Local News It Prince Uupctt Dailp "J3ctoJ Friday, February 11, 1919 . BEAUTY ems CATHOLIC CARD S.O.N. Whist Dance, menla. Friday 11. !'!f lilliliiiitiwtijijimi!"!! "f ttiilwmniKMMjHWpiisiu PARTY POPULAR UTILITY . . . . . . ECONOMY APLY WEATHERBOARD ssrs oi this Douglas Fir Ply wo oilin stock Men s Another of those popular series of bridge, HhLst and cribbage parties was held by the Catholic ladies last night in Saturday is the last day of sale at Win. F. Stone's. Sec our ad on page 6 for details. (It) John O'Dowcs returned on the Coquitlam this afternoon from a trip to Vancouver. Constable A. J. Band of the provincial police, Hazclton detachment, arrived in the city this .week from Victoria where he has been attending police instruction school. He will return to Hazelton when rail service is resumed. L,ii 12 to 1" ifii available lur early delivery SLACKS ! j 'I If i-iZ - J RT & McCAFFERY LTD. UMI5KK HUILD1NG SUPPLIES PHONE 116 , . the parish hall with seventeen tables in play on this occasion. Mrs. E. Telsct was cashier and also acted as mistress of cert-monies. In charge of the serving of delicious refreshments were Mrs. J. Yalloway, Mrs. Leo Doiron, Mrs. W. Whifi'ln, Mrs. R. Sprinkle, Miss Florence Clout-ier. Miss Patsy Dumas. The prize-winners were Mrs. C. P. Balagno, who made a high V. L. Dryer, recently in Prince pi, "HAMS Made To MEASURE 'James L. Lee and son, Forbes sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for a trip to Vancouver Mrs. Lee is already in the south. Come to the Lutheran! Church Valentine Tea and Home Cooking Feb. 12 between 2andC. , (35, Friends In Prince Rupert have received cards from Ex-Aid. V. Basso-Bert, who has been traveling In Europe Tor the past six months or more. He wrote from Italy. , Saturday is the last day of sale at.Wm. F. Stone's. See our ad on page 6 for details. (It) Canon W. F.RUshbrook sailed last night on the Prince Rupert for New, Westminster, where he has been called on account of the illness of his sister, Mrs. Charles Ruskin. ' Mrs. J. T. Beckett arrived in, the city this afternoon on the Coquitlam to Join her husband who came here last month as head of the accountancy department of Columbia Cellulose Co. mi rage l) ,IS ARHL Emptor, will call amateurs, nlln.i Rupert for board of arbitration proceedings in connection with teachers salaries, will represent the teachers of Burnaby, who are demanding a 20 percent salary increase. Saturday is the last day of sale at Wm. F. Stone's. See our ad on page G for details. (It) score ot 10,870, and L. Christo- pherson, bridge; Mrs. J. Short-hill and A. Majore, whist, and fiill opeiatuig arrange regu- Louis Astori and Gordon Brochu, fc hen tne hams " ' l ' , ( . U :" '-'- " . cribbage. TAKES OVER DRUGSTORE Carson Wallace Acquires McCutcheon Business Carson Wallace today officially opened the Wallace Pharmacy, taking over the pioneer firm known as the McCutcheon Pharmacy. W. J. McCutcheon, who died in August, 194G, opened his first store In a tent during the year 1908. His first permanent establishment was located In a ,i may ue niuo- the Rev. Charles Lomas of ihiird emerg-His duties BEATS SHOVELING This railway rotary nlow good deal Norther Anglican mision boat b sun planning HAIRY PACHYDERMS Young Indian elephants are hairy when young, showing an affinity with the prehistoric mammoth. more substantial than a snow shovel when it comes to clearing drifts. Shown in action, the plow is clearing the rail line running through a do; en or more southwestern Manitoba towns and villages which Were snowbound in late January and early February. Some of vhc drifU it bueked were 12 feet deep. ' ' ' , ... (CP. Photo). cl cross ana il'!. e established rotcctive servant! poiicc de- Cross returned this afternocf oa the Coquitlam from a holiday trip to Vancouver. Advertise in tnt uuily News! Classified Ads Bring Results! Smart Fabrics including Gabardines, Worsteds, Covert Cloths, Flannel and Tweeds. Made Measure - to - Trousers assures you of complete satisfac-tion in styling, good fit and fine tailoring. est-Knovn IP-! 1 1 1 hm . Brow, p.n 'i m mvmu . m n.m,imn'-ri J s have responsibility taut readiness home rcmi-rtv fni- TEACHERS ASK FEDERAL AID OTTAWA (P The Canadian come Tax act small building Just cast of the building occupied by the Rex Cafe on Second Avenue. From there he moved to where the Grand Cafe is now situated relieving miseries of cnuarcn s colds. VVlUlh it affects ('c in time ol I ..l.ll! VaJA V 3 VvJr aripurcu bk.hi, "i i Teachers' Federation today ask- ! teachers. and then finally he moved hU i j .... it WIS '1 u annum, - ( ed the Federal government tdi ousmess 10 me present, s te at it:i of conimun- I eivp Pfllif a tinn a flnanMal hnnsl , It specifically asked the federal government .that aid be earmarked for education and ,vh'i storms ais- (In a 14-page briefs to Prime ,,iul telegraph Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Sox 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions II i r fi Its "'sa' : rl minisier st. Laurent, the reder-, B6""-u v"v ' v-wmc uum a PRICED FROM iMiiate whole is amateur to the rescue ,ation asked the - establishment pc Cdpui graat' ,ul self-power- $15.50 TO $22.50 of a national ; commission for United Nations - educational, SOClal ftnH rnlfllral ,rnanlqHr,n i.ltcn as tne j -- u.vu.m. vij.auiriabtuit tu transmit a the outside ana amendmenU to the In- the corner of Third Avenue and Sixth Street. Mr. Wallace served his apprenticeship with the Vancouver Drug Company. Following his graduation In 1935 he stayed on with the company and continued with the . Cunningham Drug Company when it took over the business In 1939. Following service "with the RCAF, Mr. Wallace returned to his former Job and remained there until he came to Prince Rupert in July 1946. lie has managed McCutcheon Pharmacy since the death of the owner. Three Weeks Delivery k me strieKf.i nnounang FLORIST BUSINESS CHANGES HANDS liar, often I'd in Prince dmiii!.; the . 's floods. organization cither eventu- THE OPENING OF Charlette and Dclphine Bal- agno, daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Balagno, pioneer wit- the job Mr. Balagno Florists , FEBRUARY 14, 1949" formerly operated under the name -- residents of Prince Rupert, today announced the purchase of the florist business recently THE "ROCK" t'1'5 aita !'L!' : icements f-m ' tin" cniiimo tfri ir fi 1 ill oioutb '& xaU a wurd Gibraltar was obtained by opened by another well-known j Prince Rupert girl, Margaret ; Nixon. The Misses Balagno of MARGARET NIXON, FLORIST THIRD AVENUE WEST Britain by the Treaty of Ut recht in 1713. RICH PROVINCE ! will operate their new floris 322 TWIN INTERESTS-Music awl uniinals are the keen Interests of Glenn Gould, 16-year-old Toronto pianist. Glenn Is shown at the piano with his English setter Nirk but more usual pose for 'a "-dog Is beside" the piano while his master plays. The young pianis(, has been studying since he was four and finds time to pjay several' concerts each season while looking after his-col -'lection- of peU and attending Malvern Collegiate, where he is ' in third form. C. P. Photo) - y- n Church Valentine lurne (kinking, Feb. 12. FOR YOUR 'CHICKEN IN THE ROUGH' CALL RED 705 CIVIC CENTRE DINING ROOM Ontario produces more than twice as much gold as any jshop as equal partners and will i officially assume their roles as : Independent business women ; Monday, February 14. i other province in Canada. 9 f !AN'g jEWS -Annual mer, Feb. R 1U49. Hod Church Valentine if Imme of Mrs. A. J , Feb. 7. m Out) Public Mcct-uury 23 I Siew. Prince Rupert inb, Ffb. 17 and 18., i of SliiiOurli Chup-D.E., J'ea and Home I Catholic Hall, awnl'a, Church Hull A. MacKENZIE FURNITURE LTD. "A Good Place to Buy" WALLACE PHARMACY Just Arrived ! ! CHINA CABINETS in popular waterfall design with sliding plate glass doors and roomy linen drawer Price $U.50 Phone 775 327 3rd Ave. 1 of ' Mouse spring i, m. Mis. J. p. Avenue East. Tour . . . is ill this THREE-PIECE ENSEMBLE of smart, smooth gabardine . . . made for mixing or matching. Simply man-tailored with a flare - back topcoat, s 1 i m fly-front skirt. Choice of colors. SIGN POSTS TO SPRING TROPICANNA SUITS, GABARDINE COATS-swing back or belted SHORTIE COATS and uncrushable SILK PRINT DRESSES are highlighting Sweet Sixteen's pre-spring display. To match your "smoothie" skirt choose a sweater by Orandmcrc or Bonnie Brooks, a Blazer or a Blouse. Sale, Afrll 13, 'U'rllows' Hall. Sprint; Sale, !" S,di', Satur- Deluxe Delivery PROMPT? YES SIR! FAST? YOU BET! COIRTEOUS? YES MA'AM! . PHONE 383 W'c Buy and Collect Bottles u'y Spring Sale, The pioneer firm of McCutcheon Pharmacy has been sold to Carsop Wallace and will be known in future as Wallace Pharmacy flnncli Spring eiaar May 12. Sweet Sixteen's Personalized BUDGET PLAN is designed for your convenience. No InterestNo Carrying Charges. i lie ll '''HEET The policy of the new owner will be to serve the residents of Prince Rupert and district in old friends and make such a way as to keep new ones. T.S.S. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT . fcl N'S I'liii'i ik fCIAL!! !3n I'tHtTUAlTS "'""flit Call ut jf f & Cowgill l T ;itcu 38") A phone call to 79 will ensure prompt attention to your needs. Regular delivery service from 9 a.m. to' 6 p.m. Emergency service after 6 p.m. Prompt, efficient mail-order service for our out-of-town customers. For Reservations Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT. B.C. CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D.C., Ph.C. 21-22 Besncr Block Phone BLUE 443 for Appointment not its 10:30 a.m. to 12 SO p.m. and 2 to 6 p.m. i;vi;mm;s MoiiUay and Frlduy, 7:30 p.m. fnt Moving, Packing, Crating Sliipiiing and General Carlagc and Storage For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910, Phones GO and 68 ' r f idW1 It IMMWMPf those mubl! tn romn mirint; uit y any. RECEPTIONIST In attend- Z ante Rfternooin. J ?orc Calc ,VASWAVWAV.V.V.V.V.V.VV.V,V.V.V.V.V.V.".V." J For : 1 Construction Alterations Repairs v IF m See ir GREER & BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS IS flx '"'-Novated f Tlian j:Ver" m svlce In cm. THIRD AVENUE AT SIXTH STREET Floor Sanding a Specialty PHONE 79 r Son,! ..... . Plumbing or Healing Call SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 271 Red 561 P.O. Box 721 P.O. Box 808' x-uui urdcrs Dav'd Chow, Mgr.