Iptint Unpen DaUi? ifltto JLto. Monday, March 21, M8 nil WOMEN WHO SUFFER Local News Items . . . 4 9 i0?FILASC3Igth; toniylit Chavchavadze 8:30. (It) Moose Meeting tomorrow at 8 p.m. in Moose Temple. (M Mrs. Carson, wife of the customs officer at Wrangell, was a passenger aboard the Princess Norah yesterday morning returning to her home in the north after a visit in Seattle. Stanley Boshier, businesc JgEG. (SlnlUlULV' " 1 11 if Ml . 1 l7 X, ,-seooa SMART STYLES FOR kaktkr smart dresses, size 12 hTihnM gh ttat tryin. to 52. Suits, shorty coats and ageni "i me rrince rtupe.'i wcai. STETSON presents your ... EASTER HAT hatir.,i hi,.M.vp8. and don't for-1 United Fishermen and Allied " " ? - -V . . I b iriluw0tweak Workers Union, left Saturday afternoon by air for Vancouver to atend a convention of the George Rorie left at the end of the week for a ten day business trip to Smithers. A. S. Nickerson returned to the city on the Princess Norah yesterday morning from a two weeks' business trip to Vancouver. Get your Fink Card today if you have not already got one. Don't delay cards issued from the office of H. G. Helgerson Ltd. (71) George S. Meyer arrived in pjnkham'a ,i,, k. llSmp;.undtorelK'VB.Uc. I .wit 'mi'ldle-Hiie women union. J. R. Laveity, travelling auditor for the Canadian Pacific get your EASTER BONNET AT STAR'S STYLEWEAR. 70) Mrs. J. C. S. Dunn arrived in the city on the Cardena yesterday from Massett and is leaving on tonight's train for Montreal enroute to her native home in England at Ewhurst, Surrey, whence she came to this country some 25 or more years ago. JTSTtaUd up return It AJn nature (you know what w mean!). This great medicine a I no haa what Doctor call a stomachic , tonic effect. NIrK Or roa m.f prefer LVDM K. PIKkHAM'HTABLkTs illiiwdr4 Ira. joomv"-'" r- - Railway, arrived in the city yes- j terday morning on the Princess Norah from Vancouver and will jia E. Pinkham's VEGETABLE COMPOUND the city at the end of the week be sailing tonight by the Princess Adelaide on hid return to FNTERTAiN - from Port Clements and sailed Saturday on the Catala for a trip to Vancouver. Hotel. . Easter Reservations Have you made your reservations for Easter Day Dinner, March 28, at Civic Centre Dining Room, yet? Better Phone 231 today! (tf) Of NORWAY P. Blackstock and P. Brown Vancouver. Mrs. A. C. Ilinton and daughter were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday bound for Whitehorse to join Mr. Hin- rrivak arrived in the city on Saturday NEW CHURCHILL HEIRWhile her husband, Capt. Christopher Soames, looks on, Mrs. Soanies, the lormer Mary Churchill, daughter of Winston Churchill, England's ex-prime minister, proudly shows off their first child, a son, born February 12 at the Churchill country estate at Westerham, England. MEtlINu Prince Rupert R. Woods, Vancouver: P s committee of the Sons sharp, Massett; W. GUI, Prince night's train from Hazelton and sailed yesterday morning on the Princess Norah for Juneau. Capt. John Muir, former marine superintendent of Union Steamships, and Mrs. Muir were lodge was response? George; w. Hamilton,, Vancou i - U I no rt-.'tiai.. K T fU- o-i . tainmeni wmch vv ici, . n. ojiccit, odimun Arm; Many Enjoy Moose Card Party, Dance held its first mcev j. van Snelletvburg,, Vancouver; former I.O.D.E. Hail S. D. Hunter, Vancouver; K. ton who is m charge of the War Assets Corporation organization there. Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. Grant oI Wrangell, who have been on a trip to California ,were passengers aboard the Princess Norah yesterday returning north. Mr. Grant is a well known Wrangell business man. Mrs. Richard Lowrie, who came in from the interior at the end of the ,veek with the remains of her husband, who died at Usk, is now visiting with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Viktil. She arrived last Thursday night with Mrs. Viktil, Mrs. Bruce Webb and Mrs. James Werseen. SCHOOL TEA AND SALE SUCCESS A fine display of home cooking as well as a varied assort iht. The nan was it- oage, Vancouver; miss F. Car visitors in the city Saturday during the stay of the steamer Catala on which they were making the round trip north. rchased by the lodge roll, Vancouver; b. jonnson, Vancouver; H. Petredt, Ocean Prince Rupert Lodye, Loyal Order of Moo.se, was again host Saturday night to a gathering of members and their friends who ;eting also was the first Falls; A. Beam, Butedale; J. installation or 118 Myers, Vancouver; J. F. Laverty, and much of the busl- ment of other contributed arti- enjoyed an evening of card Attention Did you know that you can now get Chicken Vancouver;. D. Smith, New York; 'des attested t0 the interest of! playing and dancing. the laying of working the coming year. One ueorge vnavenavauie, tiernara- . th f. .u v, ,arr, Winnprs at. Mhist uhirh tnnk 1 v , a. mi V Hlt TIUI U - . . ....... , . . . . aktllg ) Ville, New Jersey; D. Bowerman, hn, . onri .hlfo elohQr.t . uo the earlv nart nf the evenine. rajects will b a "grand in the Ruff to take out at Civic Centre Diningroom? Just Phone 231 and we'll have it ready when Windsor; Mrs. W. M. Dunn, Ma dance in the near iu- sett. RIGHT for quality RIGHT for style RIGHT for color and ... RIGHT for you . . . and, what's more, your new spring Stetson will cost no more than it did last year. sale held in the school Friday ; ere Mrs- Lawley and Mrs. Nora afternoon. j Thompson with L. S. Weatherby Particularly notable was the! and Angelo Campagnola tallying home cooking table which nien scores for tne men- Danc-offered ln& t0 music provided by the a pleasing selection of sibili'v for providing .merit and refreshments you call. (ti) Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Campbell and George Kitselas of Usk left at the end of the week on their return to the interior af ;0 members of the lodge, R. Paulsen, Invernes; G. Ned-eau, city; S. S. Lelth, Vancouver; W. Hamilton, Vancouver; K. A. Svcnson, Vancouver; M. J. Mclnnis, Vancouver; J. L. Bent- Here Is Good News! The Skeena Highway Will Soon lie Open Before planning your trip up the highway, may we suggest that you have our service manager, Gus Stromdahl, CHECK OVER YOUR CAR (at no cost or obligation to youi and advise any necessary repairs to ensure safe and reliable performance from your car during the coming driving season. As Gus has had 12 years of experience in the mechanical trade in this district, he is well qualified to give you a reliable report on the condition of your car. COME IN SOON! women's auxiliary and Moose Orchestra commenced at as in the hands of a consisting of NeLs ill, K. wunaeiae, nay 10:30 with Carl Brechin as master of ceremonies. During the intermission refreshments were served and prizes distributed to the winners at cards. ter a brief trip to the city to attend the funeral of the late Richard Lowrie. Mrs. W. B.' Morgan and son culinary articles for sale. The articles were donated by parents of school children and manifest a great interest in the school. The function received excellent patronage, resulting in the P.T.A. 'raising about $200 for school use. Convener of the tea was Mrs. jlcy, Valemount; Eric Wilde, Vancouver; F. J. Hull, Vancouver; K. Graner, Vancouver; J. iJ. Falres. Vancouver, L. Dakln, j Vancouver; A. Bean, Butedale, J. MvftrR Vflnrnnvpp n and Olof Andersen. im" supper followed ,ess session, after which ering danced to music are leaving by tonight's train on on their their return return to to their their home home at at i! I I Jk I fV fiJ'l I ! iMMlilihuiMHiUitflirirN and Police Inspector F. B. Woods-Johnstone returned on the Co-quitlam Sunday niht from an RayFwsun on the 'schmldt.; P. O'Hagan, Toronto;' :ordian and guitar. Kitwanga after having been in the city to attend the funeral' A. H. Jackson. Toronto: O Conn John Mrl.PnH Uj'hilp Miss ITIpq Moncton; Mr. and Mrs. J. Chap-'nor Moxley was in charge of the insPeclion, trip ot the southern of Mrs. Morgan's stepfather, the late Richard Lowrie of Usk. white-elephant sale. Both the ,,' " .. , . ., . Ocean Falls and Bella Coola. , or ot nsncnes ingvaid ; man, Shawatlans; H. Davles, iued Saturday on the Butedale; Mr. and Mrs. K. C. itiuoii. iwm, W11CIC uic tea was ; . jr a buslnes trip to .Graham. Moose Jaw. Sask-" Miss held, and the games room, scene Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Woodside M. Thrisk, Vancouver. of the white elephant sale, were returned on the CoquiUum Sun-decorated attractively in green! day night from Vancouver where and white by the pupils. they attend the wedding of their In charge of refreshments son, Gerry, a few days ago. VanimrVc Mew England Stykl were Mrs. M. B. Lemon, Mrs. F E. Anfield, Mrs. W. W. Bowes, James Sabuurln l.s sailing on tl-io PriiWficc A i-li-l i, f r t.ininHt fnr Mrs. B. Roald and Mrs. T. Christ- ' Vancouver, planum,, w take BEANS CanoAan PM oi pr. pertrf at yw Ub tkt wifK melotitt and KWty 'tct 4 prk. Jwil up future resilience 0U ""I ; ' I S I . couver Island. ! TOO TOO I-.Vil L.m. TO CLASSIFY ' ' ,..w.7v fOV I . Ljf, 4 t .VSjf iV STOCK UP NOW! I 5 v.? i p m-. Tk..T, wirr, i I LOST on Sunday forenoon, one shatterproof shatterproof glass glass ventilator ventilator wing for automobile, with top and bottom chrome fittings. Return in any condition to Daily News or Phone 369. Reward. (71) HONORED BY BANK STAFF Presentation to Flatens at Home of Mr. and Mrs. Brvington Members of the staff of the local branch of the Royal Bank of Canada gathered Sunday afternoon at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Bevington, Sixth Avenue East, to honor their popular and highly esteemed manager, Arnold Flaten, and Mrs. Flaten who are leaving next week for Victoria to which city Mr. Flaten is transferred. After tea, H. M. Wightman presented Mrs. Flaten with a handsome "silver deposit flower gowl as a gift from the staff. Sentiments appropriate to the occasion were voiced by Mrl was directed by Mrs. J, Strand. Mrs. Hans Knutsen, Mrs. B. Pedersen and Mrs. Alfred Jensen. Serviteurs were Mrs. F. J. Skinner, Mrs. William Noble, Mrs. Gunnar Anderson, Mrs. M C. Brydges, Mrs. A. E. Martin, Mrs. H. C. Halliday, Miss Laurie Hart, Miss Elizabeth McBeath, Mrs. Jessie Kullander and Miss Sweeney. Cashiers wer Mrs. R. G. Moore and Mrs. R, E. Mortimer. The white elephant sale was conducted by Miss Eleanor Mox-, ley, assisted by the pupils from VU!1.Y KENNELS iRegd.) ;i ' W U - m AJUW ' civi:ns ;FrSaSe! (fl )kA 1 1 l ceding and Grades five and six. ersonality H's as advertised by me large kennels in CHATHAM HOLDS Wightman and by Mr. and Mrs. : rr "tiers nuw for OPEN HOUSE" breeze's lii.ii-r -- , .in 1.1. F've champions on ur on dam's side. ve Siitisfiixi . Flaten. Mrs. William Barton was asked to pour and assisting were Mrs. H. M. Wightmant Mrs. R. J. McClymont and Miss Alice Barbe. Aniiouiicenientt AH advertisements in this column will be charged for a full mouth at 25 cents a word . Rupert. I)ul'' arc natural lnd have Munderful i Mysteries ol secret wartime naval technical equipment were explained to a stream of interested visitors who braved a March gale to visit H.M.C.S. Chatham naval reserve division headquarters Saturday afternoon where officers and men of the division held "open house." Principles of 1 radar, loran, "IFF" (identification, friend or foe), gunnery, mines and other technical equipment were outlined by Lieut. Commander J. "ns. D REASONABLY f5 and pedigrees St. Peter's Y.P.A. Bazaar, Parish Hall, March 27. Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E., Daffodil Tea, March 29. Sua PaHafo onrt .Tnhc Dailtfh- i i . . . n, i w . . .! X. HUNT kNs ' ARE, B.C. ! Long- established furniture U " XY I J " u cuojr ...... j store business on Third Ave K fil . I SdVcd tilllC dlld niOllCy .111 ! The price for the stock and I j ' business is very reasonable, j I k I I I I See the owner today, 5 p.m. -X ,t Bought my to 7 p.m. gkklnsoi. I - Complete Ensemble , TV Genuine j -JZu ' sweet i 's Personalized Doll 1 1 Baby j rm- .r,U BUDGET PLAX ttV.V I ' NO interest! ""-n i t: 1 NO carrying charges! $6.95 4 .;?- H A N0W " GRACELINE I7', , , .T, i !VN xNS '1 l-3 W. 2204 Main St. K5T Columbia ALblJ x Hastings St. ' Strret. Nw ' 0nv1 807 Granville ' $Z Wt!itH,insler JI'ST Atmnmi ,oth Ave ; - - ,s . A Street 4 PHIf nPrNI'C N N 2438 E I ? 1430 Lonsdale 727 Yates SU , LrllLUKLM 5 v n Hasting St. I Ave.. North Victor RUBBER BOOTS ; '616 , , Vaner . Princc Rupcrt Commercial Vr, o. Kingswav and WHITE AND RED 2315 Main St Clarke Drive Port Alberm. . Sizes 5-1 X &Pf"A P .DS A U "The Credit . " ; ' (Vl YS ) V-aX How of QualUy" I BR0BHW00DS ! V- R vv Specialize In " HJ( ATI NO ""I EASING D. McRae and Lieutenants Thomas Johnston, Walter Smith, Carl Smith and John Quinn between 2:30 and 6 o'clock. Despite 'the gale, which carried with It a heavy fall of wet snow and rain, there was a good showing of visitors. Most interested of these appeared to be the Sea Cadets of Captain Cook Corps, whose cadet training is preliminary to that given in the navy and naval reserve. Visitors were shown through both the headquarters building which housed the electronic equipment and the drill hall where the guns, mines and torpedo were on display. In the evening, officers of the division welcomed a fair-sized gathering to a dance in the drill hall held with compliments of the commanding officer. Music was supplied by the Four Dukes Orchestra. rn8 Servi Station, Given C03 mrs vomoinea onow ana iviuai- cal Revue, March 29 and 30, Navy Drill Hall. Canadian Legion W. A. Spring Sale, March.31. Anglican Easier Sale, April 1. J.C.C. Smoker, Moose Temple, April 2. Card Party, Catholic School Hall, April 8, at 8 p.m. Prince Rupert Symphony Orchestra Concert, April 9. Presbyterian Spring Sale, April 15. Orange Tea, April 21. Women of the Moo.so tea at the home of Mrs. C. Mclntyre, 546 8th Ave. East on April 22. Rotary Minstrel Show, eve-tiiugs April 23 and 24. Children's matinee April 25. United Church Spring Sale, April 29. St. Peter's spring sale, May 0. Mother's Day Tea, Home Cooking, Sonja Ladles, May 8, Sons of Norway Hall (I.O.D.E.) 5th Ave. East, 2 p.m. Registered Nurses' Ass'n Tea, Nurses' Home, Wed., May 12. . PHN H. JLGER Her Ltd. CARD OF THANKS We wish to express our sincere thanks and appreciation to those who lent a helping hand and were kind to us in our recent sad bereavement. Mrs. J. Lowrie and family.