Frinc Rupert Daily Ntwi Tuesday, March 21, 1940 Dorid Niv.n :. t 1 St. Pal's Parly Aboard Steamer TODAY 7 - 9 p.m. -----.elMENT PEOPLtS STORE i CFPR,! "5 1 One of happy St. Patrick's Ua.v Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles (Suhiect U) Chance) ! SI parties in Prince Rupert was that when members of the Prince Rupert Gyro Club and their friends to the number of about sixty went aboard the steamer Chil-cotin for a delightful dinner dance. The ship was decorated in green and white ' aicl there were lapel shamrocks and caps for each of the guests. There was even a specially printed menu. Capt, Hurry McLean and Chief Steward H. Humphreys excelled themselves in co-operating with W. F. Stone, chairman of the Gyro -committee, arranging the affair. Selected Shorts Shows 7-9 pm TUESLiAI r.M. -4:00 Meet Gisele 4:15 Stock Quotation and Int. 4:30 The Grey Owl 4:45 Trio Tunes 4:55-CBC News 5:00 Henry Morgan Show 5:30 Musical Puogram 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Charlie Spivak & Orch. 6:30 Musical Varieties 6:45 The Inside Story 7:00 CBC New 1:15 CBC News Roundup 7 :3f Leicester Square to . Broadway 1 HOTEL ARRIVALS REAL LS IN3URA Prince Rupert 1 M. F- Gray, N. Carpenter, Esquimau; Mr. and Mrs. R. Berry-man, Sandsplt; M. J. McDonough. Glen Harley, J. L. Green, Stanley Bligh, Vancouver; R. P. Gilchrist, city; E. T. Mclllpatrink, INCOME Jukatla. 'iiu Ave FAMOUS PANAMA SPUNS After full justice had been done to :.u excellent turkey dinner, dancing was enjojed In the after M-iul hall wih mu.sic by Andy McNaughtoii. Thoo aU.'iidii. were' Gyio President and Mrs. A. J. Dominate. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Stone, Dr. and Mrs. Jens Munthe, Mr. and ; Mrs. R. S. Collinson. Mr. and Mrs. ! Alex Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Gormely, Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1 ' i' s J 1 " V x- 3 I 34.98? Assorted Styles All Sizes j 8:00-Seience Reporter i 8:15 Nation's Business : 8:30 Jr. Chamber of Commerce 8:45 Musical Prog. 9:00 Solo Guest 9:15 Current Hits 8.30 Record Album 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Miscellany 10:30 Dance Orch. 11:00 Weather and Sign Oil j WEDNESDAY --A.M. 7:00 Musical Clock I U.00 CBC New j SilO-Here's Bill Good :! Mornliig Song j 8:30 Music for Modems 8:45 Little Concert 9:00-BBC News and Comtj i a 5c We Bend Over Backwards 2 for briefs famous name HEALTH AND BEAUTY Twenty-four Toronto nvmbers of the Woir.eft's Lcauue of Health and Bcauly arc preparing fur a .special trip to EnahJ ectebrato the leauue's 20th ainiiversary. A display of exercises' to music will be pn.c:;t-d by the league at Wembley Empire Tool in London, Eng., May 13. This photo shows a group of Toror.'.o ir.eisi.bcrs doing one of their exercises. CP 3 RUPERT : To please our customers with take out orders of Marrieac Of Much Interest- 1 : PEOPLES STORE : ?' Local Insurance ' - Man is Leader 2:00 -B. C .School Broadcast 2:30- Rt-ci irds at Randeiii 2:45 CI3R Presents 3:00 The V.usic clox 3:15 Dtiu Mi-sser and His Islanders 3:30-Internationa! C'or.ity. 3:40 Divertimento Forman.'Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rogers. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Lam- ! bie, Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Manson, Mr. and Mrs. AJf Rivett. Mr. and Mrs. James Donaldson. Mr. and ;Mrs. Duncan McRae-. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. EhU. Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Ham, Mr .and Mrs. W. S. Noble, Mr. and Mrs. G. A Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. S. J Hunter, Dr. and Mis A. W. Large. Mr. and Mrs. i jw. A. Armstrong. Mr. anel Mrs. I Frank Skinner. Mr. and Mrs. George Cook, Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Young, Dr. and Mrs. R. G Large, and G. J. Dawes. 9:15 Morning Devotions i ! J 9:30 Morning Concert ! j 9:59 Time Signal j 1Q:00 Ellen Harris ! t vU:is;:uk1 . marriace w i "CHICKEN INTUERW CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM Reservations i Take Oac Phone !U;m ot Princ? Hu- 1 10:15 Carson Robison Ed. Muss low rose corti-i-ce. Michael J. btapleton was t:r.Hms:nan. Following a week-end trip t.) ihe Queen Cii;.i!otte Islands. Mr and Mrs. Hayood returned to Prince Rupert and will nuk: their home ht e. The bride is a graduate of the Vancouver G;iieral Hospital school of nucsli.g 1919 class and l.c grx:m is a t-i actuate of Shaw-:;igan Ltike S. hool. He joined the Royal Canadian Air Feirce as a pilot in 1942 and is, at present in the service of KJly. Douglas Co. here. representatives ii-iu.iui p. J 10:30 Melody Time j pen icq mi SHIPS and y.iu' but ie re st w.i.s tii look pj.uv in St. Anrirev. Miss Margue. daughter of M.-:- ",l i t Mine the b Iui .(-d. .-i. A K. H.sywov Ca:-.on E.i; st Friday evening 's Cathedral wl-en ic Elrar.or Snnt Mr. and Mrs. J of Alix: Alberta f;oe e-I M rm.ii- II. of Dr. a::d Mrs. 1 of Vancouver '8. Proekter offici-r Lieu presided at WATERFRONT the Great West Life Assurance : 10:45 Rita Martin's Musical Co. on the British Cohttnb;!i Kitchen mainland for production of new i u :ooAir Kindergarten busintss duru. mc lroivn of j n :i5Roundup Time Februarv. it was announced bv jll :30 Weather Roport Keneeth Thomson, branch S'li- :H;3i Message Period ervijor of the company from In :S3 Recorded Interlude Vancouver, n'no here duMns 'n:45 Scandinavian Melodies mst week and left Fridpv v For the Best in T.S.S. Watch Repair fled a::d Pe 1hc organ. Tiie bvidc PRINCE RUPERT pref. i.-i ht-r WWI.-IM1I.IUIU1. i.i SEE - GEORGE COOK. JEWELLER Youll be Satisfied for Princ? George. Oiussis' Mr. MusseUam's future career here.. Mr. as an unGe-?rier Thomson exrrrssed Vhe ooinion that, in view of lac retard, h's appointment i'S full time rcpre- Knv I1XR According to word from the sou ill, the number of A.nTie:.n ; vwch'smen cruising the i:isioe passage this summer will c ,u.u : if not surpjvs. anything in t..e j past. Vessel wilt travel to Y.:r. -I couver un.ic-r their own pv zv, as well as by car. t.asier i.ivl deck load S-.mie .! ti'.." cursing parties expect lo spend ti.e whole summer on uie eo-st between Puget S jund and s-:u:li 12:00 Mid-Day Mcioaies 12:15 CBC New 12:25 Program Resume 12:30 BC. Farm Broadcast 12:55 Recorded Interlude 1:00 Afternoon Concert 1:30 Bemie Braden 1:45 Comty My Mother ee:'.e !..vy ir.' wiUi IMVV f&djZfcX-- ' t picture hat and red cobra trim. I " l l irlvt, She earned . ted .. M-ri b.,i i:v. IWWWj ?r t-.I sl.o,,, with pWlf 1 wit n browr. .; rr--or: s arrl ve!- trr - imr..i-ii'J km fentatiTe heri1 was amply SAILS FOR Vancouver anil Intermediate I'ort-i Each Thursday t 11:15 p.m. FOR KETCHIKAN WHDMISD.IY MIDNKiHT 1 i " Bed. eastern Alaska. TJ'.e sea--,n v. Modern Dancing T Uf4 r..:... -J c. i. . i be fea:i.:eJ by several races and rrcattas! r 1 ExDcrt Instruction in SN Wesiem Picliire Accents Action For Reservations Write or Call CITY OK UITOT Ol I It H PRINCE RUPERT BC. .f fad. an,! fie 1 C.P.K. sUuiinT i'i,:, -eas N-.;..!.. '('apt. Graham I! s, iirr.ior. here a! 10:15 ye.-teniay from ' VaiiCouv-.-r. sailing at 12 noo's i'-r .Ketchikan and piuni.s north. Pa.sscngers (u-rni!iari:ip.g foi Prince Rupert included Mrs. H. U. Hindle, Mrs. Joan Walker. Mrs E. Brown. F. Gtay, Mrs. M. Archer. Leonard Wilson. R. P. Gil Foxtroi, Waltz Jittrrbiic, Ithumbai anil Tatuo Private Lessons lluurs: 4:39 p.m. to 10:99 p.m. For apiKjintmenU Phone Green 491 Mary IMarDonald Director ViCKERS it oiitiuto in ciNipi and m DistiiiuriD irCalvrrl C-)o;b i.alii.ri tn:i is (he ai" . Bi.clv r.s." t.,r. ii .. J .. .i i:. i:-z Wa:: M r-Bruei- Ii .ra-ti. it! ! f-1 or div I' j U-.m-A Html li,.r.! A tv.- ll.c- Geraidiii'- BrookA and P.oberi br uk Wt sday iirai srlli.VIl christ and L. V. Lefler. Thursday eif Hils week at the Prince Rupert School ol ince Rupert Florists 1 ft: tNlcw & Better Service Flowers fur All Ori-aiti 3r d Ave. Box 51G Te l. IT. i Lei Us Help ; Catsiiol Tlif atre Thrills and j Union steamer Cotpiit lam Capt ronninc? ? bound iw the four ! John Bo:ie:i r.Tived in pi r! a'. Brothers" .-. r.rg 'vVayne Mor- 8:15 this nioniinc fmm Sh.w- Kj.rh land v.ini h had be: n pll- . art and Alio- Arm and sailed la-ud so t'.iey could ret urn to ' for Vancouver and wa.Ypoiot.-s at thi-ir hoars A; outlaws, in a i 1:30 p. m. Pa.x.ner.s tii -embark- bauk rotbciy sci i:-. cla h ln-ad- ing for Rupert were Mrs on wth th" Vonr.",er th-re is ; J. B. Leite. A. E. NeS.on. J. Clark enough gun play and hard riding Jand J. F Ben.-.--" f-om Kinr.n-i: ,,!( salt the nn,st avid of action i Jamrs Lydde-, Mr. af :1 Mrs .1. ;a. - 123 U Seagrams jj - Kings Plate ff If you have a W prublcm tr irt PHOTO FRAMES Frame Type Mounts See our fine selection of glass and meal frames WRATHALL'S Photo Finishing NIGHT & DAY i si n o c.mss tn Stand: Cow Bay to b'ii;d I'11 Bradley. W E ::,-rnian. J. I Smith and D. Matheso.i lr 'm Tlie ..:. .v; for -Y'lMi-it--: Brother?." litim-rt m co'.or. is .se' MITCHELL 1 Limits r.-rai.-ist c. ,o: J I i i'" . Ol ' Alice Arn. BUILDERS & CO DOWN WITH SHAVING Seagram Sure To Advertisers To insure r - -i arsLi.-: the Mi. si'i bor-n r. Law jn.d order v. : in u c:'..:ar. s' i o i?f cla iiira and. m iiic mid :! of t'iii.s at n.-pherc. Iti'ived the Yrm.;- r bro'hers with Hi -jr eii;,,. ps-ra,..- deeds. i pu.aii aili.n of dis play or clav.ificd arlvi-rti.slm' opy far same mut fcn in the Thrt cdvertivement h no published of displayed by e Ujvor CTol 6ood or by the Government of British Columbia. HETJ! ICIPROffi JOIN THE GYRO BEARD GROWING CONTEST TODAY oTiee. of the Daily News bf 4 p.m. the day previous tf J 'l.i Knw ; .. 1: rsr.-i taxi o; a'ivcr! Retniirerti-'nl ' ei:'.".r i: the :::iv. , (t.r Va- l:v nie-h.i!ii'-a! cepartment . uvrr !c-d.iy I'Kv.d Ihc Ctxtu;' KA'ce ru.e s.-jry. Lun. Open to Everyone Enter Today Contestants must be clean Shaven when entering FINE CRAFTSMANSHIP Sheet Metol Work ond Welding 7 . ; CALL BLACK 834 Thorn Sheel Metal Works ritizns 1st. $')0K) 2nd 520.IKJ 3rd. $10.00 UNTMt NOW AT jutitv s i; i:i:nt shop ( AI'ITOI, It Mll'.t K SHOP Nu Kntry Charge A Rcol Trcot for the "I, '1- r Donniirt nr CANADA PACKERS CONTEST CLOSES MAY 5TH GYRO KLONDIKE N!TE mphi ii Hii sdvertiM-nienl is n-.l pulilislu el or dij.layeI hy the I.KjiiOf Control Bt.arJ or y the Government of llrilish Columhia. Venetian Blinds Stcil or Aluminum Slata hi a idee variety of pastel colours. 'ape of matching or cjntras' shades. Pheie and have our estimator call and give you a priee. We measure your windows and install the blinds. The R.C.M.P.'s May Take Over The B.C. Police EUT You Can't Beat MILLIE'S FOR HAMBURGERS nd- CONTRACTOR BUILDERS ssxtf. M? 3 Treat WE DO ALL TYPES OF .. REMODELLING BUILDING rsiit-i il" Fk-r Soncling Full Courst; Meal.; xrrvprl in.- wiut vuneiy C delicious CAKES wi'.i amaze and please you 5-7 p.m. MILLIE'S ) I Asphn't ond Rub! Rc-Roofing Concrete and Founijiation Work Storm Windows Call at 215 1st Avenue West Tile Loy'y at riniif OIT-IN 6 a.m. t I a.m. DAILY Just off Third Avenue ?I8 Sth St. Ph. Orders Blue 92 McBride St. Phone 311 RUPERT BAKERY LTD. FREE ESTIMATLS Payments May be ArraiiS