Prince Rupert Dailv News . Wednesday, October 4, 1950 SZZS NO DECLINE IN MSAT PRICES Mrs. G H feeiuutri and little' daughter, who have been spend-' ing several weeks at Van Anda. i . "Viti FINE PRINTING at nrpM DDIMTTDO lexaaa island, with Mrs Seaman's mother, arrived In th city on the Prince George thli ',n nriiMi i mi 1 1 ii.i ASTHMAS The president of Canada Packers Ltd., J. Stanley McLean, which was in northern BC waters recently, said he could not sy when the price of meat might PORTRAITS Films Developed and Prlnteu PROMPT SERVICE CHANDLI KS STL'DIO .18 - 4th Street Box 645 hone Green Prince Do you nit up night after right righting V V L ' ' 4 - r A f i ft pJt - , I- . ? t I PIIONB 24 222 Second A. morning on her way back so .Terrace. Bhe was met here by j Mr. Seaman and they will -proceed home by tonight's train. Mrg. Seaman's father, Rev. H. A. ' Bain, recently died at Van Anda. go down. The reason Ofr this orbrratblaius-o(aMhina?Tiiiilrtn'i was that prices were fix?d in the . ka mah ,u Kiv . un',"";r' . . . relief and quiclUv lets you breathe ti w T United States. Mr. McLean can.e i,p restiuiiy. one iUc box ui north on a fishing trip, and ' Tempktc'RAZ-MAHwiU convince you. about ten days were spent in Queen Charlotte Island regions. He was a guest of friends in the south. FALL and VINTER UNDERWEAR for Men and Boys Mr. and Mrs. Reg Kelsey re- j turned to the city on the Prince George this morning from a trip j to Vancouver. i I 0 Seagrams -Surf 7 i 1 fS : Stonfield's Harvey Woods Watson's Turnbull's Cee Tec Pure Wool Fine Wool Mixtures Wool and Cotton .. And all-Cotton ! &WW Combinations, Shirts and Drawers, Jockey Longs and Shorts . . , Tops to match. Seagram's "V.O." Seagram's "83-Scajram's Crown Royal Jcaarum's Kings Plate Seagram's Special Old IFrascr and IPiiyn t t . i tment iSnot published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia ' ' ., . ....... J unbelievable foot ease and II "Splendid J " ! 1 rriL they're LUMLEY'S SUCCESSOR Guarding the net tills year for the Detroit Red Wings, last year's Stanley Cup winners, is young Harry Sawchuk. In pre-season training at Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., his performance has been nothing short of sensational. The fast-moving net-minder will fill the shoes of Harry Lumley, , traded to the Black Hawks In a major player deal following the H crti"s"' "rW r walking fort com end of the 1949-50 season. (CP PHOTO) t I your next Catholic Bazaar Is Social Centre !i;: ;!! . Jr$L i JfT . MM HER Nowlv renovated Annunciation : School Hall will be the city's v vfw Pi w i social centre today and tomorrow II I . h N sssD, I I , APTER FLIGHT PLANES ovoiloble for as the annual Catholic bazaar Is ; y I. your arches on 7 IB m "tktr " II K ",T 7 ! t ' f t Thli advertisement is not oublithcd or held. The proceedings go on both afternoon and evening. Ladles of the city started moving early to the affair to be received by Mrs. E. L. Coughlln president of the Catholic Women's League. There are many attractions a "cloud-soft" cushion Aerial Surveys Aerial Photography e Private Charter 0 Timber Cruising, etc. INTERIOR AND COASTAL POINTS For , 'f ' " displayed by the Liquor Control Board j ; V I or by the Government ol British Columbi j 4-" . 'M I spongy foam rub b e r such as the "baby" booth, also a ; beautiful assortment of plain '; sewing and fancy work, unex A For a full range c Girls' and Boys' Raincoats in GABARDINES PLASTICS RUBBER OILSKINS llT-S - INFORMATION RESERVATIONS For Clean, Courteous Service Call TAXI 65 TAXI Now I'rder New Management If we don't have a par, we'll call you one. NEW SUPERINTENDENT R. H. Robertson, appointed general superintendent, B.C. district, Canadian National Railways, Vancouver celled home cooking, a hot-dog and cake stand, and a fish pon to delight the children. Tea 1? being served both afternoons PHONE 476 N CHARLOTTE AIRLINES LTD. Bizti 4 to 14 SEE US TODAY with bingo and amusements in the evening. The grand drawing takes place Thursday evening. In charge of the tea room Is Mrs. C. P. Balagno while Mrs M. P. McCaffery and Mrs. J. Fre:! Ritchie are pouring. 73 n Killas & Christopher Bldg. Dpm's Dept d)(Bffip STORE Air Freight on an rugnrs m 695 Other ladies in charge are: Sewing Mrs. J. L. Blain and Mrs. H. F. Glassey (St. Ann'si: Mrs. M. J. Saunders, Mrs. F Schaeffer and Mrs. J. F. Bug yinka (St. Theresa's). THE BEST in Plumbing Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT PLUMBING & HEATING BUD SCMUMAA lOld Poul Offlf.f BlvJfe cD XL 1 ! I Home Cooking Mrs. O. R. IN SIZES 4-lt AA EEE Brett, Mrs. Leo Dioron and Mrs. asp. D. Mulroney. IAN Hot Dogs and Coke Mrs. S. Dumas and Mrs. E. Telseth. Fish Pond Mrs. Louis Ama- man . . Topcoats dio and Mrs. L. Colussl. 'hat lP-220 Rest your orches . . . feel divine . . . ond look divine, I too. The nearest thing to floating on clouds. Spring sponge foam rubber cushions your foot from sols to heel with on extra spongs rubber support under your arch. No more bulging (eel. No mor V 6wumH4 ky Baby Booth Mrs. J. Gorman, Mrs. L. Charbonneau and the Misses Delphlne and Charlotte Balagno. Bingo and Aniusements--N. R. Young, G. R. Brett, J. Comadii.a and J. Bruce. Grand Drawing Mrs. Waiter the Season. IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND IN THE COUNTY COURT OF PRINCE RUPERT BETWEEN S. ANDERSON & COMPANY and THE WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION BOARD, PLAINTIFFS, and WILFORD CHAMPAGNE AND JOSEPH THERRIEN, . . DEFENDANTS cramped (eet. Glove soft ;oo, in Style, Lahti. A. TTMrFR. nnrl hv virtue of a Writ of Fieri Facias from The leathers ore so flexible, yet hold their trimness as long at 'you wear them. Actually moke your foot a smooth size ' smaller. Suoreme Court of British Columbia; and a Warrant of Execution lrom the County Court of Prince Rupert, respectively, to me uu'ected against ilie goods and chattels of the detendants, Wilford j Champagne and Joseph Therrien I have seized one CLETRAC 4 TRACTOR bulldozer with 8 ft. blade and hoist. Model ADL. Serial Nn A,in and sixth cedar Doles, more or less, on the nKidway Craft Club Draws Many W and Value .... st of All Moderate in Price. FALL SUITS i rL' 'ol imported worsteds In good solid I Conservative fall and winter shades In "rs, neat patterns and refined stripes are note in Uipsp fnh inn u hip sn its. A wide approximately two miles east of Usk, on the Prince Rupert Highway, and 20,000 lineal feet, more or less, of cedar poles, still in the woods about one mile to one and one half miles by skidroad from the above described skidway and on Tuesday the tenth day of October 1950, at the hour of 2:00 o'clock in the afternoon, at my office in the Court House, Prince Kupcit, B.C., I will offer for sale at public auction all the right, title and interest of the said defendants, or either of them, In the above goods, and this sale is subject to the Social Security and Municipal Aid Tax. - Terms of sale: Cash. The Cietrac Tractor can be seen on the skidroad leading to the above described skidway. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C., this first day of October, 19o0. v vi. STEPHENS, Sheriff of the County of Prir..e Svport. The beginners leathercraft class met for the first time at the Civic Centre on Monday night and sixteen enthusiastic students learned the fundamentals of skiving and cutting leather as well as the first steps in thonging. There is still room in this clcss for further registrations. The next meeting will be held in 'two week's time. Latest word from Miss Jean Fashion Footwear I of these neat fitting smart single and pasted models for you to choose from. Sizes I Rrmrniher ... ! AA f1' Trousers ....FROM- 1DUU !T FALL TOPCOATS men know that now Is the time to buy fhlng for fall and wlnter Made from heavy , wl gabardine (fully shower-proofed) and Ut DUre Unnl 1.. ii..t , A ltv illi Ium handsomB n ,.i,,i i Kino Travis reparrMn 'he Tr-t-n -t of British Columbia .xt'en-ion department coiiT'e to be held at the Crvic Centre net wek is that the clrse' will on Tuesdpy r Modnv Is Thank-giving and a ho'Mav. I . tail ouauia ill CJr "'vi crown and km cwn a aa ?alUeat FROMOD.UU caw ",s--a tap .i.... r- iecuon of bomber jackets, wool lined cruiser coats, showerproofs. Std lg cats, station wagon coats, li nec heck lruckers will fill your every need. Itionu' V S a11 woo'-s. and shower proofs ' L nuu pnwnr.1 . i to 46. fm 8.95 , 29.50 The Junior Bvys met In the workrhor fcr their f.'rst session on Mmdav af.Tnoon and J-;ko(i ovc" the rro'ects vrh'p "re it be made this vear. The Mondav eroiio is for hovs from 6 t.i 9 years of age while the 10 to 12 year old bovs meet on Thursday ifternoons. It li honed thr tre vc.s In thr.? ae sreuos a ill ak he otxrtunitv of the e woid-workine session. Cwinr to the Junior Bovs having their bov's ames neriod on Mondpv pt the "me time as the woodw-rk. the Mord"V (tpl-n cf woA,,'''ork has )-een ehnno-ed to Tuefdrv at ths same hour after yphool. The teen age girls are beln? requested to come to t"ip praft class on Monday instead "f Tuesday as Tuesdav has been set: aside for the boys woodwork. !?nd lool over our fine selection of rnin9 whii e our stock is complete VACUUM PACKED HOMOGENIZED iam F. Stone ft; I (Clothe, of Distinction) i .3