L Prince Rupert Daily News Monday, May 22, 1S0O V Seaman Visits Parents Here On a three weeks' leave from the United States Navy, James Announcements I FENCING... Posts Roils Clear Cedar Gothic Pickets Complete Stocks on Hand Order Today Why try to eirt ratlin rn Your Favorite ff -A Tn fn n n.r fr 4 Vw.H . I t W. Terry, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Terry, of this city, is visiting his parents here. He arrived in the city last week. A first class seaman aboard VA I Jffjl i Baseball, Victoria Day, Wednesday, Old Timers vs 'Youngsters, 6:30. p ni. : (120) Miss Dorotliy Kergln Is arriving home this Wednesday on the Trince Rupert from her nurses' training duties at Va'neouver General Hospital to spend a month's vacation with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. L. W.' Kergin. n-avu lUUlliaiUllib, VsMillUii'., j Kali, May 25. , Lutheran Home Cooking, Tea.i Scandinavian Delicateswn, May! Dr. W. Buschlin of Premier arrived in the city by air Saturday atfernoon following a vacation trip which took him as far East as Toronto and proceeded last night by the Coquitlam to Stewart on his way back to Premier. ARTHRITIS RJIEUMATCM , PAINS CAN BE RELIEVED! Join the rratef al thouund vbo have found bleaacd relief from the agony of Arthritic and Rheumatie paini through DOLC1N. DOLC1N Tablet are safe, non-toxic . . . they cannot harm the heart or any other organ. You can obtain IjOI.CI.N Tablet at any drug itore. DOIA'IN in now packaged for your convenience in three sizes. The cost la moderate . the results are antonifth. Ingly prompt Get a bottle of IMILCIN Tabirt today. 100 tablet for $2.392(10 tablet for 13.95 alio available in bottle of too tablet. Delcia Limited, Toronto 10, Oetarlo. tlon without an aerial? Phone 100 lor an atrial estimate. (tu Bast bull, Victoria Day, Wed-ftsilay, Old Timers vs Youn"-Kttrs, 0:30. p.m. U2i)i Boy Scout C.?ntiit, May 27, afternoon and evening. Conrad Street School. (123i: No milk delivery. Mav 94 Albert & McCaffery Ltd. l.t'MISMl-l'OAL-ttl'ILDING SITH.1ES Hione 116 put out extra bottles Tuesday, 27. Canadian Legion Auxiliary Tea, Fashion Show, Teacup Reading. May 31. Women's. Hospital Auxiliary Tea, Mrs. L. Ml Greene, 943 Borden St., June 1. all milk guaranteed to keen. the U.S.S. H. M. Butler, a U.S. transport, now tied at San Francisco, James saw three and one-half years active service in the Pacific with the U.S. Navy during the Second World War. He has made two trips around the world aboard the U.S.S. Tarawa, an aircraft carrier. Northland Dairy. Utc) Sweater . . byJantzenr; Two-tone zipper jacket -: with raglan shoulders. Neat pattern in quiet, ; colorful contrasting fab- . ric front and back, wool sleeves and trim .. $8.95 ' Staple botany cardigan, Mrs. S. A. Cheeseman leaves for Vancouver aboard the Coquit-. lam Tuesday enroute to Victoria for a short visit. Morris Dahlquist, well known 1950 MAY ' 1950 I Vf-W' Un. Men. Tea. The. M. tot. I fe I 1 2 3 4 5 6 Conrad Sueel School PTA "Wind-Up" Party, Conrad Strei.t School, 8 p.m., June 2. Everybody welcome. Annunciation Home, School 'tr 7 9 Ja" " 111 CELEBRATE jCt-darvaie timber operator, returned by car this afternoon to me interior after a week-nui visit to the city. MAY 24th Mrs. Parker Farewelled Thirty of her real old friends gathered Friday evening at a dinner and bridge and canasta party to honor Mrs. S. E. Parker, pioneer city woman, who after forty-one years' residence here, will leave tomorrow aflr-noon on the Coquitlam for Se-chelt where she will build a cottage across the road from her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James Parker and make her future home. The dinner was held in the Civic Centre Dining Room and Ihe party which ensued at the home of Mrs. L. W. Kergin, Fourth Avenue West. A feature of the evening's proceedings was the presentation to Mrs. Parker of a suitable gift Mrs. C. H. Elkins, Mrs. J. R. Elfert and Mrs. L. W. Kergin organized the party. Association Bake Sale, Lyons Store, June 3, 1 to 4 p. m. C.W.L. Tea and Sale of home cooking 2:30. Card Tournament final 8 p. m. Thursday June 3 in Catholic Hall. Cambrai Tea, June 7 Mrs. J. 'McRae. 4th Ave. West. United Church home cooking sale, Thompson's Hardware, June 17. 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Parker and Waterman pens and pencils are about the best known all over the country. Bulger's have them in all models from $3.50 to $1G.50. Also the ball point pencils are verv popular at $1.50. ' (120) Dr. R. H. Bail, manager of the with Fireworks, Flags, Toys and Novelties from cellulose division of the Celanese Corporation of America; W. C. R. Jones, who Is to be manager of Presbyterian Tea, June 15. Presbyterian Fall Sale Nov. IB. the Columbia Cellulose mill here. lightly napped to give cashmere finish. Invert- : ed pleated pockets and reinforced shoulder . seams $9.50 Silk and wool cardigans'! in brown and blue mix- ' tures. Smart, hard wear- ingand practical $1095 Vee-neck, long sleeve , botany pullovers. Nap-ped cashmere finish, re-1 inforced shoulder seams ' to prevent sagging." Green, Fawn and :l Cherry $8.50 Cable-knit stitch pull-, overs styled with sleeves' or sleeveless! Soft, rich . yarns- virgin wool' throuqh and through $6.95 and $10.95 to Trim m. m in I irl and D. G. Stf nstrom, timber consultant, left by today's plane 1:-Vancouver. Dr. Ball is relum : ' It pays to aaertise. ing to his" headquarters in New York and Mr. Jones is redlining to his duties with Howard Smith Paper Mills at Beauhar- nols, Q uebec, which he will be shortly relinquishing to t.4.e i charge oi th plant at Watson i island. I NOTK'E I This is to noiifv our friends : that Ihjv Kiiii'lhurx CJ.wt..4.. 1 SIDNEY GONICK Optometrist r Now Located Mezzanine GEORGE COOK JEWELLERS For appointment Phone 212 527 3rd Ave. W. me Club, in its new home at the corner of Stvond Avenue, and i Sixth luustairsi. is not identified ! in anv wav with the former ' Northtrn Suorts and Health; Sorinas from hiih we have moved. A meeting will bo held Monday ntaht in trm new elub : rooms for -lection of office. ' KTURN BILLING CERTIFICATE WITH YOUR PAYMENT ' ' ctjj Public welcome. (120u) I RIR EVERY OCCASION I Prince Rupert Florists A Penetrating Sealer and Paint Mix Flowers for AH Occasions iOO 3rd Ave. Box 518 Tel. 777 JTJf I'KtySJ or PI E you're looking for ot vT,"'' the home of fine baking Tim-Ber-Lox is a clear lirjuid made from the finest, toughest resins and water-repellent oils and is used as a thinner for oil based paints or as a clear primer before painting or varnishing. Yov will be proud of your .pant Job when yon vst JIM-BiR-lOX betaustt PHONE 79 PHONE 79 ERT BAKERY LIMITED Baked Fresh Daily J Tim-Ber-Lox help prevent paint from "Peeling and Blistering" fcyv affording protection 4"uit moiiture. The use of Tim-Ber-Lox with paint actually saves YOU money because each quart of Tim-Ber-Lox you use replace a quart of paint. , liVOOD CAFE HUtllarr IJIIiannarji Tim Bor-Lox, mixed with paint, "brusl) drag" to a minimum, thereby UP-TO-DATE CAFE IN THK CITY Paint mixed with Tim-Ber-Lox flows on more evenly, more smoothly, allowing an inexperienced painter to do a smooth professional looking paint job. giving increased coverage and a superior, ionger lasting paint job. J 30 P.M to J 30 A.M. Win In ChincM Dishes . SIEY-CHOW MEIN ""M Orders mUNR 1SJ HOURS Weekdays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 Noon to 2 p.m. 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. SIXTH STREET AND THIRD AVENUE MiMAMm WnlhW In order to secure a good paint job it it first necessary to secure a good ground or prime coat. It is in this prime coat that th addition pf Tim-Ber-Lox to paint is highly recommended. Paint with Tim-Ber-Lox added, has superior penetrating and sealing qualities which provide a reinforced foundation against moisture and helps prevent the peeling and blistering of succeeding coats of paint. p Week Super Specials Full fashioned ' J i Hose 99c IES Rayon Hn;r f NEEDS; SUPPLIES for .... ti nn - - - - - ' W LDREN'S Cottnn A single application of Tim-Ber-Lox will prevent separating, will greatly reduce warping, buckling, surface checking and will eliminate " Grain Raise," leaving the surfacs smooth and uniform for subsequent coats of varnish or paint. It costs no more to use Tim-Ber-Lox - as Tim-Ber-Lox replaces the prime coat of paint or acts as a varnish undercoat where plywood is later to be varnished. 7 : llllp :3irfor.. aq. -T TW 'LDN'S Cotton 69c i f . i i k fZm?jL- GARDEN TOOLS SEEDS AND FERTILIZERS FENCING AND NETTING pH. STORE f TWi Wgg0y Cook, Jeweller "wlMk 0S Tim-Ber:Lox gives a beautiful, soft, natural floor that is water, dirt and stain resisting. Tim-Ber-Loxed floors are sealed beneath the surface and therefore easier to keep clean, and retain the wax much longer. . McBride Street. Phone 311 EXPERT TIRE REPAIRS and VULCANIZING ".WATCHES, CHINA. LUGGAGE V-e , U lTJfl . ; TM$ advertisers ijnoi published ! L h,.,.. British Columbia. X - !ER & WELTER 'i chT". rail ! Let our tire expert Alf Steinhart inspect the tires on your car. No charg-i or obligation for this service and it will insure safe driving. Tim-Ber-Lox treatment of all millwork sash, doors, window frames, etc., will help prevent moisture "pick up" which is the reason for paint peeling and blistering, will also greatly reduce warping, shrinking and check ng. Millwork can be treated just as economically with Tim-Ber-Lox as it can be with ordinary paint. Available at your HARDWARE, PAINT or LUMBER DEALER DISTRIBUTORS HOBBS GLASS LTD. formerly B & W Transfer) DO IT NOW! Oncroto, Gravel and Cement 'e repair all makes ! : f- if 'j T' l Sewing Machines 1 31 j !j M .WORK GUARANTEED Phono Block 774 ICc' T- Norton Youngs, 3rd Avenue . ni nr t i i ii i'i w . t uj r . . ..... mm w-fiu- -tA am Telephone 93 AD''E!H TISIMq IN "THE DATLY NEWS FAYS!