Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, October 4, 1950 RADIO DIAL 1240 Kilocycles CFPR can form vitamin L). Food v, equally undefendable because the vitamin In food ordinarily eaten is not present in large enough quantities to meet the needs fcf growing children Children need vitamin D every day, winter and summer, say the health' experts. Infants up to (Subject te Change) The Experts Say. . . by Kay Rex lor the obesity suffered by a good many children. Basically fresh fruit is by far the best sweet, he says, particularly at this time of year when peaches, plums, apples and grapes are selling in quantity. Not only Is It better nutritionally but it frequently Is more satisfying to the child than candy. i two years need 400-800 interna tional units and all other children need 400 units. These units are standards of measurement to indicate the quantity to be taken of the vit- Do in iijp w Hfli VITAMIN D Vitamin D, th.e sunshine vit- Jamln which comes in liquid, tablet or capsule form. ! WHAT BODY NEEDS lamin, is doubly needed now to ! prepare the children for the Ion? winter months ahead. Health department experts describe vitamin D as a "chemical Milk, fruit, vegetables, cereals and meat are needed by the body daily in both winter and summer. Any person's whose diet isnt balanced properly feels the colt-more often than a well fed perso.i These crisp October mornings particularly require a good breakfast In fact, make sure that all your meals are properly WORLD SERIES The world series game will be covered. on stations of both the Trans-Canada and : Dominion networks of the CBC in this province. The one exception Is station CBR which will eary the normal Tranri-Canada network programs. . . The broadcasts are being scheduled for 9:45 a.m. until approximately twelve noon. They will be heard dally commencing today. - WEDNESDAY P.M. 4:00 Jimmy Shields 4:15 Stock Quotations and Interlude 4:30 Maggie Muggins 4:45 Something In Harmony 4:55 CBC News 5:00 Encores 5:30 Prelude to Dusk 5:45 The Question Box 6:00 Supper Serenade 6:15 Tex Beneke and His Orch 6:30 -Musical Varieties 6:45 Saddle Rockln' Rhythm 7:00 CBC News ' i. 7:15 CBC News Roundup 7:30 George Little, Organist 8:00 Improvisations on a FRUIT Nl'TCAND Junior should et fresh fruit rather than candy when he tomes asking for a between-meal snack, says a Health Department official. But that doesn't mean candy hasn't a place in the average child's diet. "Candy and soft drinks can be associated with meals." suggests Dr. L. B. Pett, chief of the department's nutrition division. For instance, there is the too-thin child who suffers loss of appetite because he is in the habit of eating a lot of candy between rr.?als This youngster --iilri be eiven candy at the end of his dinner, thus arousing in him the incentive to eat the more substantial food first. On the other hand there is a high sugar content in soft drinks and candy-bars, and Dr. Fett says over-indulgence in 'uch sweets is often responsible By RENTAL or by PURCHASE l substance needed by the body to make use of the calcium and (phosphorus in food in order to I form strong, straight bones, good teeth and well-developed bodies." 1 It should be given to the 'youngsters all the time they're j growing, from birth usually until ,18 years. ! The health experts say vitamin D may be derived from sunllglit and from certain foods such as salmon, sardines, and irradiated evaporated milk. - Rut sunlis'it i not. a dependable source. Smoke fog and dm prevent the ultra-violet rays from reachine the skin when thp'" GRAND OPENING The Panama Canal was opened to the world traffic Aug- 15, 1914. PRAWNS IN ASPIC Aspic is the name given to transparent jelly in which fish, meat, eggs. etc. are sometimes served. If You Do - Don't Delay Fill Out a Form Immediately and Help the Campaign for Adequate Lc' Somber Theme 8:30 "Turvey" 10:00 CBC News 10:10 CBC News 10:15 Men, Women & Books 10:30 Collector's Items 11:00 Weather Report ; Rental Housing in Prince Rupert icsir Mow 11:06 Sign Off, This information Is being compiled for use by the city Council v hen negotiating with representatives pf the Federal and Provincial Oovernmcnu in connection with housing requirements. (ALL INFORMATION STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL) THTJRSD At A.M. j 7:00 Musical Clock 8:00 CBC News -8:10 Here's Bill Good R:15 Morning Son a , S:30 Music for Moderns R:45 Little Concert 9:00 BBC News and Com'tj 1:15 Morning Devotions 9:30 Morning Concert 9:45 World Series - Pi' 2 5 CBC New 1 2 :25 Program Resume 12:30 B. C .Farm Broadcast !2:55 Rec. Int. 1:00 Ine Concert Hour 1:30 Bernie Braden Tells a Sfory 1:45 Putting on a Play, Comty. NAME (Mr., Mrs., Miss) Married.. ADDRESS ...I :...; ;.. Single . OCCUPATION : v : Widow EMPLOYER 1 Widower.. AGE Pensioner. Total number of persons in household Number of children. 2:00 B.C. School Bdct. 2:30 Records at Random 2:45 Talk 3:00 The Music Box 3:15 Western Five START YOUR DAY'S WORK FEELING "READY TO GO" t -WITH POSTUM Switch to Post urn avoid tea and coffee. Those beverages contain caffein a drug that may cause you nervousness, indigestion or sleeplessness. Postum contains no caffein cannot possibly interfere with your sleep, or otherwise "slow you up". Enjoy Postum for its grand satisfying flavor -and for the money it saves you - up to l a cup compare to other hot beverages! ' Elected By Acclamation OTTAWA- ff Maurto." Bren- ton. Liberal candidate In Jollette-L'Assomption-Montcalm ' federal DO YOU WISH TO RENT A HOME! 1 . Do you wish to rent a house or on apartment? 2. How much rent would you be prepared to pov? (An estimate of approximately $45 for two bedroom house hn been rrrrlvcl by tlie committee with "larger ' house prooort ionate'y hlpher.i 3. How many bedrooms would you need? by-election set for October 18. POSTUM was yesterday , declared elected Try after his opponent, Wilfrid Ouer-tln, withdrew. ' Three other 'constituencies CONTAINS NO CAFFEIN Montreat-St. Mary's, Rimouskl today and Welland (Ontario) are all A Product of Gnrol Foodt being contested. -And an Allergy to Bumstead! By CHIC YOUNG If You Wish To Buy? $.. $.. What is the maximum down payment you could make? What is the maximum monthly payment you could make? .. How many bedrooms do you need? ; ' 'iHjlill!l)l!Hliilil' jpntiHijiiiiniiir j 1 I "-v..;;j;)j;ii:tijii fflptgv jj- lp-Tr ?S 148 Mil 1 PRESENT ACCOMMODATION On a Full Stomach! r Hous- Suite Housekeeping rooms Rent per month.......'........, or p?r wek Icated Unheal Living Room (exclusive. us) f shored, with how many? Kitchcn,(cxc!usive use) If shared, with how many? - Bathroom (exclusive use) If shared, with hew many? How ryany bedroms? ' ; If accommodation is inadequate, pleaso state briefly in who.! respect: ' DAPLING) YOU (ano, BESIDES) ' . I HAC3 A J f CHOCOLATE T OP COURSE, J PEAIJ. IT'S J BECAUSE I wik srVZfr KISSED ME BETORE Zfa t-OOKED IN (k's? '-2The pot to see 77 SSTV7 what vjepe it iffl r S i, JLi.r,M i J UD1 1V'-V1. -Do Your Stuff, Mr. Bumble! OW, MAMA'S COOKIE PCX? S.-M i Ci urn LITTLE PUMPKIN COT STUN ELMFP. 5NE OF THOSE ) VW ISi" BEES MIGHT STING ' 1 POO(? DARLING 4 rieasn rand in at City Hall or to Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce, or mail to et,ur Ml CTW H. D. THAIN, City Clerk, P.O. Box 307, Prince Rupert, B.L. P. H. LIN2EY, ! Secretary, , P.R, Chamber of Commerce (Extra Forms Available at Above Offices)