JABOUR (Continued from page 1 . Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, October 4, 1950 Trade Boards Are Respected II Rogues ol Sherwood fcJ . . Starrine ltlR 'UIW Wales to room 8 in the Dominion Rooms and unlocked uhe door. He said the pictures p'tviously introduced as evidence were a true record of what he had seen on entering the room. He identi John DEREK Speaking Irom experience as a ' Parliament i rlan, Olof Hansen,, former M.P. for Skeena, told the ! Color by TechmiN i I EASE attd CffC Prince Rupert Chamber or Commerce Monday night that representations of local chambers of commerce and boards of trade a tJoy and His Dog Cartoon - News Shows at 7 - 9 D.m fied a jnark on the picture as I being In the same place us a stain that was on the flooi vhen he ! entered the room. Nothing in the room had been disturbed j while he and Cnl. Wale w"" t the room . They stayed only a ' l wer always listened to with re You bend a little or a Iol and IN u Bark stretches with vou and will not ride up. The spect by governments. The sup (M-AJ JmmJm port of such organizations could telescopic back allows ease with every j be a great weapon in the hands DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED advehtiq ' of members. There should always , istME, "'0 H0 a,. motion even while it controls and streamlines. 1 Sketched,, a supple side-hook girdle. be care, however, in the matter I of drawing up effective resolu ; tions which should be decisive1 i N"Wv- I JOHN H. 1 i , and reasonable. He advised SATIH.f BULGER WALLACES' DEPT. STORE Cnii Gloss & Hir' " man,y beaut,! against representations of a demanding character. More could be accomplished by a friendly, co-operative approach. Anotheh guest at Monday night's meeting was W. H. Crocker, field representative of ths regional development division, Department of Trade and Industry, who spoke briefly, .expressing his pleasure at being ror in'eriordecQ OPTOMETRIST John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue QUICK DR CO VC"J J?25 the First Pack. District Commissioner F. E. Anfield has taken charge of the First Pack meantime. A chance is here Tor senior patrol leaders irom any troop to chip in, bear a hand and got 1H0MPSC' HARDWARE CC SCOUT PATROL few minutes and went out. The door was padlocked and he stooii guard outside. Cpl. Simouiis. who had been a constable with the city detachment ac the time of tre offence, said when he 'came on duty accused was in the back room with Redhead. Who. they came out, the policeman was carrying a bunch of keys. Redhead told him, on being asked, that the excitement was about a body in Jabour's room. Accused was perturbed and he warned him that anything hp might say would be used in evidence. Cpl. Wales then came in and, when Jabour told him he was in a mers, Wales again warned him He had then given him a statement Ollite voluntarily He wniiK the statement down. The statement was entered as an exhio a It was to the effect that the girl had come into his room oa the morning of April 18. He had got her some hot water and was called away about 1 0a.m. No one else was in the room when he left. He knew she was planning an abortion. He returned to the room about 11:30 p.m. and found the sirl with litUe clothing on. Her face and neck were "You ought a to hear my wife. Boy, can she talk!' vlT NOTES l.ansfer Cubmaster some first-rate experience. Fri Len Hv nichts at, the Cathedral neh Meth Davies present. IN THE SttPnKME COt'RT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE . OP HENRY HILL tit! IN THE MATTKR OF THE "ADMINSTRATION ACT" TAKE NOTICE that by Ordor of HI Honour Judi: W. O. FiilUin. made the 36th day of tfe-ptrmbcr. A D. IU60. I w appointed Administrator of the Estate of Henry Hill, drcoawd. lat of Btewart. In Ui Provlncs of British Sykes has transferred to the Timely Recipes Second Pack (Conrad St.; from SCOUT CORNER I October Rally Octobv 13 af . Passes Away Meat Ball Tamale Pie i. 2 cup ripe onves WHEN TRAVELLING TO TERRA? Leave Prince Rupert l"T30of Arrive Terrace m II trnoon Execulive Commissioner Spry will hold a combined Inspection of Cubs, Brownie;-. Scouts and Guides in the Ar mory. . .jll ttirna'-out of all rarks i. expected by the District Cun-nissioner both at the rally a: -. the dress rehearsal to be held in the Armory on October 13. Every Leave Terrace 535 Arrive Prince Rupert 1 q 00 Columbia, and all partlra having claims aKalnst the aald Estate are : hereby required to furnish aame properly verified to me on or before the 15th dny of November, A D. 100, j after which date claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no know-; lede. and all parties Indebted to the ; aald Estate are hcaby required to pay i the amount of their Indebtedness to I me forthwith DATED at the City of Prince Ru-1 pert. In the Province of British j Columbia, this 36th day of Septem-1 ber, A D. 1950 j GORDON F. FORBES. OFFICIAL ADMINSTRATOR, one is expected to give the. uni purple. He had then walked forms, shoes and ourselves that about most of the night and Meth Davies, for many years engineer at the Shawatlans Lake pder plant here and prominent in vocal circles during a residence of thirty years in the city, passed away suddenly on Sunday in Victoria where he had made his h -me for the past ten years, rt-ny.oli frnds here will learn Iwith regret cf his passing. 1 Mr. Davies was born In South i Wales 63 years aso and came to 1 Prince Rupert in 1911 cfter hav-jing been located In Victorlp ir.nd Nana mo. He was a member j-f th Masonic Lod-;e and took ! leading part in choral activities. Mr. DavVs remarried since leaving Prince Rupert and is $3.80 SINGLE $5.85 RETUt Yes Wc Carry Express!! Phone 555 for Information WATSON ISLAND STAGES LTD OIL HEATING ai its Best MARCHAND SPACE HEATERS Convenient, Economical High mechanical efficiency. VORTEX Automatic Burners 30" saving in heating costs. TERMS ARRANGED Smiili Elkins . .LIMITED numbing and Hoatin- little extra brusn-up ror this had finally gone to a friend's occasion in the District Scouting. room to sleep for a bit before A timed program of the rally . coming to the police station. Cpl. will appear in this column u-xtjwales retained to the station 1 egg Vi cup fine dry bread crumbs V3 cup milk I teaspoon salt Vi teaspoon black pepper 'a teaspoon allspice i pouuQ giouna lean beel 9 tablesrions oil or drippings ',4 cup chopped onion 1 cup chopped celery I can condensed tomato soup 23 cup water 1 teaspoon chili powder Topping 1 cup corn meal 2 tablespoons flour l teaspoan salt V3 teaspoon baking pftwder 1 cup boiling water 2 tablespoons melted shorten ing 'i cup milk Wednesday khan. jUst as thi otatement was com . 1 .r pleted and mltncssed the signatures beinr, uiadc on the stuto-ment. Cnl. V.Vc3 sa' that, what h saw in tha room agreed with what Redhead had seen. He said he had tripped over some fish hooks and kicked the basin when he stumbled. Otherwise nothir.K in the room was moved. He had then gone back to the police station and found accused and Simonds just linishlng recording the statement. He warned survived bv his widow. Two daughter here are Mrs. David O vers and Mrs. J. G. Alexander. The latter left by plane for Victoria on Monday. Phonn 174 po. Box 27 Cut olives from pits into large pieces. Beat egg lightly and combine with crumbs, milk, salt, pepper, and brown in oil. Reniov meat balls, and brown onion and celery lightly. Add tomato soup, water, chili powder, and olive-; and heat to boiling. Pour over meat balls. Cover with tonoln" accused and read the slaitme.it to him . Then he passed it to him ior signature. Moving, Packing. Crating Shipping .a.id General Cartage ami Storage Complete, UeliaDle and Efficient .Service. A'so agents for Cai.adian Liquid Air Co. Lie, for Oxygen, Acetylene and all welding supplies. LINDSAY'S CARTAGE & STORAGE LIMITED catc::acoug::i:g cold Cst. J. White, recalled, klentl- , Bake In hot oven (400 degree F tied a razor blade wrapper and 1 20 to 25 minutes, said the telephone call war Tovvms: Sift together con-checked an dalso said a woman meta nour salt and bakne pw. had said at the that inquest the, ripr Rflr 1n ,0nin-r wat.nr am V Brim DE&AeffONrefcf from 2nd MO and Park Avenue Plin-ir. fif and 6S j Est.. pin had been seen alive at the 'shortening. Add egg beaten with King George Hotel between 11 myfc a.m. and noon of April IS. j . . Mr. Justice Clyne, in charging the jury, told them of their re- post mortem examination' by sponsibililies and told them they Greene. He detected an arom were so"e judges of whr.t, the similar to carbolic snap.' Aft'' ilk mm Does Your Furnace send up hot air or smoke to your home? If It's smoke, call us. Mark KH: Tlioni htirrt Mettll Ltd. Tvorv sinclf brt- I H r,.. VaDoRub's 'A combination of time-proved m ; j M-ennffcsted large Mi the examination. TV. n-"" given him a number of artio'en which he listed and. sent to Vic toria for analysis. H "ivp t,rr to Cpl. Simonds April 20. Ve wn: i In the room from t,h" lime lv ' entered until thi coroner ord.,; - facts elicited meant and It was their duty to find the accussd "guilty" iif those facts el!c'tated in evMrire caed fo" that fira-ing. Otherwise they were to find him "not guilty." EARLIEP. EVIDENCE Any tune a nasty, mean cold luakes your youngster feel all stufled-ujl and miserable, do what minions of mothers do -relieve the nagging misery in a hurry this special way . . . with the very same Vicks VapoRub that always brings Biich wonderful results whenever you rub it on! So maty ... to ffectival Just put 2 good spoonfuls of VapoRub in a vaporizer or a bowl of boiling water as di relief right where coughing coidiM much misery! , I Tv, teen n relief .. A VapoRub on thmat, chest and back. The f&iS o, results will prove wny VapoRub is a trusted family standby in millions of homes. rected in every package. Then ... let your little one breathe in the soothing, medicated vapors. Relief comes almost instantly! Mm. Sarah HartwiR testified ed removal of the body. tht he wan workine In Walla- On cross examination, he .-.aM cr's drug store at the time of Mrs. he had a cold that day. but tha, Voiinrr's death and that, before he recognized the smell of cp-that time, .labour had botfhi. bollc soap. Hr said Ilngers'-aMs pome cast.ile soap fuid other were sometimes used by fi:;h?r-it-'m-;. She ri!d rir, remrS"- men who cut their fingers on what the other items were. They hooks, were obtained from the back of " " : " the store. Mostly disintectanio were kept there. On cross ex-1 amlnnt.ion she said accused! miaht have hough t Kleenex. Th? of colds- Best-known home remedy to relieve miseries For Uiristnms AT lASTf f?ez Instant Coffee macfe 6c red SOQWCK! M&it s v I ,1 vj 1ict k THE PERFECT GIFT POR THE If ur& " jrV Coffee Peoffe$ PERFECT GIRL FOR PLANNING FOR BUILDING FOR REPAIRING Call 363 MITCHELL &CURRIE LIMITED r.iiiUltrs Si Contractors vjw uuuu o Sa, I so commatr K : nX Come in Today! Use Our Lay-Away Plcn a Aomeszicoffe&potJ Jm -ih rreister was at the back of the store. , Cst. J. R. White of the U CM P. ; said he had been a membT nf ! Ihe D C. Provincial Police in ! April.! He said he knew Jabour, i vho ' id in room number 8 at 'he Dominion Rooms, Witness "ai In tic building about 10:39 the nieh. before the body war? disrovrrcd making a routine "hcl.-. .Tbnur'.T door was locked vith n-pad'ok. At 9 o'clock the 'o'lo-vin" naming he had ac--nmra-iipti Cnrpo-al Wales and D Oree to the room. CpJ Wa'n un'oeired the door an.l he h-"i ntrc t 'ft,-- Vn'"" -Dr. Oreene. Shown the p'cturs. he said they -hnved whif on entering. the room. No1 one hnd disturbed anything In th! room before the pictures 'were taken. There wan no plumbing i'i the room. On examination nnd Keor"h of th" room, he said he had found a basin, which he prnrne"d. It was entered ns an Save as much as a lb. , by switching to the wonderful M AH SON'S Luxury Steamer PRINCE GEORGE j I I i Your Frionrlly Jcwrll'-r RAILS FOR lnsniiraasU j I . n vArniivFP " ,11 riMWVLi I a-IV j i:n(;jnes & kqiipmknt t v ufM-k nI hnve for wile and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT exnimt. The pan was upside down under the bed and wa. I clean inside. There was some i rllroi'K Hlmpleii Ja Knehies 'ih'e Clr-iel ehiit plln(. K.ille fuel IHte. Tf'i'lliip Pule Kwlvels. f:t!rhrlf 4ick nnil l'rla. ItniKN and Iron Huh Hollers, e'stoii KIiiith. Pipe nnil pipe Fittings. sticky substance on the handles. ! He prntiuced a bottle of lysol with jasmall portion used, which he raid wai in about the same con- i You'll never know how good "instant" coffee can be until you try new Instant Chase & Sanborn! You'll agree . it takes real coffee people to turn out a real "instant" coffee. Once you've tried the nevo Instant Chase & Sanborn you'll know what a wonderful success "instant" can be! , Such marvellous true-coffee flavor comes welling up a you pour the hot water! Rich! Robust! Full-bodied! And to think that this splendid coffee saves you so much time so much trouble so much MONEY! Yes, at today's prices you save up to kO cents m pound over regular coffee! So don't wait an instant Get ett Instant Chase & Sanborn Coffee now! Enjoy It at snaai-tane for delicious quick cups of coffee aoy time! I''or llixervauons WiiLu or Call CITY am DEPOT OlI'ICE ! cit o i as wh":i it was found. He j raid the-e was a package or razor blades that he co-ild rot find amnicr articles he had in court PRINCE RUPERT. j HihhldMl It n llciirlnc. r Jiiw Cliitlieo ami him hor Meiter- . limits. I Niei-I and Itrims Hlmftiii;. nulls, Mit.H, SI nils and C up I SlTPH'H. Ilallliut Side Hollers A- Hlieaves. Aovlior 'Sinrly Mi;ei'liea(lH. -l int Milii Steel. Vurlous Brtlcles of m irnie Imril-ure and -ciiliiei)t, too iiuuier-mih to tneiitloii. BYTOWN On th- dresser he found a knife. foi'l' and t.WO hh'ptnnm. V,..f "i'wv,im nub i ' . k.. i, ..u u.i-M uiair I'uiici oe caiiea an Instrument. He produced four f'.neerstalls, a blanket, and articles of feminine clothing. He said a'.l the articles would worn by a woman when she was dressed. He was present at the ( MACHINE WORKS