NOT USED IN EGYPT Prince Rupert Daily News Wednesday, October 4, 1950 DATGHI CV mSUMOITA FneumcRut is a comniur.l-cable disease rrinr. b Manscns Are Going Strong One of the first reference! to the onmA Kir.inri. . us is maue Blackwood On Bridge By Easlcy Blackwood in bnakespeare's "Anthony and VAvt g., ! IT'S EASY against vou and with a rubber biUUm nnvi nt'vnr ift wi.n To Use j ci-i proy DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS Write Them Yourself on this Handy Form My friend, Mrs. Keen, a reeen'. mnvort to rubber bridio. is eatli. r tome in.?restine and ! .rontable data of the va'ue of partial sc . res. On yestrday's hand she made a contract of two spades, snoring CO points below line. North dealer Neither sic!. vulnerable East-W t 63 on score North (Mr. Alifl) 8 K Q H 3 DJ 10 5 4 C A J 7 a 5 (Mr Kern) Vrt (Matrr) A J 8 7 J 86 10 3 H AJ9 8 82 A Q 3 D 0 8 1 K 10 8 C -Q i 2 Smith Mr. imle) 9 108 5 4 3 H-K Q 7 4 D K 7 6 C 4 i The bidding. ! Nii-tii Kiil Muuih I Pass 1 8 Piias 2 H 3 C DM.' ' All Pass She held the cast cards in to ; day's deal and opened the bidding : i -with one spade. She was all to pass partner's two heart respond but wait, Mr. Abel has one into a huddle. Finally the decision Is made three clubs fram Mr. Abel. This is net recommended and mav be tm .timiri tn imniiip th.i lis another mnitr "Double" in a firm voice from Mrs. Keen. The opening lead was the ten of hearts which Mr. Masters wen with the ace. He returned the six o,r spades. Mr. AK1 played the aueen and Mrs Keen won with the ace and led a small spade back, Mr. Masters trumping. Now he led the nine of diamonds to Mrs. Keen's ace and another fDar'.'! came back. This time Mr. Masters made the good plav of trumping with the queen of clubs. Ha he trumoed hw. his anten would have been left all alone end subject to play under de clarers ace. By trumping w:tn the queen there was a chance tj promote partner's trump holding. he' ws helple to avo'd j ja three trick set. If he over i trumoed th o,--en of ci,y" i"t the ace Mrs Keen would win j trop tricks with the king, ten, els-ht of clubs. If he let the ouee- hold" he would lonse that tnrk plus twn arid'H-nil club trick-to Vrs. Keri later When the smoke clenred awav the contract was down 500 points. trustees. i r M til t: A 4 'Mm uieopuira. Business and HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving f Beauty Culture In alt Its branches ?04 4th Street Phone 855 CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D C. 21-22 Besner Block Houis, 10.30-12:30 & 2-S Evenings, Mon. & Frl. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 COLUSSI'S MUSIC STORE Agents for the finest in Musical Instrument PIANOS TUNFn AND RECONDITIONED 210 4Ui 61. Ph. Black 38V A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS Hit Melville Street VANCOUVER, B.C. RORIE & LAIRD Public Accountants and Auditors. Income Tax Returns compiled. O. L. RORIE, AA.E. S. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Bemier Hun Phone J87 ' HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE OENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repir or all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS i , PHONKP i Black 334 ' -' i - Red 8m I P. O. t170 Number of Times Eiclosed Please Find ; i (2c per word per insertion e.g. Number of words 25; cost, 50c. Six J insertions for price of four. Minimum charge, 0c.) I Although Manson's have only. lost one point in lour weeks of bowling, it was not until last.o night that they really lounJ I uieir mar, i ney ueieatea Jay- eees No. 2 Tor four points by ; rolling a new team high threi . game total of 8321. All teams' the showed marked Improvement over previous bowling nights and scores were quite high. High single scorer was Harry Price of Cook's Jewellers with 301 and high three game total was scored by R. Tubb of Brown -woods with 757. Eart Team results were as Toljows: 8 Manson's 4, J.C.'s No. 2, 0 t H Ambassadors 4, Mallets 0 C Brownwoods 3, Oddfellows 1 Crescents 3, Three C's 1 J.C.'s No. 1, 4, Helpers 0 Home Oil 4, Fitters 0 D Si S 4, Short Circuits 0 Toughies 3, Thorn Sheet No. 2, . ... 1 . Scotians 4', Can. Legion 0 Kaien Industries" 4, Thom Sheet No. 1, 0 Philpott Evitt 3. Bulger's 1 set Cook's Jewellers 2, Blain ' Bros. 2. if I STANDINGS, Group 1 'b:d Manson's 15 : Philpott Evitt 12 Ambassadors 12 if Bulger's 10 rook's .tpwoIIts 8 But B'ain Bros 8 i J.C.'s No. 2 7 Thom Sheet No. 1 7 Scotians 7 Ka'en Industries 6 Mallets 3 Rupert Motor3 1 Group t CrpR?enis , 14 Toughies 14 Home Oil 10 D & S 10 Three C's 9 Short Circuits 7 Thom Sheet No. 2 6 Brownwocds 6 Helpers 5 J.C.'s No. 1 4 Fitters ... 4 Oddfellows 2 HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert ""." 'I Fon warc1-. . Uruskl. Courton- 1 ay, xv. rcuiuit'jf, weus.-fe i Freeze, Kamsack: W. J. Gordon Vancouver; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Horn, city. r.)b ibly if you were shown the ' jNcrth hand by itself and asked i M .M Roper and Mrs. E. you would overcall at tn three W. Becker left by plane yester-j-arme. your answer wou'd be T.3.', day for Victoria, whore they will in the heat of the battle, attend a convention of schJol ith a game about to be made SIDNEY W Complet vuuai 8 am. "to 5 . Ga. Coot.jJ MARGARET J Room it T0NE BUS. PHOSlJ GORDON D. K I OIL BURS'EB EPEi New wick or fwt tj;, tiipplted AU typaa and stoves sentej cKiidlllonal purttJ left satlsf action r, terrict 733 5th West Fur Dowiitrojdf, and Worn J. MAC SHOE HOSP Biix 774 SH MATTSCN fPHOLS-TJ Phonp Blue 8U PI ' "330 Second 1' I Prlni-e Rupel Name Address P a r k a s fc Quilted Satin with tuck-in Elastic Waist. Sizes 4 to 10 Years. Classified Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classifieds. ?.c pe word per insertion, minimum charge 50c. Birth N .tiees 50c Cards of Thanks, Death Notices, Fun eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2.00. SPECIAL, DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE Mm BUY NOW AT THIS LOW PRICE! The Sport Shop IT'S PROFITABLE i Phone No. " HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Ladv requires full nr nart Mm. nffnB . u7Art Box 808 Dallv News. (233p) WANTED WANTED Good home for nice kittens. 8 weeks old. Call before 6 p.m., 1433 First Overlook. (233pl URGENT Must have furnished house or aoartment bv Monday. Rent no object. Phone 410 daytime. (235) WANTED Elderlv ladv wants babv sitting. Box 803 Daily News. (234p WANTED TO RENT Urgently require 4 or 5 room furnished houpe for annroximatelv twot months. Best of references, available. Apnlv Sanders N.R.j C. Power Co. Phone 209. (239c) i WANTED TO RENT Couple with 5 months' old child ur- eentlv require furnished house or aoartment bv Oct. 5. Please phone Black 953. (tf) WANTED TOP MARKET PRICES PAID for scrao iron steel, brass. cODoer. lead, etc Honest eradlne. Piomot payment made. Atlas Iron & Metals Ltd 250 Prior St Vancouver. B.C. Phone Pacific 6357. ut) WANTED TO BUY Used piano, cash. Phone Black 792. (236p) WANTED Scrao cast", bras.-, Conner, batteries and radl ators. Phone 543. Call B29 Hti west. rr - - LOST A Bold locket engraved "F F S ' between Conrad Kin dergarten and flin AlfraH Rt Phone Green 687 or return to uie auove aaaress, please (233c) LOST Green budgie hi rH vcl. low head, talks and whistles. Phone Black 886. (tfc) PERSONAL BEAUTY LANE will re-ooen for business Wednesday Oct 4th Call Blue 917 for appointment. Beaulah Heaton. 218 4th Ave. w. (235c) wnnir nnnjt.u WORK WANTftu-thh oftonH. --- ln - convent , ... renuires n'l'uico oart Jtv I j time work. Phone Black 500. (233c) BUILDERS & CONTRACTORS PLUMBINU Tnfl Heatlmr hneet work Tar ar.L , Gravel Roofinp Call fi90 fit West. Phone 543. Letourneat nrtd Ron? 'tf muumn i-amiine ana uecor- atinir Knpnce anrt Xifotnit Phone Black 215. evenings or iiuuu iiour. r.u. oox nil. ut) COMPLETE builders supplies fjoi, ocivite. isiana uiiv Buua-Ing Supnlles. Blue 820. (18m) ACCOP-STANTS PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT! Incomf Tax specialist. S. G. Furk Stone Building. Red 593. . 20m'i REPAIRS Extra comfort and less work for you with a Coleman Oil Heater FOR SALE FOR SALE OR TRADE New building at Alice Arm. Inquire 616 6th Ave. West Phone Green 698. (235p) FOR SALE One Faro-o truck special lone wheel base Optional with or without dump. Also '48 Chrysler Sedan. Excellent shane- AddIv 32 Taxi. (242p) FOR SALE Fawcett circulator wood heater like new. stove board Included, $25- Blue 984.' (ltp)l FOR SALE Medium Fawcett oil heater and Dines, used two months. FrW one hundred dollars. Coal, wood circulating heater, twentv dollars. Green 215. (232p) FOR SALE-Red -Blue coat. size 16. 471. (tf) TOR SALE 1947 1-ton Dick-up. AodIv Suoerior Motors. (232p: FOR SALE Used store fixtures. Anpiv Overwaitea Ltd. 232c 1 FOR SALE Household effects. Mrs. Eve. 339 4th Ave. West. (234p) FOR SALE 1936 Chev. Coupe, til es aiUi IVillV Armlu .Il rv . Barber Sno- ' (234c) FOR SALE WeddinK dress.1 rgCttftrhj I Il Ope,o,ion ! BUY ONLY QUALITI V SU r I Sfllu - Availoble now , ! FOR SALE FOR SALE 33-foot troller. Al condition. fullY rigged. No reasonable offer reiusea. Phone Rpd 84. Ufet FOR SALE 2 beds, coal range, . round dining table and 4 chairs. 6 volt radio, wash basin fixtures, some tool., 6-volt eas Batt generator, also house for sale. 1136 Hays Cove Ave. (233p FOR SALE New chesterfield beds; beds comolete: un minted chest of drawers: used washing machine: sewing machine: kitchen stoves: heaters: hardware: scores of other useful furniture at lowest prices. See B.C. Furniture. Black 324. (tf ) DEALERS IN ALL TYPES of used equipment: mill, mine and loesine sunDlies; new and used wire roDe: niDe and fit- tin ; chain, steel olate and shaoes. Alias Iron & Metfls J' -vX? PrlRr ? X?ncouv.e B.C. Phona Pacific 63a7. (tf ) FOR KflVl FOR RENT Lieht housekeeping room, 221 Fifth Avenue East. (234) for RENT Sleenint room, Blue 443. (233c) FOR RENT Front bedroom. Blue (236p) - r pwt t? nr ty to share, men. Red 471. (tf j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES 1 FOR SALE Boatbuilding and repair shop with valuable waterfront lot on Cow Bay, boat shed 70' by 60' with four ertds. will take boats un to at uj it . omau slock lumper, tools, bandsaw. circular saw, portable skill saw. sander, drills, motors, paint spray etc. all in good condition. Full price $5,500. R. E. Mortimer, oi mo Ave. rnone oo. yai) Rt.-.i ESTAT FOR SALE 3 cottaues on two lots. Low taxes. 15 on invest- ment of $6 000. Property in good condition. Prince Ru- ueri Keaitv Co.. Phone 667. 1 (234) i.nVRi.v RtrsTntrMi-ir ,.f rm, r. pn AXLZ 3 bedrooms. Easv terms. Prince Kunert Realty Co. (234) FOR SALE 2 hrhnr vIpw int rX LtnLV? S5f tion 1. 1st Avenue West. Call Green 959 after 2 p.m. (234p) 4 room house near bus stop with rjart basement, oil furnace. two I?18-, funv.furnish.ed. See THE MURRAY HEEL HUGGER LADIES' SHOES... NOW Kj zis .z, I! $14,95 at Brownwoc 1 . ETC "i 1 1 Bwcemeari neexune and acces-,Poo sorles size 14. Phone Green' 781. (233d) FOR SALE Men's bicycle. Black no. (234c) FOR SALE Small white enamel wick oil ranee. Grates for coal included, $60.00. Light' finish buffet. $25.00. Ifi09 8th East. Blue 621. (235p . FOR SALE Croslev Shelvidaire Refrigerator .seven cubic feet, used three months. Perfect condition . Also Davenport like new. Phone Red 820. . (233c) FOR SALE 120 Bass accordion. Like new- Phone Black 152. ( 236p) NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Lins-belt SDeeder Shovels; ) Cranes- Draelines: Adams' Road Graders: Littleford Bros.. Black Tod Road Maintenance, EautDment: Owen Clamshell Buckets and and Rock Grannies: T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson ;1 Bucket Loaders for Stockpile! and Snow Removal: Rice Port- able Centrlfufial Pumns: Na - tional Dragline ScraDers and! Buckets: National ah steel Gasoline Hoists: National Portable Sawmills: National Rotarv Screens and Conveyors.; L' ,,niorll0"oIrTmm'i iiuutti mmiiurai vu. rtf ) ; "'i4 HI - POWERED SPORTINO; RIFLES Larger assortment j and better values. Write for) latest catalog listing various bargain prices. SCOPES SALES CO. LTD.. 328 Queen St. Ottawa, Ont. (tf) 1 ! . FOR SALE Kitchen Cabinets,! Chairs, End Tables. Cottee Tables Chests of Drawers, Custom made Beds. Benches and NiKht Tables. Office 'V'- .Jttm&ssi tsav i iMnt . Keeoin, oniy siauo aown , . . room house less than in vpnr' avauaoie ai o1?, on. cement footings. Ex - ! Lciicniiv uuijuiiiwu ior mose wai ime comiori. Avauaoie furnished or unfurnished with terms 1 Situated on two well located lots on 5th Ave. East, this two bedroom house has full con- crete foundation with half basement, garage with lane entrance. Location and size make this house Ideal for. small family. I Small four, close In. newlv rlee-i ' X -S-Ty UNDER NEW-MAtggS MOQGIflia . NORTHERN SPORTS OliyBIl j HEALTH SPJP equipment, custom made, Desks. Chairs and Cabinets., Support home industry ..,.' buv direct. Christie's Woodbllt Products. Cor. 1st Ave. and McBride. Phone Blue 720. (27M) ' orated and painted, fully in- WATCH Repair prompt un. sulated walls and ceiling, tile clent service George Cook floor coverings in kitchen and Jeweller Satisfaction oa"acuon Kuaran- miaran. bathroom, with oil range and teed heater as new. available at . S1500 down. AddIv Robert E.iOlL BURNER SPECIALIST Montador Ltd. Stove Service Si Repairs Q D I Ronson. Black 03 (tf