Thursday, September - 1949." THE OLD ROCK-BACK IK FORM NEW YORK, ff The wild-eyed Rocky Oraiano of old returned just In time to stop Char-He Fusari In 2:04 of the tenth upstairs, i 1 11 stucco y,, time t., Cuts Living Costs In Tree-Top House . VANCOUVER ! Robert Fair-weather has been up a tree for the last year. He has no rent to pay, no taxes to worry about, no lawn-mower for the neighbor to borrow. And he wonders why more people don't live in trees. His house is a nlne-by-nlne log cabin perched about 15 feet " v A round at the Polo Grounds here YearsgAgo .1 ri 10 YEARS AGO IN SPORT . WAJ. Piiirweathe- s ho cameherij..! 'a'hlng and About two T " u get social a To play a two-game total points football series at Ocean) U:is? ..a . " off the ground in the fork of ., 1 01 M three tree ti unk.s. In the woods ... . . ''-! Falls a Prince Rupert represent- j ative team left on the Princes j ' a on the north shore of Vancou- vir hnrhor. I ! ASIATIC has two thiekr.S(s of The lewnn . ---"if, ...i,u .. la&t. night in a furious brawl. Referee Ruby Goldstein stepped In to save Fusari from serious damage as he stood helpless Jn a neutral corner after taking a savage, last round beating. Knowing well that only a knock-out could win, the ring-rusty Rock, returning to the New York ring after a three-year exile, exploded his old wild fury In the tenth. Draping Fusari over the ropes with a two-fisted attack,, Graz-iano dropped Charlie for the count of nine and Charlie did Just beat the count. Then Graz-lano went after him again, pinning him In a neutral corner under a deluge of sledge ham- epi uuc auu jjwiit tuts, niui u UJ tnuny nistorU"3 Adelaide, the players being Herb Morgan, Andy Ronald, Frank Gomez, Joe McKay, Tony Bus-sanich, Allan Davleg, Darrow Gomez, Dave McMeekin, Dick Cameron, Henry Dickens, Bob Smith. Doug. ChrUtliion and Boa Armstrong. Casey Vink U man-againg the team and Petpr tnifK luyer oi muu un uie in- uc origin side and a steep pitched roof,, freedom is made of boards from packing, Mjtto ot we4 i " . 3- '.- ' t. I i , r , - VV ..: I .-Aitum seiner h tT.,i.. ,...fttlI ir Vniilt n Viftfiw) (..!.,,... , Doherty is trainer. Jimmy Oreer j WESTERNERS CAPTURE SWIM TITLES-Canadian amateur men's swimming champion. George Bevlns, 10, of Winnipeg, who nosed out William Ross of California in the mil race at the Canadian National Exhibition. He defeated 70 entries from U.8. and Canada to win the event. Winning woman miler at the C.N.E. was another westerner, Vivian King, 20. uf Winnipeg. An Olympic swimmer, Vivian, swam the mile in 26 minutes, 12 seconds, only one minute behind the men. ; mer blowa. and John Eastman are travel-; ling too. j . . . j A dance sponsored by the : Prince Rupert Football Assocla-! tion was held in the Oddfellows'! Hall with George Dawes, Fred ! Cameron, Henry Dickens and Casey Vink in charge. i I PLAYOFF GAME i WASHED OUT j Wartime Channel which had been potting at htm , YAKIMA, P -The third game from the cliffs." J cf the playoff series in the West- Now that Shirley May France ern international baseball league LEGION PLANS Swim Recalled ;By Present Crop By DOUG GREEN Canadian Press Staff Writer was postponed on account of rain. The Vancouver Capilanos and Yakima Bears are- sched uled to meet for the third game tonight. FUND CAMPAIGN Prince Rupert Branch, Cana has given up ner attempt to swim the Channel, and provided no further aspirants'appear, the Channel should be safe for Shipping from now on, Melville cb.serves with a sigh of relief. dian Legion, at its monthly! REGINA 3 The recent re-meeting last night announced ; vival of lne sPort of swimming , plans for a concerted bond drive r tryl"g to swim the Eng- ,ivrn CLOUTS to raise funds to augment its Channel has brought back i i io.rn .'memories to Tom (Retina 1 n nWiViCIX new building fund. C4 RIM ''"J h ( A TO Leader-Post i Melville. PITTSBURGH U Bellin' "We had the dubious pleasure Ralph Kiner of the Pirates of seeing a man trying to swim chalked up his forty-ninth home the Channel in 1942," says Mel- run of the season in the game ville who, as a Lieutenant in with Philadelphia yesterday, the Queen's Own Cameron Hlirh- Kiner still is one homer off the landers, was taken prisoner pace set by record holder, the when the Canadians raided late Babe Ruth with 60 for the Heading the committee for the sale of bonds is Club President James Nicoll who announced that the bonds will sell to the general public for $50 each with three and one-half percent Interest per annum for three years. The upper floor of the new Dieppe that year. season premises is to be operated as a p ,rr-j TkJ i "It was on that raid we've been club under the name of "Legion 27 Club" and the following were LOVED BY CHILDREN The present-day word "doll' is probably derived from "idol.' appointed as directors; O. G. Stuart, L. M. Gordon. G. W. trying to live down, the one the football year books won't let us forget. The fellow, out of Winnipeg, was a little guy with the magnificent name of Auchter-lonie. "A bunch of us were on the Abbott, K. C. Aird, C. L. Young-man, J. S. Wilson, A. Halg, A. M. Hurst. A letter from Capt. H. F. Pui Frenoh side, looking at a Brit- Phone 654 . And Mrs. Malcolm, here will be yuur partner!" len of H.M.CS. Ontario thanking Un destroyer on the horizon and the club members and the cltl- feeling quite homesick. Matured and Bottled in England r v jr. tSc pi donn paid (or cmptici (abate J by any B.C. Brewery ,H t . or rrince nupe ri lor ineir ..It wag to0 mucn for Auchter-very kind hospitality ' was re-;lolliei who sned his boots and ceived. j macie a run for it across the The Legion will be entering j beach. He had an unfriendly a bowling team in the city league j audience on the high cliffs this fall in conjunction with , above, but somehow or other other clubs In the city. Secre-jthey couldn't hit him and the tary P. M. Ray was authorized 1 last we saw of Auchterlonie was to make a special trip to the; a dU on the horizon, where the ASM4WfsrM00N Tkto ed'tiiimeiM ii not publiilud w etfceiUrtd i Liquet Control Board ' GoYn .( BritiJi Calambia. . Digestible f4 Appelizing" '. south on Legion business. destroyer had been some time New members initiated at last before 011! night's meeting were A. G. Boas, ! "It was the last we saw of him iiuiiuiiMuiiiiwii!!iiiiiii:,iiuuuiiiiiii,itli.i;iijiiigl,iiii;i!iii'' Your House is an Asset M. K. Eriksen, T. Forde, W. A. i for a couple of hours, that is." Jones. Then. Tom recalls, the dot re- This advertisement is not oubliiheJ or disoUved bvtHeU appeaed and slowly came into shore. Finally, Auchterlonie's Board or by the Government ol Bntisb CoUtu UNION'S CAPITAL Pretoria is the seat of the government of the Union of South Africa. leet hit bottom and he waded, unmindful of the missiles, through the water and up to the beach, to collapse under the k?mrv ExcelIen! twwSk BROADWAY CAFE... REST FOOD FINEST fOOSl m Mearnahip Movement! sta walL I "Geez!" somebody said, "where . . iW.vav.nvwmv.w you been?" For Vancouvn j "Auchterlonie managed a Tuesday ss. Camofun. 1 : 30 1 breath or two and whispered. 'I MtlKNDI.Y SKRVICE MAINTAIN ITS VALl'E . . . MAKE NEEDED Kl PA I KS NOW! C'liinfse Dishes A SfH p.m. Thursday --s 1:15 p m. I F Prince Rupert 1 lit 1tt-r(tMn'nt t not puhlUh4 r dtxpiAftl b !h l.ittir m(rl HUmrt mr went after that blankety-blank destroyer. I waved at it, but the dirty so-and-so wouldn't stop!' "How far did you get?" "Hell, I was half way to Eng 3 fmp mm. FOR TAKE-HOME 01 WIONZ M Friday ss. Catala, 5 p m Krrilli Vvncoi,rff Hours 7 am. toll & 4 gS For Estimates and Supplies PHONE 263 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors Sunday st. Camosun. Y. p.i Wednesday ss Prince Rupe'i 10 a.m. For Alice Arm and Stewart Sunday ss. Camosun, 11 p.n: fr'rom Alice Arm and NOW AVAlLAHLh PRINCE t land, but I got tired and had to come back!" i If Auchterlonie had looked after his mathematics when he went to school, Melville adds by way of postcript, he would have been the first man to swim the English Channel fully clothed. . "Instead, he spent three years ; with the unfriendly audience BOWLW U!!l!lBiillllll!!l!iii;ill!ll!!l SMITH & ELKINS PLUMBING AND HEATINd Phone 174 PI. Bo 274 "uesday s. Cam n-a-iun, a.m. Thii advertiicment is not or displayed by the l iquor Control board o, by tlie Cuvcrument ot brnibh Columbia. Ironi Ot-ean fxlU Wednesday ss. Prince Ruper iu a m. I For IK -an Fi,i Ihuraday -f;;. prince Kuperl :15 p m. 'or Alaska NEW ROYAL HOTEL a A Home Away From Home 30 Rooms Hot and Cold water -sr. Prince Rupert OF TASTY MKALS AT TUB EexCate Chinese Dlshm a Spiclalt CHOI' SUEY CHOW MKIN Wednesday nldnlght. iTTrrrrv-v 1l i rm Alaska Thursday-as. Prince Rupert. LOOK KOIt TUB NEW RED AND WHITE Saturdays-" to 12 PHONE , GOLD SEAL LABEl INST11 Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Ordera Prince Rupert Florist O'-f FREE PRINCE RUPERT, B C. r aoo 3rd Ave dox 618 Tel. 777 . 281 P.O. Box 188 Plowers for AH Occasions j r i ;j' i 10U SALE ONE 1938 FORD BUS WITH OR WITHOUT ENGINE WHICH IS IN GOOD CONDITION CHANDLER'S PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing Enlarging Flash Photo; Taken at Home Phone Green 389 . 216 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Paper Towels - Paper b Deodorants - Disjnfecta! Genuine DUSTBANE MOre-BRUSIIFa3-BW VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Camosun Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT S.'MPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ,b. Coquitlam, Sept. 9 and 23 FOR NORTH Ql'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS Suitable for a Mobileslore or A Home On Wheels Salt Lake Ferry Sunday & Thursday SCHEDULES Sundays Continuous service commencing 11 a.m. Thursdays Leave Cow Bay Floats 2:30, 4, 5, 7 and 8 p.m. Last boat leaving Salt Lake at 10 p.m. SPECIAL TRIPS FOR PARTIES BY APPOINTMENT Phone GREEN 391 or BLACK 926 "L Price is reasonable suitable terms can be arranged REAL ESTATE INSURANCE INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED SWIZZfLE STICK looking like a human swlzzel stick in a giant-sized highball, Mel-vyn M. Maki, is shown as he demonstrated the navy's new submersion suit In a 32-degree tank of ice water in New York. The suit is fabricated of nylon coated with vapotex, and will allow Melvyn to spend three hours In the water. Ordinarily he'd freeze to death In 30 minutes. Vnr r.ln.nruno- :.nrl JaritOf SllPP'" j PRINCE RUPERT SBPPLfJj s.s. Coquitlam, Sept. 2, 10, 30 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPR) 712 See""" Phone G32 J- Third Avenue Phone 868