ft niTr ptfnce tlupcri Darto Tat-to Thursday, September J5, 1S49. Social Life Absent , For Many Londoners Msmira news 0 TERRACE TOPICS I FRANCOIS LAKE lVnrJ LONDON (Reuterst Many o1 London's women are too tired U do anything at the end of the day except to go to the movies, according to a survey he.e. mm Mrs. Dudley Utile was hostess at her home to a misceliaeous Shower fur Miss Greta Cock- TAKE Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rushton en- i""""-"" '""- tertalned at a welner roast ut the last published lis of their home the lakesnore "Sleepy BrU1h Clumbla Incorporations Hollow" recently. The home was appears Skeena Development lilted with young poople Iron, FnTcol, Lake Ltd, $100,000, with head office Burn. Lake and ,. v. .,i ,i.- iw. on Kalum Avenue, Terrace. The survey was prepared by Mrs. Muriel Smith, community croft, anaesthetlcian at the Prvm a n Outpost Hospital who was mar 1 V Mi f 1 ried to Dale Steffansen In Ter centres director of the London Council of Social 8rvices, and It revealed that for uiai y people race on Moncay morning at a uu nuu a g. v . ... ,...,1 . i. .. nnnl 11 it- 4 I if L,thing pleas- civil rite performed by Constable I 1 . "7 . "MrVZr i The Torbrit Sliver mine, sub-'ol life does not ei.sk iiL!3i . , . sldlary of the Mining Corpora- "Verv few men or women took Brue. The honoree, who came here from England early In the year and who has been a very . 4tnn .1 i . t ...1 .( I ringcauBni ,al the first v this fall, void this by Mrs. Andy Anderson, now of " .lu ""(part In any organUailcr. re v.toHn 1, viKitlmr Mrs. It. K ! Alice Arm, B.C., Is reported to be ligious, political, educations, popular member of the hospital nursing staff, was surprised the cut- recreational or social,' vey reported. bin fillHi now mlllln8 al dailv rale of Jo,.es at the J.P. Ranch. I , , . J about 390 tons, this being done at an operating profit accord- Mr and Mrs. Jack Reed drove and delighted with the lovely ur PHILPOn EUITT & Co. Ltd. Lumber Building Supplies gifts she received. A social eve "We are surprised to find that LIKE HARNESS RACES LANGLEY PRAIRIE, B. C. ning was quickly passed and a In their station wagon to Prince ln 10 company siaw-menis George Saturday morning, tak-i many people said they had lived in the same apartment for many Horse-owner Joe Gibson lav. years and had never spoken 10 ors a revival of harness racing meets. He said that Vancouver their neighbors except to iay 'good morning.' " buffet supper served by the hostess. Among those present or sending gifts were, Miss E. Epence, Mrs. E. Mills, Mrs. Mc-Gilvery, Mrs. Sikler, Miss Mlch-aslv, Mrs. Stevenson, Mrs. Bain, Mr3. Mc Adams, Mrs. Dodds and Mis. Kaulbeck:' Watch These 4 ; Common Troubles Of Babyhood 1W tot hv bbr f tOM etrmrti ' BewlkMly from toeUiine fever, constitution, iiirrr n vmkeninv digeativ. uw aett. Get box of baby'a Own Tablets.' They help to quickly clear out harmful waste, ease) baby'a teething fever, jweetea , our Utti stomachs and relieve simpla . diarrhea. No "sleeMr" stuff no duilint j et. V ' 1" mi.h to a fMmder if d t aired, Uabr'l Own Tablets have been used with '0.tljnc and success for over 411 , rears br niotbera. Ol.lv 'it at druniista. . should have at least two each year. Recent provincial meets " have had only United States horses and Gibson says farmers should get into the sport "with the enthusiasm their fathers displayed." Try a Classified Ad for Result; tR WAS SHAVING SO QUICK AND EASY I Ing Margaret, Elizabeth God- The fisheries patrol vessel win and Jacqul White on the Laurier, Captain L. Sheppard, iirst lap of their journey back sailed from Victoria a few days to Vancouver. The girls spent ago on what will be her last their- holidays at the Tweed government patrol for tuna, of Harieh. the 194a season. She will keep within the Queen Charlotte Ann Schreiber will stay with Islands area, or in that general Ut. and Mi. John Kecfc and nelhborhod. So far this yenr, attend Burns Lake High School, tuna, although in northern uorralne Rushton will stay with waters, appear indifferent about Mr. and Mrs. J. Reed und also biting. t;o to Burns Lake School by bus. of oil drilling on the Queen ' Charlotte Islands, registration of the Royalite Oil Co. Ltd. of Calgary, as an extra-provincial company, has been effected at! Hull & One-Pece Razor A(lvertl- n, Uie Daliy Newsl Jny M'Gilvery had a narrow escape from drowning last Sunday when out fishing with his dad at Copper River, he fell In. The current was carrying him downstream when the doctor heard his son's cry and fished H GILLITTE BLUE BIAOES IN DISPENSER H0LLYY00D cafe ... Mrs. Owen Van Zanten en- According to a Prince George j the Legislative buildings in Viewport, ' property for railway , toria. It is planned to drill on yards for the Pacific Great East- a 230-acre lease. . - t him out. Fortunately, he Is MOST UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY none the worse for his tertalned ut a wedding shower on Sunday evening in honor of Josephine Marie (Josle) Keefe em Railway has been purchased I by Ralph Chetwynd, represent-1 A sawmill deal was recently fining comfort, ladf changing Jge economy, n, One-Hiect Gillette Blade just can't be ,hiing conve-complete set for lireatest shaving ilicred. OPEN FROM 11:30 A.M. TU 3:33 hM. We Specialize In Chinese Dishes ing the P.G.E. from Jack Cluff completed at Babine Lake when of Prince George. This consists J. C. Saunders took over the of twenty acres near the C.N R. H. S. Olsen plant and camp at wiU liarU be mrried to Judges for tie Fall Fair who'"0 arrived In Terrace on Wednes- Hugh Neave. day and are for the Women's' mm CHOP SUEYCHOW MEIN bridge on the east bank of the Mill Bay. The mlU will reopen as Fraser River. - soon as logs can be brought in. 1 division, Miss Eilleen Cross of, Mr. and Mfs. J. Reed took sev-the Extension Department, Uni-' eral school children to the Stam- J E OFFER For Outside Orders PHONE 133 verslty of British Columbia, Mr. pede at Vanderhoof on Monday, This should be before the end In' preparation for the start of the month. j Ona-Pil HllltM 0 Ken Ellison of Smithers, Mr.' and report having enjoyed it Ken Jamleson, Shirley Preston j very much. We are proud of two ,10 GiHtN of Prince George. All are ar-1 riders who went from - here, FOR rivlni,' by car from the interior. Chuck Miller who rode in the Professional and Business bucking horse competition, ami 48f T Matthew Nobles who came in first in the stake race He broke Highest Quality in Your Printing Mr. and Mrs. Murdoch Smith, with their son - in ' - law and daughter arrived by car on Monday and have taken - up resid a. the record fur Vanderhoof in Uie time he and his horse rotle I ence In their old farm home this race, along the Eby Road. Leaving Avail yourself of our experience and versatility. DIBB PRINTING CO. JEANNE FAURE ART CLASSES 211 NINTH AVENUE EAST Phone Green 928 JACK AND JILL KINDERGARTEN MRS. E. C. McLEAN ; Phone Black 112 or Blue 908 Sixth and Tatlow here early in the war, they have been located at Trail for sev I I I Advertise in tne Dally N-ws! 1 in PHONE 23 If II BESNER BLOCK eral years. iBaasaaaaa." 1 Mrs. D. Tuniilson and Ann returned on Friday from Vancou B B talUtM UIV' V. B I ver where Ann has been under B T'" ... Iw 1 I MONTREAL. Sept 15th There's nothing miui a gleam in a man's eve like the girU in their Summer drriw unlr it's the atme girls in their niart new 'ali, omfKB ! But be lore vou choose your Kali wardrobe be rare to be expertly fitted in a GOSSAUD loiimliition! There t a GomW fouDlation for every lipire tv.e and age aroup and your foundation fhoulii iw your eomilet-ly to do the moat ior vou' Vi". ("ioiMard's talented deaigner have. 1 BYTOWN MACHINE "WORKS Agenta for SIMPLEX GAS . . . . ...... -i- going medical treatment. KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 " '718 Second' Avenue West" CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Holland War Graves Given Loving Care wjo ii.iin.luliont u give you mora support lit you firliug iff af air! And because the lsinoiia, ,1 Ooar.l aarmenta are m:inufaeture4 ri.ut hew in re truly reasonable. Need 1 y more?, Just Arrived ... ' Brand New Shipment Scandinavian Records Come In and Hear Our Latest Records NO. 6 Jan Johnson's Wedding Hej o Ho By Rasnar Ilasselgren VANCOUVER P Grave oi Canadian servicemen in Holland are better cared for than those Sales Service and PartC Boat owners and users of In- I dustrial Engines are invited I to our showroom to view our various engines and Ul'f over ;' equipment problems. I j B. & W. TRANSFER 5) DRY FIR KINDLINO WOOD 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 188 lit Tmf ...rakee, vies or puddings flavoured v it h. snnir.iFF'.s TRIK VANII LA have that special'v dood taste your family l see. SliirriUs True I'ie irnni grmune in Canada, reports a mother whose son was killed in the Sec-md World War. Mrs. Margaret BrLstow, of Vancouver, president of the Silver Cross Mothers, who has just returned from a two-month tour of European cemeteries, says, Youe u.y H.-rf. deserve the hf of care ... that's why Id like ... u,mmenil rfimlnr use ot DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY... DENTIST i , Suite 7, Smith Block " J Phone 525 P.O. Box i.10 17 ,nrKtRS l no. 24 llalsa dem darhemma BarnsJomsheinmet By Raynar Hasselgren Nu Ska' vi dansa -By Eric Gylling and Alfred San Francisco Polka Almestad accordion duet Violer till mor -By Anna Svenson Nar ljusen skall tandes dar hemma Carole Larsen -By Solweigs Sang Langsel Vnderlige aftenlufte Jeg er havren sung by Aage Emll Jacobsen ipma'vii ii iTK i I After every It was white crosses and flowers be .uii only -. then and and mellowed mellowed like like FOR YOUR ROCK Hi CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed ' J J . l II... IT l.V i ''watnrv" job .. .after every house- all the way in Holland. NO. 28 if . A little navours a-'Vleniiirm chore. ..ruu !"'." The cemeteries could not be little augur ami amount ot Jeniena i.ouuu ' A 1 i Va tended more lovingly." NO. 41 anilla m a large tf:ll be .-. sr.ind new Mrs. Biistow, first Canadian NO. 30 Sol och sommar Till Ians med Karlstads-flitkorna mother to visit Dutch cemeteries as guest of the Netherlands war by Tage VICKERS' i oisnmo " cNo AN0 ii DiiniiuTie nCalvftt This advertisement is not puhlished or displayed by the Liuu. Omtrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Ekvall's Orchestra A. P. GARDNER & Uo SPENCE & MATUIK PAINTERS & DECORATORS Brush or Spray Free Estimates . ' Phone Blue 215 233 11th St. r your youngster! it a wealth of flavour f.unuiH ShimfT'a for them tomorrow f topping . . . 9k for i"inng F.xtracUi and vonr hand.M rrou-i is ehappinn and rouglinesa ...give even the most hard-working ot hands that Lady-of-Lc.sure Look! Kerp bottle handy in both kitchen and bathroom and uw. it u?e it ue it! "iour handa will tny soft and lovely with the oo-othiniz rare of Jergens . . .your hvisliand will lw of wcm "OIJ WfVef' Tole" spread Ms graves committee, says Dutcn CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS NO. 38 Trollco Schottisclie Pinnelts bondvals -by Tage Ekvall's Orchestra families have "adopted evtry one of the 4,000 known Cana dian graves in the country. 1118 MelvUle Street VANCOUVER - B.C. i j. wild lire, don t they? It makes mo shudder to think of all the GiAtVour Milkmi wiih ,fcarnatfon-and-Coffce, PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voitlng and Repairs MIKE COLUSA Phone BLACK 756 -972 10th East " V." ' bogus cures f Kl that common ion V MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 HTONE BUIDINO childhood affliction hair lice! I've heard kerosene recommended and horror of f WARM WOOLS for WINTER Says MRS. RONALD JACKSON of Montreal, Quebec J Home ..often be-unndy home when m-h in from school p's of pandy-slore - and chewing gum v :e a mi's of vour "h-tery ...m there's 'orry will, K.M.H. PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 J'ltiid handv! it HELEN'S i BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all ! its branches : 204 4th Street Phone 655 hewing gum. utrea i kinds! Hubber heel horrors! ihavmgl fio very unneo-ffHuryfor there's per fret curt cnlUd CLTRliX ouciJibl at druaitoren everywhere! So quick (one. fifteen minute treatment destroys lice ad their ckr) so pure so easv! Here's all you do: Rub Cuprex gently and thoroughly hair and on vour youngster's scalp, tiding a small quantity at time. After 15 minutes, wash the hair with soap and water and, while it's still damp, comb thoroughly with a iino comb. Works wonders! just be sum to follow the directions with every bottle of Cuprex I JUST ARRIVED PURE BOTANY ENGLISH WOOL 3 and 4 ply In a large assortment of colors, as well as many other National Brands. Needles, guages, books, etc. Get Complete Supplies for lear from linoleum Mrs. Jackson is mother of five healthy, growing children all were Carnation babies. She knows the importance of s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g a food budget! And Mrs. Jackson finds Carnation so economical! Undiluted Carnation is wonderful in coffee, for instance i'urie frum porcelain I as refrigerators ajid r you rub them with pergine! 1 ran Kpt kming Fluid at vour W or department store I as 25c. GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accoaitant, Auditor income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phont 387 Knitting at WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED : H. S. Whalen, Manager , Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 513 )' Te Your Teate . . . snd to the binte of your ' .d W7 Phone Red 400 f am ily and friends! That's what 1 say over and over again about TEN-I DER. LEAF TK. A hrCAil and in most recipes that call for cream. Diluted Carnation (half Carnation, half water) Is ready at a moment's notice, to fill every whole milk need. And there's no spoilage in the unopened can, even at Summer temperature and without refrigeration. 518 3rd Ave. W. HANDYMAN ' ; HOME SERVICK DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ".are the advantages ' CF.RTO l'niit 'tu know, is fruit plural jellying a , !l makes jams I';'1- With Cerlo T"y not one fruit J made into jam or ""'hat tender, de- "'"1 jellies thev'are! 'J'mpunr, colour and of the choiee, Fargo Trucks AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS 1 think its well worth repeating! Truly, I've never tasted tea flavour quite good as "J'ender Lenf'l Tender Leaf Tea is the tea that's n de from the UlUe top leaven ai they give it that added touch ' rest and sparkle that means r ' tea enjoyment! You'll find Tender Leaf Tea fragrant and grand-tasting at your grocer's. Ask for it for "quick com-lorl" for real tea satisfaction! QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave, PHONES Black 334 P.O. Box 1870 ioiiow exact- if d ions under the P.O. Box 1670 Ccrto bottle. 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with reinforced frame it 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame Si 2-speed rear axle. it ind1'' ,'t t,,t brand npw cr0D of Hcin tomatoes are I Carnation costs $J'V coffee you owe it to y ,t enollgh. -ndneCUP of coffee with , . i. ,,r next t6cuPs o cup :'"r""" atf MATTSON'S . UPHOLSTERING MILK. Will. ' '. u unny soutnern Untario, aid Lpr01"' "f them ...and vour family lin'v orJ'v'ng wiely when on Snur yj Tomato pkoductsi Wtlr ; 'V,,tmlr. you'll be able to . Cn. ?'i,h "eint r'nal '' Ml eZ"" Tumaln Soup as a !xm suits So cirin J ,,ary the amount a n Carnation combination REPORTING and , PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY PHONE: Days, 342 Evenings, Oreen 188 Pl.ona Blue 818 P.O. Bo 529 few cents to .1 until yw s" Rupert Motors Ltd trod DLaa. i "from It'll cost you omy . . todiscovet 330 Second Avenue J . Prftic Rupert, B.C. L 1 u" - ira - ii you I Wt "i , Aecrhup and , Phones: 86 Office, 566 Shop find out bow tc ',erCamation V Uee. Contented Cow" "You can "'f to exciteni( at to the flavour of main diMiesi ti t i -tUv.. , "''vantage of the new Autumn crop of pedigreed '" W their taate-wisa beat in Heinu Tomato Products that: