, Jkm m'm m m'm " .V.-.V.-.VVVW sra-ai i Wednesday, October 4, 1950 Eri?h!v:i yaor Kirthz K. CLASSIFIED ASTCimsiflO IN THE D AIL'S VEWS PAYS! J-tttue PStutI and Bathroom with Colorful and Easy to Clean Regular meeting of Jobs Daughters. Friday. Oct. 6. at 8 p.m. Silver march and party. (234) Carpenters' meeting. Wed Lpclon Auxiliary meetlns on 1'hursdav. October 5 8 urn (233 Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce welcomed several new members at Its monthly dinner meeting Monday night. They included Herb Young. Oeorze w uu 7Li fi nesday, 8 p.m. Special business.1 JT WE INVITE YOU TO TRY ON AN Kquascutum ALL-WEATHER COAT ir TILEBOARD Fraser Street Hall. (232 1 -J ri 11 1 J INEXPENSIVE, TOO! Phones 116, 117 or 58 KIM Kearley, George Dibb, Gecrg Cook and A. P. Crawley. Regular meeting of the Women of the Moose, Wednesday, Oct. 4. (232c) Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Holtby have arrived in the city from Quebec to spend the winter here with Balagno Florists for quality flowers and arrangements "a service you will appreciate." Phone Green 787. Box 1193. (H) S. B. Calder, one time caretaker of the Pioneers' Home , here and for the past few years located at Francois Lake, is a visitor in the city. He was called Here is the genera! purpose BERT & McCAFFERY Ltd. coat every man will welcome; m it is ideal for wearing in any weather and their son and dauchter-in-law here for Jury duty at the Su-i 1 dressy enough for almost any j 4 f- I l occasion. jf h B I I You'll like their looks, their A '; il i i A Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Holtby, Dur.s-muir Street. They spent the past simmer at a St. Lawrence River resort not far from Quebec. Civic Centre Badminton Club preme Court Assizes. Notice: Annual meeting of the P.R. Ski Club wlU be held in the Civic Centre Thursday, Oct. 5th at 8 p.m. Ski films will be serviceability and their prices so come in and see the new Aquascutum "all weather" coats today. will meet in Common Lounge Oct. 4th at 8 p.m. All interested , snown- AU interested are invited (233J to attend. please attend. Brii, your Y 'v - i - i 'I see that goou-ior-nothing brother of yours was here today!' quets. The following divorces were granted by Mr. Justice John V. Clyne in Supreme Court Mon- ! Mavis Colclough dancing in ' 'J If H p structor requests her last year's NICKLE MAGNETS $26.50 to $55.00 I n. uicKie auuy prouuues uie Announcemenu most powerful magnet known. students to call personally at her ! dav: Vera Doris Crozier fronij home from Wednesday, October j Reginald Bert Crozier, A. B.j 4 to Saturday, October 7. A l!m-i Brown for petitioner; Angus Melted number of new pupils w!.l In tosh from Elizabelh McDonald October 4 Catholic and 5. be accented for enrolment if: Mcintosh, A. a. Brown lor ptti- Watts & Nickcrson tioner. Queen Victoria's consort, i they call in person. (2321 Lutheran Ladles' Aid Fall Sal. ! Prince Albert, died Dec. 14, 1861, Here's your chance to clean W. W. Wright, formerlv of this ; of typhoid. city and for the past several out tne attic or basement. Don-years in business in Atlin, and ate any used surplus articles to; October the 7th. Lesion Auxiliary Oct. 11th. card party. his daughter are flvintr south 1 ""tary viuo auction saie, pro ceeds to go to local community. Anything accepted. DON'T! WAIT! Phone Blue 324 nyi day between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. CHOCOLATE CAKE MUSTAHD PICIU.ES this week from the extreme i north B.C. town to attend the' British Columbia Conservative convention in Vancouver. j ; Annual Fall Bazaar of An-! nunclatlon Church, Wednesday lli.'bekah Bazaar, October 18 Job's Daughters Fall Fashion Show and Entertainment, Civic Centre, Oct. 13 at 8 p.m. (235) are easy to make... ke Mother Used to Bake! Reserve this date Conrad School P.T.A. card party Friday, October 20, 8 p.m. Refreshments. Everybody welcome. Sepfember Fair Month and Thursday afternoon and evening plain sewing, fancy-work, home cooking and something really new in the Baby Booth, iioi, dog s:anu, fish ; .w r , - , " V wlf . 11 ZZl I' . t . ' . 1 1 . M P - - v. - - ? . r v'.T-:';;;V. ; NOW AT RUPERT BAKERY LTD. tatted- j Give your pickles that tangy goodness through the magic of Colman's mustard. You'll find several, easy-to-make mustard pickle recipes in our book, "Culinary Art". For your free copy, write to Reckitt & Col-man man (Canada) (Canada) Ltd, Ltd, Station Station T, T, at. Peter's tail Bazaar, Oct. 26 pond and a cup of tea. Amuse- ,ments each evening Grand Prince Rupert had ,a fair Sonja Bazaar, October 27. tne Conrad School P.T.A. Hallow-was I e'en Hoedown, Friday, October drawing Thursday night. ( 232) j month of September from weather standpoint. Thoie ' Wally Landon and Harold Hampton were representatives of the Junior Chamber of Com-- j 6.43 inches of rain on eighteen i days w hile the sun shone Cor 8'J.2 'hours nn fif!.ppn rlnvs Tin' rnln- BROADWAY CAE 27th, 8 p.m. Games, prizes, dancing., refreshments. Everybody welcome. Moose 3aiaar, Nov. 2 and 3. - I i I Montreal. Montreal. rrr 1 1 ! rv m It merce at the monthly meeting of ,. 1pus nnr) ,ho c, ncll,v IN fttTluN Back in action fallowing his injury Kullered Stanley Cud playoffs against Toronto Maple Leafs last Food Region (Vmiiaiy Fall Bazaar. November 8. ' Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. 16. St. Andrew's Cathedral W.A Fall Sale, Nov. 18. the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Monday night. President L. M. Felsenthal delegated Herb Young and G. P. Lyons to represent the Senior Chamber at the next meeting o fthe Junior Chamber. more, than a year ago. So far this year there has been precipitation to the extent, of 58.8i inches here compared with 59.21 inches in tne first nine months of 1949. The sunshine this year to date jright winner Gordie Howe, left, is shown with line mates t-inast CooK-ny centre, and Ted Lindsay following a pre-season work-:.e Detroit Red Wings' Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., training !jwk appears to bear no Ill-effects from the Injury. (CP PHOTO) aggregates 803.8 hours compared I Prince Rupert Chamber of Hourt 7 a.m. to 1 a m ; iU.D.E. tall uazaar November !3 L.O.B.A. Bazaar Dec. 1. X Waited - Cburcfc ? Fall Bazaar December 7. f it Take-Home Orders Phone 200 ' lS , , . if 1 fi with 768.2 hours in the corresponding period last year. The weather summary for September was as follows: Maximum temperature, 70 oil September 21. Minimum temperature, 41 on September 29 end 30. Precipitation, 6.43 inches on eighteen days. Sunshine, 99.2 hours on fifteen days. Maximum Commerce boasts a fine n?w Kael which was wielded for the first time by President L. M. Felsenthal at the monthly meeting Monday night. The gavel is the gift of the Vancouver Board of Trade and has been presented as a memento of the visit of the Vancouver Board here during the past summer. tlev Pft 0' CO e potato rich in flavor and food value! barometer at sea level, 33.53 on Grant Maconachle, president September 28. Minimum temper- PRINTING FOR EVERY PURPOSE . . W.'MI follow your instructions Implicitly or, if you v,ih, add a creative towh that will lend distinction to your printed matter. Moderate pri,-es. Cull us! Phone 234 of Canadian Pacific Air Lines. No peeling! No mashing! No washing! N6 cooking! ature, 29.52 on September 23. Mean temperature, 53.1. Maximum wind velocity, southeast, 27 miles per hour, September 23. Wheels that are out of balance or out of line can cut tire mileage almost in half! Regu 3 had a letter before the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce Monday night expressing appreciation of hospitality extended himself and party when vLslting Prince Rupert during the past summer. The Air Lines ch.iel expressed the hope of visiting lar wheel check and align- ment will SAVE tire mileage S - . .. J;m 9 CLASSIC PUMP GREEN CALF save on driv,..,g costs. See us today for a wheel check-up! the city again soon. I'liorp 231 3r, street Prince Rupert I'ltiVTIItS STATIONERS OFFICE SITPL1F.8 PHONE 83 County Court Is Deferred K ESTATE Bob Parker Ltd. ' ForoSMonarch Dealers r'' The' Home of Friendly Service Prince Rupert, B. C. France FALS Monthly, .session; A County Ctfirtiliere, 8criedUfe.'iM MUTm! day , "was deferred hi view of ttftj PHONE 6 67 SfunW franirfWteri Season two cups mashed potato with parsley, onion. Split 8 cooked frankfurters, spread with French's Mustard. Stuff with potato. Brush with butter and broil 10 minutes. Washed Potato In just I minvfl Boil water, add milk and French's Instant Potato according to directions on package. Stir briskly for a few seconds until thickened, add butter and whip until fluffy. f.Oi? Third Ave. W. OVER BROADWAY CAFE Supreme Court Assizes. Tlii?re was only one new civil case on the list John Chamuluk vs Bert Woods in which there was a claim for $140. Brown & Harvey have the case for the plalniU'f and MacLeod" and Ray lor defendant. Certificate of naturalization is to be presented to Mar Sun. Sizes 5 to 10 AA to B $10.95 FAMILY SHOE STORE Like magic I French's Instant Potato gives you top-quality potato pre-cooked by a special process that preserves nutri tional values and flavor. Use it to make delicious mashed LTD. Charlie Roberts Phone 357 Box 638 COMFORT! potato in just one minute, to prepare potato quickly in other exciting ways. Look for it in the canned ' vegetable or baby foods, section at your grocet's. f ii;5"i i '( ATf WonJtrM for-Shepherd's Pi Topping , White Sauce Gravy, slew or soup thickener , Economical there's no waste! SONS OF NORWAY WHIST AND DANCE Eleven tables were in play at the Sons of Norway whist drive Friday night. Mrs. A. Norton won first prize for ladies with Mrs. All?e Good second. Ounnar Selvlg won men's first from K. Dehli on a cut. Following cards, there was dancing from 10 p.m. until 2 a.m. At midnight refreshments were served by committee consisting of Mrs. Carl Strand, convener, Mrs. J. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. O. Selvlg. Mr. and Mrs. A. Slminund-son, J. McNaughton and R. Hundelde. Sol Hittributort tn Canadai 1 Reckitt & CoUaan (Canada) Ltd., Montreal HANDSOME! VARIED! Choose from our wide selection of coat, pull-over, sleeve and sleeveless sweaters. Many colors. All sizes. -At Once again as Foil approaches we are pleased to bring you the latest in ftc Pioneer Druggists DAILY DELIVERY Phone 81 VOUR ALL AROUND SERVICE CI - I POOD CAFE Mooso Women's Publicity Meet Refreshments southern style 1 uP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THE CITY VANCOUVER VICTORIA Sunday, 9 p.m., Camosun Tuesday, 1:30 p.m. Coqultlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, Coqultlam, 11 p.m. FOR NORTH QUEEN CI1ARLOTTE ISLANDS ss.. Camosun Oct. 13 and 27 10 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS ss. Camosun. Oct. 6 and 20 FRANK J, SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone St8 ;,a 1" Chinese Dnes SWEATERS, SLACKS, SPORT SHIRTS & SUITS EVERYTHING IN MEN'S WEAR Acme Clotting Store Serving the Public of Prince Rupert for Over 33 Years TMI were servea wneu me pumiu- Hy committee of the Women of the Moose met at the home ot Mrs. A. S. Hamilton. In playing of cards Mrs. O. Robinson and Mrs. J .Taylor were the prizewinners. Those present. Mrs. J. Taylor, Mrs. C. Matson, Mrs. O. Tweed, Mrs. Graham, Mrs. Paul Dvornek. Miss S. Johnson, Mrs. A. 8. Hamilton and Mrs. O k CHOW MEIN ' 0utsi(le I STAND NEXT TO NEW LIQUOR STORE 0r'lers PHONE 133