1 1 CAMPAIGNS AND 9rlncc Rupert JDatlp mew Thursday, September 15, 1949. REG1NA WOMAN LED BUSY LIFE REGINA o Few women can match the record of Bertha Ox-ner, who recently retired after a busy career. In recent years she has been among other things director of women's work for the University of Saskatchewan, member of gifts are received, they must be used only for amenities or research. I Many hospital authorities criticize this policy. Some say if puts a serious crimp in their Writes On Ontario Forest Resources TORONTO 0 Merrill Denlson, well-known Canadian author. Is to record the history of Ontario's forest resources. The book is scheduled for publication In the fall of 1950. The department of lands and forests will co-operate with Mr. Denison and research teams have been at work for some time. The book will represent an Ontario contribution to the factual studies of world resources now being undertaken by major countries. promise. BIG INCREASE IN COSTS Hospitals, unable to appeal to the public, were turning to the fund for assistance. Hospital and specialist expenditure In England and Wales under the health service has risen to 170.000.000 ($680,000,-000 1 compared with the 87.000,-000 estimated when the bill was presented to parliament. Health Minister Aneui in Bevan recently ordered hospitals to review their budgets with an eye to saving money, but authorities are pessimistir about the prospects. ; It has been estimated Britain needs at least 60.000 more hospital beds. Lack or runds to staff them is the chief eause of the shortage. WOULD RESTORE PUBLIC APPEALS FOR HOSPITALS British Hospital Authorities Criticize Government Foliry Under Health Service Scheme LONqON O1 One of the many question raised oy Britain s controversial national health service" is whether hospitals should .toe allowed to appeal directlv to the public for funds. Under- Qe health plan, hospitals arc not permitted to par-. tivipst-";tn appeals. If volunta j efforts to provide a first-class j service. j i The King Edward's Hospital ior London, which for more than 50 years has made grants to hospitals In the London area, suggested in its annual reporf that the ban on public appeal should be lifted. , If hospitals could obtain sup- port from sources other than state funds, it said, "we might yet make the best of both world? and achieve a truly British com the Canadian Association of Adult Education and the labor department's national vocational council, vice-president of the Canadian Home Economics Association and a director of the Canadian Association of Consumers. She will live with her mother tin Chester. N.S. cent Sunday. The concession booth was emptied of ice cream, pop and hot dogs. EQONTON (0 Jumbo, the Borden Park Zoo's ostrich, Is a ' crowd pleaser. Officials said Jumbo drew the largest crowd! of the year to the zoo on a re- I NEW METHODS REDUCE FIRES VANCOUVER ffi Educational campaigns and improved fire-fighting methods have reduced forest-fire damage tn most provinces a Canadian Press survey shows. , Brlti.h Columbia reported the worst fire damage In a number of years but most other provinces had fewer fires.. Government officials attributed the reduction to Intensive press and radio campaigns, and Improved fire-fighting facilities. - In Nova Scotia 100,000 school children are members of the Green Forests League, hear lectures In fire prevention, publish a magas.lne and wear identify-inr buttons. In each forest section of Ontario a lands and forest department employee ar ranges fire prevention lectures, movies and radio talks. The Alberta government Is conduct ing a four-week press and radio campaign to educate the public to the danger of dry forests. In Ontario up to late August there had been 1,369 forest fires this year compared with 2,036 tn 1948 In Saskatchewan there were 197, compared with 1948 s 211. Exact figures were not "ounnid.t. otore T-li. , oiUNEY a, h lp the c ome crvice Z T"e girls ir, -wans, ttm- t0 be a h-J Pt and rZ7 everything im . -p ousbanj, home. Key -oman o Mrs. Tv.1 - wW vnruTish, Vls a contiu,; '"u-auon for 4t ab""t 100 .Wlmifa' Now "d then other countries art " B'v'8 recipe uioues. Peronalityy lo Success Ai MONTREAL lot of personality i - not necessarily -t apt to meet wiit model Montreai-bor Lister, one ol Sn models, said receri; A U nuuve ail yrniK different, have your own that from the others,", For girls who ir. try the modelling fr Ur Uiinlw they ste ed in their own tin "A girl trying to profession finds pcting with thoust- more experienced a; ed MLss Lister start; In Montreal and in was "Cover Girl" Magazine. She trk last February anfi , setbacks finally iti siderably higher lb: whers fire prev are more extern; travel Increased it inces and tourists r. available in all provinces but beautiful face w Ilia Mili (? W W A M A N WfPfnl $ n nil film p p U Uiilil LLU y KyLfmw eLnJUVJ J IjLI ) NOT MADE FOR BEAUTY A disposable constant-flow oxygen mask which will cost about 25 cents when it gets Into mass production. Is the latest device designed for the comfort of high altitude airline passengers. As the wearer breathes in oxygen, the thin plastic bellows on the ma.sk expands and contracts, and exhaled gases escape through a porous paper face-piece. The mask will be effective at altitudes of from 20,000 to 25.000 feet, but aero medical scientists emphasze it is not expected to perform satisfactorily above that level. IN IUNGKR ZONE WINNIPEG O Three missionary nurses from Winnipeg are reported to be in the danger area of the present revolution Irt Bolivia. They are Jessie Hk'key, at The Friends missions at La Paz, and Dorothy Francklyn and May Epp, both serving In Baptist mission fields in the same area. I f . . and I WyiCKERS GIN VICKERS' if IIHIUIt IN CANADA and it Diimiutio ivCalvrrt This idvtrtisomcnl is nut published or ilij. pluycd by the Liquor Control Kuril ot oy the Government of British Columhii. Quebec officials said fires were fewer. New Brunswick, officials said fire damage was "comparatively small." Forest fire damage In Nova Scotia last year was the least in 30 years and government officials said they expected about the same conditions this year. Saskatchewan last year spent $25,000 fighting forest fires that burned through 250,000 . acres. Flief ighting parachutists stationed at Lac La Ronge, Sask., were believed to be the first In Canada, a recently .Installed fire-hazard rating system can predict forest conditions two or three days in advance. Ontario fire-fighters are bc- ' coming increasingly mechanized ' and air-minded. Besides pump trucks and bulldozers , Ontario fire-fighters use six Beaver aircraft, equipped with ground-to-air and ground-to-ground radio. Most provincial officials , reported success with the policy of shutting off forest areas when tire-hazard ratings reached a jS- pledge foyoyl dangerous level. The number of j for most of the 6: fires on private lands were con-' skirting major h$ breads, flaky pastiies, luscious cakes, time after time! Take a look at Robin Hood's unique record: 4 out of 5 women who win First Prizes for Home-baking use Robin Hood Flour! Only such a record of superiority could make possible such a guarantee 1 , Better order some Robin Hood Flour today. One baking and you'll realize why First Prize winners insist on it for all their baking. Strong words? Yes, and we more tlun Lack tlieni up! We not only offer you your money b;uk bid your money back PLUS 10 if after two bakings with Robin Hood All-Purpose Flour, you're not completely satisfied that your baking results are better. There's a good-as-god certificate in every bag that ' guarantees this . . . . . . and any dealer will gladly tefund your purchase price, plus 10, if you return the unused portion of your bag of Robin Hood Flour. Only Robin Hood Flour offers this unusual guarantee! And only Robin Hood Flour has this record of day-in, .day-out success in all kinds of baking light, tender MADE WITH CANNED SALMON vk ji earn v i. k. oril HAfiK iia;k ILVM 10'. '6 m . '-" v JIOSEY 2 - rprt HELP WITH YOUR BAKING ) Knhin HnoH I lour is guarahtcco to give mi f j 7 1 1 "v jr'B rrrrn sTisrcTtoN than any other rLoun milld v "-m -"" f Pfe! IN CANADA. VOUPl DCALEH IS AUTHORIZED TO BtFUNO TH X ., . FULL PURCHASE PRICE with AN EXTRA 10' I V "tfc-. " 1 1A if Arrrw two bakings vou are not thoroughiJ TTIif i 1 c. M'oor Soup Cad Sso cti f ... PORTION TO HIM. 1 Bwer Cup J" y -ac- : x . ; I'M i H - Robintlood Flour Mills Limilc n n, J!f If you would like any help with your baking any special tips, new reiipes or ideas please write me and be , Ub. 2 Tbsp. , v,rat wheat HE Wondprfnl tllinir T ;. r. niLereKiiniz wavs. glad to give you any assistance possible, lust lust address address vour vour enouirv enouirv to to me me vou vou Fi .. X i WJJIfl ft . M thoroughly, mu Serve ierve on o v' ' ( toast. Serves six. will be in no way obligated. Dirrctor, Home Service Department, Robin Hood Flour Mills Limited, 300 St. Sacrament St., Montreal f i nere is me cenmcaTe i tWUi 1 1 1 containing our unique 11 11 guarantee. There's one in j 11 Mm LI every bag of Robin Hood. fJII hi al.roit funnml Colmon to tUt tank if can k served so u . . . ... " . . " " '"rv .: ,mm H.vreniiPrt with iquic iiihoc mit nor sptvhik 10W. Delirious. llPult hflll it nnnlaiio cn monir uconlliilg nf anCtT, nUtritiOtl. t,aH , ,UI, lv vunwihio w wtuiij v p tr'i.nlllSP Salmon is one of the richest and most economical sources of Protein, V ita ' .. Minerals vital food elements required daily. Economy? Pound per Pun" Salmon is all food- no waste no shrinkage a thrifty buy. Sffve Canned often in a variety of ways. It's good for you and appetite appealing- EMM BB Shxa? afc