prince ttopert Dallp tttxot Thursday, September 15, 1549. !SALVAT!0N IARMY CONGRESS 3 B.C. Missionary ' Hirochima-Bound Young Ancllean Cleric to rrfT"" MONTREAL tf Boys' clubs have been one of the most effective means of combatting Juvenile delinquency, Vernon McAdam, executive director of the Boys' Clubs of Canada, told a service club luncheon meeting here. He said his organization Start Christian Youth Centre ttilBE C7 CAKAMAX TTTZ3 AtDr. BTT2AC OF CI iAiON8 CANADIAN DA.ILT NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION An indepfcndeni an newspaper cmtomkj o ne upbuilding of mnoe Bupn tud all communities comprising northern nd ntraJ British ColumDia (Authorised u Second Clan Mall. Port Offl Department. Ottawa) Published ttiri afternoon except Sunday by Prtno Rupert Daily Newt Ltd.. 8rd Avenue. Prtnee Rupert. Britten Columbia. STARTS FRIDAY The Fall Congress of the Sal VANCOUVER 9 Rev. Harold 2 nnht McSherry, 29-year-old Anglican helps boys clubs across the country. a. A. HUNTER. Managing Editor. H. Q. PERRY, Managing uirenor. missionary, who spent five years in the Peace River country, will SUBSCRIPTION RATBO any Carrier, Per Week. 20c: Per Month. 75c; Per Tear. 8 .00. B? Mall. Per Month. 60o; Per Tear, 5.00 rander, Major and Mrs. Yurgen-sen and will lnstal the new District Officer, Senior Captain W. Poultun. ! M j-' . s .III ., if ! - ft til' n i- ?i leave here shortly for Hiroshima, Japan, to set up a Christian Youth Centre. Last ytar he studied the Japanese language ut Yale. He will at ai t his cent.e in a lormcr Japanese parade Miuure less than one mile ironi the scene of .the atomic bomb blast which killed almost half of Hiroshima's J10,-000 population. He will be the first member of the Missionary Society of tin-Church of England in Canada to go to Japan in 20 years. He and his wife, Muriel, loinivr Vancouver school teacher, will be the only Canadians in Hiroshima. The 10 acres for the eonue is a present from the bomo i.,iot"d r 1 vation Army will commence in the city Friday evening, with a devotional meeting. On Saturday there will be a musical salute and welcome to Colonel Gilbert Best, the Field Secretary for Canada and Newfound-'and. The delegates will also be welcomed and the meeting will be of a bright musical nature. On Sunday the Colonel will preach at both the morning and -verlng services and at S p.m. will address a great citlaens' ally and on this occasion the .ubject will be "Our Standing Army." L. M. Felsenthal will be the .hairman, Mr. F. Anfleld will x soloist. Canon Rushbrook and Rev. F. Antrobus will participate and O. R. 8. Blackaby will offer the courtesies. On Monday the Colonel will have officers' conferences and ANNOUNCING IXXVItY STKAMIiR PRINCE GEORGE IN LOCAL SERVICE South Each Thursday I SAVO? HOI v. . ' , (C-"' N i5 " ' W. L WOOD- FRASERSi. princi r. North Wednesday For Reservations Write or Call CITY OK DEPOT OFFICE Prince Rupert, B.C. city. "It s nice tins, said Mr. Mi - The Divided Dollar HOOVER, the only living ex-President HERBERT of the United States was 75 years of age last month, and in valedictory remarks, he issued a warning against government spending and collectivism. He made it plain that if socialization of property had not yet actually arrived, the nation was on the last mile to collectivism, through governmental spending of the savings of the people. There is, he declared, far more courage in reducing debts than in increasing them. Taking out holidays, Sundays and average vacations, there are about 235 working days in the year. This total of 81 days work a year for taxes is about one week out of every month. "Spending," concluded Hoover, "will absorb between 75 percent and 85 percent of all the savings of the people. In practice it does not work evenly. The few will have some savings, but the many must reduce their standard of living to pay the tax collector. The slogan of a "welfare state" has emerged as a disguise for the totalitarian state." For those who are avowed believers in the welfare state, this encroachment probably will be considered a welcome step toward the ideal of Socialism, a joyful sacrifice. But to those who retain thcii belief in a balance between individual responsibility to the nation and individual reward for enterprise and effort, if is proper cause for deep thoyjjht. FAILED TO REACH THEIR GOAL Seeking the remains of the Ark in which Noah and the animals survived the deluge, these U.S. archaeologists, shown in Istanbul, Turkey, climbed 16,000-foot Mount Ararat. Turkey gave the expedition permission for the climb in the face of vigorous Russian protests that the Americans were not seeking the Ark. but spying. The mountain looks down on Russian territory. A Russian aviator first reported having seen the remains of the Ark while flying over Ararat in 1916. Left to right above, are Wendall Ogg, health officer and stenographer; Walter I. Wood, mechanical engineer; Dr. A. J. Smith of the Oriental Archaeological Research foundation of Greensboro, N.C., leader of the expedition, and E. J. Newton, U.S. information staff photographer. will finish on Monday evening with a great public finale, j While in these part the Field Secretary will visit a number of the Native villages and conduct i meetings where ' the Salvation I Army is operating. At these i gatherings Colonel Best will I farewell Sr. Major and Mrs. War- ilea! Clean Don't I The Sherry. "We murdered a man's wife and children. Then he comes to us with a contribution and says: 'Do what you can with the rest of the kiddies.' It makes you want to do everything po.s sible to help." The MeSherrys will take three tons of freight with them on their 11-day trip by freighter to Japan. This includes a Braille printing plant, 500 pounds of clothing for Japanese children and a year's supply of food for the mission. "General MacArthur won't allow westerners to live off Japan." he said. "So all our food and furniture has to be shipped froi here." Ray Reflects . I What About CROSS-COUNTRY and Kemunsce. TRAVEL with a HILLMAN? The railway is anxious to do roar, or newsboys fight? Alas! all it can to co-operate with I The west is a marellous land. MEN'S DRESS AM TO SM 0t f 4Ld SOX Now r ...uiAlMAiu"-" I " i MEN'S SPOKI Sll' There are scenes of grandeur, i and in certain other respects,! things are not always at first j Now . IrtIS MEN'S WORK SH glance, what they seem. provision of adequate and up-to-date hotel facilities at Prince Rupert, said President Vaughan in an interview at Jasper. When the Canadian National is prepared to go that far, there is small doubt of the ultimate outcome. For the need is here. Now Three Appointed To Staff Course OTTAWA Appontment of three Royal Canadian Navy officers to the United Kingdom for a staff course at the Royal Naval Staff College, Greenwich. MEN'S WOKK M '. Now Mr la H KnK a Cruawa. Caar.. W ana ra. "4 imm lutm, Httimmm A -delegate to the Anglican Synud in Halifax, according to a report received here Tuesday made reference to what he con- , MEN'S DRESS tA !' my Hillma II 1 inilM lim U TWrtmfUr. rtut Mr. fufi.ih, "and (hil wh 10 ill bow plMl I wuh it NtwrHv. mt t k mm ! kind of rod M ttt kiMh q wmiHw. ho! I Mf mm hc ck! Hok mi torn tmtm irwfci in mt wrntart full p hol mnd rmit i4mi mmmU M'trtty HH ilt rmn mmdrn. mndmr thot (uiMlitiont mt H.llnMn It aitttfinglt (obimvmM M b.Ml It rcMilt milt l a (clung nuttj lt milrtg buwt 7 nilti pnr atllun tlt 1 tg ttopt Rurtl Mil "I CB IDC! imry hichtt mt local Hillntnn Wti," l Hi forttin. Imuju Umm keH m mmtkm lut mm krw-ckw rK." ft lw coavenwac mi Hilimaa onr. mimimh Mtwork assortment, prrin: KEEP FLYING FATIGUE has been given as one of the METAL reasons for aviation accidents. The recent crash near Quebec could more properly be termed a disaster, for the loss of life was exceptionally Now A debonair young fellow, greatl; sidered the wickedness existing was announced today by Naval Headquarters. MEN'S ALL-HWU gifted in certain ways has been in Prince Rupert. The nature, ' FISHERMEN'S ft'! The three are Commanripr arrested in Toronto. He may be scope and seriousness of the al-w anted in B.C. He is thought tojleged infamy remains untold, so tut. Now mi, nrotidct nrt tmi ' t frwm icmh w tuatt MEN'S RAINtOll- be the same man who has been far as the statement heard ! Paul D. Taylor, R.C.N., 38, of Victoria anG Ottawa; Commander Robert P. Welland, D.S.O., - fitting relieving families of jewelry, here is concerned MEN'S CABARDIV! some of the gems having a value ' Full lined , MEN'S (OVERT! R.C.N., 31, of McCreary, Manitoba, and Victoria, and Lieut.-Cdr. John C. Smyth, R.C.N., 31, of Vancouver and Ottawa. The course will commence in late ; perhaps surpassing that of a i small fortune. Meanwhile,: it remains one's melancholy lot ! to dwell on the high cost of liv J t'OATS-Tups in ul fit MEN'S SLF.EVM" taaat . aaaj aaal M N 4- . va VA. Ari.ltgt mmmt ' nwar mwmtmw HiUaaa aKaaonaaaatioa t.aW! vrrft - "i7jk I September. I SWEATERS ing (still climbing) and hearken to the multiplying appeals for Aid. Thirty-five years ago, people who had never Been within a thousand miles of here, were calling Prince Rupert the wickedest place on the coast, if not in the west. No one worried. If Chey took the trouble to give the matter a second thought, they laughed. Allowing for human fraility, the city can look back over a law observance rec- BOYS' ALL-WO01 SWEATERS No . BOYS' ilL-KOOl heavy but in the search for clues as to the cause, the examination of all wreckage is always prompt, and exceedingly thorough. Metal fatigue has been found to have several origins such as a flaw within the metal, a rough spot causing excess friction, or an improper fit between two parts. One small scratch, it is believed, may be sufficient irritation to start the spread of a' weakness, especially in moving sections working under a heavy load. Eventually the structure is so reduced in strength that it can no longer carry on. The time may come when tired metal will be immediately recognized in any vital spot of an aircraft or other vehicle, and when it does, the excellent safety factor sustained by the air lines will no doubt reach an even higher level. In the meantime, to avoid air travel merely because of an occasional unexplained air crash is an excessive distortion of jprudence. We know of a small, well-worn frame building way out west. It's tilted a bit forward, the fin- 59 j BOYS' S(IKM)t I j Wdl-madf paint has changed to a sad, a j ord for which there is not the faded red and the signboard j slightest reason to feel ignomy. BOYS' RAINTOH- ! fittinr Little indeed is there to apologise for. ' BOYS' AI.l-W 5 JACKETS says it's a newspaper. Yet, fearless of successful contradiction we dispute such an assertion with every ounce of strength. Search every inch of There are persons whose Im BOYS' S0X-Sp- rr rout mow ri wotm ... err BOYS SCHOOl Shi pressions of the north grow npvrial BI-ANKfrrS-Futt exterior and interior, and is there from occasional tourist trips, a hint or a symptom of a paper, the screen, novels and from read or alive? Nay, nay Paul- what they are told. They canine 1 Not a symp. Do bulletins not picture a God fearing land, and pictures fill the windows; It seems there must be a certain Rej. $14.5 SUT CASES-Bii selection HILLMAN MINX FUTUtEJ II ADVANCED HEFINtMENTS I0UND ON NO OTHER MITISH (At IN ITS PRICI IANGI tOOTIS MOTOIS lIMITiDi ire Uy Strtal. t.m. . . . MantrM Airawtf. Ornntt . . a IOt-10 lan tW.. Cfnn.llla St.. Vanaaovar :! TRl'NKS-tiwHl Do linotypes click, or presses attitude of mind in which evil is usually uppermost and the Now .mt casual stranger be ever on guard. But as a matter of fact, It Is not in the north, but in the south that crime flourishes. Most of BritUh Columbia's population dwell in the south. That point is not overlooked yet re "BUILD B.C. PAYROLLS" Try Irradiated .W.' Pacific Give-from the heart! Salvation Army HEAR! HEAR! OLD CHAP "THE AWARDING of five contracts for new naval I vessels to shipyards in the Maritime Provinces, Quebec and British Columbia has been announced in Ottawa. So far, it would seem that Prince Rupert in Ottawa. So far, it would seem that Prince tipn notwithstanding the fact of the local yards and,drydock ranking with the finest in the whole Dominion. But really, Canada should expect that every shipyard will do its duty. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRING RESULTS Dealer: SUPERIOR AUTO & BODY SHOP Prince Rupert, Il.C. Distributor: McDEKMOTTS (VANCOUVER) LTD. garded from the proportional anale, the comparison holds. Haw many Canadians think of Victoria blameless, enchanting, correct, beautiful, mellow JOHN I Rl ILG RED SHIELD APPEAL JOHN BULGER LTD Victoria as a city that could be I . a D.-lirar termed wicked if the number, ol murders as well as mysterious sins committed there, mean nnything. The north may not be a paragon of piety, but the Halifax incident might help ex-plai why in some parts of the earth there is indifferece toward the display of rev?rance. John dw Third Za5 ANNOUNCEMENT As an added convenience to our subscribers In Prince Rupert, arrangements are being made to have all subscriptions fall due on the first day of each month. Any assistance our subscribers can give our carriers to facilitate this change will be appreciated by this newspaper. Some years ago science discovered that milk irradiated under certain light rays increased in vitamin content. These vitamins make for strong teeth and bones and makes P ac 1 f 1 c ideal for children. PACIFIC MILK Irradiated and Vacuum Packed i i . 1 1 FARM AND ORCHARD 5.74 Acres' HOUSE FILLY MODERN WATER FROM MUNICIPAL MAIN FOR QUICK SALE $3,000.00 Cash E. T. KENNEY LIMITED TERRACE, B.C. (223) BALAGNO Florista Phone Green 787 Bos 1193 THE SALVATION ARMY SUMMER CONGRESS Conducted by Colonel Gilbert Best Pl'BLIC MEETINGS Friday, September 16th, 8 p.m. Devotional Meeting. Saturday, Sept. 17th Musical Salute and Welcome, I p.m. Sunday, September 18th 11 'a.m. and 7:30 p.m. : S:00 p.m. Citizens' Rally, Mr. Louis M. Felsenthal, Chairman Red Shield Campaign will preside Colonel Gilbert Best will speak. "Our Standing Army." Monday, September 19th, 8 p.m. Public Rally YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TOO MUCH GRINDSTONE WfTCJW PROBLEM? j w ORMES DRUGS V tnr ISN'T GOOD . . . We suggest a little : 1 1 c.;;r'- for the household relaxation such as a Dinner Date at the Let u u: oil burner r- tjiday! PRESCRIPTION CHEMISTS STORE HOURS WEEK DAYS, 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 12 NOON TO 1 V IA. 1 P.M. TO 9 TM. BRUSHES GALVANIZED TIBS CLOTHES DRYERS CARPET SWEEPERS BROOMS DUST MOPS PAPER TOWELS PAINT ROLLERS EBY & SONS Contractors REPAIRS - REMODELLING FOUNDATIONS Let us help you plan that new home under the N.II.A. Phon Green 883 Box 586 ! Thorn js; Civic Centue Dining Room For Reservations and Chicken In The Rough Phone Red 705 THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. Dally car delivery service from 9 am. tlli B p.m." Emergency bicycle deilTery from 1 p.m. till 9 o m. and Sunday forlW 253 rn PHONE 101 255 THIRD AVENUE ',r'J'al1aal'i,