n Prfnre Rupert Dailp rectos FrU'ay. February 25, 1919 PUBLICITY FUND DRIVE TO START A lndP'ndent dB"" n,''8rl,PCT l"otPd to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert i Sr0 Stag was ,k .arl Onliimnia . . uurinwn ana central urmsrj ! BIG MIGHT FOR SC0UTS-6UIDES j Display and Presentations at . . Kally TuniKht in Naval Drill Hall , Two Years-Patrol Leader : Mary TJoane. One Year-Ouide Betty Garner, Guide D.inalda Letournea'u BROWNIES Three Years Julia Prockter Stars Louise Anderson, Donna Moller, Muriel Prockter, Don-na Hudson, Kathie Finlays'on. i niiiitiHiru ut Second Class Mall. Post Office Department. Ottawa I ' - . i I . ' ?- ?, . Published everr afternoon except 8tlndav bv Prince Rupert Dally News Ltd.. 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. British Columbia, Q. A. HUNTER, Managing Editor. H. O. PERRY. Managing Director. MEMBKfl OP CANADIAN PRESS - AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULATIONS CANADIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER ASSOCIATION An immediate start will be made by the Prince Rupert Public Relations Council on its three-year fund-raising drive, a project designed to raise money to finance Its operation for that SUBSCRIPTION RATES uv carrier. Per Week. 20c; Per Month. 75c; Per Year. (8 00. Sg. ay Man. rer Month. 50c; Per Year, 5 U0 Boy Scout and Girl Guide Week observance, which has been under way nightly since j period, it was decided at the I monthly meeting of the organization last night. ! Objective will be $5,000 to'sus-tain publicity work. Letters, will Peace in Palestine latlu"toMrt SOme Hver 't Pre.s.sl0n ot ; diversion ,.' Flag Presentation by Prince Rupert Branch Canadian Legion will also be made by President Ralph Smith, assisted by other .Legion members, to various Scout Troops and Cub Packs. Better English By D. 1. WUJ IAMB 1. What is wrong - with this sentence? "I haven't any We-, as to whom you mean." 2. What is the correct pronunciation of "prestige?" 3. Which one of Uie.se words be sent to former subscribers and to new business firm.? pointing out the work that has been done to publicize the city and the value of such work to the community. Council Treasurer R. G. Hopkins was appointed chairman of hir,l ''"'''U'HiI j Monday in the city, will culmin-I ate tonight at the drill hall of j H. M. C, S. Chatham with a : grand public rally and display I in which all Uie local groups of Boy Scouts, Wolf Clubs, Girl Guides and Brownies, now numbering some three hundred In the aggregate will participate. The proceedings will be enllven-1 ed with the presence of the ' Prince Rupert Shrine Club Band under the leadership of Peter Lien. The rally wil be under the gen- j eral leadership of District Com-j missioner A. Hamilton Grant of ; the Boy Scouts and CoaiaUsion- er Honors Silversides of the Girl Guides. The program will Include ' Camp Fire by First, Second and Third Guide Companies under Mi.ss Silversules, Mis Joan Mil-lei and Miss Marjone Anstey re the fund raising committee and committee members will be chosen shortly. Secretary E. T. Applewhaite 'Jf'.Sirll 1 reported that he had been an- 1 V ,'; is misspelled? Hmderance, hinterland, hippopotamus. 4. What does tlie word "arrogant" mean? 1. Omit as to. 2. Preferred pronuneation Is pres-te,h, first e as in press, second e as In me, accerji second syllabi. . Hindrance. 4. Unduly proud; overbearing; haughty, "praise has Jjficieiit eliwls ... it makes a v,ue man modest, but a fool more arrogant."-- i SSSSK 'IW'.- 4 7'.' T - ...1 .fcv. i-d'-Mty.:-. .4; ISRAELI AND EGYPT have signed an armistice agreement on the Island of Rhodes and similar agreements will probably be signed by the, -other warring elements in Palestine in the conflict between Jews and Arabs. Thereby peace comes closer in a land which for a time had contained the sparks which conceivably could have precipitated a major international explosion. Now if the armistice sig-; natories can exercise controls upon elements which ! within themselves have exhibited irresponsibility a I new era of peace may be ultimately consummated ', in that disturbed land. As Canada's minister of external affairs has ?aid, the settlement in Palestine is an accomplish-; ment on the credit side for the United Nations and ; a triumph indeed for the mediator in this particular ; . case, Dr. Ralph Runche. ',' It seemed for a while that Palestine was an " irreconcilable sore spot, hopeless of settlement. But that is at least partially changed now. What has been accomplished in Palestine may be but the f ore-runner of other accomplishments for U.N. in its . task of restoring peace and security to a troubled world. Arab agreement with Israel is confined so far to an "armistice. Peace may have to come rather through custom than negotiation. However, the need of Arab for Jew and Jew for Arab in the de- SCENIC BEAUTY With the entrj- of Newfoundland into I pointed by the Princ Rupert Chamber of Commerce as Prince ' Rupert representative on the B.C. Tourist Council, a government advisory body which meets periodically at Victoria to aid in drawing up provincial tourist publicity. He was empowered to speak with th authority of the Public Relations Council when he attends a meeting of the provincial council at the capital next week. ... . j Activities of the Public Relations Council this year will be Deluxe? spectively, first aid display by Second Prince Rupert Scout Troop under Scoutmaster Harry Quick, march by First and Sec- confederation as the 10th province, many odd place names will be added to Canadian geographies. School children will find they now have such places as Cape White Handkerchief, Come-By-Chance and Ireland's Eye to remember. This photo shows the scenic Cabot Highway which leads into Plate Cove West "UtJII-f; ; ond Prince Rupert Guide Coni-, paniesl game by Second Prince 0r l' far Vuur WALLPAPER REQUIREMENTS HOTEL ARRIVALS PHONi W Buy (( ORCHESTRA AIDS FILM COUNCIL broadcast to include publication of a (nuarterly 'news tetter" which will be distributed throughout Canada and the Rupert Cub Pack under Cub-' master Robert Ferguson, sing-! ing and dancing by Second I Prince Rupert Brownie Pack un- der Mrs. Alex Haig, work dis-! play by Second Prince Rupert ! Cub Pack and fairy ring by First Prince Rupert Brownie Pack nder Mrs. Rex Thompson. , Other features of the evening united btates giving information on tourist, and. industrial Prince Rupert Symphony, A AnderSon, city; Mrs. W. Orchestra will give fh.ncial , 00tn Metlakalla; Mrs P . Har-aid to the local fum council by rlgon city. Dr. F. H. Piow.se, putting on concert in the a near Smithers; R. c. E1JiS- Vancouver; development in' the region. nt. i ' . . ine meeting authorized t.ha secretary ta place advertise will include Guide and Brownie luuure. nans ior me concert Scheer, Terrace peace ypjopmeni 01 tne wear East presages a real bujlt sooner or later on common interest. ments in the annual number of were outlined at a meeting of the B C. Journal of Commerce the film council this week. Pro-and in the tourist guide "The ceeds from the concert wUJ be Geese Go North," published by used to aid in the purchase of a Robertson's Agencies, Prince inw projector. George. , Neville Gerrard, Symphony There was considerable gen- Orchestra conductor, told the eral discussion on tourist mat-' meeting of the program that has i Star presentation as follows: Kiflvj ' ' Ulultii . Four Years Pack Leader Oer-, lNr ir.tT. i ry Prockter. Pack Leader Maria j " "m 'Brett. Pack Leaders Frances 223 " -- Murphy, Jeanette Cloutler, Mav- Ja A is Cronin, Madsen Paulette. y C-C j Three Years Delphine Astor- L WOMAN BEST OFFICER CHESTER, Eng., -Policewoman Cynthia Turner, 32-year old brunette, won a silver cup as Chester's best police officer of 1948. She defeated 60 men members. Iters, Including the possibilities' been Planned. It 'contains a 1 for the new "Limberlosf tourist wicle variety in musical fare. 1 MSCil l f p nun MS A publicity committee was appointed. Publicity will include radio interviews on the work of the film council, the first being broadcast by Mrs. Neville Gerrard, film council secretary. Ticket sales will be handled by Mrs. . Gerrard, Miss M. Anstey and George Evans. . Chairman of the meeting was E. A. Evans, who acted in place of Sgt. L. A. N. Potterton, council president. resort which is being developed Ion the Queen Charlotte Islands this year. Members felt that the I new enterprise should be given co-operation of the council, j Present at the meeting were I David Owens, R. G. Hopkins, E. T. Applewhaite, Frank J. j Skinner, P. M. Ray, Ed. Mus-jsellam, James Ham, Honora Sil-iversides, Gunnar'Selvig, Ed. Williams and J. K. McLeod, " ' FOR SdlTl CHARIllTn ss, Cnquiiitt? 10 p in. FOR NiPA CH.Mtl.om ' ia. Helen Astoria, Roland Tur- " W Want Ads Bring Hesuits! I toti-e. GIVE THEM- sCaaEESSOrB fflVMTBRIE &l A HIAlTHFUl AND DCLICIOUS . s s Coqui!lair..i 10 p m. FRANK IA Pnw'f 8 Third Anna Ross Richardson left by air yesterday on a business trip to Vancouver, Victoria and points on "Vancouver Island. DRINK AT ANY TIME . . SMOKE BARRAGE Spartans in 400 BjC. used wood smoke as a form of gas warfare. r :, ,, ,,., rzr rr;j FOR I'UOmT DELIVERY AT LOWER C0?T A li F f'K KSKNTATiVE WAREHOUSE STOCK DAYLIGHT SAVING . DRITISH COLUMBIA, whether we like it or not, ; L) is going to have daylight saving again this : year. The decree came suddenly a few days ago from Victoria in spite of an obvious lack of unani-: mity of opinion on the matter and certainly a con- siderable expression against it. In. the north, for instance, the Associated Boards ; of Trade of Central British Columbia, by resolution ; of its, annual convention, was on record against it. ; We notice that our own member for Prince Rupert, ; although he did not speak until after the edict had ) been made, told the Legislature that the great ma-; jonty of people in this riding are definitely opposed ; to daylight saving and that he agreed with them. ' . Opposition here and elsewhere is chiefly be-; cause of the confusion which results from a partial ; observance of daylight saving such as we have had . during the last few years. :BOY SCOUTS WEEK 1 THIRTY-NINE YEARS have demonstrated that - I. Boy Scouting is a pretty safe adventure, sum-i med up, perhaps, in the twin goals of citizenship ; training and the building of individual skills. ; But one aspect of Scouting needs more publicity ; the fact that any civic institution school, church ; service club, or other group-an sponsor a troop of Uoy Scouts under the general atmosphere of its own .-organization. All the group needs to do is form a committee of rts own members, select a Scoutmaster, and apply to the Boy Scout organization for a troop charter Membership in the troop may even be limited to its own sons," if the group so chooses. ' ; And fathers could find in Scouting the answer -to more leisure time with our own sons. Here too may be the answer to the crying need for leaders' if' 1 1 All lil mmnammnLLm (oniiyenr Tire & Buhlier . l td. f.jnadian WesfitiR house ( u. I.lil. Hw4 Oenrral Dry HaKeries t,( ( .nuila W Dusthane ( oinpany uf B.C. i. II. Wood S. Co. I.ld. l-nby Biolhirs & o. 1.1(1. Imperial Wip'tie. Ita? Co. l td. . ls for them, too PRINCE RUPERT S 712 Second Ave. P.O. Box 772 Hrtw trying it is wlien faniiliea don't like tlie things that are gooil for them ! You won't have that troulile with Post's Grape-Nuts Flakes. For this distinctively different cereal does more than tlelight them with its famous Grape-Nuts flav6r in the form of crisp, honey-golden flukcH. It iilno gives them nourishing food essentials 1 for which thi-y ALL have a daily need ! WANTED Al I'l.K ATIONS WILL HE A( '( l l'l ': F"" 0 IXi POSITIONS I OB I94f): ('AMI' MANAGERS JtOAT CKKW'S ()XK SMI" RUPERT MARINE REAj J THAT UNBEATABLE SHX AS 1 U L075 1 f WAPE-NUTS FLAVOR-) ' MTwJfS SX CmSnr nfaC 0F ?0$V$ i Nlj ( PAYif WORK. ) L$X Vw- . mropractor WHITE BLUE John F. L. Hushes, D C, Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block PINK for BAPTONE 2 '.WL Fhone BLUE 442 Appointment CREAM Is Your Radio Sick? BRING YOUR RADIO RADIOPHONE SET TO Ken's Radio Clinic for SATISFACTORY SERVICE i Dealers for GENERAL DRY BATTERY AND VVESTINGHOUSE i 718 Second Ave. Phone 53; THE ONE-COAT U'ONBl h HOIKS ; 10:80 .m. to 12:30 p.m. and PEACH PAINT FOB W'AI-IS hj o p.m. L'l-I?-!-. . .. w.. . . . A beautiful soft, flat finish over kals'"1"1"' ' ana Friday, 7:30 p m. foi Uiose unable to come durlnir the iwiuay MT- afternoons. RECEPTIONIST in attend-imre plaster and Thompson Hardware A Why Post's Grape-Ms Flakes taste so Different ...are so Nourishing Ponl'i Crai"Nul F'liikri are made not from one hut FOR ALL TYPES OF PRINTING- 6 GREETING CARDS ' PENS AND PENCILS OFFICE SI PPLIES HOME STATIONERY rapeiNuts irom mu (irann - min-ripi neii wheat uni mulled burli-y Iilcnrled, l;iLed and lou-lcil to a flavor lli.it i diiTcrent from thul of any oilier reuriy-to-eat cereal in I lie world. S there') double reason why lliey provide needed nourWiuient . . . n.efnl qimntitlei of caihohyilratei for energy; proteins for mimrle; pliospliorn. for knnea and teelh; iron for the blood and other food ef,enlial. Get SEE Ft EL flakes CHOPS''1 WiWi Printing Co. cm ...... ..,,. .--..un i i.ike, me very nenl time you go to the grorer'i. In REGULAI r . HO ECONOMY pockap. ) -,..e,iirtfl .-.Besner Block 1 CIPE$ for TASTY COOKIES .nd .It,., ,..,) tWmg, .. th.'p.,k. Phone 234 Second Avenue oppisite VtW w 0b 7:00 a.m. to 3:30 a.m. - A Pjoduc) of 0.nr Fm4 6Fi