provincial , .-;:.:VY PROVINCIAL LI23A3Y, 113 viqrcsiA, 3. c. z? OHHES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'8 NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Srrotegic Pacific Port "Princ. Rupert, the Ky to the Great Northwest" PHONE 81 VOL. XXXIX, NO. 67. PRINCE RUPERT. B. C, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS Scfoo! A n 1 k A f A otli i -.'' r Warns Against ' r- - ' - -,, I . . CLEARED Car of Season i r t Recommendation Instead Of Government Exams Govenment Aid gh rrom errace OTTAWA fc F. Homer of Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Booth Memorial High School in Prince Rupeit warned Canada's fishing indus " I h'AH. hf'Pn fPutnlwl frt tVlO urorlitorl lief rf IirrVl ut I" Niape lur daik iiivmg as is Emplui.izi'd "" " if" try yesterday that government ! . handouts could mean loss of 1 t, Schools from which u., it was struck t by the Department 1 freedom. Government assistance j of EducaMon in 1945. Announcement of the restora-do!f no? elal, r,Vidi,ns U tion has been received at the local school board office.' does not encroacn on inc. func- , ,,. , . , O.Ol' Vl'lillic ui me naouM iiaa unvcu the Skecna Iliver Highway to Prince rr- tions of management, the presid- i l!t - -' ent of the Fisheries Council of Terrace, a month earlier than in pre-It was a light truck of the provincial Canada said. of public works witn wmcn uruce bmitn Christy arrived in I'nnce Kupert at 11 unacr ine accreanea scnooi ' classification, pupils can obtain University Entrance by recommendation ! Instead of being re-1 quired to write government cx-j aminations unless for spaciiU J reasons such as desire to qualify : for special awards and because ! they have not won recommendation. The change becomes effective this year. ; nine T';c a:"ual ! of siki-.v wnir:. hielnv.iy tir.:" Louis to Decide ' On Retirement ODESSA, Texas M "Retired" heavyweight boxing champion," Joe Louis, appearing here last' night on an exhibition tour, said 1 that, after his fight Saturday at cruneo .a i " Frizzell Proposes Restrictions For Parking three miles ion ana -o m. ".. Rupert ftiicii a NIAGARA IN WINTER The rushing rapids of the Niagara River below the Falls provide a tough1 problem for Old Jack Frost. But this winter he ha done a eood iob. Old Timer ho no th "! Waco, he will decide whether he ADRiFT OS ICE FLOE ANCHORAGE, Alaska Reports that three men were being swept out to sea on a swiftly-moving ice floe from Cook Inlet near Anchorage brought a concentrated search today by civilian and military aircraft. The men were reported seen on a 159-foot floe just before dusk last .trfght. SMOKE EATERS TO FINAL the Tena-e md 1 ancc. DuriiiR Hie s the Timt.i?.' i been dri vini Alderman Douglas Frizzcll, referred at a city council meeting yesterday afternoon to the traffic congestion on Third Ave. at certain hours. He suggestd that a parkins bylaw be passed prohibiting parking for more than one hour during the rush hours between now Dfii i i bridge" this winter is one of the largest they have ever seen ovfr the tap!ds aera In addition there wU1 return to the championship Is the steadily-growing ice mountains below the Falls. ;. " (CP Photo) firing line. Applewhaite Discusses Oil, Gas Lines Pulp Industry Is Endangered j VANCOUVER Russian competition ln world markets Is a i growing - threat today to the 1.000,000,000 British Columbia pulp and paper Industry, Paul E. ste; a ai-tance tet eon Shimes eak:hroii!;!i last nine o'clock In the morning and ii and t. nristy i mx ociock jn me aiiernoon. TRAIL Trail Smoke Eaters last night won the Kootenay hockey title and the right to meet Kamloops Elks for the British Columbia senior championship. The Smokies downed TODAY'S STOCKS (Courtesy S. V. Johnston Co Ltd.) h lo Pniicj flu- 'This would serve satisfactory, ii:ig with their he said, until parking meters were available. Dedication 01 Scout Colors Local Member liavors All-Canada Route - No Monopoly He referred to congested of taxis along Third Ave. he departmental T. dues not iuir Cooper, chairman of the western branch of the Canadian Pulp and Paper Association, said today. He j declared in an interview Hint Soviet, traders have entered tho i markets in the Ortent, South Africa and India. In pre-war days .Canadian mills held a big share the Kimberley Dynamiters S to f in the deciding game of a best of five series. A crowd oi no less than 145 and complained, along with Vancouver Bayonne .03 Bralomc , 0.20 B. R. Con .02 ',4 B. R. X .05 Cariboo QuarU 1.30 3i a v! open lor . ... . Rov RrnnU nrl iruncl. ... ' OTTAWA nM.;.,l WiWW-- Me . ., . oiner memoers, mat no space o-- va- . i i (uv,nui t vo'ij, ntno uvaanij, i W;ho;TilabJe dur'ng dly ZlTLTZdZIZ:t in an a11 y on W Hne.hms Monday, E. T.i CRIPPS NOT RESIGNING LONDON Government Applewhaite, Skeena, pointed out that the bills before I he yaid, a space should be alio-' were host lo ail Scouu and cubs !of the ""sss In tliose countries sources today issued a flat de- nial to persistent overseas spee.7Mf'm trade as ulatic.N that Sir Stafford Cripps i "offshore markets." is resirninr . ChaBcriior f i Offshore buyers took only about, eated for only one taxi. . oi the city for the witnessing ot the House were JOIT the SQier-OUrpose ' OlCreaung a '7!,:i!?Mn;l,7i!l !ir 0f,toU films and the cornpany and di( not jn any incude the matter 1 J that u he had been fined for dedication of group colors whicn f i. i i u n trr :h do so at t'icir prim:p,il risk is fjught in th? , F trench wh.ieh : the Terrace V-t P'-er ra1cr. i is oileiully op j " wiii i:o v de- parking while attending a had been previously presented by vl rwuiys wiucn are ueciuua uy tue nuaru. ui-iiaiia- seven percent of the Britisli Col the Exchequer. "Sir Stafford is not resigning- and is busy on his budget," these sources said. meeting of city council. Canadian Legion lo the Conrad port Commissioners. V "I should appeal," he said. 'Street group. 1 He stat-d that everv British Congress .29 Hedlcy Mascot .....J, 3 Pacific Eastern 04 Pend Oreille 5.20 Pioneer 3.40 Premier Border 02 y3 Privateer .1314 Reeves McDonald 2.15 Reno .Oilk Sheep Creek 1 1.10 Silbak Premier .33 Taku River i22 Varianda 12'A umbia tonnage. Cooper said. I President of Pacific Mills Ltd. (Ocean Falls), Cooper finds the J market for 1950 obscure. There is AK1. 1. U. tSlUCH secmca CUIl- UtSlrlCl Commissioner f . . An- rnlnmhin mpmhnr favnr on all against, the 3'1-Canadian route .ncr ronaitwiui crrncd about Aid. McLean s UM officiated at the dedica Canadian route if such U prac- but pointed out that the event- lu , i.lnn rrrnmonv iLssistd hv Neville tnnv.iM c-tun K..f ual cast of the fuel to the con- - ctuu ictioiuic UUb buab ill- tougher competition and greater world output. Gerrard president of the Assocl- formation on, those ; subjects Isumer was.a paramount factor ation, and Robert Cameron, could only be adduced when ths 'and one whlchicould only; be dc- LONDON Parliamentary quarters are afraid that the"" 'April budget, for which prCscnTation group president. company was formed and made tcrmiQed hc$ ihcjeompttny had Tlie color' bearers 'were Hans " an line. righl'to 'data j HOCKEY SCORES SATURDAY National Chicago 1 Toronto 2 New York 3 Montreal 5 Boton 1, Detroit 1 SUNDAY . Boston 4, Chicago 3 Toronto 0, Detroit 5 ' Montreal 4, New York 2 trouble, but remarked after days an appeal is Invalid. Fine Trophies Music and Drama Plans Complete Schmidt, Jimmy Bateman and . ll. uppjiuaiiut application to ku build uuiiu a line i the imc legal legaj tlgui. mj submit bUUUMi Its xxaaj Applewhaite pointed out that, , to the commissioners. ,fie was ofl y refusing to incjrpai'aie any tho opinion that the greatest ul-' date has not yet been fixed, will Philip Thorn. The escorts were by prove to be a fresh "austerity blizzard" by Sir 'Stafford and no "show window." Magnus Eyolfson, Arthur further companies, the one ex- timatc good to British Columbia Thwaitcs, Ralph Sykes, Ross Mor- isting company would in fact would result from having compCr rav. Larrv Llnklater and Harold have a mononrlv and that com-' titive comoanies interested in it will take tho iiiipment to vv'td-'h or piovnin f:jr between Shames now tc.v and ia:t?.T of sliding of the trench. 5 that Smith and -act wiih the de-w plowing equip- :m to report, is clear e of twenty miles Faded. Between KwinlUa, the Salmon Gold u6 I Spud. Valley :h..L... .04 '2 1 " Silver Standard .04 i Oils , , ' - ' j . Anglo Canadian 4.15 A. P. Con .25 Atlantic 1.55 j Calmont 53 Central Leduc 11.75 ! Home Oil .10 1 Mercury 1.70 I 'Okalta v. 4.70 I Pacfic Pete .36 j Flans for the Music and Drama Carlson pany's legislation does not re- the project. , Festival this week were final Three King Scouts received strict it to an all-Canadian route ized at an executive meeting of School Inspector to Open Music and Drama Festival i that Asociation in the Civic Cen their cei They were Ross but allows It to apply within orj Ingram, Hans Schmidt and Mag- j without Canada or even to takej nus Eyolfson. no action whatever. He strongly j THE WEATHER Synopsis tre last evening. Henry Pluym reported that Included in the assembly were rebutted any suggestion that in three pianos are being tuned and nipmhfrs nf the Ladies' Auxiliary, roroorating a second company Spring arrived with rain on the ks ranging from pul ln snape musicians, group commiUee mcn and leaders ion exactely the same terms P. British Columbia coast a n o t in height. From ' e 1 common iuuuBc of packs and troops m the city, the first was in anyway a voce ; wiaeiy scaiierea snow nurnct Princess 05 Royal Canadian 9.05 Toronto Athona , 08 Joseph Chell, inspector of schools, will officially open the three-day Prince Rupert and District Music land Drama Festival, sponsored by the School and I Community Drama Branch of the Department of over the central and southeast Heena. the bunk , 111 c cenire una iwo jui uoc om bare round in the Capitol .lneaire. Wis and for the I AllnouBn tnere wlj' De smeone crn Interior. . It has not beer cold however. Overnight temper- I alures ranged from 30 to 40 deg- ! ! rees in most areas and only in j rm the point of m cnar8e oi cacn session una ' rough last Jn week, there will be no regular British Columbia to Appeal Latest Freight Rates Boost ' VICTORIA (CP) Attorney General G. S Aumaque 17 Beattie 58 Bevcourt .. 29 Bobjo 12Vi Buffalo Canadian 14 Consol. Smelters 94.75 Hupert the road is ' cna men at this Festival. Three i the Koolenays did they drop as j low as 25. Afternoon tempera ft ample easels nave been maue ana pla"' room to , cards printed. Before each Item Education, which will commence on Wednesday afternoon in the Capitol Theatre. "V -' t There will be three afternoon ;." sessions, all in the Capitol Will then tunc up and take over Theatre. I until noon. On Wednesday afternoon,- xhe drama has been tTerve;t nineteen little people, all underor the evenings. On each even-1 1 years, will play piano solos ing there will be one or two . in four classes. On Thursday plays. On Wednesday, the open- tures are expected to vary from Wismer announced yesterday that British Columbia to so. equipment will takes place, placards giving the class and section will be arrang- "6"; . ... ,,...u.u' c..,.i..,f Aiwfo Mmv Anoincr wcaK raciuc . aisvuro- t0 8ft the road on- ! Con west 1.12 Donalda .' 59 ' Eldona 30 East Sullivan 5.55 soon as possible. ed on the easel and placed on the WOUlCl join ivianauua, o.iMyiu.iicm, ance wlll cross thc coast this eve stage for the audience to read. ' Brunswick and Nova Scotia in appealing increased jning. Rain is expected to become It would be wise for everyone to hjch wcre awartlcd March 1 by the general over most of the coast provide themselves with a pro- 1 , . . 1 during the afternoon and shower afternoon, 11 older students U1g night, the Booth High School will play their piano solos. Then will present a play entitled "The 1 there will be duets by nine dif-, Devil Among the Skins." Also :r,....i ,.e .inunnrt r.nmmiinnprs Giant Yellowknife 6.20 ' Hardrock 37 ! Harricana 054 ! ' Hcva .'. .00 2 ' tt tin 1 ; activity will extend wfcll into tho grain. noriiu ii ntuioiv An announcement by Don For- Mr. Wismer said thai, wnuc - - .Jight ferenl couples in four separate on this program are 12 young classes. An innovation tills vocalists who will sing solos anil vear, the duets will be played harmonize in duets. 1 ward, that the Civic Centre the railways had appealed to me which boosted authorized raics Wednesday should show a ' would be made available for the . Supremo Court of Canada on sixteen percent above the levels markcd improvement in almost i three days of the Festival at a March 22, 19D0 special rate, was greeted with cheers. Mrs. J. S. Black will take clun g: of arrangements for a meeting 3:12 15:40 20.6 feet 182 feet. ion two pianos Instead of the( The Prince Rupeit Lillte I usual one. This particular at-( Theatre will present two plays ternoon should provide many on Thursday night, one, a I delightful treats for both the comedy, "Rising Flood," and .1 ' young and older folks. ! fantasy, "The White Lawn." Be- Friday aflernoon will be devot- tween plays there will be .high led to elementary school choirs ' school choral numbers by the Interspersed with dancing .Tak- Booth and Annunciation Schools ling part are choirs from the and two numbers by the St. King Edward, Conrad Street j Andrew's Junior Choir. ,, 'and New Hazclton Schools. Thei The last evening of the Fesli-idrfneing group from New Hazel-Ual will be taken up with tw-j 9:40 21:29 I1USCO UO'2 Jacknife - .05 Vi Jolict Quebec 61 Lake Rowan '. 08 Lapaska -05 Vi Little Long Lac .50 Lynx 18 Madsen Red Lake 310 McKenzle Red Lake 55 McLeod Cockshutt 3.10 Moncta 35 Negus. 1.46 Noranda 09.00 Louvicourt 26 Pickle Crow 1.85 ( San Antonio 3.75 4 5 feet with the adjudicators of music 6 9 feel i ' (Continued on Page 5) matters of law involving ceii-am oi last, bepirmocr. m uiu wim a areas fts relaUvely ,tiry alr legal questions arising out of the t,me they call upon the federal b(Rlng tQ 1(JW lnl(j lhe provlnce-hearing. British Columbia feels cabinet to stay applications on from wcsl and norlhwesl there should be an appeal on y,fi jt increase which is due to tacts.- 1 go into efleCl this Thursday.; Forecast The Supreme Court of Canada Awarded March 1, this increase , ,D . . has no iuriscllelion to consider amounU lo 7.4 percent on exist-, Coast Region-Rain o-any question of facts and th, inR rates. if red showers tonight, only tribunal which has juris-1 Tne other increase which. the Sunny Wednesday. Little change c'iction is the Governor General- provinces are appealing was temperature. Winds south-in-council. Therefore, the ap- awarded as an "interim" mcas- ast 20 miles per hour in the ex-peal will be made to that body, ure by the Board of Transport P'ised areas today, shifting to Mr Wismer said. Commissioners last September westerly (20 mph) overnight. British Columbia will claim 20 following an application of Light winds elsewhere. Lows to-thc Board of Transport Commis-, the railways in 1943 for a 20 per- J night and highs Wednesday at sioners erred in authorizing a cent hoist. Isandspit and Port Hardy, 33 and general horizontal or flat per-' On March 1 the board gave the 45; Prince Rupert 35 and 48. centane increase, disregarding railways an additional eight' . BASKETBALL plays entered by the Booth Hlg1! School. The first will 3 a ton will be a special attraction for manv neoule. Of the seven P-C.Chor Pionship Semi-Finals dancers individually one-act comedy, lhe uear pt- Senator Rouvn 26'A nn this urogram, three are also parted," and the second, a K'TIMAAT vs. JETS "tl,AV & M,NAY, MARCH 25TII & 27T1I Shcrrit Gordon 2.20 Sleep Rock 2.70 from New Hazelton. drama, "Miracle 01 Two - morning, sessions on Tlufce adult vocalists singing Thursday and Friday will take ; two songs each will give a plea: -place ln the Common Lounge of 1 ing balance to this evening's the Civic Centre. I entertainment. ., Thursday morning. 12 young. After each session, Stanley Sturgeon River 21 ! Silver Miller 88 ,"eis--75c-50c 25c and accenmaung cxisuuts " per cent ui uie ungiiuu iu , parities in the freight rate works out to 7.4 percent on ex-1 structure and by falling to .limit isting rates. the authorived increase to flat, Seven provinces all except i . ...-.i. in. hu nl.her 1 rtitni.!-. rii.l-w nnrl Mmirnmrl- 1 4 , COMMUNISTS PROTESTING CAllCrsn folks, all under 13 years of age. ? " vivrx a MOHAWKS t.Sllv liiaxiniuiu uiimuh wi j "iuuwiiu, i"'""- . I . 1. 1 1 .... n.,.,nnln nnnlni.-t 1 MILAN, Italy t Thousands of THL'KSDAV, MARCH 29TH & 30TU HOCKEY SCORES Pacific Coast SATURDAY New Westminster 4, Vancouver 3 Portland 2, Seattle 1 Tacoma 8, Victoria 2 Frejnu 10, ban Diego 1 Los Angeles 9 San Francisco 3 Bligh, music and drama editor of the Vancouver Sun, will adjudicate the musical numbers James McGrath, Department of Education, will adjudicate the plays after each evening's performance. Awards will be made Communist - led workers quit I I work suddenly yesterday and packed Milan's main square in will each play the test piece, "A Windy Day" as well as selections of their own choice. Friday mornihg will conclude the classes, in pianoforte with Tickets- $1.00 75c 50c exceptions. I bhu nare uppcaicu e"i ! Appeal Two Boosts I both awards on a five - point i The appeal of the seven pro-; basis, invoking the powers of the vinclal governments to the fed- Governor General - ln - Council eral cabinet is actually against I (the cabinet) to change or res-! the last two rreight rate in- j cind any orders of the Trans-I crime's granted the niilvUiV.s; port, womu protest demonstration against PHONE 'strict new government measures six artists under 12 performing 107 FOR RESERVATIONS in the same class. Six violinists on the last evening to keep "order ln Italy. I