I ..iiteteo HIGH SCHOOL VICTORY ,?,s for the Capitol f '"!lfe the ones that ptfitft nupert Dan? Yvt'm Friday, February 25, 1949 Looking Back iiS; in SPORT - ' c,r,;.s 5i. I Continued from Vage 4) lor a B'J J n use Only 1 r.lad news and were intercepted. Sunberg, the end of the game and thus! n THE OOUHT OP ' BRITISH .Ct,I'MT!U !l the hero, topped the scoring with' gained their seventh win of the 11 points. (season . ,,.. 4 . , . . High School took 52 shots and rtrTappreciat'Jf da: Sat"rday, June 29, Sau. and Densmore Shute. ' mfort of relief 1 Then at the dog-leg eight hp amps and e Winged Foot Golf foliowed . T lM . ...L iciub' Mamaroneck, N.Y. , amri, bv r.,.wi ' - , ,..u TV- C of 10 made 8. They scored free throws. Stone's scored 10. They made 11 of 17 rd" r',: I Th. event: Open Golf Cham-' too 7w; E free throw. The Rainmakers shots and scored 7. Thry scored took 74 shots and scored 14. 7 of 20 free throws. tl, iwlly News! Individual scoring r ' r - ""'u irom ine right. The ball Fourth and final round in pro- was bunkered. He blasted out Kres8, , across the erwn into another The leader: Bobby Jones, bunker, and back again into the closel" pursued by Al Espinosa, rit hazard. He wag barely out They made 5 of :1 fe throws. I HIGH BEATS STONE'S J In the preliminary game High ! I i i I voy vji-nr ouiuzen, uen.smore snute mn i n and ujt IN PROBATE . in Mir Mailer i.r tlir " ilmliilsiniinii Arf I 1 "nl Ih 14 ir M4lrr t tUr f-lAlr f Jwiir ' tlir KdhUiiti, tr-rjtM'd, Jiiletalr.j TAKP NOTICE tbnt bf Ordor ol j His Horn ?nds;e W O. FiiHon. Local ' Judv.e of tbr aifrFBW Cuurt ut Bri- tisli Culumbta. 1 w un tbe 17th day of February. A.U ll4!t, appoint-:. 1 id Admlnt-itratiir of ti.t nuiif of , : lames fjfrslH Robinson, tr-e un I FiCls. BritHli Culu labia, who am. "n ' ' tr a!xut the 4th day of October, , ISM, at Ocean Falls. British Colum-1 ' bin. Al! persons lnxk-totRd to the hatd HUtW aae required to pay the I amount of thtir indelitedness to nie lorthwtlh and oil ptTsons havinn claims agatnnt tlie auul Entate are reciiumd to flU them with me properly verified on or before the Hist etay of Mircn. 1049. failing which' tiistribyHon will lie made havme I regard only to such claims of which; I shall have been notified. I DATF.O at Prliiee Riifiert, 'DC,' nth di.y of FHiruury. A U. 114. , KRrifN 1-ltASER FOKP.KS I (jlllclal AdminiMrator and Tommy Armour, profession-' Putts for a cliastlv 7. Dukes Flynn 3, Sviatko, Ken-rush 2, Zaharko 7, Buday 8, Burrows 7, Sinclair 9 31. Bo-Me-Hi Flaten 5, Davidson, Olson 8, Spring 5, Webster 2, Carlson, Sunberg 11, S ly k 2. -33. High School - Ratchford 8, Bill 4, Sharpe 4, Hartwig 2, Van Pykstra 2, Mui tinsen, Hills, rVTPI IT18' ttnd another amateur,; The jolt took some of the I J Ml Ooree Von Elm. I strain off, ami he holed in a fine L I L I The background: Six succes-, bilflle 4 at the ninth, and when Sebool edged out their arch rivals Stone's 22-21 with the winning points eoming in the lat minute of play. The play was fast and aggressive as tempers tlared several times during the game Neither team heid any edge in Earelli, PP sive years Jones hod been Na-'ne walked off the green of the tlonaJ Champion of the United lor K twelfth h had a clear lead States, either Open or Amateur.,0 x stroke over Espinosa, who f -, -""law -i & "Helin. 2.-22 r.O. Bo 541 KR STREET cE RUPERT had blown himself to a dreadful a Ul that hole. Now see what can happen when the pressure eomes off Stone's McCheaney, Smith 2. Dumas 8, Wewh, Marshall 5, KrUtmanson, Christoff 4, Young 2-21. He had won eight National titles in the United Stales and Great Britain. In prospect: Tlw Grand Slam of 1830, when, as Mr. George the scoring. High School led at the quarter -4. Stone's fought hard and tied it p at the half 10-all. There was no change In the pace of the second half as the scoring was equal with a 17-all tie as the final quarter began. Stone's went into a one- , ..it-, t lun1 K. , f Ifnn T. ,t. i Espinosa, convinced that it wa Prince RiiM-rt., B.C. If.JI Trevor phrased It, his record I a11 over, played the last six holes "was entrenched safely andwltn an UrcrediWy brilliant run forever, within Uie Impregnable f,,,r 4's and two 3's, for a IMLES When your piles are at their round of 75 and a total score of 294. FOK 1 MJ-S TO BLUE eROMPT, EXPERT LltVKK AANICH jng & Heating QuadrilaUifal, The Unbelievable Big Four- Vktura of Golf." Thus is the iory. Through the xevenlh hole of the final round, Jones was spinning easily along with a widening mirnrln of strokes over his nearest rivals - Al Espinosa, Gene And now the pressure was on i Jones. He lost a stroke at tlit'l 213-yaid Umttenlh, got bis pari 4 at the next, and then picked up another devastating 7 aft jt i scored with a lay-up to put High itching; Ua is 'the .iiify .iiue School in front. Danny Bill gave 'vou'll appreciate the blessing ol , i , i , . modern science in th iM'w them a two-point lead as he p !! Treatment. Hundreds of sank a free throw. Stone's letters tell us oniv one bottle of scoring ended when D-,MbaT1 scored a penalty shot. . The amazinK results. That's our students controlled Uie ball to' guarantee or results you expect . , with one bottle of Pyltnne or .' price refunded. This liquid tak JUNIOR CHAMPS Maureen Senior, 14, of Toronto and Donald Tobin, 20, of Ottawa captured the junior ladies'-and men's siagles crowns at the Canadian figure bkating cha9ipions,hips at Ottawa. Tobio also placed third in the senior men's singles and is one of, the bei iree-style skaters in Canada ,tf PHOTO a sliced drive among the trees at the fifteenth. His lead wa gone, now, for Espinosa was or. en by mouth goes direct to the internal trouble removing; the cause. Pyltone $1.75 at all modern druggists. B1NESS AND PROFESSIONAL NOW AVAILABLE from his record. Bobby stood u p to- putt. The galiry -subsided, into a Uange breathing, silence pressing into the ears. It seemed that sonw-where, a long way off, a tiell was ringing slowly. t Then the breathing stopped There was a faint, thin click of the stroke, and the beginning of a kind of sigla iu the eaiiery The ball was on its way. Workmen ONLY Puxif rr Drybaek Coal $8.25 Putiifer Dryback Pasts S.95 Khaki Covrralls $5.45 Denim Pants, 8-oz S3.&0 Denim Pants. 9-oz $3.15 Denim Coveralls, 8-oz. $5.10 Denim Rib Coveralls .. $4.4)5 I)-nim KoMM-ks S4J.r Blue a."ti White Boilermaker Cyralfv $4U5 Khaki Taste Group 1 $4.50 Khaki Ti '--Group 2 $4JM Painter' Overalls $4.95 Steelbilt Taats $4.75 Moleslua raaU $5.95 Heavy HuBaphrjr Fishernea't r&ulx . $1 1.95 DioHble DiantMMl Pants $5.45 Iroaman Pauls S5.XI the board he couldn't lose any! more strokes. And Jones need- j ed 4-4-4 to win by a single stroke,; and the sixteenth' was a par 5. j Pressure? After a great drive' and iron, lie was on the six- i ttenth green, 20 feet from the' flag. Then his first, putt was five feet short, and he missed the second. ; BRYDGES and McLEAN PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS AND AUDITORS Xasstfleds: So per word per ttiMrUon, minimum oharK. so. Birtn ihm fcuc. Caroa uf ThanKj-. Lata Notices. Funeral Notloaa. UarrlftR and Engagement Announce menta: 2. SPECIAL, DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICk .-i-'cu Advertising Is payable In advance. Pleas telratn troa Mlapboaln 0 FLOIUSTS r Third Avenue ry service Ii: CFKEM 787 il'riiice Rupert, B. C. FOR hen FOlt SALb Income Tax Returns Compiled FOR BALE "38 Chevrolet Master Deluxe business Coupe in FOR RENT Furnished 843 9th Ave. West. rooms, 1567 In DECORATING And now it was 4-4 ... to tie, Oily a dozen feet to af Ho He got the fim 4. Then after! & took! Tbe fe ta Besner Block PliONE 000 Room. 31 ood condition. Heater, sealed i beam $260 new parts installed! - last June. Anolv 1006 9th Av-j enue East. (481 a gasp ft HANGING GN PAINTING a liood drive he milled his pitch SALES HELP WANTED WANTED A reliable man to sell Rawleifth Products in Prince Rupert and surrounding district. No experience Missed? No! AHMER FOR SALE One silent glow oil ( heater wick. $45 in eood condl-1 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERINQ Phone BLUE 81S P.O. Box 520 j for the houue green, and the ball i trickled down Uie ;teep bank of ! a deep buulier, stojjping in the Rras just shorC of the sand. And , his wee pitch was soft. The ball lay 12 feet short of the hole The gasp changed to a stun:, ning roar; the crash of a thunderbolt . . . The hall had roiled. LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE KaaiuMkbara rants .. . SH.iU needed to start. Write today. .Rawleieh'S -Dept. WG-B-lrjrj-189. Winnipeg. Man. trf ' HELP WANTED TfTHNIClAN tion. Apply suite No. 7 Wash- ington Block side entrance. (48) ram f4vi FOR SALE-1937 Ford De Luxe Sedan First class condition, 330 Second Avenue Prinze Riiijert, B.C. .it ing and Repairs GOLD SEAL IABEI BOYS WANTED The waiting ut for Daily News delivery bovs is own. Suitable boys wishing routes should leave their names at the office, tt Acme X COLL'SSI e BLACK T,t5 Jt2 10th East And it was that or noUiing The rest of Bob Jones' golfing career hung on that putt. U he tnissed, it would be the first time in the U.S. Onei he had new paint lob. Phone Black 935. " (52) ! FOR SALE 34 f (Kit bv 9' 6" West coast troller in excellent condition, complete with all fishing, A. T. GARDNER & CO. CHARTER KP ACCOUNTANTS 4aMrMHHIUk U I slowly and more slowly,- across a sloping green as fast as Ice, to the rim of the hole; had hesi-i tated stopped. And then well, then It had dropped. ,' It was Al Watroas, Bob's fellow-competitor, wiw described 1 that putt a few minutes later in j (tie locker room. It was 13 feet, jaid Al, and a .slope in the iigiii-I ninir fast green necessitated 'n I "borrow" of about 10 inches from ROOM WANTED Counle visit- in for two weeks, desire Quiet comfortable room. Available March 8. Phone Black 784 between 2 and 4. (It) naviRation and living gear. ' Complete description bv ap 1 plvina to P. O. Box 474 Ocean j Falls. B. C. 48) 475 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C. CLOTHING STORE eeowd as high as 80. He would have blow ii ,a lead of six strokes, sui4 one uvrc .U. Uie last six ltole. If that putt tayl out, it wMdd remain a sfireading and iatal blot, never to be wiped 'N DLlN'fl WOOD In sueks AND CEDAE. . nek Delivered fc-Vtl TRASSFKR fcreen lB(i FOR SALE Model A two-door .sedan. Good running condition. Phone Black HOW. (47) HELP WANTED Male or female to call on homes to make appointments for ohotoeraph- lip Ipft nf Ihp litlp Al H'.tiii a. er.Apply room 28 Commercial Hotel. 7 to a p. m. (48) rL&tkm I WANTED . ,' . . FOR SALE New- Articles. Elec- range was so nicely gauged that trif. Tostw,s. Pro.s.s irons. Hot MARGARET McLKO!) OPTOMETRIST IWK)M 10, STONE BUU-DINCi if the hole had been a 4,,-ineh Cups and Plates. Heaters. Saucers. Kitchen Stoves atj B.C. See ,vn mac1unf. voi:ks or SIMPLEX OAS real saving prices. Furniture. (tf) PERSONAL PERSONAL DRUG SUNDRIES i rubber uoodsi twelve samples for 50e postpaid in plain sealed wrapper, cataloeue included. General Novelty Co., Dent. 'PR'. 71 Major St.. Toronto. Ont. .50) A:, BUILDING f and DIESEL ENC1NES : ch-cle on the green, Uie ball 1 would have stepped in the i middle of it. ! Next day, the rebound. Play-! ing his best gojf of lhe a eel; I Bobby Jones won the 36-hole j play-off from AJ Espinosa, weary i and stale, by the widest margin in history. RFAIfinF I INr. PHONE BEUK m P O. Box 11B4 LOST FOR SALE Used Furniture, Office Fixtures and Hardware, Underwood Typewriters in best condition, Radios 1948 models. Kitchen Chairs, Coal Heaters, Electric Heaters, Logging Boots, Ladies' Fur Coat $7.50. Other useful household articles at the lowest prices. Sec B.C. Furniture Co. (til Empty Beer Bottles CITY TRANSFER WILL COLLECT THEM AT YOl'R DOOR CARTONED OR LOOSE WEPAY CASH PHONE 950 $ i vicc and Parts I fix and users of In-iHi'iiies are invited to 'ni to view our varl-I .'Hid talk ov,.r .qujp. di' ms. LOST Blue love bird at Seal Cove Circle. Rine attached to leg. Phone Red 826. (48) TWO GOLD COINS R"wnrd if finder returns to Daily News. 147) But it all dangled on the putt all of it, including the un-equallfc Grand Slam climax of 1930. REPAIRING See MITCHELL & CURRIE LIMITED Builders and Contractors PHONE 3C.U FO RSALE Chevrolet panel truck. Suite 15, Mcinlyre Blk. (tf) HELEN'S REAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches METAL WORK 655 N I PLUMBING Installations and Repairs. SHEET METAJ WORK. Tar and Gravel Roofing. Letouri"aii & Sons, slti t Sixth Went, fhone 543 i.ft 204 4th Street Phon T.K I, rorie i (HinUnt. AudiUr, fte. Returns Compiled jliork - Phone 381 - FOR SALE Four room Wartime House with oil burner and Bendix installed. Anply 14118 Piggot Ave. or Phone Blue 140. (49) FOR SALE -1940 Ford Sedan, new rubber, heater and ex MACHINEKY FOh SALE if,, 'mJ" 4 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS lUOSEB-BUIlCicsiirWK:, " ;0 SAW better lumber more economically use the modern and uo-to-date tvpe National tras, A-l condition. Reasonable price. App'j Daily News Box 488. (51)1 CHENEY DENTIST KM1TII BUiCK .li ? ! i ! ': I ' i 1 I Building and repairs of all kinds Roofs, Chimneys Oil Burners Civic Centrei Dates SATURDAY Sports 2:00 Teen Age Badminton. 2:00 Adult Casual Badminton. 7:00 Teen Age Badminton. Basketball League 6:30 Junior, High School and Kinsmen. 7:15 Intermediate, Fashion and Merchants. 8:30 Senior, Bo-Me-Hi and Savoy. Special 2:00 Teen Age Art Class. P O. Box 1401 FIR OR HEMLOCK I SIDING A IX TYPES SASH AND DOOR . . . a.rd a Complr te Supply ot General Con struction ('R YOUR PHONES Black 687 Red 84 evenings P.O. Box 1670 Portable Sawmills manufactured bv National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver. BC. ' tn TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the undersigned until March 31st. 1949 for the purchase of Lots twen-tv-seven 27t twenty -eight (28) and twenty-nine (29) Block fortv-one (41) and including the two storey budding (36 X 90i known as the Elks Hall in the Village of Smithers. Province of British Columbia. Tenders may be for lots only, building only or lots and building. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- ee"ted. L. H. Evans. P. O. Box 94 Smithers. B. C. "'I CONC'UKTK WORK REAL ESTATE PROPERTIES FOR SALE 4th E. 5 Room Bungalow. 7lh -E Well, furnished 5 room Home. 6th E. rooip House (3 lots). 10th E 3 room House $500 down). 9th E. 6 room House, concrete basement a snap for cash. 9th E. 4 room Bungalow. Plus others. For inspection phone or call in at ARMSTRONG AGENCIES - - Ptiune 312 EveHins. Green 297 X BLUE 939 SAUNDERS ARROW CARS 24-Hour Strvice PHONE 640 Prompt and Courteous Service Rniilnmont 'ark Guaranteed i TO BE BURIED AT KITIM A AT I- Cartage Ltd. Philpott, Evict and Co. Ltd. PHONE 651 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Bos 774 Second Ave. p Moving Service i NOIV is lhe Time... r RED S16 1 I )ce-lu-iiu . . . o toasiy-crisp in milk! Yen. fresher beciume they're Kfllogg'$ liran Flakes . . . Try them ol no risk! DoubU your money bark if you don't ngree Kellogg'a aro fresher than other ran flukes. Send empty carton to Kel'oRg's, Dept. 4-A, Ijimlon, Ont. Helpful, ool Contains the Funeral services and- burial of Mark Smith, 70-year old Kitimaat man, who died in hospital here Wednesday afternoon will take place at Kitimaat where the body will be taken this week. Mr. Smith succumbed after a lengthy illness. He is survived by a number of relatives at Kitimaat, among them Mrs. Chris Walker. 1 T bran many need to keep IV( wly Re-Opened Gel the Best ... in gas, oil and lubricants, an get the best in car servicing and check-up by driving into our conveniently-located station. It's a money-saving habit. "SELECTIVE SERVICE FOR YOl'R CAR" nun m SISTERS to make chances in your refrigeration system. We will le glad to assist you in any improvements contemplated. Have your machine checked to see if it is in condition for the heavy work season which is ahead. SEE US FOR YOUR REFRIGERATION REQUIREMENTS Walk-in or Reach-in Coolers Frozen Food Cabinets Ice Cream Cabinets and Domestic Refrigerators Northern B.C. Power Co. Ltd. f O PHONE 210 or 209 O regular. volar. & r fluffs City Merchants City merchants are asked In future to hav copy for all display advertisements lato the Daily News offleV by 4 p.m. of the day previous U their publication. Tills co-operation win greatly assist th mechanical department in keeping to the regular hour (or publication. COFFEE SHOP 351 West Third MPIETELY RENOVATED AND REFURNISHED BETTER THAN EVER Bob Parker's UPTOWN SERVICE STATION Phene 791 2nd and McBride iJ'0Vt nv.Pl..l, rv t j n -ii.. v i.inc uo-iMiis uiir opcnaiiy i Mother Knows APU La Ml