I MOTORS WI N - Prince Rupert Daily News- . Saturday, July 22, 1950 Moostheorf Women In Social Meeting , LONDON & Athlete In London's Lewisham aistrict are asked to push elderly persons ! in wheel-chairs round the park I occasionally. CFPR Radio Dial 1240 Kilocycles JContinued from Page 4) Ray Reflects and Reminisces Members of the Mooseheart (Subjeet to Change) cjally well John Wikon was al-, committee of the Women of the ways a determined defendpflMoose gathered at the home of Kt-BW PREPARED who kicked well Price kicked , Mrs. V. Morrison Friday night e SKEGNESS, Lincolnshire, England l Two automobiles parked together formed an amusing slogan with their registration leggers-GET FAT. hard lut was slow and lay back 0r a CQmbme business apdi . Pem)er k d d .ffected' rePPW anJ tare are anectea , too far Dlsen Dlaved a ham .. i id Ave. .Near CFPR) .... .1- .L.SL . v...,. i,ik (M""" . KV recent increases In the cost of 1 ...oaaaaaWBV I gam and in spite of a bad kick wa,s always In the play breaking Business finished, court whist , jiving. At a pinch, we could struggle along with 4 little ies of each. umm had Pr Bnod eame'Jint hostesses Mrs V. Morrlspn SATUHDATc PM. 4:30 Show Business 5:00 Facts about the Films 5:30 Sports College . 5:45 Music for Moderns . 6:00-CBC News' 6:10 The Commodores ' 6:30 Musical Varieties 7:00 Chamber Music Society of Lower Basin Street 7:30 Square Dance 8:00 Prairie Schooner 8:30 Summec. Romance 9:00 Soirees a Quebec . 9:30 Ray NorrU Quintet 10:00 CBO HslWS iTaser and raynei GIRLS' PLWI PENIM JEANS ' Good quality; well made; sanforized shrunk. Zipper fastening. Size 6 to 12. $2.4.9 WOMEN'S BLUE DENIM JEANS Good quality; well made; sanforized shrurtk. Zipper fastening. Sizes 14 to 20 .... 2.95 Mr- ChurchHl says he dots not a,t halfback and placed the tall ur- rwe m" to advantaae. white did well In ne" wWt were Mrs. A- Hsmll believe a thtrfl world war is Jm the first half crossing the ball,ton 'irst W Mrs. N. Kennedy mment. m gomething Of an wen. fcetourneau who repiacea s authority pn, ina, subject, he Is mi me Mximu imi gui pmw ientH!e tQ paving Jis Views re How is the Time to Buy KIDDIES' RECORDS ceiye$ with ?espect. Only Rlease dOBOt;ay"Q.H-" Wilson got a nice goal -and set Mrs. V. Morrison. Mrs. N. Mc-up Hornell tor the other one.Glashan, Mrs. A. Hamilton, Mr- i '0:10 CBO News the ball with hU back to th Mrs. J. Fiewin. Mrs. B. p. Skinner - i!l .u i. . 10:15 Trocadero Orchestra 10:30 Jean Gregory Sings 10:45 John Biurgess again played a fine game and w r-..m4 nat tnnVic. at tlmA hut was K"wm vvsim Owen was 4 good outside left 111:00 Weather irriinM tn rn0h it Un Rw. . Prlnoe Georgf of the Associated the United States Is meeting the j ing such a glorious view, and I,-!- T T'V, Tl (.1 V. J .. . t, i . , Krause was unlucky to lose the first goal but otherwise did man was ood ouUid riitht i Pods of T?cW p Central Brit- j iiDid uvci fwico.. ncsiuciu, j naiiuy to uie ouat, ana .rauway .... . ..... Uti i jiiiiiiiliiu if iniulil a Uiuil congress, tne press and people station at that. It's a fact, all ll:04-Flsh Arrivals 11:06 Bign of ' , BUNIM? 8:30-Recital V the same! Why should -not the well. Baxter was very good at ana Aiexanaer piayeq narg. " '"J8"' ,w back particularly with his head ! Smith was dangerous In his ht wheat Joking MsAfee old weii and this lad' break-throught but was closely fww 1 m mm U Pqrt Churls chill this fall and why nothing (checked. Shore tried hard and, a very good prospect Eby was very good at centrehalf and Murray was good in the open, of the sort has been sighted any-shot well Yelland was clever 'Mitchell did well In goal in the where near- Prince Rupert- A LARGE SELECTION OF CHILDREN'S 7" PLASTIC RECORDS 25c ond up Ngrsery Rhymes O Stories t Picture Records O Albums HUH TflESE UNBREAKABLE RECORDS NOW AT all are determined that freedom must oe saved, whatever the cost. Ottawa Journal. The king of Belgians who surrendered his country to Germany in the second vorld war, retuned today to reascend the throne: end effective. Greer showed secona nan ana ouiiDerg ae- ivc is uukuuwu any mue Legion enjoy wide popularity. There's nothing else quite ike it on the coast. Tins, the visitors keep op discovering. ' t- . The sailors cf Admiral Dewey's fleet at Manila in '98 no idoubt tried to size up the future as far as possible, but no one, ejen in ienaea strongly Dut will neea in me iasi eigm or rune years, u to show" better judgment or he; not' longer' ago. ' ' will break somebody's leg . . .j : . . this, after years of Internal dis possiblv his owp. A recruiting drive is on in Can-. putes and all round domestic mi- 1J:3Q Weather Rtport 11:81 Message Period 11:33 Recorded Interlude 11:45 flcandlnavlan Melodies Tho' T jaolnn fial an unfnp. 1 ada lust now. Authorities make 1 prv A wpIphttia pan pnsllv hp : a tunate night. They were unlucky ' it plain that4singje men are pre- j mockery. Some of his soured 'ntastic dreams, could f cpsee tr. to Iricp lose lh. the first fltsit goal. itrui Thou They luera A .iprreft erred.: '. Rllt But snmphnll somehow, thprP there are a inhiiuitE subjects man Hp be thinlrlrnr thinking, ln in i Tears latefi an AmfrlCatl Amerlcan were may vnlucky whei Baxter missed folks "who are Inclined to think 'stead of saying "there's the door, army in Korea being drivenouth by Chinese peasants, powerfully the penalty . . other have the married men are more fam- here's your crown.' . P.M. , 12:00 Mid-day Meloaiea 12:15 CBC News 12:25 Program Resume 12:50 bV- Farm Broadcast 2: 55 Recorded Interlude missed them too . . . they were. Mar with fighting. unlucky to lose Smith, wha very Wandering tourists must have armed, equipped and trained by a Communlst'teaching ccjuntry called Russia. " ,1 , . i properly was sent off nd went All the non-Communist world been describing to one another "I LOVE YOU EVER" THE MOST 7 (of all they lost their tempers T naiiv News Classified, when they walked OH JWd. must admire the magnificent i the roomy ajid attractive build-courage and realism with which) Ing up in Prince Rupert, possess- Try a Daily Kews Classified. DUTIFUL WAY . . . a DIAMOND RING SIE 01 R LOVELY - Stl.r.CTlQN NOW! jeorge Cook, JEWELLER Box 1188 :00 BBC News and Commentary 8:15-Music for Meditation 8:30 1 he Concerto :59-Tlme Signal :. 10:00 EC. Gardener 10:15 F'rosia Tells a Story 10:30-Music for Children '" 10:45 Heroes of Faith -. il:00-CBC News . 'C ' ": 11:03 -Capitol Report 11:30 Religous period 12:00 Your Invitation to Musie 1 :30 Church of the Air 2:00 Music I Like - 2:30 Critically Speaking 3:00 John Fisher Reports S:15 CBC News ! . 3:17 Clearing op-the Weathei S:27 Weather Report' ' 3:S0 My Uncle Louis 4 :00 National Bunday Evening ' " ' Hour 4:45 The Old Songs 5:00 Startime 6:00 Summer Drama 6:30 Little Symphonies 7:0 CBC News 7:10 Week-end Review . 7:20 Our Special Speaker 7:30 Summer Btrlna 3:00 Winnipeg Bunday Cancer 9:00 Summer Time 10:00 CBC News 10:1Q CBC News ' . 10:15 Disagreeing Canadians 10:30 Vesper iHiur . -.'.. 11:00 Weather and Sign Pll MONDAY AM. ' 7:00-Musical doc 8 00 CBC Ne 8: 10-Here's BUI Good ' . . 8:15 Morning Song 8:30 Music for Modems 8:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News ft Com,ty 9 : 1 Moral ng pevotlgn 9:30 Sunrise Serenade 9:45 Famous VoJc 9:59 Time Signal 10:00 Morning Visits 10:15 Morning Melodies -10:30 Melody Time lO:45-JnvitatlQn to tht'Wplta 11 :0Q A Man and His Mualo 11:15 Round-up Time PHONE 79 PHONE 79 IfUtHurr pmrntanj " ' ' ' ' " - ' HMBaaaaaaaB4aMajBjaATMkjajaaa , ICg"0 t? I 1 Hl fetrO BETTER HIDE THE M I 5 I " 2 iwifi i" V TMATVSK (AU.RIQMT - f CAKE BEFORE WE GO J f HiDe rr ) M s """1"n I no -he's always!. . ,, ,, -... - . . . . , , ', ... ; ; HOURS Weekdays .. Sundays .,, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. ..... 12 Noon la 2 p.m. IXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE m KIORE-. WONEY FA5YEC3 ' . 1 ( hep see it in ff iKXVnTl r how about up) . i . AaWJ?ow.r T I-! i IT HERE THIS -t-, T I IAJ HERE IN MY , togvT JUW THb rLACtT" ! ' . C CABINET HAS V W?4J tJ 11 C S-V??2rC.VEJ i ' j Lofgrri, Contracferf aifd Operator ali f rr on tfc rfj McCULLOCH Chain Saw Team or proMMe, troubf roe pferMfn, HIE IHC, LIGHT TWO MAN 5-44 WJTII BLADE ANP CIAJN ftn NLY . . . . , . $440-00 raT7 ii ii . ii--- i. -a i ixrrr . t- r i i . vit. f. i . ; "llih only 49 Iks. complete Mil 20" l.lade and chain, full 1 u p. fur 2-man ue on Umber' 1 '' a , chuire of liladra In 20, 80, and 60 in. Ii lttnatha 20" s all purpoae Rip-Croa win raxily aharpennl by band. 1 "" r-rn w,rr . I tfcV I. I I - " X" NOW. WAIT RIGHT TWEf?E T 1 I ec.- XrSA'.rrV - rAyfL? tnUGCSDOTO THE KITCHEN : prr nreda riling, blade awlvela S60 drgir la, any . tJlLT. L HIDE TWE KEV UP THEOeiC r UAt- AND pkING UP THE CAKE ttj I I 5 '" carburrtor allows operation ritinn, automatic clutch kirk proof recoil starter, n wn themou n-rtAfy cs "-Vti -r z s IT THE ONE MAN 3-25 WITH BLADE and CHAIN a... a ONLY- - - - , $335'v0 Weigh only 25 Iba. complete with 18" chain and blade, Pevelopa full S b.h.p., automatic clutch . . . built-in chain oiler, full power tawing at any angle, klckproof amoroei utoniatio rawiad (tarter, one band Wlt 1 " 1 y ) I f 7fJ(Rri B HELLO DCAP-. S i I- AffjClrl GOSH GUESS ) SHALL WE I eonlrul ontruUl. )Ism Fi!si t CsU Ee!!:J rsuiura Xitiiu 9 Chain frissrs li . W AT Sec For IcCULLOm Dcmonstratioa -.y yi:ii j lrmery'a Limited, " ? 220 West )t Ave., VncoweT B.C. Send m further information m Mf CuUoch Chain Sw. Mdutive DimlkHtori In Cne'e 220 Weil let AveM VANC0UVIR, , C. Nanje . L. j jlg AddreM