Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, July 22, 1950 Bottle Missive ' ' ' I- . .' . - . ... . . rfnixe. FUWELL In TODAY 79 p m. NANCY COE8 TO Rio MRIIIIIaillllllaal STORE ! RUPERT PEOPLES SUNDAY MIDNITE MONDAY Is Picked Up MAT. 2 1 JOHNNY WEISMULLER .MYRNA-DELL . In THE LOST o 1 I A bottle message dropped from ; j a Shrine cruL-e party earlier in : the month, was picked up by the j crew of Nelson Bros. Sea Pride, rENNY siSci A RTiiUR LAgj in BLON DIE'- REWARD MONDAY AND TfESDAY TRIBE ' ' i, r ( . 1 . 'J .11. ... . ... . S &J- n &"a COATS UNDERWEAR SUITS HOSE DRESSES RAINWEAR I M.cMURRAY. HONEY-FONDA-1 I ACTUS I r.M. 9 r Sl AND CHILDREN'S. WEAR Jzfes'. Ear.!;- Capt. J. Adkiris, this Tuesday at j2:30 p.m. off Dorothy Island in i devastation Channel': j "On board ss. Chilcotin, July 7. 1950. i Ladies and Nobles: We are approaching the end of a great adventure; we have seen jmany wonderful things, rivers, j oceans, glades and trees. To i properly commemorate a Jour-, ney such as we have had the past ten days we have decided we ; should erect suitable monument jand we are now approaching It. Many of you have wondered , RUPERT PEOPLES STORE . ,, . ,, ,-- STRATFORD . 0N England-O--No the order of the day It, here. Police warned that ion? had leaked from a carrying; hi3 o:Unc h spread the same upon the minutes of the Cabiri. Daiec viils Friday tht venth day of July A.D. 1950 at the hour of 10:30 a m. "Joseph Titley, Past Potentate !48&ELV : ".mmm. ..Til 4 i Waterfront from whence came the ice for our ( I Mhi fizzes and our coktails. They cr:me frc.m the wonderful silvery I gleaming glacier which you are ! of Elkalah Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah." Other members of the crew were H. Adklns. O. B. Mutch, Ken Robertson,. Option Nicholls, R. Vlereck. ' JWs - - U.8. VISITOR The escort carrier Mmdoro, flagship of Task Group 81 of the United States Navy, is shown In Quebec haroor where it arriv-d this week. The carrier and seven destroyers, manned by navy reserve midshipmen and offlc rs in training, visited the nort as Dart of a good- will tour of Canadan ports. (CP pnotol - r 0 now gazing unon. feast your eyes upon it lrom this moment henceforth; it will ber a name 1 l'n? to be remembered by all those who have made this journey to the northland on the ss. Chilcotin; It's name from now on will appear upon the records in the archives in the mans of Classifies arts bring resui-3. pRr.", on the tearing down of the build- . ing itself, commencing from the Terrace Girls Make Report west or ramp end. A crew of nine .Demolition Of Hig Warehouse Proceeding. ';.,-rz Interest In Tuna Fishing Salmon Ilun ' " Still Light ; De?pitc mpves to have the work halted in view of ; t he intcrnatiqna situation and from a defence standpoint, demolition of the big warehouse building, on! the local waterfront, built during World War II by' the 'United States Army, is proceeding without TERRA:rMr-.. T. M. Ma Del Canada and America; it is to be ntertameJ LV. ino'hrrs of th?; known s Cabiri Glacier. And -pubs peo"lf cf Knox United I now in commemoration of the men is at present employed and this will later be increased to a. dozen or so. .Ross Pettibone U directing the work for Boren ' Madsen of Edmonton. ' ' FRINCE RUPF.H1 . DRY DOCK AND SHlPYAKt SHJPHUn.1 1 If AND ENOtNXERS first annual cruise of the Inter "hurrh at her heme on Wednesday afternoon .o that, thev cul:' I VICRERS ujuhuudiikJ m ti Diimmtii hear the reno-n of Colleen Sites With reports of appearance of rhii idwrtisemfnt ii not puh,si.. national Past Potentates Association. I solemnly name this wonderful Ipndmark THE CABIRI GLACIER. , "To jproxjvTij make the record. interruntion. About half of the 400.000 or so feet of tun off toe Brltlsh Columbia ' Anf A 1 1 t I t .. ln Government ol Bniiit U and Lorna Methuin who attended vocational .school in the siuth. sollowini! the repoits which werc verv wll given. refreshmonU were' served. Iron and Brau OMiinp. Elrrli io Aeeiitr. ' '. '.Wtatnn. hardwood in the Immense structure has now been removed and I now call upon Bill Smock of to Alberta. The first operation rrince Rupert rlw- good deal of it sold in this 18 to remove . all this flooring area while the balance has gone after which a start will be made lAahmes Temnle. Oakland, California, to cast into the smooth water of the Gardiner Canal this Hcim lir Ail IktiJ RTKClAl IHIK . AWMII.I and ' ' 1 MiNINO MACHINERY IK) 3ru Ave. liimMt ,rerord. senleo into an ei"tvj bottle from our revered cock-i . - . - I are heading for the west coast of the Queen Charlotte Islands to see If anything may be doing there on this line.' Report was current here this week that one local boat, the All Star, had sold a catch but investigation indicated that this had been off Cape Flattery. As far as could be confirmed, there have been no tuna yet off the Queen Charlottes although warm weather of last To ln.'uro y""-icatlon or display or classified advertising, :opy for sam 5 must be la the office of tht Dally News b 4 p.m. the i ay -previous to advertising, i equlrement! oi the mechanlc.1 department make this rule necessary. ,ioii iuuiikc iue scene or many ' touching cremonies such as this lone, and call upon the secretary (of the Cabiri, our genial cruise (director Herman EnglehardW to kee pa copy of this record and : , JUST ARRIVED ; Another shipment of HEINZ BABY ; FOODS Per Dozen ...,.l........... 9c Per Case $1.95 i Always Prompt and C' AMD SWEET Aylmer PEAS. No. 5 . 4 tins 57c HONEY, No. 1 White 41b tin 85 NEW LUX, Lge. pkfr. ;. I for 6r We're Here to Berv; a week may have made conditions more promising. Reports from Seattle are that the American1 fleet is holding out for $500 per ton. Now that the halibut season is over, some vessels are turning to codding and flatfishing. The Kalen, Capt. oior Stegavig, left 'ast night for a cod trip. Tht flat fishers are making good 'catches and getting satisfactory prices of 3o ana 4c a pound from an active market. f because it's Commodore 0 U R NS EST . U YS NEW CHIEF New Chief Engineer of Canadian National's ss. Prince Rupert is Robert F. C. Baldrey, formerly 2nd Engineer on the new ss. Prince George. He succeeds R. P. Williams, recently superannuated. Born December 15, 1903, in Potacahund,' India, Mr. Baldrey joined C.N.S. in 1927 as junior engineer. on ss. Prince Rupert and later served . on other company vessels. When ss. Prince. Charles and ss. Frince John were sold to Union S.S. Ltd., he joined that company, In 1940, to scrvp as 2nd Engineer until rejoining C.N.S. ,in 1948 as Inspecting Engineer of ss. Prince George .during construction. He became 2nd Engineer of the new ship when It entered service In June, 1948. and has since relieved from time to time as Chief Engineer of ss. Prince Rupert and ss. Prince George. 'K'f:p!tality and Cuoc WRAPPED IN UULUtM fUlL K .v Phone 17 for Stnd Oul-L3rd Ave. David Chu Phone 755 FREE DELIVERY RIDE WITH PRIDE Straightt( Fenders By Experts! " ' PHONE . - 9 74 - FOR i Dented, crumpled fr" straighten un like ' under the cleft hiK our technicians. DRIVE IX TOD.U HAPPY PASSENGER - There's one particularly happy passenger aboard the Princess Kathleen as she cruises Alaskan " waters . . It's an age-old story of the lady who- forgot her purse. An American woman, noticing she did not have her purse shortly-after the boat left the dock, notified Capt. O. O. Hughes that she thought she had left It In a taxi. The captain docked ; the boat again, phoned the taxi company and found the driver, who checked the back seat and found the purse. He immediately rushed the purse down to the ; dock, handed It to its owner and received a reward.. Everybody was happy as the cruise ship once more slipped its lines and headed for Ketchikan. n PICK- FREE ESTIMATE FREE 9 111 i after acting as second honeymoon 1 cruiser on a trip to Ketchikan with four crew members ani . their wives. Thursday, after j seeing the wives safely on the airplane o.i u.eir return trip to ; Vancouver, they took on prbvl- sions and, sailed that night to j fish "for black cod on Its return . trip to Vancouver. There it will be fitted out as a beam trawler i and will operate for the rest of j Lh - Unslitilyl nu THE COGT 13 LOW Summer storage costs so little you cannot afford to do without this Important protective service for your precious garment. BILL SCUBY FURS (the summer in the Klemtu area. ' BROADWAY CAF 302 - 3rd Ave. Box 1362 The B.C. I-roducer Is back old Job of fishing .again at Its The tanker Standard Service, Capt. Bob Cormack, was in port A The new "MARGENE" is the result of tests proving the texture and flavour that Canadians like best! Fortified with vitamins A and D . . . delicious in taste l ..j a :. !...,,. 4k. NEW "MARGENE" it the Thursday with a load of 1.500 I barrels of fuel oil for Imperial Oil and 250,000 gallons oi bum petroleum products and 250' $0 to 31 says Attto xcftb with a fng imuv i n in is.'w w - most economical and BEST margarine for the tabU . . . nd for cooking! 'h&Wil barrels of aviation gasoline and oils for Standard Oil Company. Houra 7 a " IV -V M Ii If li It I MM Ml MM Ml -Phone 203 For Take-Home Orders- I The forestry boat Lillian D, mem i it bkipper-engineer Dick Farmer, t left yesterday for a routine trip j ' around the Butedale-KIUmat area. Mr. Paimer and Harold Whalen will carry out some 'cruises end other duties on the i 'irlD. ! 1 i&ffl&K To: Canada packers limited, I j .Affltn FINE PRINTING at Weight only 45 lb. REGAL PBI All PwipAU Poum. GIuuh. Seuu 1 rTiA4 Ptaiio itnd m your iww 42 pq: full Ir'VjyVii?, color Rcipt Book for which I ncloM I I VV5CKJ J'MARGENE" packigo window pnl, a Z -P'" 1 KAI 7V1MU I IfHITT Boost production end tut costly time and looour rlw""IT7"T ci mm Itlfof fWO ai.. Ttifiti . . ... i . One or two man cutting attachments from 30 inches to 7 feet. Salmon fishing has been so , (ion fill In and moll: 222 Second . . . ine jvjrcn I wirs IS Dunr tor the Dig OD$ j . . o light weight machine in the heovy duty class. A Tailored Torque Curve, Eight Position Swivelling ond Fully Automatic Control give the SUPER TWIN the I . I PHONE 24 &WZViWfi!W!Wir?mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Li Nome aepenaabinty that counts. ... i -Bv chic va BLONDIE IT'LL STICK BY THE RIBS, DAGWOOD! ' itllll 1 1 n 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ,'. . . n i i ii itt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i i rtnrrk i mm i i . nnnn Addreu . poor to date this year that many , seiners have not been fishing at all. There have even been re- ; ports of one lone salmon being caught in a set. Some have ( brought up their nets with none. I Gillnetters have been averaging 15 to 23 fish in a day. Autho-. ritics have no reasons to offer for-the small run this year. j - frr'tiT"1 i - . I MM- !L iminiji , Mippw PIMM print cleorly JTli'.. 1 V. " fMGWOOR wiu. vpu a p, HAND ME THE J c v, J PEST OP THE VWMJ.' -) CUiDCO dactc rfcF '! ! T KITCHEN TApLt r, ' ft I - - . ' ! Union steamship Camosun, Capt. William Mr.Cnmbe, arrived In port at 4:30 yrsterday afternoon. Disembarking here were (Mrs. Arnold Mosley pnd three employees for Columbia Cellulose. , 1 Sold and Serviced by: - RUPERT MOTORS Ltd. , P.O. BOX 1730 PRINCE ttLTERT, B.C. Distributor: . PURVCS E. RITCHIE & SON, LTD. , if 658 Hornby Street, Vancouver, B.C. Compare the Saw! Compare the Price! PRICED FROM $450.00 (30" one man arrack complete) f.o.b. Vancouver Taxes extra where applicable.' ! Classified adi bring results. jiJ i ii fi m f ft r I 1