r- KV "NCIALf V LJbHARY 113 132 -11. 2. c. DISPATCHED odmes DRUGS Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" Phone 81 JOL. XXXIX, NO. 23i PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1950 PRICE FIVE CENTS 0U : - mm fteinr ericans orcmg iorea F rorces Not Yet Three Meet ieath as Steamer DQils Launch VANCOUVER, (CP) Possible "hombly mangled" bodies of three employees of the British Columbia forestry service were sought in the choppy waters off Bowen Island yesterday fallowing collision between a sturdy coastal steamship and a launch. Four other persons were injured, one seriously, " and were rescued by the Union hf ' - I v. i -.- . i I v ; - Requiem Mass For Mrs. B. Macdcnald i ed Line May Yet lie i i ry- 'A 0 y 4 ' 1:. f COST OF LIVING INDEX UP AGAIN OTTAWA -Cost of livins Index climbed to a new high during August, gaining 1.J points due to higher costs In food, fuel, furnishings and rents, the Bureau of Statistics reported today. The rise In the month was from 1C8.5 to 169.8. Mrs. Bridget Macdonald widow of the late A. J. Macdonald, passed away suddenly this morning y Arduous ,, (CP) Gen-; Steamship Co.'s Lady Cynthia smashed at the home of her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, 1117 Seventh Avenue. She was in her 77th year. A native of Ontario, Mrs. Mac . wnicn late yesterday ilas MacArthur! today that a: rcing division donald spent her early married CONVICTED Two Years For Jabour life in Winnipeg, where she was G. H. LASH Moricelown Case Is On into the provincial forestry department launch A. L. Bryant while enroute to Vancouver. Missing and presumed drowned have been identified as F. A Longstaff, aged 30; W. M. Ingram, 30, both of Vancouver, and A. P. Wrotnowski, North Van ,ed States Third associated with Catholic and social welfare activities. She later moved to Vancouver, where has arrived to ' lean Hunting as the m l. A i she lived for about ten years be : ins pusn iuriuei couver. fore coming to Prince Rupert Korean territory. about four years ago to live with The Crown today opened its case before Justice John V. Clyne at the Supreme Court Fall Assizes today against Tommy Mitchell, charged with unlawful her daughter. She enjoyed good Koreans are re-miles beyond the health until the time of her The rescued are Frank Patterson of Vancouver; H. L. Coles of North Vancouver anH J. W. McDonald and J. H'. Ktl-by, both of Burnaby- Paterson Is In poor condition parallel in an ! L 0 : death. She has been associated ly assaultina a . peace officer BiDtv coui.try. Statement By Accused Admitted f.M Abortion Knowledge Case TO APPEAL Announcement was made today that the two-year sentence, if not the conviction itself, would be appealed. with church activities here. while lawfully engaged In exe A Requiem High Mass will be cuting his duty. R. M. MacLeod said for her tomorrow morning (Army appears to jfd but there are paring to build up IWonsan, important refinery jxirt. Is prosecuting and J. T. Harvey at 9 o'clock In Annunciation is defence counsel. Accused pleaded "not guilty." in hospital here with one avrr almost severed. The other three suffert.i shock. Two passengers aboaxd the 925-ton Lady Cynthia said the accident occurred when "the launch either tried to beat Cst. Edmond Corson, first wit cchurch. The remains will be accompanied by Mrs. Johnson to Vancouver, where they will be burled In Ocean View cemetery. After 25 minutes' deliberation, the jury at the Supreme Court DIPLOMATS CONFER External Affairs Minister Pearson, chairman of the Canadian delegation to the United Nations General Assembly, confers with Dean Acheson, United States secretary of state, during a lull In proceedings. This United Nations photo was taken during the fifth session of the General Assembly at Flushing Meadows, N.Y. , (CP PHOTO) ictus say that 4000 are digging into m southeast of ness for the Crown, testified that Assizes last evening brought in on June 3, accompanied by four a verdict of guilty against Er Mrs. Johnson Is the only surviving child. 11 1 i I constables and a game warden, he visited Moricetown Indian across or else it went oj r I c trol." ' the Third Inf antry 5s the total Ameri- f reserve to execute a search war nest Jabour, charged with unlawfully supplying hot water and castile soap to Betty Young, knowing such were to be used to to six divisions rant. At approximately 1 a.m. hTital combat team. Peoria Folk Yankees Win Series Opener June 3, accused had been arrest Canuck Warsi" bring about an illegal mlscar-1 1 ed on a charge of Intoxication W. S. THOMPSON, CJB.E. : riage, Mr. Justice John V. Clyne sentenced him to two years in I in Korean troopo 'penetrated north of Parallel. .All I'ughih operations, troops are busy in rce spokesman said and was put Into the police car with two other Indians. The car proceeded to the residence of the accused to execute the search How In Japa; Visiting City ' v Tour party of forty five persons, travelling under the aus penitentiary. , - Issue Settled By Lone Run In pronouncing sentence, His warrant. At the residence, he Lordship thanked the jury for i Labor Party Is Critical l T:s-i l.'tim y column was spot- pices of radio station WMBD of saw Alfred, son of the accused y snaking down who was allegedly causing a dls "rra. their strtct attention during the long "morbid" proceedings. Yesterday morning a long ectlon of the Man- turbance. He was also arrested TOKYO. P Cana.tr. troyers are back in To operations in Korean ' ' The Sioux found thr -'and the "Athabaskan '' field. " The .Sioux, AC and Cayuga had two ; Korean Invasion duty 1 . t on the regular C.N.R. PUBLIC RELATIONS The retirement of Walter S. Thompson as director of public relations, Canadian National system, and the appointment of G. Herbert Lash to that post, Is officially announced today by, Donald Gordon, chairman and president of the company. The announcement also names "Claude Melancon and Royd E. Beamish as assistant directors of public relations of the railway. The changes are effec Following Alfred's arrest accused MAaGATE;.-ENGLAND legal trial within a trial brpan n a sunulv train. over the admissibility as evidence of statements made by Jabour to transport column n from Communist -in of i 5 Peoria, Illinois, arrived in the city on the Prince George this m'TTttng from. Vancouver vand will proceed by the evening train to Winnipeg enroute home. The group Is led by two farm editors Emil Bill of station WMBD and JohnWankey of the Peoria Journal newspaper. Mark Ham-den of the Northern Pacific Railway Is In charge of the party. I SHIBE PARK, Philadelphia -RiKlght -handed Vic Raschl was the" conquering hero in a great World Series opening game here today but it was only after a brilliant pitchers' duel with Jim Konstanty of the Philadelphia Phils. One run in the top of the police constables the momi.tg as not a foreign they destroyed enem; Betty Young's dead body was ment. found In his room. ' i Constable Turner said Jabour fields and bombarded st. . Lotteries and troop conces' -a supporting the United. iton American Communist army Powerful Union leaders fought Monday at the Labor parly's annual conference over whether to force the government to shake up the management of state-owned industries. In the end critics were outvoted but the vote showed a segment of the party sharply disappointed that Socialism had not yet brought the long held dreams of a working man's Utopia tive October 22. ' fay break up Into could 'fourth frame sufficed to give pees which had come into the police station at about 7:30 the morning of April 19 and asked to see the sergeant. He told Turner tlit mat had become violent. He ha seemed peaceful up to that time. As witness was stepping into the police sedan he was struck in the face by accused. Accused struck again, but witness ducked and accused's hand hit the post of the car. As the car was being driven away by another constable, accused kicked him with his shoe once, then twiee more. He exhibited a scar, which he said was the result of the kicks On cross-examination, witness denied he had broken accused's arm. He first knew the arm was broken the following morning. I Hp snlri nrpiiopri uas cut. nn the months or even the Yanks the victory. It was assault on the port ot I i They spent two weeks r " supplies of the beachrK-J -and escorting ships carrying , fuel and ammunition. mountainous coun-; the eleventh one run shut-out in p excellent terrain World Series history. Prospectors Out Safe After Rough Trip in Rugged Region mi-ana-run lac- Konstantv Ditched for eleht ter was so serious that he had to see the sergeant. He would probably be In jail by noon. He asked Turner to let him knew would mean lndef-j innines and was then relieved The conference today for wage increases, price reduction and In brlmml rrnl of a iavl eranH ahnnr rntn V I o control of profits- k uj ivuwi ivitrjrw. F Ppn'nsula and i Scoring run come when Bobby f a prolonged drain Brown doubled and was brought . Rupert Feraly and Ed. Freeze, field prospectors ! from the police station when an for the Consolidated Mining & Smelting Co., are nc.o. came m. I mmurv strength. nome by Coleman's long fly. A crowd of 35,726 fans jammed ihe park. R H E New York .. 1 5 0 Philadelphia 0 2 1. top of the head when he pulled j agreed that there is no tougher and more rugged part .:ZSllmoi British Columbia than the twenty-five miles be-cused with either a blackjack or.tween Sandifer Lake, 3VL miles west of Tahtsa Lake flashlight. He said everything. d fch TsaVtsis River which' drains into Gardner Body Found in Water at Noon s Dollar iDicSnn uonsiaDie weaneaa came mto the')ffice between 7:45 and 7:30, Turner said. He telephoned Jabour at the taxi stand 'and Jabour came over to the police station.. He went into the back room at the police station with Redhead. Jabour was a crqwn ; mjiiiy Sensational Commie Plot Judge Finds War Machine ' Designed to Overthrow U.S. Government . PITTSBURGH P Judge Michael A Masmunno on Tues day produced a billky sheaf of seized documents "Which he said proved that Communists in a war machine in the United States were seeking to overthrow the government. The Judge said he had" sent seventeen of the dpcuments to Canal. They are safe in Prince search warrant had been exe- K In the second Png since It was rut. LOCAL TIDES Thursday, October 5, 1950 The body of Arthur Jennings, cook on the fisheries patrol boat W its own level, the fHar traded here at Rupert after some concern had been felt for a couple of days last week as to their safety when they failed to make rendezvous at Egeria Reach, Gardner Canal, witness in a case at the Supreme Court Assizes, which were In progress at the time. Constable George Redhead tes tified he cam on duty at ap New Yukon Road Is Now Finished . OTTAWA. P Completion of the last link of the new 247-mile 15.2 fect Arrow Post, was discovered float-16.4 fert j lng In the water at the dry dock 7.7 feet' at 12:30 p.m. today an dordered 11.8 feet' by tne coroner to be removed to m United States High 9:00 Pis compared with' 20:23 9ate of 91c and clos- Low 2:10 notations of 90 7-8c I 14:22 proximately 7:45 the mqrning of April 19. He was Informed Ja f bour had left a message to be called and he telephoned the fUTlONAL RULING number and asked if Jabour cuted. Afterwards accused's son had started calling the police vile names. He had been ordered by the constable in charge of the search to arrest Alfred. Witness denied he had threatened accused earlier in the spring. He also denied suggesting that accused plead guilty to the charge under which he was being tried. The case is continuing. Jury for the trial Is Douglas Hugh Payne, foreman, Vernon B. Ciccone, J. R. Watson. Charles C. Ormiston. E. J. Garofani, Stanley SaviUe, Archie Hed-strom, M, J. Keays, Carl Matson, David Abel, W. W. Noonan and George Fowlie. with Neely Moore, flying ex-j ploration superintendent of the company, who was to have met! them there last Wednesday. Mr. Moore finally located them on a bar six miles up the river when he went back last Friday to make another search. He dropped parcels of food to them and left Stan Uruskl at the House of Representatives un-American activities committee which established the alms of the Communists without question. Committee investigators say the papers are sensational. pents Not Allowed iange Authorities the B.C. Undertaking parlor. Captain McColl of the Arrow Post said this afternoon Jennings had left the boat about 0 p.m. yesttrday and he ha-i not seen him until the body was found. The body was discovered just about noon by Olof Juvik, who was on the float of the drydock at the time. The body was floating between the ramp leading down to the float and the dry dock. It was reported to police highway connecting Whitehorse with Mayo, Yukon Territory, was announced today by the Department of Resources. The all-weather road, built to aid development of the largest lode minim? areas In lh Yukon, provides direct, access- from the Keno mining districts to White-horse- It joins the Alaska Highway at a point ten miles northwest of Whitehorse. wanted to see him. Jabour stid "yes" and arrived at the police station about 7:50. The two went into the back office, Cst. Redhead said ,and on entering Jabour threw some keys ou the desk saying: "There's the keys to my room, Red, she's m there dead." AWA, (CP) The Supreme Court of Canada Nay that it is illeeal for the federal and Egeria Reach to go in and meet them. Monday, Mr. Moore flew aeain to Eeeria Reach and pick THE WtAlHtR ' Synopsis Cloudv skies are general in ed the party up to bring them here. Fernlv and Freeze were given ACCUSED'S STATEMENT governments to delegate one to another wp'ed to them under the constitution. The however, will have no effect on existing f ed- Mr and Mrs. Ross Mansell, I Mrs. George Frlzzell, who has Constable Redhead s said he an regions of British Columbia Immediately, and they arrived on the scene shortly before 1 o'clock. The coroner ordered re who have been spending the been visiting for several weeks then gave Jabour the official summer at Peachland on Okan Fents. In Vancouver and Victoria, returned to the city from the south Purees atn tv, i moval of the body to the undertaking parlor shortly after .one o'clock. on the Prince George this morn agan Lake, returned to the city from the. south on the Prince George this morning. 21 days to cover the distance of 25 miles. The first few days the going was not so bad and some prospecting was carried out as planned but as they proceeded. It was all "they could do to keep up to schedule in traversing the country and, fin and rain is falling along the coast as another disturbance from the Pacific moves into the coastal areas. Southeast gales were blowing In the exposed waters near tne Queen Charlottes this morning. These wind? .lng. v police warning and added that he was not under arrest but, if there was a trial, what he said would be used as evidence. He told the Jury Jabour was not under suspicion or investigation at the time. Jabour had told th;m tthat a girl he knew as Betty ws dead in his room. He had found her and she was blue all over. He the Supreme Court of Canada 'verc unanimous in their decision. Chief Justice Rinfret said: "Parliament and the legislatures of the several provinces are sovereign within their sphere defined by the British North America Act but none of them have the unlimited capacity of ally, they fell behind. Deep canvons, almost impenetrable bush, rouch terrain made It as ki , 'U Iflin Sht delay the over-1 security program. F normally falls I iwtallctlon of the hL''h0 overa11 n-t am can be inaugur-F lheir consent. !!e tan some sug-t he province, dele- fe'0ver social I We the federal !.w Introduce a na- FISCAL POSITION BETTER Britain's Gold and Dollar Reserves Show Big Increase BASEBALL SCORES I'acific Coast Tortland 2-2, San Francisco 1-3 San Diego 4, Hollywood 2 (10 innings) Los Angeles 14, Seattle 1 Sacranicnt-T 6, Oakland 3. racif.c Coast rugged a country as the pair had ever seen- Nor was there anv evidence that human be- are expected to shift to south west and decrease to moderate during the afternoon as the ' leading edge of thedisturbance moves Inland over the coast. There will be scattered shower activity over much of the interior. Unsettled weather Is expected to continue through Thursday. Forecast said it was 'an aboruoi. but he an individual. They can exer-. ings had ever penetrated the,dld not know how it was don8 area before. or wr,o did it. She had come to The twd men suffered no In- hlm the preceding Sunday and lurv nor did they actually run . . A h, if cV, .. hu 55, bribing the is now m about is lor the out of food although it did be-room and he had sa!d ..ves sh. come short and they were forced,. . . h. mnrn. Men's Deaths Arouse Mayor VANCOUVER Mayor Thompson spoke last evening of the LONDON (CP) Oreat Britain announced Tuesday (that vital gold and dollar reserves have more than doubled since the pound was devalued two years ago. A treasury statement said that vital reserves had soared $334,- ) to ration themselves. It was a welcome relief when Mr. Moore ."'"elH and tho " Wee Intermittent rain becoming continuous by mid-day and showers during the afternoon. Cloudy with widely scattered showers Thursday. Little change in temperature. Winds southeast (30) gusty shifting to ise only legislative powers respectively given them by Sec-, tions 91 and 92 of the Act. . The court's Judgment, upholding a ruling of the Supreme Court of Nova Scotia, cannot, be i appealed to the Judicial committee of the Privy Council in London. Appeals to the Privy Council were abolished by Parliament last year when the Supreme Court was established as the country's court of last resort. The test case was brought before the court by the govern - ing of April 18. He had stayed in the room until 10 a.m. when he was called to a taxi stand to take a long distance telephone call. Witness sai.'i accused was nervous all the time he wus telling (Sunday) , Hrtl'vwnnrt 9-4. Sacramento 5-2 Oakland 7-9 San Diego -12 Seattle 3-1, San Francisco 2-5 Portland 6-9, Los Angeles 3-6 (Saturday) Hnllwood 10. Sacramento 6 San Francisco 6, Seattle 2 Portland 5, Los Angeles 0 Mrs. Joseph Slaggard. who has been on a vacation trip as far south as Portland, returned home on the Prince George this morning. death of two men who, charged 3D next remain K 'he sighted their mirror signals from the air last Friday and dropped them parcels. Mr. Uruskl, who had been put off at Egeria Reach, went upstream to meet them and accompanied them out. Mr. Fernly and Mr. Free- will leave for Vancouver 000,000 in the last three months j with Intoxication, had died, one with the increase bringing the from cerebral hemorrhage, and the other from head Injuries fund to $2,756,000,000. southwest "and decreasing to (15) ols , are "c- 8,on- EX I Urn... v 10 uir uui.ia1 uu irc&ii i ui the police station,1 'said the him the story and seemed to this afternoon. Lows tonight want to get it off bb chest. Af- and highs Thursday-at Port terward, he had gone with Cpl. Hardy. Sandspit and Prince Ru-(Continued on page 4) i pert, 40 and 50. Speculation !s that Britain may soon Increase the dollar value of sterling. . ., ' l Mictions ' mayor. If one was not called I am going to find out why." lino - juuges of j ment of Nova Scotia. ,