STUDENTS TAKE FIRST GAME Prfnre Rupert Daflp lottos Ltn. Monday, March 22, 1948 - . Classified Advertising - - j .r Insertion, minimum charge. 60c. birth M P .Thanks, txtith Noticed. Funeral Notlc. Marrlnge M on" kneaennrnt Annnunermr nu, $2. LADIES' LEAGUE BOWLING PLAY Miller Bay, Manson's and Toilers Are Clean Sweep Victor Clean sweep victories were won rrww; . r W U W 'J-! INFREQUENT OCCURENCE !; Triplets happen only once everT e-m birthH. maternity records show. , . FOR SALE FOR SALE Piano, Phone Green 633. (74, FOR SALE Pacific Type Steel Heating Boiler, Nominal 76 H P., No. 8523. Plus 2- H P. Electric Motors ana miscellaneous parts. Phone 842 Evenings Red 399 or Write P.O. Box 927, Prince Rupert. (74) FOR RENT FOR RENT Furnished two room suite with shower. 1235 Park Avenue. i7i or 4 rruim anitp furnished or unfurnished,' reasonable. 623 3rd Ave. W FOR at 1008 6lh Ave. E. Partly furnished. $20 month. Prince Rupert Realty Co. . (tf) FOR RENT-Three-room tut with private bath. Xurnish-- 111 nr,i..Wl T aa f, j w ( iv M. 1VIH 11 1 . l.f FOR. RENT One sleeping room j 801 Borden Street. (tf) FOR RENT - Newly decorated ! single sleeping room. 221 5th t I m A L .. I 1 by Miller Bay, Manson's Jewel- 1 ers and Toilers, while Moose. Coasters, Orange, Blowers, Rosa Lee's, Sweet Sixteen and Annettes had odd" game wins in the Ladies' Bowling League last week. The scores were: "Miller Bay 3, Bankers 0. Manson's 3, Scuby's 0. Toilers 3, Lucky Strikes 0. 2, Variety 1. Coasters 2, Big Sisters 1. "rane . Watts & Nickerson 1. Blowers 2, Comets 1. Rosa Lee's 2, West VView 1. Sweet Sixteen 2, Cosmos 1. Annette's 2, Savoy Swingers 1. tugn Single scorer for the week was Bert Vuckovich ,Wlth 278 whilc "" MCMeejcin ro led hivh 41 - v 6""" i"r a total of 055 and average of 218. The individual scoring was as follows: VARTfrTY I. Kristinson 157 150 131 i. Lykenaard 235 204 143 1. dough 173 lo2 167 K- Cembella 9ti 164 UK) JVK'I J1'!!! 130 238 215 JAUUUll'.U Vr7 -J -I ni II v jr.: ve. G8) DANGER OF WIRES 4,co0-volt wires imperilled the lives and hampered the fight of Quebec City firemen to subdue a $5OC.'J00 fire which destroyed the Mountain Hill Hotel, in which three lives were lost; "Very dangerous," said Fire Chief Rosaire Beau-lieu or the lce-encrusted -wires, shown here. "We couldn't get near the fire because of these wires until the current was -eut off. Firemen are always in danger and their wor is made harder af, a result of overhead power lines." Chief Beaulieu and other Canadian fire chiefs have long urged removal of poles and wires to end a grave menace to public safety. : - Victoria's" choice Ottawa was chosen to ke- the capital of Canada in 1858 by Queen victoria. Its - orifelnal name was Byt0wn. f Professional IONES NEWS STAnTT We handle Eastern and Wester Papers. Swedish-American Tribune and Western Miner xi,l! Street Red0rt PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs MIKE COLUSSI Plwne RED 739 1361 Overlook Street THOM SHEET META1. LTD. 251 East First, Avenue ERIC 8PBERS, Mgr. 701 East 8th Avenue HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP ' Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches. 208 4th Street Phone 655 HANDYMAN . HOME SERVICE! GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of ail kinds. Roofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners, PHONES: . Green 48 Red 894 ' ; ; DRESSMAKING Children's Clothing i. Maternity Wear a Specialty ."-Be smartly dressed with hidden expansion features ':-PHONE BLACK 687 84r t QC'ALITY REPAIRS rr Downtrodden Heebk and Worn Soles. ' I MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 74 Second Ave .'9lYT&E- m AXZ? & m (Continued irem Page 4i the fourth period when he sank a free throw that tied the score at 33-33, forcing the struggle into another five minutes overtime. This gave the Students the chance to store another 15 eight points against Fashion of Footwear's two. Junier Leagae Game Is Tie In the Junior game, both sides decided to let the fourth quarter tie stand and carry on on an even bast' in the final game on Tuesday night. Gyro dominated the play throughout the game, sparked by Marshall, gather and Young. Sather scored seven points while Marshall and Young ach marked up five. Raichford and Bill, scoring six and eight points respectively, carried the offensive for 6i 'idxi, while Helin starred on the defence for the Taximen. ! Neither side made a partciu- larly good showing, either from tne standpoint of shooting or passing. , The scoring; Intermediate Bo-Me-Hl Scherk 17, Shier 16, Spring 4, Olson 4, Davidson, Carlson, Boulter. Fashion Footwear Slatta 11, Menzieg 8, Intermedia, Teng 4, Vuckovich, James. liU 3, Arn-sten 11. '- i ... IimioT 65 Taxi Bill 8, Ratchford 6, Holt, Martinsen, Van Pykstra, Helin 2, Sedgwick 2, Antone, Olson. Gyro Marshall 5, Sather 7, Young 5, MacAra, Hartwlg 1, Hills, Toderas, MacFarlane. MIXED 'A FIVE PIN SCHEDULE Scneduie lor the uurd part oi the Mixed "A" Bowling League u as ioi tows: ( Marcn 24 Midgets vs. Kilowatts, Thistles vs. Pioneers, hangpinners vs. Doagers, Heaa-j pinners k. Atomics. , McMeeicins i vs. Pushovers, Mamc L,eais vs uola tieais. iviarcn 31 " McMeeklns vs. Heacipinnefs. Pushovers vs. iiKiuor. Atomics vs. Thistles, Mapie Leafs vs. Pioneers, Kilowatts vs. Gold Seals, Midgets vs."unners. April 7 Atomics vs. Pioneers.! McMeeklns vs. Kilowatts. Head-1 pinners vs. -Gold Seals. Midgets 1 vs. uouuers. A.muoinners vs. Maple Leafs. Pushovers . vs. Thistles. I April 14 Pushovers vs. Maple Leafs. Dodfears vs. Gold Seals, Kinersvs T htettei McMeeklns vs. Maple Leafs. Headpinners vs. Kilowatts. Dod jiers s. Pioneers, Midgets vs. Pushovers April niii 28 P McMeekins IVllIVACJCTJYUin vs. Thistles. Headpinners vs. Maple I.eafs, Kinstpinners vs. Pioneers, rnsnovers vs. uoia oeais. mhi- tets vs. Atomics. . Dodgers vs. Kilowatts. Mav -5 KinDinners vs. Gold Seals. Pushovers, vs. Kilowatts, I Atomics vs. Maple Iofs. Mid- gets vs. Pioneers. McMeekins vs. Dodgers. Headpinners vs. Thistles. - , SCHEDULE OF MIXED BOWLS Mnrch 28 Cougnrs vs. Mlsa or Hits. C.Y.O. vs. Brownwoods. Ideal Df'ter-genls vs. B.C. Packors. Triple XXX vs Islanders April 4 Tdeal Detergents vs. Triple XXX. Islanders v. BC. Packers. C Y. O. vs. Cougarss Miss or Hits v Brownwoods April 11 Cougars vs. Triple XXX Islanders vs Miss or Hits. B C Packers vs. CC.Y.O., Ideal Detergents vs. Brownwoods. April 18 CTO vs. Ideal Deter- sents. BC. Packers vs. Brownwoods. Triple XXX vs. Miss or Hits. Couears vs. Islander) April 25 Miss or Hits vw. BC FIRES KILLED 500 . HALIFAX, 9-Fires in Nova Scotia have killed more than 500 persons and have cost the prov- tnce $50,000,000 during the lasti years. Col. K. J. Partington, the labor department's fire marshal pranch, said here. He laid 80 per cent of the fires couia nave beet, prevented. , Busm ess and GEORGE McWHINNEY PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING P.O. Box 142 831 Bacon St. Phone Green 294 STEPHEN EPJCKSON PIANO TECHNICIAN TUNING AND REPAIRS Black 195 411 West 7th Av. SUPERIOR PECORATORS PAINXNO :: PAPER HANGING Prone: Blue 952 or Black 245 ter Hitchens Bill Thornton DR. P. i. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 SMITH & ELKINS LTD. Plumbing and Heating Engineers Phone 174 P.O. Box 274 JOHN MOSTAD CARPENTER AND CABINET MAKER PHONE RED 752 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accountant, Auditor, etc, Income Tax Returns Compiled. Besner Block Phcne 387 ASTORIA'S ! LIGHT DELIVERY & MESSENGER Prompt Service Baggage Freight Express Phone Blue 269 322 Sixth St Night Calls Green 882 Serrlng the Fisheries Industry Well (P.R.) Ltd. Cartage. Labelling, Welghinc BLUE 780 BLUE 980 We are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street Packers. Cougars vs. Ideal Doter-112 (tents. Wanders vs Brownwoods Triple XXX vs. CKO. May 2 Islanders vs. CT O, Triple XX vs. Brownwoods. Couears vs BC I Packers. Miss or Hits vs. Ideal Deter gents. Mny 9 cougars vs nrowmwnnds. Miss or Hit vs. c.Y.o'.. isianuirs vs Ideal Detergents. Triple XXX vs. B Packers ' m : , 1 TAKE CARE WITH BUTTS Iceland I, 42 or nc"'"v r.reen 6'2 7vnRENT Walk-in MIX ,.. ITnnv HOWL u. .. SfiTBrVtun Enfield erted Sporting Moaeis. plew with all Sights; Snnrtini ! yuso juj 5sno. Excellent Con- 1 Guaranteed ; limited uly available; Will ship Write Canoi, on n-- gt., Ottawa, Ont. 7H sLE--Simplex Engine i ji.p. air cooled; 30 to HP. Marine Straight 01 Iction Prfe; also Station- Industrial. Northern h.u. BYTOWN MACHINE (t) kLE-Fresh eggs at 303 1 r ... . , ' Ave. west. i v i ALE-16 ft. boat) 3 h.p. Both almost new. Ap- ,rst shack past New Floats. (70) ,ale Used Kitchen Ran- wood and coal, Kitchen Electric Sewing da-Electric Ironer, China art, Electric and Battery 5-piece Bedroom Suite, .daire. New Kitchen Ran-! best quality. Other useful at real saving prices, and look them over. Furniture Co. Black 324. to ALE-Scrap wood, random s. 1 cord. $C.OO; 3 cords, Phone Green 977. (86) A L - Gr&ham-Page "29 cheap; needs repair. Red 495. (09) ALE -5 roun house, 2 nd full basement. 1733 Ave. East. Phone Blue (89) ALE -Kitchenette table. h prom, single bed with mattress, two coal oil " all practically new. Red 003. (72) ALE -Wartime clrcula-heater complete with 132a piKgot Ave. (62) ALE-32" trailer "Matt- Can be seen at Mas- B C. (78) ALE Oil heater, Phone 313 after 6 p.m. (60) pALE - Motorcycle, Al Apply 942 Hays Cove (69) fUE-7,000 feet 2x6flr X 4,000 feet corrugated '"M roofing, doors, win-Mid timbers. Apply R. C. (tf) fALE-Piano Phone" Red (73) I.UE1947 3-ton Mercurv ft, ...-L " two-speed- rear "' Marion hnkt. 4.R x,A detl box, new engine! '' "ranes Jting pins, tie "o tie rod f,,d.s, heavy "". ana rear springs, Hunt, heater and all ces.sorie.s. Fully n-p'1m $2,500. Phone Blue . (70) ALE-Tctldera , n.iii u- ' ui we ic-ly !j 6 undtrslgned up of Wednesday, April purcnase of Lot Inc uslve, of Block 21. 01 D-L. 46fi. Pln S10. ' "" lartT 1 t J 2 nsue' Cassiar DiS' Aether ith buildings th8reon and contents. hi terms y cash. o. F v. Administrator, Ad-Jhnmpg, court """-: Kupert B.C. (77) 4a r'Mn , '! B"" One Mi-n,,. nunitrrd Map 9. F 1 Thom w. miration of n? thot 1 ""HI. Publication rttt to tlMJd ,08t CertUi. C m. '."'"""me valid M'ch. AC- tl.U 18tU. fires caused by wane. , I i Many mo a ars ,vi- his vs. Kingpinliers. Atomics vs. people carelessly dumping ash- Kilowatts. Headpinners vs. Pio-219 trays into wasleparer baskets neeis. -. McEwen ""ZZ:: 173 106 115 Hn. j82 105 175 55 55 Totals 85:! 693 753 COASTERS i Scharif J89 ... ... Knutson .... fin f.S J5J i?2 122 Tubbs Pi Gilmour ...... .." " H? nl Denton 229 JH hi Al idu Handicap 103 103 103 Totals 768 685 719 BIO SISTERS Gomez 175 147 223 165 163 Dtokens 182 170 140 Roihwell Z'lZ'. 74 79 H( M'?iV-;;v;-r U 56 3 134 56 Totals 711 680 912 MTLLER BAY Peterson 273 135 245 Roberts 1(19 172 )4 M. Smith 106 151 132 172 1C4 Rom1"1 h.' Tr:'""' 144 103 148 Isrhoff i n 78 pn pn Handicap 70 70 70 Totals 928 809 879 bankers B. Usick 155 168 205 rj. Kenna 48 147 81 M. Baxter 142 165 150 a. nrisun jju I4Y 208 Low Score 106 103 120 Handicap 30 36 30 Totals 30 30 30 Totals 601 760' 794 MANSON'S B. Mnnson 138 125 135 T. Dell 184 174 121 K. Ohnstensen .... 8S 175 179 ? Cowtnll .123 125 120 D- Diorak 151 209 1W Handicap 56 56 56 Totnls 735 Bi, mi SCUBY'S T. Braun 153 121 125 L. Thornton 154 113 108 W. Bteeves 145 135 130 J. mormon mv w.i im G. Van Meer 121 186 148 Handicap 48 48 48 Totals 728 832 713 WAITS & WHJK.KKSUN A. Pierce 250 140 175 J. Shenton 174 131 199 E. Moxlev 156 137 142 V. Wrathall 156 186 259 A. Wrathall 167 167 199 Handicap 3 23 23 2 Totals 926 784 997! ORANGE I E. Anderson 184 106 176 E. Johanson 240 146 118' F. Gardner 155 148 223 I A. Wide 125 209 93 O. Newton 153 142 153 Handicap 81 81 81 Totals 938 832 844 ! COMETS N. Dougherty 91 K. Reid 105 McKenzie 112 I, Hart 109 B. McBeth Totals G67 826 726! . BLOWERS j Keaves Morrison 160 120 ilS in Hinton 135 138 173 Houston 67 103 IS Calderone la 103 11 Train Schedule i For the East ";. Monday, Wednesday. Friday 8 p.m. , , from the East . Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m r : without first making sure the I.. .If.. ,. n,,t l,UH.O rtiC Ju. . McMeekin 226 261 168 118 175 138 E. Smith . ... . -n P. Dickens 199 lua isi Handicap o Totals 896 , SAVOY SWINGERS , Kellett 83 119 132 Knutson ui 164 276 Mewies 167 182 113 Erickson 90 143 264 McCallum 137 201 176 Handicap 50 50 50 Totals 658 859 1011 fT ) LINUjAY nUIUKi LIU. ) . ' ' j i I :CONU AVENUE AND FIRST STREET 1 FOR RENT-Three-room fur- nisiied suite. 1038 2nd Ave. Blue i V. 270. ROOM AND HOARD d. ROOM AND BOARD-$43 each ?. double; (48 single. Sleeping ? Mrs. Lawley, 622 Fraser Street (tf)i M. KVOKit Riisrno B. 1 O. vlIDDLE-aged woman will look a. after chUdren evenings. Phonr A. flmn 688 (tf i I HIXP WANTED B. GENERAL Duty Nurses requlr- 3 ed for 200 bed General Hos-, E. pital in Niagara Peninsula. Straight 8-hour clay, 6-day week. Salary $110 per month plus full maintenance. Rail- B. way fare refunded after 6 P months xervlro Annlv tn Sunt of Nurses, General Hospital, Welland, Ontario. (69i D WANTED Bookkeeper-Stenog- rapher required for Public ... . t. i;i;uuiiuiiii oiiice. Must or experienced. Apply to Room 1, Stone Building. (tf) WANTED WANTED Old copper, brass, aluminum, tin, zinc, babbit, lead, and old storage batteries. Northern Eenterprlzes next J.0 Enternrize Grocery. 144 3rd. .... u.n.u. nt-ai, uur uiock lllilll mcoi lllf. Phone 343. (91) PERSONAL BUYERS OF U.8.A. products. We act as your personal purchasing agent, for any item you may wish to purchase. For home, office, factory, mine or mill. Address all inquiries to JOHN F. BRADY FOREIGN BUYER'S AGENT, 9717 Deni-son Ave., Cleveland 2, Ohio, U.S.A. (80) PERSONAL WE Have a Buyer lor a 3-bed-room bungalow Vi'ith basement and furnace. Also buyers for 4 and, 5 room well-built homes. List with Armstrong Agencies for best results. Phone 342 and a representative will call. (74) TENDERS TENDERS w:)l be received by the undersigned for the build ing of a Community Hall, measuring 72' by 24' by 10', at Dodge Cove, Digby Island, B.C., I tip to noon of Thursday, April 1, 1948. Lowest or any tender , not necessarily accepted. Fur- I ther particulars on application to D. E. Alvey, secretary, Dodge 1 Cove Ratepayers' Society, B.C., Box 817, Prince Rupert, B.C. (69) MACHINEU ft)R SALE ro SAW better lumber more economically use the modera and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National "Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. . MFTM. WORK ?LUMBINO Installations and repairs. SHEET METAL WORK, Furnaces, tanks, eavestroughlng and stack work. Letourneau & Sons, 629 Sixth West. Phone 543. (tf) TIN PRODUCER The Netherlands East Indies island of Bangka provided three, , fifth of the Indies' tin QUWuy before the Second World War. I Handicap 76 76 76 Totals 712 716 785 ROSA LEE'S & S. Ramsav 15ft 209 221 I. Ramsay .-. 115 160 251 z- Hedlev 207 171 164 M. Postuk 200 171 147 'E. Morse 182 161 192 Handicap 4 4 4 Tubs fil 876 979 WESTVIEW V. McDonald 122 159 119 D. Dibb 102 141 111 B. Saville 109 109 106 S. Hartwlg 173 198 143 Low Score 115 160 147 Handicap 72 72 72 Totals 693 839 698 SWEET SIXTEEN E. Duncan 131 194 135 F- M'"Kinnon 146 186 154 H. Wrieht 257 165 116 i- - 1 "eison ids ii 145 Handicap 45 45 45 lULais 00a vui 707 COSMOS A. Holkestad 133 135 144 P. Black 97 203 1,3 I.indseth 80 92 J" m. vererson rn i' 11' B. McChesney l'!2 159 150 Honrticap 102 102 102 Totals 662 872 743 TOILERS B. Ellison 134 146 ,57 J. Hill 200 139 G. Richards 127 153 135 M. Wide 153 126 10.1 J. Menzies 141 122 2y Handicap 78 78 78 Totals 833 764 97.9 LUCKY STRIKES r Smith 131 101 151 B vuckovich 231 144 278 A. Smith 152 159 151 J. Warren 177 175 193 Low Score l-'7 122 133 Hnnrlienn 8 B 8 Totals . 82i 709 914 ANNETTES Monteomer 202 106 160 Ot.ishnu'pr 145 172 162 r I IT PA Y.C rn M Cigarette I I I MILD, S W t C I, I PWmS SUITS FULL LENGTHS AND SHORTIES UP TO 52 IN STONE BUILDING po,, von, owm w,th rlMu M Service Department Now Open J wzimh. fi I t i : I lW BBV BHrn BBBk BBBBF BBBF VBBBBWBW' I .... M I W " M XZIefe I I ) Tobacco hSkJl PHOHE866 U fSatsZTw ' LXl '- . . - -f , ,sas?at. . ,1 ' --a-; D K I u n i v i K i rs i I I I I l H i 1 I I II 11 " " w ; ' TRY OUR CLASSIFIED ADS THEY GET RESULTS . THE TAILOR i sr L r-hfTlC CTQPCi . ". MEW ROYAL ii at r i nuici A Home Away From Home " 50 Rooms; Hot and Cold Water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C.' Phone 281 P.O. Box 186 Hollywood Cafe See Our Smart, Stylish PRINCE RUPERT'S NEWEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE RESTAURANT OPEN FROM 4:00 P.M. TO 3:S KM. Special Dinner Every Sunday 5 p4Tfi. lo 8 p.m. CHINESE DISHES A SPECIALTY CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN FOR OUTSIDE ORDERS PHONE 153 GABARDINE and BALLERINA COATS RUPERT MARINE REALTY ATTENTION FUTURE PATRONS!. We Are Glad to Announce That We Can Now Supply You With SPLIT SPRUCE and HEMLOCK C M2)W (0 UD CUT TO LENGTH Clean Handpicked 'Surefire' Kindling "WE GUARANTEE QUALITY AND QUANTITY" 0 & W TRANSFER Green 186 PHONES Red 182 CLAUSEN & SOW !J. We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING DRESSES SIZES BROKFRS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT TRY '.. 1 RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OB CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsetfa, Waterfront) Boa S48 ..... Pho Green 07(1 ANNETTE mansell i V ) J ? t ' If. WAtf3TSTAIRS ' K,,fil6trar of Titles (B0)