iPSSf EST IJtC -L I3S A3 If . p-; yi -i Z I L 0 ;V t v-itno-iu, 4V. . NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRTTIBH COLUMBIA NXWBPAPKR u TTTTTTTl 'TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT ORMES DRUGS o ... ' Blue gaily Delivery STAR : .CTOiVA. B.C. i PHONE 81 Cabs Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVII, No. 69. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C MONDAY, MARCH 22, 1948. PRICE FIVE CENTO odd Speed European Aid To Head Off W ar ar Is Property of People9Not i, c ru..u,. 7 ) - ... 1 V 3 Conflict Possibility Is Not Far Removed, U.S. House Is Told WASHINGTON, D.C. (CP) Chairman Eaton tnder, K'l'U'd Prince George Chavchavadze, SNOW GENERAL ALONG HIGHWAY Snowfall such as was experienced in Prince Rupert at the end of the week was general along the railway line, it was reported at the superintendent's office here. However, the fall was not heavy enough to present any unusual removal problems or to delay traffic. In fact, the local line, on the whole, has uiuiiii. .j vwiii, niiuuc tlOnill JHclillft) on is iiif as mucn me property 01 tne av- ,,,.(,n as it is ui me onist wnu itmuuures exceptional skill. ce Chavchavaaze, who arrivcu in me city (Republican-New Jersey) of the House of Representatives foreign affairs committee said today that the Sunday night and will play a MMWlW il WT It 1 had a good winter from the snow w 7 "". 3...:... j ""1"1J it4" r ha A standpoint. recital at the Civic Centre, has a tremendous enthusiasm both for people and for music and he does not make the mistake possibility of a third world war is not very remote. Eaton was asking the riojse rules committee to send to the House floor quickly legislation for $6,205,000,- SfSSS&5, CGO worth of economic and mili- Berlin Meet Boycotted f ; ' I or arbitrarily trying to divide the X w ft 1 tW0- PernftP that ' wnv he U I J , 80 successful with both. (j r Vivacious and last talking, K-p J both with voice and gesture, the DAILY NEWS HONORS BABY tary aid for western Europe, China, Greece and Turkey. I Meantime senators called upon the Truman administration for secret date on the cold war wich communism. Senator Styles Bridges (Republican -New Hampshire), told a reporter that the TERRACE Numerous special gifts have been coming to baby Richard Alexander, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kerr and first child to be born in .v ... h ..... uv. . ...iiw w rr the steamer Coqultlam last night and literally within an hour was giving himself and the Civic Centre's concert piano a work armed services committee hopes the new Red Cross outpost 1 10 0nd from secretary of state . Consternation la Caused By Latest Move of . Russians In Germany 1 MOSCOW (CP) Departure of Russian representatives from Saturday's Allied Control Council meeting in Berlin caused "unusual consternation and complete confusion" among western representa George Marshall and Defence Secretary Forrestall "if anl i where we intenu to fight." I cayr,.wi unniwim l in li ifi ' 'i f . ' j hospital , which was omciaiy opened last week. One of the gifts is a handsome sterling silver baby cup, suitably engraved, sent by the Prince rfupert Daily News to mark out that was almost a recital. After giving his attention to Chopin's most difficult etudes In the empty auditorium he said with a friendly grin: "My fingers are stiff. I have not Used for three days." The piano. It turned out, was " ,J Mil iiirf-."4M Mrs. A. W. Lipsin returned to the city Sunday by air from a the happy occasion. PIANIST HERE ;orge Chavchavadze. - trip to Vancouver. - GUATAMALAN AMBASSADOR SEES NO RIFT WITH BRITAIN Following a conference with U.S. Secretary of State Marshall, Ismael Gonzalez-Arevalo, new Guatemalan ambassador, said that as far as he knows there will be no break in diplomatic relations with Great Britain over the appearance of three British warships in waters of his country. The ambassador Is shown pointing to the area on a map. His call on the U.S. secretary of state was preliminary to presenting his credentials at the White House. stiff too from dampness. It would require an electric heater beneath its mechanism for a lew hours before the concert. The keys stuck slightly In the 1STIC ftullethxA tives Tass News Agency said the Russian delegation had left the meeting "because British and American representatives refused to give an accounting before, the council relative to questions on a London conference. Despite Russia's boycott, General Lucious Clay said today that the Americans intend to stay in Berlin. extreme pianissimo. While his companion, Delos Smith, fingered the keys, Prince Chuvchavdze wandered through ii al Villi- In Co-op Squeezes Narrow Win nl Al Ollnwa in Grain Bill the empty auditorium, listening Then he delivered an auhtorita- REACTION ON TRIESTE ROME Premier Alcide de Gasperri said today he sees a step towards a United States of Europe in the proposal of the. three western powers to return Trieste to his country. A ff-Rt. Hun. C. U. Over Savoy In Final Opener TAXICAB AND TRUCK COLLIDE tive opinion. "The acoustics In this room are excellent, simply excellent," he declared. ed the House of Com-.jy into a fantastic ; saw a gcivernment ed at what amounted ernraeni's request. , However, Yugoslavia official- The Co-op five scrambled and fought to a 42 to 41 win over Savoy in the first of the best of three-game final series for "the Senior League basketball championship at the Civic Centre gym on Saturday night. The fish men had to stave off a determined and hard-fighting hotel squad throughout a battle which saw fit. piloting tne con- MODEL WELFARE SERVICE Edgar W. Griffith, deputy minister of welfare for British Columbia, has been awarded the 1948 gold medal of the Professional Institute of the Civil Service of Canada for an outstanding contri-butlon-ttr'nattorrar or world well-being by a federal or provincial civil servant. The medal, both sides of which are shown above, was presented to Mr. Griffith, during the course of the 28lh annual meeting of the Institute in Ottawa, fur his achievements in building up in British Columbia during the past five years a model of advanced and efficient social welfare services. 4riin marketing bill. INTERESTED IN ORCHESTRA HERE Princn Chavchavadze' paj-slon for music has been known to keep him at the keyboard for an unbroken 14 hours In EAKBARA ANN IN CALGARY CALGAKY Haara Ann Scott arrived in Calgary Saturday to enter the Dominion figure skating championships here Thursday. She was accorded a civic welcome today. 'ARTILLERY-IN. HOLY LAND JERUSALEM The British Army brought artillery into play yesterday in the en-endeavour to put down more intensified fighting between Jews and Arabs. An explosion wrecked the thickly populated Ira Street in the centre of the Arab section of Haifa today. A government spokesman said there were "very many casualties." Twelve Jews, six Arabs and one British Army officer were killed was "no purpose" 1:1 About $50 damage was done if''laxT6v,?herJby'll2 CabiTat 5:30 Friday afternoon when it crashed into the rear of a wrecking truck owned by Rupert Motors at the intersection of Third Avenue and First Street. Driver of neither vehicle was injured. Fender of the taxical. .n (arlirr promise to iieasure in two parts ' the lead change hands no less PUBLICITY FOR tnan ten limes in the final quar- practice, seeking perfection in a motion to do this thtt his art. In its behalf he also And has given advice and aid to unknown musical groups, and on ous" knowledge voted down, to 58. PRINCE RUPERT - j Savoy held a 9 to 2 advanl driven by Art Davey, was crush- 1 at .the end of the first Period ed- Tne truck- drlven James i Appreciation is being express.- ion developed over a one occasion has seen an or- ed by the Prince Rupert Public. luul Blm. ul,c . uua"ageu. minutes old before either team 1y protests the ' pnvSs&l m from Communist states there was a chorus of protests. ARE REFUSED ENTRY VANCOUVER Permanent exclusion from the United States has been ordered by United States immigration officials for thiee British Columbia labor leaders, it was announced Sunday by one of the men affected. They are Ernest Dabkog, B.C. president of the I.W.A.; Bert Melsness and John McGuish. ONTARIO FLOODS TORONTO Continuation of the mild spell left flood waters raging virtually unchecked today in southern sections of Ontario and ' Quebec but in some areas receding waters in the bill, now In the . chestra that he fostered, develop lich would introduce ' Into an outstanding success. Relations Council to Sicks Capi-lano Brewery Ltd. for a large advertisement featuring Prince "That was in Mexico, where state marketing jt vehicles were proceeding along Third Avenue when they collided. The truck was making a turn onto First Street at the time. In a small provincial town I bins. found an orchestra, mostly of Rupert which appeared In vari- f e .said the offer had in fighting yesterday in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. last Indians, playing for the sheerious western newspapers love of music. I knew a young 'week. The advertisement to expedite early the bill but the ob may conductor who had been unable 1 nut been renehed. MAN TAKEN TO HOSPITAL WITH WOUNDS Pete Wingham ,a fisherman, purpose in the mo- to gain recognition In Mexico Continued on Pase have had a few historical inaccuracies but, nevertheless, it was attractively drawn up with drawings of appropriate interest. miniitcr said "but I it since it was prom- SWING TO BLACK TEA Black tea accounted for only J. S. Black returned to the 30 percent of all the tea lm- city by air on Sunday from a WEATHER S.uuipsis managed to break through for a score. Co-op had pulled up to take the lead 19 to 18 at half-time and were again in front 32 to 30 going into the final quarter. Lindsay of Co-op had to retire for repairs in the second period, but tame back in the third after having three stitches taken to close a gash on his nose. It was Lindsay who picked up a loose ball with thirty seconds left to plav and dashed the length of the floor to sink the final basket from the corner which gave hus team the hard-earned victory. Eleven of Jack's twelve points came in the third and fourth quarters after his hemstitching job had been looked after. MacPlue's 10 points for the winners made him second only to Lindsay in their team's scoring lists. Rupert Holke.stad took top honors for the night In this department with 15. I Mallicr which : w British Culumbl EATON'S BUY OLD HOTELS Great New Department Store To Be Built In Vancouver VANCOUVER KPi T. Eaton Co. Ltd. lias bought the old Hotel Vancouver, the York Hotel and a whole city block to erect a department store and establish a parking area. Veterans with families now living In the old hotel will be given low cost homes but single men and women will be "on their own." Twelve hundred people arc residing there. The old buildings will be taken down this summer. ported by the United States ln.brlef business trip to Vancou-1915; by 1941 it was 80 percent, ver. ': : TODAY'S STOCKS : : Courtesy S. D. Johnston Co. Ltd. VKENC'li RADIO STATION OTTAWA The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation has granted a licence for the setting up of a French language broadcasting station at Edmonton. STORMY DOWN COAST SEATTLE Eight persons are feared dead and properly damage climbed into hundreds of thousands of dollars today as the Pacific Northwest recovered from a spring gale on Sunday. The eight possible victims were occupants of an Air Force C-47 plane which vanished while enroute to Portland from California and was last reported 25 miles north of Portland. was taken 10 rrince nupeii, General Hospital Saturday night suffering from a cut on his ear and wrist which he told police he had received when a window was accidently broken in a house on First Avenue.' He was taken to hospital for attention alter he had entered a Third Avenue beer parlor, bleeding profusely. His condition is not serious, despite a resulted in near ree ls of rainfall for any dicated the flood peak had been passed. Jack Lindsay, five-year-old boy, was drowned at Port Hope while playing on the flooded bank of the river there. OSCAR WINNERS HOLLYWOOD Ronald Col-man Saturday night was awarded an Oscar for the best actor of the year and Loretta I Young was gfven a similar ' award as the best actress by "i the 24 hours up s morning at Victoria. Lyttun. With cold Bobjo I.. 12 continuing to invade r part of the province I vt today and tumor-' ' Buf falo Canadian Consul. Smelters Conwcst Donalria Eldero . .-. Eldona untinuc showery. Fornast .08 U5.M1 .72 .70 .52 74 '2 ; heavy loss of blood. I Later, the police took a knife from the house and questioned a woman in connection with the I Incident. ' There have been no charges laid. Rupert, Queen Clmr. North Coast- Cloudy red showers of mixed Giant Yellowknife 3.90 Bcynon of Co-op turned In i , very creditable performance and J Ciocone who substituted for Uie Vancouver Bralornc . 9-2H B. n. Con 03 Vt B. R. X 08 Cariboo Quartz 1.56 Dcntonia 00 Grull Wlhksne 05',i Hedley Mascot 63 Mlnto NNNNNN 02 Pend Oreille '. 2T5 Pioneer 8.M Premier Border 04 Privateer 20 Reeves McDonald 1.3n Reno t" Salmon Gold 1' Sheep Creek 1 03 MWw today and Tucs- southerly (15 m.p.h.i norlhweslerlv inni 60 .13 05 11 31 ' 04:!i God's Lake Hardrock . Harrieana . Heva Hosco Jacknife . .. Fn. Little rh ... i c- Lows tonlKht and At Pl)rl- Harciy MsiAseti 32 !iti 4n decree of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. "Gentleman's Agreement" was chosen the best picture of -the year. Col man got his Oscar for work in "A Double Life" and Miss Young for "The Farmer's Daughter." Edmund Gwcnn, in "Miracle of 34tli Street," and Celeste Holm, in "Gentleman's Agreemen I," were voted best supporting players. MAPLE LEAFS WIN TORONTO Toronto Maple Leafs cinched the National Hockey league championship by defeating Detroit Red Wings 5 to 2 at Detroit last night. Joliet Quebec 30 .12 HUGE BRiDGE BEING BUILT OTTAWA Canadian Army engineers of the Northwest Highway system will soon tackle one of the biuiiest jobs the highway has offered lo date the construction of a 1,600-foot bridge over the Donjek River, 200 miles north of Whitehorse. It will consist of eight 200-foot steel spans on concrete piers and will take an estimated three years to prt 30 aiul 38. Lake Rowan Lapaska Little Long Lac injured Lindsay added a speed and aggressiveness wtilch did much to help the fishmen hold otf the determined challenge of tile fast breaking Savoy squad. Davis, Mel and Rupert Holkes-lad supplied most of the offensive drive of the hotelmen and scored 8, 7 and 15 points respectively to carry the lion's share of the scoring duties for their team. Haugen and Alexander proved a stalwart defense bulwark for Savoy and were ably .or. 1.00 .08 CAL TIDES Taku Klver 47 Lynx .15 March 23, 194U Vananda Congress Pacific Eastern .03' 4 .05 u:1J 20.0 feet 12:15 21.5 feci 5.0 feet, 18:38 2.0 fed htM) Til x7 Madsen Red Lake 2.80 McKcnzie Red Lake 45 McLeod Cockshutt 1.15 Moncta 3 Negus 2.20 Noranda 45.50 Louvicourt -S9 Pickle Crow 2.05 Regcourt 06 San Antonio 4.10 Senator Rouyn 45 Sherflt Gordon 1-83 Steep Rock 1-0" f HW The Fiiiiiish Hedley Amalg 3 Spud Valley HVi Silbak Premier Oils . A. P. Con 20 Calmont 4S C. & E 410 Home 6-30 Toronto Athona 6'' Aumaque 0 Beattle 62 Bevcourt 40 abbclted by the occasional appearance of Sev Dominato. Saturday's victory gives the Co-op squad a one-game bulge in the race 'for the league trophy and the battle continues into the second round on Tuesday i Continued on Page Four) " .arrivl today in J 'nutructio,, ac treaty similar a th Soviet Until the office of R. E. Montador is re-opened COAL ACCOUNTS may be paid at the temporary office, NO. 7 STONE BUILDING or at THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA ALBERT AND McCAFFERY LTD. CWAV, GUILDERS' SUPPLIES PHONE 116 Stureeon River io nmi,)a, Hun. 28 Silver Miller "ulBaria. MEANING OF BROADLOOM LX-AMBASSADOR WARNS AGAINST RUSSIA A sombre note was sounded by, William Christian Bullitt, former U.S. ambassador to Moscow,, when he appeared before the House foreign affairs committee hearing on aid for China in Washington, D.C. Mr. Bullitt stated flatly that Russia is "in preparation for an attack on the United States" and that he country is in grave danger. He is shown here (right) with representative Charles Eaton, of New Jersey, chairman of the committee.',. ,! ! Broadloom refers, to any car pet wider than 27 inches, the JAVCHAVADZE. TONIGHT, 8:30 width of the original looms, and does not refer to solid color.