Kuslutiir lsne .eurer Settlement CASEY RENEWS FIGHT Continued from Page It Prince Rupert Oailp rectos Faaay, Febrjary 11, 149 1- S.O.S. From Atlin Camp of which the other jyum hie, copies ihsve be-rs giveu to rural lines like Port Edward and ! the radio telephone " If you had 5 000 siibsf r'bers or mure, the autoinutir would be cheaper to operate." Mr. Love said that h would recommend that the new installation be a manual one for three reasons: 1. It would cost less than half the cost of an automatic aldermen. Ac l-djn:!rn iii amit av.-vf;i jr. fr iipt.u1i1ir;? r.f Prtr,r R.ira . iA'i-.iijfi7o u iv-rrwia ( .its uail. Pet 0'.'.:r lraM, Otti irtoc Rupm DfcUy Nemrn Ltd., 3rd Awnut. Prmr R'lwrt. ftlfJh Columbia. Q A HTNTER. Maniuhtif F!itw. H O. PERPT. Wnc"n? Dinwf urwkm or Canadian press - Arnn erpao op crpen attov CANADIAN DAILY KFWFAPFR ASSOCIATION SrBCTIPT10H RATES n't f.mT Per Or: p-r Month IV: Pt-r Tw. tSVI. trx- .rsIT By Mail. Pr Mo.'ita. 30c. Per Y-r. tiuO :e es:i:ict;on Oh the batU o the ir.forma-s of dollars of ; Uon, A'derman Casey will urge F P P 1 n".ii: in sp::e u. . 5-.;:: ao u::'cs in its that "we engase tne services m s .re:h;ne is done J Mr. Love at a cot of $400 to go providing access tor ; mto the whole telephone prob J5 c .-! about dial system, bo'h in purchase and instal'atlon 2. Ail present telephone instruments couid be retained in service J. Present - pole and cable tr;:!.-po.-.j:. j:i oi heavy. rr.!c-eni ns::;;r.z n:.tch!:!erv. thr hiiiortc Northern British Cal-urRi;a niir.in: town of Atlin has sent an appeal for help to the . As-x-tited B-Tili Cl Trade of lem with the council to consider all points of view, thus enabling eounrii to come to ft final derision." "All report, pertaining to its rehabilitation have been com- (-t':'-1" . v, ' pi!ed from dau obUlned from .lit- ..lvT ' Uk B DP C. T. -Kt- -TVa Co. rrr-fl jtratui; the Telephone the preamble reads. Since It is said that Auto iP.d for the expeditious con- mate Electric (Canadai Umi- The lulurr of thr picturesque North-lnduii SUte of Jiinmu and Kashmir lias cm cu pied thr world ever sinrr. 15 months ago. India and Pakistan fell into conflict ovrr it. It wis partly settled in January with (he help of the I nited Nation. Here members of the I ruled Natron tommiion fur liniia and Pakistaa which tedialed the dispute on the spot interview some of the inhabitants. itruction of a i cable lines would only require-re-adjusting to any new toea-j tlon selected for an exchange, and new pole and cable lines necessary to take on additional subscribers would cost the same for either system. j "Manual equipment could, no doubt, be delivered much earlier than automatic" on account of. its simplicity of construction," he stated. . lea is vi if oruiciuiii owurr ui -Com mu nit v A ttm ct km s -AW E SHOULD guard against losing ground in Vv the hattle again.-t ugliness in home and community surroundings. Smouldering garbage dumps too often welcome the visitor to both metropolis and rural village. The green of song and story is often a neglected waste. -Many of our highway rights of way are garlanded .vith discarded tin cans. Good housekeeping of our home grounds and community surroundings is urgently needed to prevent the growth of new urban , and rural slums. Unless public consciousness is aroused to the wjuici connect the BC. Telephone tto. tthis'l may account for the eratuitoun service rendered and reem-1 ntendations favoring an autn-1 rnatjc systen. at a cast of $550.- 000 . Ernest Love, a telephone er-i gineer with more than 40 years' ; the co.-r.rr.uriit.T with the Alaska Htihway at JaSe' Corner? near Wn.tf h. re. Given this road, the c;t:r.p cou;ci survive. Without it. Atlia people say thev v. ill have to :ve up the i;hrt The fjture of the m:nin industry there, they say. is wholly EARNEST CLASS OF NEW CANADIANS STRUGGLING WITH NEW LANGUAGE experience in telephone, says j there is our problem can be sulved by dep&iiiient upjn :t. Of the 53 6 miles. ; Prince Rupert'-? small community of New Canadians is making- serious efforts to adapt itself to danger of this deterioration in civic standards, it might have social consequences far more costly f the wavs of its new country and Booth Memorial 316 miles iu Yuiton Territory-, continuing on the manual sys- j aad 27 m; in B. UUh C;lum- , tern for half the cost of an auto- j bU The British Columbia go-' matic one. thus effecting & ern.T.erit h? 3'rert.y premise-; , ajtVlli(! lo lfl, eny ot $275,000 in; $0 0C3 towards building its ' its renewal." I P-irt of the road. The current Keuotiations for permission ta' i Hijn School is ulaying its part m tne basic adjust- ! merit of perfecting them in their r.e'.v language- j Twice a week out at Booth eight newly arrived than the expense of correcting it now. As a remedy there could be a lor.-term program of home gardening kith for food production and home grounds improvement Active steps should he taken to clean-up and improve public areas. ; Europeans, six of whom are , appeal is to be directed to the or4w up a $560,000 loan bylaw Radio Dial CFPM 1240 Kilocyos 1 subject to Changet federal Department uf Mines and Resources which made a survey of the road in 1946. '- The Associated Boards of Trade of Central B C. convention at Juneau last fall pressed lor early construction of the road. jvoung women employed at iPrir.ce Rupert Genera! Ho-pi-.al. j meet to s: jhv Er.clish without j which they know, thry canr.ot fulfill their place in society ! Classes are held Monday an'. ' Friday evenir.ss under sponsor- ship of the rparrmr.t of Eciu- cation and the District School jB-ard- Instruction is provided by drliCKxs luc That'i K?i. Fbktt. aim j "Try thru t-thtr brsi ; Doublr vow TLMBER PICNIC OVER -THE PICNIC is over in the British Columbia ' I lumber industry. That is a fact that all concerned are going to have to admit and face. There BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD NEWS COMBINATION tO0 HOMi TOWN PAPER fivet yo oipMa. 4tp4ahi tccl Mtwv tin fired I Imm all Kot it foii4 h. I it no h ah mi WORLD. wfcc momi txnti r mi tK mok ifi ntt to Kic k tun cm to Much fon, t wr ob, iw kam. your (utr. f contlrvcti rcfrtt n4 iftrft-totions nt AriMMl m4 intcfna ioiioI MCrt, rticr is tubiritut tor THE CHRISTUM SCIENCE MONITOR doily- fOf No eietitt of bfino itoftitS hcHr, aationoNy, HIIOMiatMWoMT MMoi peptr ond Tko Cktia Sucmo Moiiir LISTEN Tu4 .t.n on ARC WOtMM tO) "Tk ClMlltMHI $; Mito Vnwi th Ntx." And tito lni coupon rdoy of tpcciol in- & 4 v g tooductory tnbtriptiofi. 4) 1 r. Om. Hi Jl . SvitM I S. Mn , USA. Plt lend m on nfr4wct)vy Sutiorwo to VIjo ClMiilieo Wece MMIM H IMMCi. t HtlM SI. Helpful , V 1 1 )i.gi. bt-,: - 12:25 Proeram R?sume 12:30 To be announced 2:00 Mj.iieal Program ' 2:45 This Week ' 3:00 Piano Classics i 3:15 CBC News i 3:25 Rec. Int. 1 3:30 NBC Symphony Orch. to rehabilitate 'he telephone system have been under way between city council and the Department of Munirioal Affairs for some time and council has aiready received and considered one draft prepared by the department. The $550,000 figure, approved by the voter at a plebiscite in fjecember. is based on a plan to Inst a! an automatic dial system to replace the worn out manual system now in use. Need for its replacement is universally recognijed, although Alderman Casey has never agreed that an automatic system would be economically desirable or physically practical. He feels that his opinion is supported by that of Ernest Love who wrote that ' there would not be a great reduction of operating expense by using . the automatic because a certain number of operators would still be required to take care of the have been large profits in the industry and there three start memo, rs from Boih have been large wages. a Both mav . have 'reached the jo-,i-Mu, (Huber and o P.. Jf;ano?:h' Sbrocehi. Ail F V'fea three have one or more Euro- The closing down of 5M milk in British Colum- ian lar-gut?? which assists bia, and quite a few of these are in the central in- ria!;' in instruction . . ,. . , . , ,. . According to Principal A. M. 11 1-, tt nor district including small mills w hich were set jKurst of Booth, progress has up by small operators to get in on the profits melon, iben good ince the classes J: suggests that the big profit era is over. jstrted early in Jar'uary Thf y .... . ..... , ( will continue until Easter when International j competition m the lumber markets i the course win be completed tor jA D and buyer resistance at high prices are the reasons, . , . of course, for the drop in lumber prices. It is not the term. It is likely that similar classes will be held next fail. So far, the eight student? : Ihat the markets are not there. There is a huge have progressed well into their . . . r 1 1 . .1 . -. FKlUAt Pit 0o Ed McCurcri smw 4:15 Stock Quotations ar.d Interlude 4 ?0 Sleepy Tune Stories 4:4.1 Easy Listening 5:&0 ifac.Mil.an Ciub Quiz 5:30- Keyboard & Console 5:45 About Town 6:00 Musical Varieties 6:30 Maikin's Melody Money Time : Fiji-tatit House Party 7:00 CBC News 7:15 CBC News Round-up 7:30 Feidler Conducts 8:00 Your Favorite Band 3:30 Citizens' Forum 9:10 Citizens' Forum News 9:15 Emma Caslor S: 30- Prairie Schooner 10:00 CBC News 10:10CBC News 10.15 -Legislature Report 10:30 Biltmore Hotel Orrh. 10:35 Interlude f" 1100- Weather and Sign Off SATURDAY A.M. 7:00 r.Fusiea! Ciock 8:00 CBC News 8:15 Pick cf the Hits 8:30 Morning Devotions 8:45 Little Concert 6:00 BBC Nens Commentary 9: 15 -Saddle Serenade 9:30 Melodies for Junior 9:5y Time Signal 10:C0 Bandstand 10:15 World Church News, 10:30 Concert Favorites 10:45 CBC News ar.d Com'ty 10:55 Weather Report 11:00 T.B.A. mat het tor mmoer everywnere at home ana abroad. Iirsl textbook on Er.giLsh and A universal shortao-o of hmisino- cvt nA ioth-rs be provided when i , K - -I r -pr 1 " fcm FOR PROMl-T rm.IVERY AT LO'ALH COST A REPRESENTATIVE WAREHOUSE STOCK Rtpntintioj- ithe first is corr.pt-?d. j Ail of the students come from central Europe and only one : had a particularly useful com-; mar.d of English on her arrival here. j Greatest confusion in the lan-; guage struggle is cau.-d by j harmor.yrr.s wort's of similar ; sound but diff;-rent mt-aning. j "I asked one girl if site knew j what a cot" a hospital bed structi.on programs are Veing held off everywhere until there is a drop in the price of materials. The time of economic readjustment in the lumber and timber industry is now here. It will be a tf sting time for the industry in Canada and British Columbia particularly. There will have to. be patience and forbearance on all sides the knowledge and understanding of tach other's position and problems Hi Ml in: lit v. Goole:;r Tue Jc Rubber ". Ltd. X Canadian V. t siinbunse Cm. l td. (Umr I t t Oeuerul Dry Italieries uf nuil.i l id Dutlbane Conpany ! H.C. C. II. WinmI A C o. l td. IJenby Hiiilluri. & ( a. Ltd. Imperial Wip-nj Hag Co. Ltd. ' It u, , i e .i 1 "as," said Xr. Hurst. ' She re- it the. aie not forthcoming a great industry plied cheerfully m real North may be wrecked an industry which gives larce American style to show that &he i I measure of employment and can mab m- k,..,i- cauht OKhe p fc she was ca. thing i hands Lke ! baseball." v - ... a- U I V- CX f the prosjerity of this country. PRINCE RUPERT SUPPLY HANDWRITTEN BIBLE3 VANCOrVF.R VICTORIA . SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Sunday.5 10 pm.. Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AMI PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOtTIl QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s s. Coquitlam. Jan. 28, 10 p.m. FOR NORTH Ql'Et.N CIL1RLOTTE ISLANDS There are 170 copies of John 11 :30 Weather Forecast 712 Second Ave. P.O. Box 772 Ayciiffe's handwritten Bible. EARLY PERFUME The Egyptians created perfume in the f-r'.h dynasty. 11:31 Message Period 11:33 Rec. Int. 11:45 Personal Album SATUKDATT P.M 12:00 Mid-Day Melodies 12:15 Rec. Int. WANTED AI PLICATIONS WILL RE At C 11PTI II I 01! H It Pays to Advertise: : ; r ; 1 1 ss. Coquitlam, February 4 and 18, 10 p m. K KAN IS. J. 6KI.NNEM Prince Rouen Atrent rnird Ave Poorte iwsn IN; POSITIONS FOR 1149: CAMP MANAGERS I JO AT CREWS ONE SKIil BRIDE TERMS MARRIAGE CONTRACT NOT" ROMANCE The old song of ' Love will Find a Way" is not quite appropriate here;, for the marriage of 90-year oid Mrs. Ad-rianna Eugenie Nicholson to her Negro chauffer, 23-year old Alien Lee Gustard Woods, was termed a "contract" and not a romance by the bride herself. The ill-assorted coup.e was married by a Nezro Cosmopolitan Christian Church, Los Angeles, after three white' judges and a white minister refused to perform the J. ( IAI SIIN & SON RUPERT MARINE REAM Itox 54 S Prin'! REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED BAPCO FLOOR ENAME : WHITE CANE WEEK ; T HIS IS WHITE CANE WEEK sponsored by the Canadian Council of the Blind and the Cana- .J'an National Institute for the Blind to give the 'public a Utter understanding of the problems and ; the abilities of the blind. I To many people think of the blind as a group ; apart who have lost not only their sight but their , interest in normal human activities. Sighted people . should realize that those who are blind do need their assistance. With such assistance, blind folk are enabled to take a responsible part in the affairs , of the community. The current campaign is to make people aware of the White Cane as a symbol of blindness and as ai appeal for guidance in traffic; and to improve -public understanding of the problems of the blind. NEWFOUNDLAND IN DEFENCE ' p EFORE NEWFOUNDLAND becomes part of U Confederation the disposal 'of three defence bases, controlled by the United States under a 9ft- year lease, will be adjusted or settled. It was during the war that the change in possession of the bases ZZ?yas ma(le- Britain received from Washington fifty -"destroyers and from London the United States ob-:t;Itained the bases, spending thereon $25,000,000. It : Under the Psent uncertain state of world af-jfairs' Canada will find in Newfoundland now. as R. . .MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRi A quick drying high quality enamel fur I room, bedroom, children's room, rumpus ro that demands both colorful effects and extra There is a Made in a wide range of colors. HALF PINTS oc QUARTS $2.00 CA-' DIFFERENCE in LUBRICANTS THOMPSON HARDWARE CI 1 mu roiin Our Chassis Lubricant is not just a jrease, it is an Engineered B-A Product, compounded to assure maximum lul.rication under extreme water and road abrasive conditions. Yes, we do pay more for this type of chassis lubricant, bu; you pay o more for your lubrication job, and you do not buy a MASH Ol'T type grease. Our Motor Oils too are only first line .canned or bulk. PENNZOIL Pure Pennsylvania or B-A PEERI ESS "It's Alloved." LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. phone m -I can't wait for sprm; to come so I can practice golf outdoors!" j ivell as in the future, a less vulnerable front dnnr ' ' Fancy Cards that will P'ea 'm,r , f ' ' . ones that will tickle a friend's sense Cutout Books for the children who UK ow n Valentines. ,ce if ,-r, trlT 1TMTTNR SUrPL'tf Tine Hundreds of beautiful ways to express your deepest sentiments on Valentine's Day. Choose from our wide assortment of lacy and plain cards . . . exquisitely designed, appropriate verses. Powerful defences stand there. Any direct air attack against the heart of America would be by way of Labrador and Newfoundland according to defence studies and these vital points are not VJtl nLi." THE EfiETING CAf105 Dili!) Printing Co. Skeena Construction & Cabinet Co. IStH.Dl'RS AND GENERAL CONTRACTORS FLOOR SANDING AND CABINET WORKS ESTIMATES FREE ON REQUEST P. 41. Boxl76 Phone Hod 633 518 3rd Ave. W. J n.AB.Y NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS Besner Block Phone 231 CLASSIFIED AnVEliiTISlNO IN THE DAIL