I PHOVINCIAL . 113 Victoria, 3. c. OWES DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHIRN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S RZWSPAPKa PHONE 81 Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port-wPrince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVIII, No. 216. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1949. PRICE FIVE CENT3 HEW COMMUNIST;. fider ection CONTROLS ARE p Near r v io rroqrams os a vh vwu via rgy ikm FORESEEN HOW ' WASHINGTON, W New blows against communism in Europe and the far east were forecast today by diplomatic authorities. They viewed these as coming from cold war strategy talks now building to a climax here. Top subjects for discussion at the foreign ministers' confers ence were believed to be the development of a new western German state, review of negotiations with Russia for an Austrian treaty, exploitation of the split between Yugoslavia and Russia and the erection of far-eastern barrier against the spread of communism outside China. merit on Wire Cost ROCKSUDE AT BURNS LAKE DELAYS TRAIH A rockslidc which crashed Into the side of a C.N.R. freight Reached by C.B.C. ransport Dept. AND THERE ARE MILLIONS MORE LIKE THE M This New York crowd is part of the 16,000,000 war veterans who have signed apDlications for their Insurance dividends. The applications are available for all men and women who served In the armed forces from Oct. 8, 1940, to Jan. 1, 1948. The dividend" amounts to $2,800,000,000. Ve ts will receive amounts ranging from a few dollars to several hundred, based on such factors as the time the policy was In force, Its face value .and the age of the policy holder.. Checks will start going out to vets about January at the rate of 200,000 a day. train last night derailed seven nt On Wire Costs Being Reached cars and will delay the arrival of tonight's passenger train department of Transport and CBC J (Special to the Daily News) NO BOOST IN GOLD PRICE I I f " -'(' -V- , bearing railway President R. C. Vaughan. The slide came down at 10 o'clock .Wednesday night two miles east of Burns Lake as a reduction in wire uaiisiiu&Muii costs COHSTITUTIQNALC HANGES FORECAST SPEECH FROM THRONE OPENS HOUSE WASHINGTON Treasury secretary John W. Snyder has icouvtr and Prince Rupert, which will Icr selection of network programs pver II is being negotiated here, it was learned westbound freight train was! passing. The rock struck a car I I OTTAWA (CP) The Speech from the Throne HART MAY BE J LIEUT.-GOV. & OTTAWA (CP; It Is reported ln political circles here that for mer Premier John Hart of British Columbia, instead of ' going of the moving train, throwing reyj to(av at tne opening of Parliament, forecast il irum uie raii;. oia uwiei cuia A . j ii 1 a J 1 f-titlK of commercial network programs ,1 j :p in the past by notified the International monetary fund that the United States' will not agree to a boost in the price of gold. Snyder made the statement a a closed meeting of the gold fund's, committee. It helped crush for a moment a South African proposal for the fund to study a new, higher price for gold. It is now $35 an ounce on Steps toward me mure complete muepeiiutiite ui Canada from the United Kingdom "Parliament. The Speech, read by the Governor-General, Lord Alexander, said that Parliament will be asked to ap icatlon.s between 78 CASUALTIES IN KOREA JAIL BREAK a of Transport :an BroadrasUng regard to the use to the' Senate, will be appointed Lieutenant - Governor of his home province. This explains the recent surprise appointment of Tom Reld, MP. for New Westminster to a prove a bill abolishing appeals piled up behind It. It was learned from Superintendent C. A. Berner's office this morning that the tracks will not be cleared in time to permit uninterrupted passage of the westbound passenger train which was due to reach the spot at noon today. The passenger train which left the city last night will proceed as far east as the wreck the ship building Industry and merchant shipping. the world market. Senate seat, which it had been SEOUL, Korea ., Seventy-eight persons were killed or wounded today In a break by 430V'tsoners from the Jail at Mokpo, a seaport 200 miles south of this Korean capital. to the Privy Council. ! The measure would make the Supreme Court of Canada th" highest tribunal In the country. ' Steps also .will be , taken to give Parliament power to amend Ips ol wire between i Prince Rupert, tlialte, Member of i Skeena said that f of Transport has Emergency gold mining assistance act. No details on any of the bills were disclosed. thought, would go to northern B.C. or Vancouver Island. R.C.M.P. BREAK NARCOTIC RING Ten guards and 68 prisoners i ' Jn relation to th constitution .pnP whPre haesaee. mail and The recent death of Ian Mackenzie leaves another Senate vacancy for B.C. SISTER OF QUINTS WED SEPT. 5 Rase Marie Dionne, sister of the famous quintuplets, Is snown with her fiance, Maurice Olrouard, as they looked forward to their wedding day Sept. 5. The marriage took place In the Church of the Sacred Heart in Cor-bell, Ont., and was followed by a reception In the Dionne home at Callander.' to the CBC to waiting company rd price for the MONTREAL O Royal Can matters that do not come with-j passengers will be transferred adian Mounted Police today an B. WOODCOCK IS from the westbound train on ln " provincial jur.su.uv.u... nounced the seizure of $80,000 were reported shot In a battle at a village two miles south of Mokpo. Twenty-eight prisoners and 10 guards were known ded and 40 other prisoners were either dead or wounded. THEWLATHER present, the constitution cannoi be amended without consent of TInltrt Kincrlnm Parliament. worth of heroin in a station baggage locker and the arTest POOR CONTENDER th east side of the wreck, Four of the freight cars are now btanding at right angles l i bring network I Prince Rupert. iC took over the I (turn, only sustains have been The Speech also said that the CAH CICTIf f DfWJM of two men ln a widespread narcotics racke.. kn tVia Jraob onH tforpp nff thA The seizure came after several , . scope of the National Housing rails, are parallel to It. . . , K . . , . .. Act w l be broadened. It gave TODAY'S STOCKS (Courteny 8. D. Jobation Co. Ud. !i the netwoi k .illy major spon- months Investigation of the rac i-resuicm, VSUBnan- nls "". na'teuils. but it Is believed that kc't by 12 R.C.M.P. constables "nls are heard. ' Synopsis An active storm Is approach- lng the . southern- British Columbia coast this morning and should move into the southern iriterlor this evening. In the coastal areas tho storm will be preceded by rain and strong southeast winds and followed who posed as addicts, peddlers and daughter will arrive on the delayed train early tomorrow morning and will immediately CHICAGO PRINTER STRIKE ENDING as a result of recent conferences with the provinces, steps wil! be taken to lowr the down pay- the Department vliHh controls a former Pacific and dealers. One man arrested was ldenti , , ...By ALAN-RANDAL Canadian 'Press Staff Writer MONTREAL ft Here In Mon-real Is a fistic expert who ana no lessening of his love for Empire and Jolly old Britain and all that, looks not too highly on the ring chances of Britain's go aboard he S.S. Prince George 1 I 1 , . I J V- ....... , ment on homes. fied as Father Arthur Taillefer, wnicn win iioiu up nci auuui- j a Roman Catholic priest. Provision also will be made for aid In the construction of a ; transcontinental highway. by showery weather and fresh westerly winds. Along the nor Bruce Woodcock. thern coast strong easterly winds will -shift to northerly during MacDONALD HOUSE SPEAKER CHICAGO The long end costly strike by 1,500 printers against Chicago's five major daily newspapers appeared . today near settlement.;: ' ' ; The strikers, who quit work nearly 22 months ago ln a dls Dute over a new contract, will bound sailing until the train's arrival. The rockslide occurred in a. rock cut. It was i not .a - jarge.j slide, but its timing was such that it disrupted traffic by de-j railing the freight cars. I The expert is Elmer Ferguson fi Service wires to Sment with the tjs's has been a $tk in the release ii'loik programs tpM. who went to of weeks ago, ifriiicemcnt on the rung of Parlia- Other matters for approval are. "A'.bHl respecting forest con-servatl6n.. ' . A. bill respecting assistance to the afternoon. Rain from the OTTAWA 0) Ross Macdon storm will spread into the in and in taking this view he is joinng sports columnist John Macadam of the London Daily Express Vanenuver 1 Bralorne 9.35 B. U. Con .03 B. R. X 08'i Cariboo QuarU . 1 05 Congress 04 Hedley Mascot -22 Pacific Eastern 05 Pend Oreille 4.85 Pioneer 3 45 Premier Border 03V2 Privateer " .17 Reeves McDonald 227 Reno 04 i Sheep Creek ' 1-18 Silbak Premier - 38 Taku River .24 Vananda 10 Salmon Gold 12 Spud Valley 08 Oils Anclo Canadian 3-70 A. P. Con .18 aid, Liberal member for the On terior sections of the province tarlo constituency of Brantford, during the late afternoon" and vote Sunday on terms agreed oday was elected speaker of the evening. House of Commons during a . Forecast SUSPENSION OF SEAMEN'S UNION upon last night by union and publishers' representatives. brief meeting of members prior; ..,. Tug In Distress In Gulf of Alaska SEATTLE, & Coast Guard headquarters here reported enriv tnriav that six nersons had Over- The. new pact calls for .wage l m, rmal rmonlntr of thft " vuaov Increases of $10 a week. The with Intermittent rain this first session of Canada's twenty-. TO BRING FIGHT Union originally had demanded morn ng oecomu., v uouy w,u, first Parliament. Fergie note3 that Macadam has tossed out the window the tradition that Britons always stick together, also the ola school tie and the jolly dish ol afternoon tea. He quite bluntly wants the British heavyweight written off as a serious contender for the world title. "What can you make of a heavyweight title aspirant whr admits taking a sucker punch, prepares for his next Important CALGARIf CT The executive apayboostof $15aweek. Wage3jabandoned the strlcken tug before the strike were $85.50 for, Af ak m Sw wind.whipped occasional snowers uus niier-noon and evening. Cloudjr with scattered showers Friday. Wlnd3 IDS LEAD U FINALS f J Burrard yd an upset vic-f league-leading f"t Adanacs, wln-Mve them a 3-2 of the Trades and Labor Con BIG FOUR MEET a 30'4-hour week for day snlu Gulf of Alaska. The Coast gress of Canada today recommended at the annual conven easterly (25) this morning, ,( shifting to northerly (20) this afternoon and evening. Winds tion the eviction of the Can Atlantic 69 IS PROBABLE MOSCOW tt Foreign Minister Andrei Vishlnsky, slated to head the Russian delegation at the United Nations Assembly in New York next week, Is ex northwesterly (20) Friday. -Little adian Seamen's Union. At the opening of the conven over the Royal change ln temperature.? Low ljthp inter-city la- fight by breaking stones and Hon, the executive asked the tonight and high Friday at Port "yoff finals. The getting a chip In his eye?" Asks? more than 900 delegates to slated here to- Guard said the vessel had radioed that the six went over the side in a 14-foot lifeboat and that there was no land In sight. ATOMIC TALKS START TUESDAY OTTAWA Ch Canada, the United States and Britain will discuss their relations in . the field of atomic research in Macadam. "And who trains lor Hardy, Masset and Prince Rupert, 50 and 60. a world fight by driving a truck pected to press for a new meeting of the Big Four foreign min and $91 for 36v4-hour weex withe night shift. The strike against the dallies Is believed to be the longest against any group of metropolitan newspapers. But the newspapersthe Tribune, DaUy Sun-Tlmcs, Dally News, Herald-American and Journal, have not missed a day's publication since the strike began on November 24, 1947. South African Woman , Ended Water Poison at night?" isters. The latter hobby, Fergie notes, Juhn Good on the Prince caused the postponement oi W. G. Kelsey, ol Winnipeg, assistant C.N.R. tax commissioner, will arrive ln the city next Tuesday on business. Cahnont 32 C. & E 5.90 Central Leduc 72 Home OH 10 50 Mercury 10 Okalta 160 Pacific Tete 2.78 Princess 27 Va Royal Canadian 07 Toronto Athona 12',a Aumaque ' " Bcattie -60 Bevcourt -.. 29 Bobjo 14 Bufiak) Canadian 11 Consol. Smelters 99.00 CANADA PACKERS Woodcock's return bout with make permanent" the suspension of Its re-tlnged affiliate. The controversy between left and right wing factions ln the Congress is expected to produce a rousing fight on the Issue. A number of locals have asked that the suspension be lifted The C.S.U. Itself has withdrawn from the Congress following the suspension. Lee Savold until sometime hi NET PROFIT UP Washington next -week, It was the spring after the Doncaster announced today. The talks, TORONTO ff Canada Pack Yorkshireman broke a shoulder HEADS .' forecast by President Truman ers Ltd. reported that sales ln ln a statement on July 23, will CAFETOWN ih An elderly. begin Tuesday. the year ending March 30, 1949 boosted the net profit for that period to $2,807,237 as compared with a net profit of $2,182,300 for the same period last year. fcoft-spoken woman, now living quietly among the bulky volumes and microscopes of her white- ft.-,;, (? riusiia I Unitrcl Nations itliun.s to tho Unit-;tawmiii5 General it" hradf-ci by For- walled cottage ln Capetown, has played a major role In saving v.Antiioi v vi. i,i blade when he drove his blasted lorry Into a blinking tree. "Why Bruce should be sticking to night truck driving when promoter Jack Solomons had 6,000 tickets sold for his fight is beyond Macadam' s understanding," says Fergie. A GLIMMER OF HOPE Adds Fergie. Perhaps Macadam Is unduly worried. Woodcock and his eccentricities may be a bit trying but there isn't much to brag about in the wrorld heavyweight division right now. thousands of Transvaal cattle; and sheep from the highly dan BIG CROP Pakistan Is the world's producer of jute. Coinvest 1.18 Donalda .52 Eldona 6 East Sullivan 2.80 Giant Yellowknlfe .... 6.60 God's Lake 42 Hardrock 27 Harricana 07 Heva -13 Va Hosco 12 gerous algae poisoning on the banks of the Vaaldam Lake near SCORES Johannesburg. AIR PASSENGERS She. Is Edith Stephens, who un til her recent retirement was a jacKnue "'"a lecturer in the botanical depart mil Ei.zard Charles Is most convinc (CPA.) To Vancouver H. J. Myer, J McWillimas, G. W. McLeod ment of the University of Capetown. The Royal Society of South Africa recently honored her by ing and his challengers are no better "rican f New York 2-13 Boston i FashlnBton 1 Philadelphia 2 tional I St. Louis 9 HCint"lnnati 2 i ,12. Pittsburgh 4 icago 8 To Sandsplt E. T. S. Moore, "Maybe Bruce will supervise publishing a paper on her research on algae poisoning the jaundiced Mr. Macadam. If F. Richards. From Vancouver P. Allen, B. he beats the aging Savold, when : fa O -1 v"7ifc i - ,' j The algae, identified by Miss Jollct Quebec -52 Lake Rowan 09 Lapaska -06 Little Long Lac 72 Lynx 13 Madscn Red Lake .... 2 90 McKenzle Red Lake .47 McLeod Cockshutt .... 1-45 Moneta 40 Negus 2.25 Noranda 58.25 Louvicourt 15 Pickle Crow 2.15 and If Ihey meet, it will surprise Stephens was noticed ai me us, too, but just a little." Vaaldam when cattle, sheep. horses and dogs began to die along Its banks. Toxlcologlsts found that the Am- v- REPRESENTS SOUTH AFRICA Hon. A. A. Roberts, new South African High Commissioner to Canada, has arrived ln the capital to assume his new duties. A lawyer, Mr. Roberts has ben legal ac-viser to the South African Government and served as (his country's representative at the. United Nations agencies. He replaces P. R. Vlljoen who is now ln Australia. .' ' (C. P. Photo MUSICAL UNIT A gamut is the set of eight notes ln a musical 'scale which forms an octave. COLD STEEL McLean, Lt. Stapleton, Mrs. O. Blackaby, C. Pearson, J. McQueen, R. Hall. From Sadsplt Miss A. Mar-chlldon, Capt. T. Laurie. (Q.C.A.) To Masset D. Candow, T. King. To Queen Charlotte City C. D. Palmer. To Alice Arm D. H. William-name province. To Stewart H. Behnson . Regcourt 05Va -JPbcr 16, i949 Some stainless steel can be 1:00 deaths were caused by a vigorous water-bloom which extended, through 98 percent of the whole water area of the dam. Thousands of cattle and sheep had died before samples of the algae were sent to Miss Stephens In Capetown. IT'S THE WORLD'S "HOT-SPOT" This is the spot where Yugoslavia, Hungary and Romania touch, the hottest spot ln the world today if reports of Russian concentration there are correct. It Is only 80 miles from Belgrade, ahd a Russian concentration of five armored divisions, backed by a varplane armada, is reported there. . . . 144 feet 17.1 feet best worked at 90 degrees below San Antonio 4.15 Senator Rouyn 39 Sherrlt Gordon 2.70 Steep Rock 1.83 Sturgeon River 21 Silver Miller . .44 zero, and special tools have had j 19:37 i 1:41 J 13:18 7.7 ;eet to be designed to work it. 11.4 fi