Prince Rupert Datlj? Jctoss LtD. Tuesday, May 4, 1948 NEW LOOK IN TWEEDS ATOMS IN THE MUSKEG London Nevspaper Scoops Flin Ron's Uranium Rush 14 MavS An Independent dally nrwimner devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and nil communities eompriMng northern and central British Columbia. (Auihorlwl u Second Jlss Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa) Published every Afternoon except Sunday by Prince Rupert Daily Ne Lid., 3rd Avenuo. Piince Rupert, British Columbia. O. A. HUNTER. Manmrliu? Editor. H. O. PERRY, Managing Director. MEMBER OP CANADIAN PRESS AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION - Thi. ... Lfihtrofi!?5' A .. brow. IT ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week. 15c: Per Month. 6Sc; Per Year. 700; By Mail, Per Munth. 40c; Per Year. 4.00. BRITAIN FREEZES GOODS PRICES FL1N FLON. Man, CP In this northern ManKoba mining town they're chuck) inn over a Htory which appeared In the London Daily Mail. The story arose from the re an ... '"mpanit,n J LONDON (P'A price freeze on : virtually all non-essential Brit- I ish consumer goods at the De- j Matter Explodes " Kl V,,., your Fabrics Ilantlwoveii in Donegal Highlands Presented in Evening Dresses and Formal Ensembles By MURIEL NARRAWAY Canadian Press Staff Writer LONDON (P A "New Look" in Irish tweeds first time th fashion has spread to these fabrics was skilfully employed by Owen Charles, Dublin couturier, in a recent London show. The Gaeltarra Eirean iGoel-tacht services division of Eire's department, of lands i had special "round lower tweeds" hand-woven in the Donegal highlands for Charles' collection He presented them in evening dresses, capes and formal ensembles. Striking examj.-e was an off-while wool evening cape lined with royal blue taffeta. In Toreador style, its full circle of lum aii ..r.l. , ,r ., l' 14 cember-January level went into effect Monday. Only non-essential consumer goods not affected are jewelry, books, newspapers and tobacco. Move is designed to hold profits and prices down as compensation for the wage freeze previously ordered to combat inflation. ? A cent discovery of uranium ore near here. It resulted from long-distance telephone conversations a Daily Mail reporter had with Georpe Branfteomhe, co - discoverer of the urani deposit, and Cyril Steventon, mayor of Flin Flon. Said the Mail's tory: "Over the transAtlantic phone last night came the Canadian voice of Mayor Cyril Levinson (should be Steventom. "It said, 'We sure are booming.' "This was the voice of Flin THE ATOM BOMB fell on Hiroshima, WHEN the whole world was shaken to its foundations. Now a simple, guarded announcement that "an atomic weapon" has been tested at Eniwetok Atoll is -merely one more item of news, says the Christian Science Monitor. Already we speak coolly of the "old-fashioned" type of bomb used at Hiroshima. So soon do men grow accustomed to the unthinkable! Yet deep in the recesses of men's minds an ex- HOW CAN I ? ? ? By ANNE ASHLEY -tT INO" Th. KINO of K.y Hnicinm1 - Kv p,p ,,(T. on, tn a S,n.MMU rtM-r -II tttrw rmIm. nt tfti lHitt,u ' t unn tn VMrtrly Q. What ls a good remedy for swollen feet? material falling in natural folds HNI1KIMIW .,;., nlosive force is at work like the secret terror .at : frnm nn unnadded shoulder base of uranium rush A. When the feet are hot and flon II H It m Eniwetok, loosed at an unknown date, hidden in :nad a pencil-thin line of blue the lonely silence of the Pacific. j taffeta as a low yoke line. A Aft'cJmn ,l,..ih-iirinn thp fhnrch of Kncr- slit from the back neckline to . .wvmtr. I only prt m ptar, , , I.ONltttH HHfNII Imo,, QUEEN MARY AND PRINCELING -Young Prince William, son of the Duchess of Kent, has his cheek pinched by his grandmother, Dowager Queen Mary, after the party broke Hp following the ceremonies at the unveiling of the statue of former president Franklin D. Roosevelt in London's Gros- :.V I . " K,imh In n I the waist, piped in taffeta, was held together only by the thin swollen, try bathing them in which is taking men and wo-warm water, in which a few men from all over Canard to a grains of permanganate of pot-' get-rich-quick prospect at pine-ash have been dissolved, just ringed Lake Judlck, 30 miles enought of the potash to make away." the water a bright pink. Then "MIGHTY HARD GOINd" massage with rubbing alcohol, I The story went on to quote or mentholated spirit, and fin- Mayor Steventon as saying: allv dust the feet with bork-1 "HundrecU of 'em are coming STRAND TRADERS LIMITS CANADIAN SALES AGENTS 4AI KiMr. tt w ...I I taffeta band at the neckline. ! A rnuol hlnp Hinnpr HrpiS in - io wool, had a heart-shaped neck line, plain bodice, three-quarter venor Square. Britons pur- ' in; some have got their tucker length, wide bisnop sleeves, in ; chased the heroic statue with 'acid powder Q. How can I mend rugs' ; and Kit and some of em haven t. A Mend the rug as soon as it Some ve got ski cars, some dog becomes worn. Mending tissue . teams, and some'll just have to riiv Gift sh Almtys A llllll),! i 11 straight skirt having, both duck their pennies and shillings to and front, a central panel from i show their respect for the the hipline with stitched pleats; man they regarded as one of falling in unDressed folds. j their dearest friends. Reminnscent of the 1920's was walk, and it'll be mighty hard lami ueciiies mat uic u.c ui ubwui. uumi; " deiensive war is morally justifiable but behind the decision is the urgent soul-searching of religious men everywhere. The atomic scientists plead almost 'desperately for world government, for agreement with Russia, for any legal or moral restraint that will somehow save the world from the power they have unleashed. 'And behind the popular apathy Ls a dten-lying sense of insecurity. Matter has failed men. Though they hide from the fact, it remains true that they must find a new world to live in or else! Only as the particles of selfishness which form their pres- ent world are smashed, liberating a spiritual force so great that man-made barriers must melt before it, will they be able to face honestly the challenge of atomic power. is effective when put on the back before a hle is worn going. If many more light In here to Flin Flon, we won't ; the camel-coat piped in re-1 bustle effect and plain bolero 1 through. Or darn it with colors braid and cut in a plain, straight jacket wj,h wide bi.shou ileeves 0f the rug. know where to put 'em." i ... is new lingerie! a wonderful uift! - a frti bolero style with cut-away front inched onto the shoulder line, j q. How can I make a subsll- The Mail then attempted U and edges that "don't quite t tuie cork for the glue bottle? describe the boom area: (Cj e-. a pair nl PijiiJ Sli Slip, or cuddly IVdiJ S Nightie, I Satin I make. tight bodice and neat walUne'J A Try using the stump of an "On the shores of Lake Judlck. tKe old candle. It will not stick and ten, b.vouacs and log cabins with skirt flaring from hip- , the Blue can not nut snill arc Bomg up on claims which a t i me B'ue tun iu line in varying degrees of ful- .,, . , ... . , . ., : . . . ,u their owners u hope will make ness. The beautiful simplicity! ! . , , nch overnight. Their food of this line gave dresses suitable ! FOOD FOR DARTMOUTH A More, and equipment go by sled DARTMOUTH, N.S., f - for all informal or business oc-' meet." The only decoration was a full sleeve starting from the waist. This was caught at th centre back neckline and fell in natural folds from it. This, like all Charles' day clothes, was o;" mid-calf length. 1 Or she may prefer a Nylon or Salin Fantiri And when shopping da in this har- " uwiwr town The drive ls under way casions and many figures. get to aska obtu Girdln (SMART SUIT STYLE hnr town for a cift shiDment of of wooden buildings housing I ' el aiiiac wnvn aew-tf min t rr fir two-way stretch. Cartn G.T.W. REVENUE MAY REACH ALL-ITIME PINNACLE A creen-and-VellOW vertical-,0 & it 1 Snn Irnnners nrnsnertjirs nnH NEUBERGER OFF ON HIS PRICES '..11 Uv InfrA. ......nllt. f ft and I'rrni li I p-l ill Im striped suit had a plain front. ' ' nnm(.H nflrtmouth. Eneland. ranchers. ruched onto the shoulder and .1 rill-MI'll lllll.ll IIIIT MIIHIIllfl MflM .. .-- skirt with full, unpressed pleat Then there was a reference nFTROIT An all-time neak Iii recent Issue of Collier's, a be reached of 550 632,000 may mm author Richard L. Neuberger often band Hish School students are confront caught by a narrow three-quarter length to the ducting a house-to-house ean-wajf.t ivass for tinned foods and the donations will be collected by Fometimes. with the same bo- trucks dice, he used a full skirt ruched by operating revenues of Grand Trunk Western by thus year, R. C. Vaughan, C.M.G., chairman and president, told the to the Canadian government's I announcement of the find. j Some residents of Flin Flon (population 10.0001 said it ap-' peared the English reporter shared the belief of many of his countrymen that to be a real Canadian one must hav a ranch somewhere m the offing Sweet Sixteen's personalized Budget Plan Ls am:. into me waisu. n luveiy exump.u irested stJ,d ,nreeDiPce ensemble. your convenience; use it when you shop. T states "everything is high in .Alaska. Even before the war, eggs were $1.25 a dozen, milk 28 cents a quart, haircuts at Fairbanks $1.50." Mr.-Neuberger listed this information in an article titled ""Beating the Arctic Bush" which dealt primarily with Alaska's ' No Interest and No Carrying Chareo was in mu.v g.een a v In A strlking evening cape neckline and roll collar of tan, soarlet moire nad a stiff sland. a narrow, padded tan band ac- . ,he sholIirier em board of directors at the annual meeting here Monday. Early estimates have indicated this record total, he said, but the slowing up of ooerations by the coal strike and the possible centuated the waist. The- full Dr0idered in gold with the cape 1 The story concluded with a sleeve, ruched on the shoulder. to neckline, remark attributed to Mr. Brans- contlluing a piain famtful hnvh nilnta caulJl 111 Ulc wrlit ov lare fomDe: The stand-up reminded one of button and stand-out cuff - of the fuIl ricUng cioaks of olden "But It takes a long time tan- timn! tht miH ho ranoht at working a uranium mine, and resuIts of the pe"dn stnkeR It is too bad that the author in the automobile industry may took'advantage of this oppor- tunily to give the bush pilots the cause operating revenues to th eii rt. fall somewhat short of this fig- ure. The $50,000,000 estimate compares with operating rev . a i i- i , " niii.iu-Sirru "i me snouioer or necKjine u uc- - - ' - " ...AD0UI a weriain fllgmmart had peg-top skirt with two larg" sired. 1uiclt DO''!, wno arfi eoing to be riudt a nightnarc tb.e other niglit oose folds for hip accentuation . disappointed" that was a rip snorter. at back and front. Part of the PLEASANT ANacoTHETIC . : ' r u front bodice was a check tweed Surgeons of the 18lh and 19tl Who profits most? The mer- enues Of $45,550,665 In l'J41. ! which was also a record high I imugn .ncRiuwiiKvpiu waistcoat insert. Pointed and centuries gave alcohol as an chant whose big ad Is always for the road. in The News. batoned line a man's, it sug- anaesthetic. job. You're the new puhl.c : relations man for the Socialist C.C.F. Party , "" serve by including such misinformation. . We investigated those prices and found that the quoted costs of milk and eggs was untrue in any of the larger communities which contain the majority of the Territory's population. As a matter of fact, eggs today are only 73 cents in Juneau. We do not feel that the Fairbanks haircut price was out of line, either. They were priced 28 BUSES FOR SALE For immediate delivery, inter city type canaeitv 21 to -T7 nassenffers. Ilodi'js of in Canada. That shook me pretty badly, but then the boys went on: "All you have to do is explain way this business of the Communists telling everybody to vote for the C.C.F. because the C.C.F.'s will make Communism possible." Pheasant Shares Guinea Hen Nest DUNCAN, B.C. (f A domestic guinea fowl and a wild pheas ant have been laying their egg. in the same nest here. H. M. Charter, found a nest containing 19 guinea eggs and one pheasant egg. He took away rnnUrnHmn and Infe desiirn. Iuscs no regular operation, and inspection may M MEMO TO ADVERTISERS t For the information of our . advertisers, A B.C. auditors mal;e a complete, annual audit of our circulation at $1 in Seattle and Fairbanks any time. l or complete mlormaiion Write or Phono is certainly entitled to that dif ferential. Milk was only 25 cents Western Canadian Greyhound Li per quart at Fairbanks in 1941. Calgary, Ainena w i 1051 "But look here," I shrieked. "I ain't a or a Com-munist. And if I was I wouldn't know what to say about this business that would do you fellows any good. If Communists figure they 12 eggs for hatching by a barnyard hen because the guinea fowl left her nest as soon as the first of her young began to hatch. Returning to the nest three days later he found two more guinea eggs and one more pheasant egg. How and by what schedule the guinea fowl and hen pheasant are sitting on the same nest is baffling Mr. We are at a loss to discover where Neuberger received his information. He spent a short time in the Yukon and Alaska as an Army Public Relations Officer during the war and has since received considerable revenues for articles which tend to establish him as an expert on things in the Territory. Audited Distribution Mil K1 fl for your Advertising can't get elected, but the C.C.F. can, and if the Communists figure it's just about as good to get a C.C.F. Government as a Communist one because they could infiltrate and take over in the confusion and depression, well isn't that hanging a red flag of warning all over the C.C.F.?" Want more customers, in queues? Get them through ads "In The News. Advertise In the Daily News! in order that our advertisers may have this information and thus be able to invest In advertising In The Daily News on the basis of known, verified facts, we are members of the Audit Bureau of Circulations. advertising copy and attractive GOOD layouts are, of course,- essential to the success of youj advertising But from the standpoint of final results the answer depends upon the distribution of your advertlMinff. THIS AND THAT It's "plane" saili repair job ,.,w vour 151,11 The delegation began to dance up and down with excitement. "W hate the Communists!" "The dirty Reds have double-crossed us!" "The C.C.F. scorns their assistance!" "We don't want Socialism by revolution, we want it by democratic processes!" The boys were all shouting and gesticulating at once. 'But,M I was saying when I woke up,"you do want Marxian Socialism and that's what the Communists say they want, too, and now they're Two nailing per week for VANCOI'VKR VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coqultlam Saturday, 9 a.m., Calata STEWART anil AI.ICK ARM Sundays. 12 midninht Ui CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT M I'ORT CLEMENTS May 14 and 28 FOR SOUTH LSLANHS May 18 and 30 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Aent Third Ave. Phone 508 Supplies rr(,!'; The Bureau is a national, co-operative association of publishers, advertisers and advertising agencies. Every year one of the trained auditors employed by the Bureau makes an audit of our circulation records. This audited information ls issued, In official A B C. reports covering each member publication. You avoid guesswork and speculation when you advertise In an A .B.C. newspaper. When you buy newspaper advertising you are paying for an opportunity to talk to people about your merchandise and service. What you get for your money, therefore, depends upon how many people there are in your audience, where they are, how this audience was obtained, and many other facts that Indicate the value of the circulation as a market for what you have to sell. Mitchell 4 C ' PHONE'13 Builders L22 Hollywood!. I'- .iiiT'S NEW'''. willing to get it by using you, democratically, getting you elected and then enjoying die Marxist Socialism along with you. Well, if that's Marxism and you want it and they want it, anc! if they vote for you to get it for them, how can I convince anyone it's safe to vote for you if he doesn't want to help the Communists?" It was a relief to discover someone else has THAT big job of public explaining to do. It's too fat for me!" OPEN FROM 4:00 P M Prince Rupert Daily News ' -aim: - This newspaper is a rmmbcr of the Aulit Rurcati of Circulat ioivi. Ask for a . copy of our latest A. B.C. report giving audited circulation fact a and figures. A.B.C Audit Bureau of Circulations Facts as a measure of advertising value Special Dinner Every Sunilay. 5 1 TV Chinese dishes srw" fllj Mil For Outside Order rrrnn V J I l Phone 133 SUEY "Jim Wut Stil . . ." it tptmsned by ifo British Columbia Federation of Trad 4 Industry. W-Jtt DAITEWSFOB ADVERTISE IN THE "Remind me to make an appointment with my dentist when we get back." V