I VANCOUVER WINS! Ptinte Uupctt iDailp recto Friday, Januarv 2, 1943 MTl'RDAT 1 30 - 4 59 -5...' Today ion Sports FIRST GAME FOR HOCKEY SCORES r.uini coast ieagie Thursday New Westminster 6. Portland TOD AT AT 7 P.M. - 1:05. ""ABBOTT ""cosrnio FOOTBALL TITLE rst action on lea n- sait ris I C". t'AUTMN j COACH CONACHER TO LEAD HAWKS FROM HOCKEY PIT Ir.i that Conacher would ruc-ceed Johnny Gott.selijr. was the thought that bit; Charlie can't tend goal.'' VANCOUVER f Vancouver E'.ue Bombers defeated Hanill-ton Tigers 13-5 in the f:rit of a two-game total print aerie- MICHIGAN WINS ;4 Fresno 5 San DulJ 2 ROSE BOWL GAME national hotkey i.r. By BERT ALLEN Canadian Press SuXI Writer BASKETBALL CHATTER By BILL LONG' ; But he may know where to (for the Dominion junior foot 'lav hand fin a arc. lor " iM Vi-'l l rrw. 'fit m j-rt . 1 ' . The second game wUl be Saturday. Wednesday Detroit 4. Chicago 0. Rangers 7. Boston 3. Thursday Montreal 1. Toronto Rangers 1, Boston 4 Detroit 4. Chicago 1. Ej lij t'M.adlan Presa Michigan rooted Southern California 49-0 in the Pasedena California Rose B,rl game on New Year's Day. Texas outclassed Alabama in the Sugar Bowl at New Orleans. Aiu.,iI;u-u-i.air.ie(.onacner (Dink, " and if he does it has bowed in as a Big League ! help the Hawks a lot." coach with Chicago Black Hawks J IGH.SCORING AWKS but whether the old buliet-.shot ; Dropping down to the Civic t Centre gym the other evening to ' artist of Toronto's' famed Kid-! 11 w easv lo lr- "i watch Alex Bill put his senior 0. C. Football Kars (s Id.-n i XXX is CYO j Peiiruylvania S'.ale and Souih- Ail-Stars through one of their i ; . ! May 2 LU strenuous i"-.- practice pracuce sessions, sessions, it it 1 1 MIXED "B" BOWLS .rs tie in the Cotton Boa al Dallas. . , , , on the right track, for a s elar.ce Line will be able tc I ft the:,, fVo ' . , '. at tne stancinzs before tr.e Haiku into contention will be ; week-end games showed Hawks interests to watch. j were the huhest-scoring team in Although the National Hockey ! the circuit, but had had 12l P. Thursday i mt uui rimi-v nupen is ! and Georgia Tech downed Kan "LEAGUE SCHEDULE ; sas 9-14 in Miami Orange Bowl English. League. FirM Division'"" l I g h'hls in B c basketball honors Blackburn Rovers 1. Chelsea 1 than of beUeve. Bolton Wanderer ft rcn,i i ; League aoormatj have been Islanders ts h, ik- . The East mangled the West 40- goals scored against them. 31 Dei ! in the San Francisco Shrine BC Pack.,, ' '''" lil 0f ers. CoUfars rs Ideal IVtements Triple XXX Ts CTO, BC Packers a Mls or Hita Marrh II --;uitar vs BC Paxkerv BrumBsvtajdf Triple XXX Ideal: Deterrent vs. aiisa or H;u. Islanders vs CYO March 21 . Ihinders va Ideal e-terfsnts. Miss or Hita u CIO. BC 1 Packers vs Triple XXX. BroanavotxJ ra Coucars Marcn i CoiiitrH vs. Mi.sn or ' Hna, Ideal IK-ri(inu vs BC Paca-, ers CYO t llroar.aiixls. Triple XXX ts Island.ra April 4-i.:fM 4'ser;tnts vs Triple, XXX CYO vs Cougars. Islanders Bl Pack.-rs aaiss or Hits vs Brfimnwiaals ( Frwl of the ond llinil I Liverpool 2. Charlton Athletics !. nd a team out 011 showing signs of making it touah for the other clubs lately. Dink i Montreal Gazette' Carroll ; game. more than any ether team. Coach Die:. I.Tin cf Car.a-dienss thinks Conacher will help Way IK Tnp.e XXX . T1 Ma Co ..art IJ J Manchester United 5. Burnlev to the floor next Wednesday and Thursday against Vancouver Arrows, one of the top senior "A" teams in the southern league whirh hv tho au v,o k-enu v BC P., rr. 0. t January -co'ians va Triple XXX I B C Packers rs CTO Lsianden n M:sa or HIM. Ideal Detertreota va broar.aoods ; January 11 CTO ss Ideal Deter-!fnu. Tripie XXX va Mi at Hita BC Pwkera vs Broonwoocls. Cou-; grs v I.-.ar,d rs I January 1 Mlsa it Hi si hC I Pacaera. Isianaers vs lrosm'Ki. . !the Hawks- Dir.k reports. Ha HO TnK FOr APIlta ! -He the driving, forceful MEN'S FIVE PIN I Middlesbrough 2. Wolverhamp- c ' Fewii . nidn 1 Tel i wa5 ton Wanderers 4 type on or ulf the ice the Montreal mentor's lirotlisuudj. May 2-1 - Ui t H (eK ine ij,.,.,, .r XXX CYO vs ( ,u, 14 t. piu ar rs Ujv :uj Be ,... B" LEAGUE -j " , ceen producing Canadian chui-pions for quite some time. Wei com-! Sheffield United 1. Portsmouth CATARRH Iment. j Second Division 31 since Elmer 'Montreal Herald' Fer-I l-.ai.oer. v, M.se ,x .,' " " " vs Ideal L .er(-e.".', will not only send our boys out ' . , ,. -r , .. . ( January 2 - (aii.tyu v Thmix on the floor, but we will sendjsi.-t Mcsai sum m-im-. Army them out as favorites . vv Co-op: Tttoruchiim is run r ' , , 'Leafs rs GroUo. Mutse vs Scouar Many of the skeptics around ; January st.mw vs c,row. uis the locker rooms insist that it ' T fun brx- Th-i;.'! Thom s Triple XXX Jul.e -Tn;,,e XX i , u BC Paik.rs vs H- .. . Put a few drop of Vicks Va-tro-nol : guson asks how a guy is sup-J Bury 1. Cardiff City 2 up each nostril. It shrinks swollen I posed to rate the NHL. clubs' Chesterfield 2 MUlwall 0 mrmbranes, soothes unta- , tnn. flushes mucus -and uiMim I CKS on .u thelr Past performances so Newcastle United .3, West so makes breath- vnM ff f 'ar tlis sea-'on- It can't be done. Bromwich Albion 1. SI: Apr!! 11 Cougar Tnj.e XXXJ BC Packers v. CYO l..iai.d r rs Misa or Hi's. Id. a! l ierei.t v j Brutriim.sKia ! April II CTu v. Meal IVler;-1 enu-.. Triple XXX va Mtsa ca- Hits. B C Packers vs Brum -nwiaals. CiU- I 4rt va r landers ! April 2V-M.S or Hi' ts B (' Pack Cougars rs IrletU I terr'-nts, Triple XXX vs CTO January 25 - Island' r vs CTO Cougars v BC Packer. Triple XXX vs Broanwjotls Miss or Hits vs De-trrsents Febniary 1 Cougars vs Broan-worxis Inlanders va Ideal IJrter-ifents M:ss r Hits vs C T O . Triple XXX ss BC Para.rs February Triple XXX rs Islanders M: or Hit vs Coufrars. Idea! Dteri:enu ts BC Packers CYO vs Brosvnaoods liars i, 1 iandert CVO Lwter'enla all boils down to mathematics, j .u " and that figuring it out in thati January is Aran s Muru co- . mgeasier: iryitl in Mlffcjsays Fergie. citing these games ""'" ' i which upset all calculations. Scottish Leacue, A Division Dundee 0, Aberdeen 0. J'U" U Ilr.mna ,.,s ' r Cous'ar B ' Inple XXX vs C V O tlCl ' t. MiM or Hits manner, we just have to acceDt "p vs Th"m stim M"ti u; vs . ,t . . . . . . ... - .. . -i . i iCanl'.srtj; t - Fi,h Dork vs '.or.r Cinxto ( ers Is.and.Ti v Pr srtia.ods. Coii- 1 :vi r-tr 1 rv.. amm f O . L. : i YOU FIGURE IT OUT ' . arcii ui oouLij i. i ukt anon ma. well, we U se? ' vs. Scotians ThorncliMw SI H.oerruan 3, Hearts 1. ,next Wednesday and Thursday.' January 23 Co-op Su lie s. Lea Tlwrt-ncUrfrs vs reoruarr i-Mjss or Hit n Margaret McLeod Scvtians Army vs Ca..f;.. I Brown rjd Ideal Dr'erceiits vs 'Leafs, who hadn't scored 3 goal on Montreal ice previously this season, came to Montreal and blanked Canadier.s. Rangers, beaten in New Yofk by Canadiens lost out. wer.t to De Mother ell 2. Airdrieonions 0. 1 but this column goes on record Partick Thistle 1, Clyde 2. j as favoring our "underdogs" to St. Mirren 0, Morton 4. win. j Queens Park 2, Third Lanark j As a matter of fact, anyone 2 favoring the locals has many Celtic-Rangers game post-! points to support his decision. Optometrist V'tlal. January 30-- Lef!, vs Srrjtians firrtu s Xtijuw Armv vs fift tx-a. Mutts, vs Thom Sht Mital Co-op vs Candsco. Stonca vs Thoni-ci.ltn February Stones vs Thorn .Sheet Mftal Co-op vs Fish tra Mjtt. Tnpie XXX CYO is. Cougars Kl-andf rs vs B C Packers 1 February 22-BC Packers v CT O Islanders va Miss it llit-s. Brovn-woods, rs Ideal Detement Cotifars vs Triple XXX P-bruary 29 Triple XXX v Mia or Hits BC Pack.r. vs Br.iuBo.3s Couars va Islanders CTO rs Ideal Determent I M.rch 7 BrossnaiKids vs I'-Und j point that casual observers fail i to observe. troit and set down the second- Pne"- place Wings without a goal:! . Chicago with the weakest goal-' ing in the league, hitherto, be-; University of B.C. took themselves into Boston ar.d c;(,l i ci.: AM a Mxe Army Jiavc a coacn wno aeiin-; fi-co Leafs i'elV rates heincr eluccoH smnrn C'MtO AT - HANSONS Jewellers 522 Third Ave Phone Green 324 for Just Arrived Another .Shipment of POPULAR Connor Washers IN THREE MODELS o oil lllsplaT Rupert Radio & Electric .'HONK 611 ,!oXlr Arn Vu Nat va: dtfipu deep Okan ton Chin Th at K was thorl mcdi cd ft Sa catei reac! and and the-foremost in the game in thl . H.s V4' w province, one who was rtSDon- i oretto. fsh ik w srottM s-,n.- a 11 in in .jtw ivied deluged one of the league's ! greatest netwinders. Frafikie - Sihle for th fin ratln a.. i Calif isco. Leaf v Thom Sheet Vietal bUN valley, Idaho ouni-" . 1 , . as wm tra:;i securea in meir iBrimsek, with rubber: befori versi'y of British Columbia on HICKS FRASER HOUSE Modern. Quiet, Com'jrtable 714 FRASER STREET Phone Black S23 r-. ; southern raid last winter. UNDER MANY RULERS j that. Rangers had invaded Tor- Thursday ended UiJ 111 mill Alteie...K V.- 11.. . u;. I onto, beat the Leafs, then Cana- place in the National Inter- eV- .. The town of Venlo. the Neth u- , ,, . v .,, .V! ,. . . . . , , jwuM.iui mi ius cnore. Aiex am eriands. changed hands 10 times, j iwriiD ociii, iu .Irs luis. isi.ijj- tui.esiaie am ineei, waicn was in 300 years would amaze you with his knowledge of ail aspects of the gam ped Rangers, but couldn't score captured by Mlddleburj College. 1 a goal on Leafs last Thursday " Vermont. as it is played today. And he has been handed an eager and "no Tl SAVOY HOTEL I OR PRINCE RUPERT PEOI'I.K Uo . n fl . HICTC tli,,t ,,r. insu ; ...a.- i ii. ,- ., , .,, 1 FOOT oi:..i: j tail .arelli, Prop, c I'lii.ne 37 P.O. Box 511 ? r r, s. J i co-operative group of players a , to carry out his orders. : We have as team captain. Big Angus MacPhee, a lad who just m can't be sold short, and rarely is a MacPhee the choice of his teammates--and of many others and has proven himself equal m to the best we have seen here In i the last 10 years. , To back up these two, we hav Ja band of players, 14 In number, a who are the best in the senior league. These 14 will be whittled down to possibly 10. but since was ass 9 V Kl AKTdtArT MUHT1L' FRASKH STREET Prince Rup;tt : OdllbldUUUII i ' i t . e-. jtll ii SOI I MK t" VI liCLEARANCE - M WAX I ! OH His ' M SAL NOW OI'KN I! tne process has not yet begun, nobody, with the possible excep occ me Chi soi HANDCRAFTS AND SOUVENIR! Movinr, Parkin Cratinr, Shipping and (.enrral Cartate and Storaje Fur Complete. Reliable and Efficient Service, call Lindsay's Cartage & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park Avenues Established 1910 Phones 60 and 68 y 'Vera . Parsons I NOW 211 SIXTH STRU arr doi tion of Alex Bill, knows who; will don a uniform and hold one' of the coveted positions In the' Ail-Star game. ; Many of the players do not j know it. but Prince Rupert will ! be represented in a provincial ! play-off this season if they; overcome this Arrow obstacle, i 5 Children's Snow Suits Z Children's Bathrobes M.E I S I OR AM. Kl ql lltl MI NTS IN Office Siiiilic . . THAT IS WHAT YOU (JET WHEN WE SERVE YOl'. Children's Coats Ladies' Coats Ladies' Dresses Yard Goods COTTAGE CHEESE N'ew Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Your Dally ALL-WEATHER SERVICE Word of this comes from the in ner circle, the executive. j What division they will enter1 is still uncertain, and 'h-t'icr j or not the play-off will be au j official one is also uncertain.; but one thing is sure- they will j be given a chance to show their quality away from home. And why shouldn't they? I i Ml cai th ea a : SCI rei mi an mi ar hi gf se P" hi I I CoiiMilt u.s for your needs in all tjprs of p:it::i:... . V Everything in luh-cl.i..s statuun ry Cards for every occasion. F.)ur,'.u:: Ms DIBB PRINTING COMPANY. 100's of BARGAINS ' 'limes Cluuite BUT BF.S.NER BIXX'K TH!! 1 t'-1 LADIES' BOWLING LEAGUE SCHEDULE January Variety v ki.... . SEE OI K STURDY SMART SHOES EOR .MEN & CHILDREN. WALLACE'S VALUES NEVER CHANGE SHI T Ol T TIMT 'iSSZT. ACOUSTIB0ARD . We ran ship dirrt t to j,u and SAU.' the tost ol hamllmi ' SMOOTH AM) .M.ATK St HI ( I I) !!MiHV. Oranee v Lucky Strikes. Mansors vs Mocjse. Toiler va. Annettes. Savoy va Scuby s. January 8 Kosa le's vs Bankers. Bis; sisters vs Miller Bhv. Coasters vs Cosmos. Watts and Nltkermn vs Sweet Sixteen. January 13 Tollers vs. Bur Sis ters. Variety vs rleuby s. Mansou's A HAPPY v;r )i:au Chandler & Cowtrill vs Watu and Nitkerson. Sarnv v a- Askios Products I At MLBJCE' Of Course Lucky Strikes. Cornels vs. AnnetU-s. January 15 Oranee vs Runker r " Asphalt and AsIh-s(o Slin'v o ii a v t t i Wallboard and Masoiuto E 4th Street. Prince Rupert, r'J I.llsiri'ifa Plovlwirl Jf m Miller Bay vs. West View. U'xa s. a Sweet Sixteen. Blowers vs. Cosmos. Rosa Lee a vs Crja-sters a JJ 1 January 20 Variety vs Luckv llinillllllllllll : Btrlkes. Watts and Nlckerson vs 13ik , Sisters. Savoy vs. Oranire. Toilers vs. 1 Ja)Uliry 22Bankers vs Coa. .f.--; ( I IV lliflll M ' RublKT FIor Tile I La: USE S I' t C I A L We have jast received a inj'-i '!,: ji .spni.T h.ook tii.i: PRINCE RUPERT ROOFING CO. 208 Fourth Street Phone Blue i Blowers v Rosa Ie . Miller Bity H ; Sweet Sikteeu. Scuby'a vs. Cosmos. A 1 January 27 Cosmos vs OraiiKe, Jj ; Savoy rs. Variety. Manaou's ts. Coin-5 ' eu. Watta and Nlckerson, vs. Tollers. Annettes vs West View ' A January 29 Lucky Strlkt vs. Iloa A s. Scuby s vs. Coasters. M xxse rs, j1 Miller Bay. Blower vs Bankers. Big Fashion Footwear stone ijuildim; $0 aM-te LING THE TAILOR are taking cleaning and pressing and steam pressing while yoa wait. PHONE 649 220 Sixth Street uuikiey Vallev 11 a j, . nisiera va. nweet BlXven. a ' PeKeiiarv Q U.H.i, ... r - ' !l v .' ' . , , 11, fcT . i '-'4 v A-i . e m Te' - -rff" . i Manson a vs. Tollers. Savoy ts Bankers. Watta and Nlckerson vs. West View. Lucky Strikes vs. Cosmos. February 5 Blowers vs. Coasters. Scuby s vs. Rosa lases, Mixjse vs. Big Sisters. Annettes vs. Sweet Sixteen. Miller Bay va. Comets. COAL , AND SAVE iw"s V. , Vv, C "Til A X 4 A A A ffffrfrxttttttvtxtt a7 ii-rr ASPECT OF ART OR A I The study of art and science x j of perspective did not interest j j people particularly until the 1 15th century. ! - S ! MEDIEVAL GRANDEUR A ' An 1 rvmciMf-i, ,.l,.v.t n it... HAPPY - NEW YEAR EVERYBODY! Thom Sheet Metal ltd. . Eric Speers, Mgr. 253 East First Avenue 4 Get 25 More Heat From A Ton of Coal Your dealer can supply you BULKLEY VALLEY COLLIERIES at- j .... atwjjuomg Oiill, U tllC A ; coast of Normandy, France, is ' A1 Mont St. Michel, an isolated: :.-w5esr Telkwa, B.C. LIMITED Phone Black- 884' '--; r(- '"g out of the sea 240 A. MacKenzie Furniture (300) feet, crowned by a Benedictine monastery. " '"' I .L III I" 1"