T -""TEST pn'rtfe nuott r7 tftrm 3 Thursday, September 15, 1940. 1 ...... ssinwiiimimT Our Stock of Fmous Juvtmile Culprit i McLEOI) RIVEK COAL h Completi mlil Ignorant of Bible LONDON P A boy of 12 told an East London Juvenile court: "I have never heard of the Bible." v , Y V Valhalla Lodge members meeting Thursday night.' BlCi Olof Hanson, who has been spending part of the past few month In the interior country LIMP EGG - NUT STOKER m A probation officer said the boy was a member of a Sunday DAKS Slacks: Made in England by S. Simpson Ltd. will sail by the S S. Prince Oeorge School, to which he replied: "We this evening, returning to hU home In Vancouver. 'i only sing hymns, we don't do any reading there." The boy was charged with re Uurdon Si Anderson tell; Fllte Casein Paint. (2i6 j Thunseiving Day, this year. Wilt be on Monday, October 10 Miig Dorothy Ebbutt of Borden Street will nail by the S.S. Prince Oeorpe this evening, enroute to Vuneouvcr on a hoiiUuy visit. New Fall samples just arrived Including many shades of gab-ardine at Tip Tup Tailors, 4th Street. President VuuKhan, Canadian Nttllimal Railway, and party, now making a tour of general .J Mrs. Margaret Campbell, wife Ut&McCaffery ceiving stolen chocolate and coconut icing He was remanded pending police inquiries. LIMITED PI10NE116 of David Campbell, Bella Bella, was rushed from Port Edward to the Oeneral Hospital at 8:30 last night by the city ambulance. She Is being attended by Dr. Charbonneau. W. J. Alder arrived from his !', ' ' ' I 0& I I - $ Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor Whal ft thrill! Bony limb All out; wly holtowi Bit up Dt k no longer scrawny , boly Juwi lialf-itarved. Bir-kly " be:tii-ple" look- '1 lioiiMamU ut (iris, women, mra: wrw never could guiu btors, re no proud of shapely, healthy-lo'j otitic btln. They tnhiA the sperm) VLirt--biiiltl!Q. flBjIi-ltullilioc tonic, Ottrtt. lu tcmra, BtiuiiilaDts, ttivijoratitrs, Itua Timtom calcium, enricli blood. Improve 4"t home In Victoria yesterday by the S.S. Prince George. He was here last, about a year ago, and Is In the north to look over general conditions as well as private business matters. Mr. Alder, who built the Alder Block, Third Av. enue and Sixth Street also served as City Commissioner for more than six years. iiiKpeelWm throuuh the northern interior country will sail by the 8 8. I'rlnee Cedent tonight. This will be Mr. Vaughan's lirst Journey uljo;.id the m w steamship. A friend lias received from Jarvht 11. McLeod, now visiting in Eastern Canada, a handsome card descriptive of the city of tZZm Is pavabie In advanoe. Please refrain trum f ',.,.,,. .,is 2c oer word per lnuertion, minimum SEEING RESULTS OF E.C.A. ASSISTANCE This photo has just been released of E.C-A. Administrator Paul Hoffman's recent trip In Greece for a study of E.C.A. accomplishments. Hoffman left is shown talking with Maj.Gen. Papadopoulos during a visit to the war-stricken areas. Gen. Papttdopoulas became famous when he defeated the guerrillas In the fighting around Vitsi. ftPliet:t nd dit.ou to locil liva ri Treuvlu nni Dourunineiit . PUl Heli OB bar lAin l Iw gettlH loo Biop wiieB yu , n Ui 6. 10. 1 i or lt. vou need b,r norma? wmhl. M U'i ;::t "i". tTif "" l" "" Try fainca iwtrei Tonic TaMeu for rww vitfiti taA bomii u-iirr" Uua very uy. Al all aruai, riii Notices 50c, Curds Ol Thanks, Death Notice., 1 Muriate and Engat'emeiit Announcements: $2. '.SPKCIAL DISPLAY, VOVULK PRICK VtiMtll ;a. 0 HUM' WANTED TO RENT Small ! Minneapolis. The numerous 11- nr,e plate Nn. house or 3 room suite, riionei iuM.rauon.s include, a view of the 122HJ We are pleased to announce that we now have the agency for DAKS trousers. Made with a patented waist-band, a feature which assures the wearer of perfect fit and comfort. DAKS trousers need no suspenders or belt..-', .. Perfectly styled. L)aks are tailored by skilled craftsment to give good fit, smartness and long wearing quality. Priced at, Black 548. 49. FIIUHT pieanc tjlv Ni'W.H uniec. HERE COMES CHARLIE' A Broadway Laughsation in 3 Acts SEPT. 28-29 CIVIC CENTRE Presented by THE LITTLE THEATRE famous falls of Minnehaha (Laughing Water, immortalized by Longfellow hi his poem, "Hiawatha." tZl&l ..uiTs Solar wrlHt uj. piimm Own (21Bt WANTED A piano or organ Conrad United Hunday Sl-IiinjI liall. Phone Black B38. (216) wTStED- TOKENT-2or 3 room furnished apartnient. Cull Ontral Lunch or Ocean View H'rtel- 218 Gunned Salmon llvallhy Eating All Year f round An all year 'round food, delicious, economical canned salmon is ideal eating for your family at any time. Fall, winter, spring, summer rich, nu Classified Ads. Get Results. FOR I IK. NT a suuetpan, add the fish and sllr gently. Pert In the rice, the sliced whites of the hard-cooked eggs and season to taste with salt and pepper. Move gently over the fire until thoroughly hoi and ' serve on a flat dish with the yolks of eggs, pressed through a sieve, over the top. SALMON PASTIES . 1-pound can salmon 1 1 teaspoon flour 2 cup milk 1 hard-cooked egg 1 tablespoon butter Salt and pepper Flake salmon and egg. Stir moistened flour In the milk over low fire. When thickened, beat Electric gramo- j(V. Good as new. WANTED TO RENT By Dec. 15 or Jan. 1, S room apartment. Apply Box 583 Dally News Oft Ice or i'hone Ulack 608. " FOH RENT Sleeping room. Phone Ked 471. ui FOH RENT Sleeping room'close in. I'hone Green 937. (21ti) 4 1'JUO. Phone un H7 Puntlac 4-door tritive salmon fits into daih; menus in a wide variety of ways both in hot and cold dishes. WANTED Room and board for worklna woman and school one child. Apply Box &81 Gaily News Olflce. t21l WANTED Two housekeeping g .n HmUT and ue-li,d Krip tires. Tols Jains included. An cur. Reason for What's more, whenever you serve canned salmon, you know AGENTS WANTED AGENTS: Take orders for men's . neckties. We deliver direct to your customers. No stock to carry. Write MurgatroyU Sales Company, Station H. Turonto Ontario. (2191 riKims, preieraoiy lunimnni WanU-d 4y cliKll te-acher $25.00 & $28.50 that for an amazingly low cost per person, you are serving the most in food value. For salmon in salmon, egg, butter, salt and (2161 Phone Oreen BUS. WANTED TO RENT PERSONAL is abundant In protein, calcium, Three apartment, PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES room house or apu furnixlied or unfu pepper. Cool. Make a ricn pie crust and cut the turnovers with a saucer upside-down. Wet edges with cold water. Put a good tablespoon of salmon mixture on half of crust, fold over other unfurnished. (21) Phone 70 Taxi. gj.t-r leaving pruv- Green 481. 12171 line 16 mm. movie lens complete of travel film. As IMI8 480. KO. Box (217 182ii. X Champion black--r, 2uu lb. anvil. (M. 1221 I 1!H1 Ford Army j ni.lcs since.. Nw fnu motor seal As n w. new van, carbohydrates, phosphorus, iodine, and vitamins A, D, and G. With cold weather coming on, twelve samples for 5(k; pout-paid In plain sealed wrapper. catuU-Kue Included. General Novelty Co.. Dept. 'PR.' 71 Major St., Toronto, Out. (235) here are two or three tempting half and press well together. Cut hot canned salmon dishes thai small slits on top, brush with iu.nhinna.-imr... WANTED By Dec. 15, furnished house or ulte. Young couple no children, non drinkers. Applv Box 1368 City. 1219) WANTED Couple without children, both working, Just arrived from Holland, wants sleenins and (on living room. Apply Box 582, Dally News.( will more than satisfy appetities niilk and bake In a quick pan. Bl'SINKSS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS FOH SALE Taxi and stand to conduct business on chill fall nights. SALMON PATTIES 1-pound can salmon 2 eggs BACK ON THE JOB MONTREAL H General Carlos Jaraomillo Isaza has re 1946 Pord Deluxe Sedan, lour door, accessories and higliway plates included. $2,U0U cash. Phone Ked 970. (217 1 job, excellent nih st. City. i2iui :nall General Elec-I ulavcr. I'hone Red 1 ' (if) turned to Montreal as consul-general of Colomuia, a post he left 15 years ago. For 12 years It Pay to Aavertlse! Advertise In the Dally News. 1 'J ' : ' ANNOUNCEMENTS Advertisements In this column will be charged tor a full mun th at 25c per word ' United Church Supper, September 22. Tickets now avail Here's a COLEMAN OIL HEATER , he has been Colomoa war minister or memucr of the Colom WANTED Reward offered for findln of a lum.se to nmt. preferred 3 bedrooms , furnished or unfurnished or will buy furniture. Room 2. Coin- merclal Hotel Alter 7. iii0i REQUIRED By couple and school awe boy, 3 or 4 room suite or house, furnished or unfurnished. Good reason-able rates for furnished place. 2 tablespoons cream 'i teaspoon salt Pepper Flake salmon. 'Add egg beaten slightly, cream, salt and pepper. Mix and shape in 8 small flat cakes. Dip in crumbs, then egg to which a taolespoons of water i While kilchen cab- (221) j - Snaiio excellent con-it, y lone. Also Koyal tu'cwiuer, new con-..c Kt-ii 918. (216) if Hotpolnt electric i..k1 coinliluin. Kna- for YOU! J V bian senate. able. I I J I Zf f ft I I Loyal Order of Moose Mens ff-7 Uer AV y and Women"! Annual Bazaar and Dance September 29th and Cl t4 liilftlilil Phone Mrs. rinney ... merclal Hotel. J220) uriurrn- One 54 -Inch steel i bicycle like new, fc'tljlaU-, 4 lube bal-i new; all at bargain f ue 522. 12161 ,.t nr r.ot soring, no! fov le B. O vuw CI1HV1 mattress. Box 1115 e. tn. Used Uscu I lumber have been added and then crumbs again. Saute In hot fat until well browned on both sides. Place each cake on a slice of hot toast and serve wrlth 2 cups of white sauce to which V-i cup finely-cut celery has been added. KEDGEREE (2171 2S tltli Avp. Uruent. -I - call U2! Jor (fl I7V r'-'i't;::::'v?n HELP WAN.'ED 30th. Moose Temple on the 2Jtl;( Civic Centre on the 30th. Dance and drawing for prizes at Civic Centre. Catholic Bazaar October 5 and 6. Presbyterian Tea, October 13. Sonja Ladies Bazaar. Oct. 28. Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 20. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, mm M'-w u Ued Furn-ure and olllre New coal and 4i'-n ranges, electric the Carefree COMFORT of an You step from your CPA plane fresh, relaxed . . . ready to give more time to business or holiday fun. That's because CPA cuts travel time . . . lets you leave later and arrive earlier . . . and looks after your comfort aloft and on the ground. WANTED By School District Nob" full time secretary stenogiapher to act as secre-tarv to the principal of Booth ii.;.H,.riai Hiuh Seiool and Oil llratrd Home1 2 cups canned salmon 4 tablespoons butter when not required at the . i ho uvnilable lor stes, electric press . bis ton hand inning jacks, heavy f'W paper, slightly and bovs' bicycles, typewriters, guitars, Nov. 3. ' Scliix.1 Board t dmv flees1 Apply the School Board Office, 19, Besner Building 1 cup cooked rice Salt and pepper N 2 hard-cooked eggs Flake salmon. Melt butter In battleship lluo-Evei'vtiuim at the B. C. Furnllurf 324. foleman . RAUIANT-CIBCTLATOR Raaiates and Circulates, Both at Sarna Time. CMvea Warm Flnors Long Warm Air Travel at Fluor Levell Automatic Fuel Control, Draft Control. Low Flame Fuel Saverl Delivers 11. DUO Cu. Ft. of Warm . Air Per Hour. IS OUR DEMONSTRATION NOWt FROM PRINCE Rl'PERT Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. Presbyterian Fall Bazaar; Nov. 17, I.O.D.E, Chapters Fall niz-aar, Nov. 24 St. AndrW ; Cathearal Fall Bazaar, Nov, 26. Saturday. Crange Ladles Sale, Dec. 7. V KNON NAMES Snceiler Khf,u,.u hamburgers! IljBI BOYS AND GIRLS -Opportunity for earning, after school hours by delivering Daily News routes. Honest, reliable boys and girls apply at f-rs; Littleford Hnis I Klllid i lintenmii. f. Owen Clamshell DAILY FLIGHTS (except Sundays) ' to VANCOUVER in 5 hrs-25 n,inutes S ANDSPIT . . in 1 hr-5 minutes PORT HARDY ir' 3 hrs- 35 minutes . For information and Reservations Consult your CP. or Travel Agent Dally News office. WANTtlDMeat"Tutter. Apply Kaien Co-op. tu, HEI P WANTED Man for lubrl-11 "'fL "..;i, ...orHOiblv single hik'k Ontppls; tm Concrete Mixers: ftlift Trucks; Nelson Uiaders lor Stockpile hemcval; Rice Port-IniURal Pumps; Nu-f"Une Scrapers and National All Steel L.HuiUs; National ! Better A TmCZ M I with LliM 11 rrvAvfl Hi Bob Parker Ltd. UI) Glidden Paints FOR ALL PURPOSES BLl'E 846 REAL liSTATK hawnulls. National A Sixteen Dollar WATCH sieeim u.1,,1 couvevors. wimatiuii from Na- womnery C0. Ltd, - (tl) FOR SALE Well located house , cKse in. One block tiom schools, store, bus. ruoll,1B' bath and pantry. On lwlKj fenced Inspertum invited at-ttr 7 p.m. 633 8th Ave. E or phone Blue 715. . FOR SALE-7 room house 4 !1J Ford Del. half BARGAIN j ies, good running Jiiou miles on a new rl-;e $1,400. terms. SAANICH , PLUMBING AND HEATING bedrooms, large g a . u c ... Phone Blue 370 (21U) FOR SALE-Immedlate posses-; "u am Dally News, i (217) 140 Ford Deluxe .'"st class condition, r' . Price. A p o 1 y rvlceSiation. (220) t-1930 M(h1p1 a"a.i We can today show you a 111 n it i 11 wiiiiv 1 I very special watch value. sion. Centrally locaiea ioui-roomed house on two 'of. Furniture indud ln 11;b,''1l,l; ln range and oil heater un prfce $3 4()0.-R. E. Mort me' . Phone88. (217) J24jnd Ave., FOrT'sALE-Bayvlew Hotel . as ; .,,,uo rooms ' A III "VmV.V.rn fHl upholstery. Phone WORK!. MONEY!!! These watches are for those : TIME!! ItUtUarr . Ml V M II II m - " " mi who demand good timekeep Moving, Packing, Crating Shipping and General Cartage and Storage; For Complete, Reliable and Efficient Service, call- Lindsay's Cartage 1& Storage Limited Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 - " ft II M II M V (216) t??6SS' 1-f,ot tro1- r" .Chrysler in A-l I will trade for lar- (.,,.. hwiiPd Phone Red 320. P. O. Box 121, Prince Ru (219) piutnnarg pert, B. C. a a 1 1? Ti,,o tirint) down nlsn some furniture. Apply ing at moderate cost. They are built to run alon for twenty years. Nickel ca.se, 1(1 size with hinged double back. 15 Jeweled, open face, white dial, fully guaranteed. 1130 Hays Cove Ave. I2ij f . Mutable for towing. ! Li?: (216) rUmlerwood portable "xoellent concll-JiJjRWjt Ave. (216) colored Wilton I ?, first class condi- FOR SALE 4 room wartime, furnished, Immediate Pjwjes-slon. near high school, $3,faUU. 'i iUO.oo. Phone 633 8th Avenue East-4 rooms and bath. lV lots. Immediute hours Weekdays ........ 9a.m. to 9p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET and THIRD AVENUE . . . with the THOR Automagic Gladiron ly $120.50 Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. 219 Used ShliwlM occupancy, $3,100.00. at vrtnn 11m riimo unfurnished rr.' $1.00 Per bun- $2,500.00 can be bouRht with : sr.n, .roP. sidhv furniture 1436 om Ave. v-i CHIROPRACTOR Joha F, L. Hughes, D.C., Pli.C 21-22 Besner Block Pbne BLUE 442 for: Appointment . HOIKK I0:0 m. to U:SO p.m. mid - a to P.m.. , BVKNlNtid : t Monday ail Friday, t t pm .lor tluwn unabU to come Uurlni! ,the day. HECEPTIONiaT In attuud-aiic aUarnoorui. - 6 room wartime, fully furn ished, 1st Overlook, in.zuu.uo Tnrtrn 4 Hfirt.imp. PlSffott Ave. ' m thousand; t ,,, , lr thousand. X . (43) xLfi Pjece bedroom . (220) lIsed heating stoves. Lr: '342 PHONE 79 $2,000 cash. Apply or phone H. Q. HELGERSON LTD. 1217) BEKNER BLOCK STEWART, C. PUONB til PRINCE RUPERT FOR SALE Two furnished houses with immediate occu-tMinnv ta i no on and $7500.00, MMM.MI S)Si ?'u "it Daiivj..i must have cash. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (217) w ... TT 1