newt). (72 1 WILL Pav C8sh for. two full in-own Ltliic Trees Write P O CHANDLER'S nJ.iTKAlT STUDIO lit m I inislniii; Knlarginfc Hash I'lioloj lakeo at livmi Ptioue Green 389 216 4th oi t ttlNCt RUPERT. B.C. Call Blue 992 90 Day Guarantee For Satisfactory Service 505 IHcltridc St. Blue .: tuiUDlcte new (Four Dukes orchestra rested, tnt ! Bothering putook gf feast off a lonr; Hien CDvered table MINI UM. ACT ' (Turin V ) (Si-i lliill .r.K (!) Not Ire of Anullrallon for Box 1713. Cltv. (ibi 718 2nd Ave. W. Blue 992 il Uie liiU'st 1V Uti Onuii, Marrh 14 kUr''esbrHetr ' WANTED TO RENT 4-T0om fuiis. ei( ... , ,, -, ,,t,f fur. rule iif liniM-cunm""!"!. hl'J .Bill..: HII111.UHU UUUI 1.111V ... . I ' M.mtl-cM No. 1. Montreal No. 2. " I Mntiirctil Nn. 3, Mnntrcal No. 4. delicacies. : nt.shed iiouso bv a superin TDK SUrilKMP COUllT OF IN RUPERT CEMENT PRODUCTS LIMITED tendent, his wire and 2 year old son. Box 079 Dallv News. HELP' WANTEIl Moiitn-nl No. s. MonircHi no. . Vocalist was Dvke McMillan Montreal No. 7. MolltreBl No. 8. tllld , ' .. ,r rr; Mlnenil Clnlms Bon Acconl No. 10. Wit 11 the social welfaie ottire situnie in the PortlKiiU Cunal ilt,re wh0 m.u-terfully rendered MWherrniLocutccl:--Harkley Creek, popular numbers ill a smooth iiTorunlo See if laslest st vl-'. s Jnvellcrs 1721 1 frilis. Un-: and chests,1 (iirtvic irons, '"trie lien t-r.i ol tier irliclcs. 1 sec the B.C. : til pleasing voice. t.n ML Otter. ' . l.iiwful hiilders: L. Dcromn nud WANTED Simsle eirl with Rood sewUm exuerlenee for permanent position. Aoolv Sintxer Sewiim Machine Co. (09) Ready-Mix Concrete Delivered to the Job IlltlTISH CULUMUIA IN PKUBtTK Iu the Matter of the Adininlstratlon Act" and , In the matter of I he Kitate of Andrew Inmsoti. cleceaiMl, intestate. Take notice, that by orcinr ot Ilia Honor JudKo W. O. Fulton, loeul Judce of the Huprenie Court of British Columbia. I was on the Cth day of March. AD. 1950. appointed Al... ii.llr..,..v ,.r Ihn ail.iln llf All Classified ads bring results. Advertise in r:e niiy News WANTED Reliable woman to mind children in davtime. Phone Red 390 after 6 o clock. (69' ' Vv. ciniiie "hxi. Aimlv w Uuijertl ... . J. O. Ij FnineiilK. j Niniiber of the holder's free miner's rertinente: SIOU2F nd 2I081K Tiiko' licitlep that I. W H. Forrest of R. H. 4 Vletorlll. B. C. lietlnK ns m-'eiit for L. Ileromr bikI J. O. f.e l-'raneolH Freo Miner's Certlf lento No. us nliove Inti'iids. nt the end or sixty iliiys from the iliite hereof, to apply to the Mtnmg Recorder for of Improyements for the purpose of ohtninlng Crown grunts ol the ii hove claims. And further take notice that c- ii. ,!.. ...lnn ft. (if flip "Mln- WANTED I drew Hansen, late of Prince Rupert. ".FEMALE HELP lu Caoable cook for luncn Hrltlsh Columbia, who died on the ;-",vN Bth day of December. 1H4H. at V1"' 'ili Phone (67) Shovels; I counter: also waitress. Black 889. ws: Aft .j , . ' " 1 in. coiiver. British Columbia. All wrsons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forth- Salin-Glo 'i tt, ',,n'K 'wANTE.D-Siimle ulrl with good sewiim exoerience for writ., Hen C ch A '1 ,r I manent position. Auulv Slncer nercte ff,: Sewiim Machine Co. (061 lth and all perwins linvinrf clattns ..,,., ...,,st bl. r0mmcneed be PKH'I'.S: include llarex the fifth ingredient in Concrete Four Sacks Cement to Yard S16.00 per yard Five Sacks Cement to Yard per'yard S 1 x Sacks Cement to Yard' S18-95 per yard No Orders Accepted for less than two yards KtJl'ir.MKNT FOR UF.NT: . Two wheeled rubber tyred concrete busies ULic per day "Seven cubic feet capacity Single wheeled concrete barrows , 50c per day OKDKUS TO BE IN ONE DAYTlUOll TO DELIVERY the said Estate arc required aplnst t), lss;,lcp of guC. certia to flic them witn mc properly er.-i a2 , d uf AugUbt. Triifks; NcUti HEAL ESTATE on or ociore me nui " " ,.. f,f Imnrovements 11 ' 11 fiucknik. fled ilea April HIM. fallini! which dtstribu- ,, 1 n ui: Kicep,,riJ thin will be made nuviiig re'aro w H porrcst room house Phone Red (68) Agent. FOR. SALE-Sevcn on Ambrose Ave. 753. rumos: hcraiiers una (H) PRODUCTS for Wolls, Woodwork, Floors and Furniture Thompson Hardware """ill All R.f only to such claims of which I shall I have been notified. . Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C. this; 7th dav of March, 1HS0. ClOKDON FtfAISKIt TOItml. . s' s: NiLt.iim i.VflR KAf.RIIdiise. four rooms IN T1IR Sfll'HKMK COURT OF BRITISH COLUMlHA mlls; , Natitiuiil with bath. 10GO Eiuhth East. WlSl. (72) t unvevors orsl Pli Phiin Hl RtK inn r,.,.. xi. V A Prince Rupert. B.u. JN I'KOIIA'I rv Cn t i.;,...r i Wiv rA v utPHT Tn OTHERS '.' I Aclnitnistriitnr of the estate of An Office GO; Plant 5fi-l Phones: C- .,f; CUioii-o lntx nn still available drew Hansen, deceased. (07) "Adminlstni- : Co. Ltd. ! nvre so uuin vour lutute im . . u,,,, Act" and 'O the lot VOU C1 lOOSC 'WW. In the matter of the estate of BtrI- J, Lumber 2" x' SI lll' Hcri I' Ciisult US for new N1IA rcsu- ,,n KKtHSTKY ACT i nald Herbert Jolmson, Deceased. liiSons: olans. Ideas, and the; ,.. cvrtificute oi Title No. 4.rH-I to intestate. M'8". Call (I'.iftl Ai- (till ENGLISH BONE CHINA CITS and S.U'C EUS . 79c xV uiitiertv most suitable lor voir famllv. Chooose your homesitc and build later. Kee Allan Armstrong at Arm-stiorni Atreni'ies. Phone 34J or Green 297 (Eves.) (73) "ii Chcv 'iitlitkm 5 bin. Dunn) Phone Hi7i row a : V')('v in niMid Lot Flebt Hundntl and Sixty-live Take notice that by order or iqs "A'1 (HtiSA). UaiiKe Five (ft). Coast Honor Judc,e W. O. Fulton, local Jllstrlet. said to contain One Hon- ju1;e. of the Supreme Court uf drcd and Sixty (16UI ailcs. morn British Columbia. I was on the Bill or less: rtccptlnc; thereout any 0y f March. AD. lllSO, apiiointed portion of the HI;lit-of-Way of the 1 Administrator oi the estate uV Dominion Telegraph Line, bavins a' KikIuiiIiI Herbert. Jolmsou. late of utilth of one Hundred ( 10") feet. Uiwer Post. British Columbia, who which tnny lie within the bound- dt-d on the Hth day of t)aobei. ties of these lands and excepting iiHi), at Lower Post, British Coluni-lso the Itlirlit-of-Way of the Grand bla. Trunk Pacific Hallway, containl.n; ; All persons ludebteo to the said Nina Decimal Two aix (U.'JO) acres, . estate are rcmiirtxl to pay the , !'r. seuUlolt QUICK SAl 2 acre;. Y,.!v insnretl. Intwl ennlnn li.nise 20 bV 30 ' J.W. Bluet: k li. mll ie,.... nvrriwn. S2300 Oil vcivsli. Box 673 DailV News, tf mo Hi,ilU,,,'.;ull'illFR SALE -Beautiful home in ix ui, 10 4U . 'J'" lection 2. with view, Two more or less. I amount of their Indebtedness to me iiin..ntj.xu ,,,(, LUtlriii.1,irv satisfnetorv nrinif nm..f of of loss Ions l". forthwith n'lliiullli nud nil tmrxiiim lluvtllt: ledrooms. stone fireolaee, on : xv Vk'.r. in ,,,....i.:.... i i? tlill 11" " OHIO 0V TL) r lirnaee, etc. SlUlllUHl on Cor- j ( , K(VC cyn-ificate of Title k l cu,nlH analusl the said Rstnle are er lot. Good uaracc. I JlOllfti )1( (hP IH(111p f n,.rce llambly has' required to file them Willi me pro--ed 813 lor further purlieu Mvn liWlX , t,s office, nolice t JH rly vcritlcd on or before the lftth MS. . llo' j i,rrt.)y Kypn that I shall, at the ex-j ,lay r April, III.')!), fuillni; which ills- . -x V" 'T , (li'J) "".10. ear . plrallon .V of ouo niiiiiiii i-um inr mn" trmouon win ne maim iiiiviiik irsmu Klllir rOOIll WlU-lf. .,., I,,f issun i, l..l... ,.r ,T,l,.l, I slmll IK tne tin 1st Overlook. ApnlV " ... ..,sll.., Vriiiicatc of Title inih,.ve ,.,. n.uriei. " a n i ,i...... Join the Gyro Contest .0 124 I'muut Place. too' i ,,r Kall iost Ccrtiricate. unless in i Mated at Prince Rupert. C.C. this OIKIllll li;htx V'v' c o Hi'::, , Wsll 330 FfV fitt v ' iirimii, concli I the meantime yalld objection bo made 70'! SA Waitress like new. Phone ' lld UlM office. Dili Day oi March. !.'(). KUNKST KARL AI.I.KN. Admllilstriltot' of the Kstalu of Krpiuilil Herbert Johnson, O-'ei'ased. btlics SANSON'S CHINA SHOP (ireen 0 Across from Litiuor Store 3rd Arena ) COURTESY OF FASHION FOOTWEAR Mmmi'r14- 1. FOl SAI,E-I.ieht. delivery busl- . rcbruary, U'W A 1) Co nrown & Ilnrvcy. no oi.. . . (3U) SrMffWXra, (74) PcP"ty Itdnstrur ot Titles,: Kupcrt, Bc. 1 (67) For For Style Comfort 4.95 8.50 FASHION FOOTWEAR -BOFS