lrincc Rupert Dailp lUctus LtO. Thursday, March 18, 1948 DR. LANE SPEAKER An Independent dally newspaps. devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupert and all communities comp-'..lg northern and central British Columbia. (Authorised as Second Mall, Pout Office Department, Ottawa) -rtJ. $ SUBSCRIPTION RATES City Carrier, per week, lftc; Per Month, 66c; Per Tear. 7.00: Bv Matt. Per Month, 40c; Per Tear, 4.00. r f r til "St iJ f Hitotli P.T.A. Mcrtinff Hears j Interesting Address An in'oniial uml iiitPMsU";: adc!res.s by I'r. 11. M. I.aiu1 f 1 Plinrc .':(: HrulLh Unit u;i ! pnihli'tii.s i hcaHh in the H-';:i i Sclio!)! ;("r W;1S "'j-y',il by i Pan-nt 'li-ai-lic- Association j School last, cvpnin;;. Dr. Lam-j iavc a mi-isuriiiK piciiivc f i nciit'ial health aiunii the lli".H school students and made constructive ic",es;,.iin.s a.s to liov. i parents and ! 'iiiiii'fs may lie. ! co-opera c in rnmo! nit; I'.ooil Hi X ! Iv 7 i ' v tfrI. ft 'is home and school. : cat and anst r health in tit A hi'ii'i in:: r 1 Vftlie f.ItT ...A. r i:... i i- ivun vii i in mi- v iiu russ (n.thk s vou tdl-p.. BARBARA ANN IN PARIS Barhara Ann Scott. Canada's Icr skutiiiK champion, who won the Olympics, is shown in Paris a.s shf was received by General Vanier. Canadian ambassador to France. ; period foll iAt'd the address, j The mecUn". was entevUitn u I by Richard Tweet! who nave Two j acceptable vocal inins with his own guitar a!vt,,.,a)nini n! . Ai: interesting short film w.ti hown j on the subject o! in. i'-k 'tin" f t: i the family. ! During the busim-ss session the j .sum of ten collius was vulnl toward the Canadian Apjwal !; Chilttren a special apt-.i for winch was contained lit ." I'!ter Irani : tie pr:sid si! ol the Parent Teach. -I ) : derat loll, i The mee;iig adjourned for a help, comfort lift? itself to the needy ami the stru ktn. VC'hcn ilisasicr strikes, you are there w ith fnoil, iloilnn'4 ;milnu! i i i I .i: ...1 .1... I .... :. I.. i . aul. in isoiaieu iiimtoii wuvic wiv iuhhm i myouo !i, von muMV Otiipost Hospitals, 'ou pro ilt- free blood transfusions; st t up ad ! LETTERBOX JOKES ACT DISCUSSED Its The Sales Tax WITH PUBLIC DISAPPROVAL already heard from many quarters and in the face of the opposition ever, of some of its own normal supporters in the Legislature the Johnson-Anscomh government is seeking adoption by the House at Victoria of the three percent sales tax. A light sugar coating in the form of exemption of foods and one-third of the proceeds to municipalities notwithstanding, this nuisance tax proposal, involving a visible impost for every purchaser and extra bookkeeping for every business, large and small, will no doubt, get a rough ride although there is little question butSthat it will get through. The budget would not have been staked to it had there been much possibility of its rejection and defeat of the government "Eti a major matter of policy which this, of course, is. What the electors will have to say about it later on remains to be seen. That is where the gamble with the sales tax will be really reckoned and there will he plenty of capital made of it in the meantime. In fairness to the government, however, it might be observed tht it had acceded to the demand for greatly increased expenditures on social services, which otherwise, the municipalities would have had to pay or there would have been none at all. There has to be money found to pay for these things and the government settles on the sales tax as what it considered the fairest, if not the mast popular, means. The thing is that, if these services and aids were to be forthcoming, they must be paid for. RED CROSS CAMPAIGN IT IS NOT a very good testimonial to the usual generosity and consideration of the people of Prince Rupert to worthy causes that the Red Cross drive in Prince Rupert should he dragging this year. Things may not be quite as bright in Prince Rupert at the moment as they could be, but nevertheless, there would seem to be really no good reason why the Red Cross drive should suffer or why the modest quota of $3000 should not be easilv social hall h't'.ir in the tcachcr.s ntom wiiete n Ir -.-.liiiient.s were served by a coiumit.te consist inv, of Mrs. A K. ItimiltiiM Miss M Anstey and Miss Townsend. blood donor clinics. Vow teach first aid, swininiin!; and wafer safety. You operate Red Cross Lodges at Military Hospitals, so that wounded veterans a place for recreation and fur recomt; lh ir n l.ttiws and friends. . . . You become partner in all the missions of men y ' carried out, in peace as well as war, by Canada's skilled, devoted Red Cross w orker. ; ' 9 v WATER IN EARLY DAYS Editor, Daily News: Referring to "Reminiscenes" by "W. J." Prince Rupert did worry along for a short time without any water system. We certainly did but that. was away back in the winter of l'J()8-9. There were six weeks of very cold weather and all the water was froen solid with four feeL of snow on top of that. 'We had to melt snow for water but we soon not l-rd of that. Tht- nxi arrangement, was to get a man vyith a horse and sleigh and' a barrel fastened on the sleiuh to Pari of a pane of the Toronto ' Globe and Mail prints a storv over which apeur.s u two-col- unin head that reads as follows: . ' Prince RtrxTt's Appetite Foi t Bi'jucr Port Trade Starved Bv i Jones Act." The Ls Har ! vcy Hickey, and the story is' da led Ottawa. j Reference is made to the i .special article on Prince Rupei -. in the Saturday F.venint; Post or February 7 and to Gener;tl: Pearkes. M P., intpiiry in Ot- tawa a.s to .whether or not lh. Reach out a helping hand GIVE to the RED CROSS Hotel. . 1111 Arrisah Prince Rupert P. A B. Cokcr. Vancouver; M Van Vancouver; (' A Baihy. Cornwali. On'-ano, .1 (' 1 Sanderson. Cornwall. OniaMo. C. . F. M.'ijhom. Norti: Vain ouv: : ; Mr. ar.d Mrs. M Ma 'leniaid. Vancouver; .1 Conk, Vancouver; II. B Phillip , Mas.eU; K Sage, Vancouver; A. iviorrton. North Vancouver; N O. N"1.miii. Vancouver, T. P f.ii"hairn. v'ani t ver; VV. . Maekeii'I ', Vjik- ih-ver; Capl A c. M Davev. Ksiii-malt . haul , water from Creek government contemplated mov-and lK in tho mMn ,,f tne JollPS deliver it at the houses or ; Act. Harry Archibald. M P, is quoted as saying: "Kiether the Joics Act must Ije amended, or Prlncf shacks as they were then for which he charged 25 cents a i bucket and we gladly paid for it. Twenty-five cents was the SPACE DONATED BY THE ROYAL BANK OF CANAJI Your (Amifton will be ti'"''y received o' uny li'e.-cl, of ( is lurni Rl,,M'rt's luU,re (1,'In(ls "' smallest coin In circulation here , at the time. WILLIAM MaeKENZIE. natural resources in us nnuer-land." In mention ol construction of 17 M . 1 . : tho ((llanese plant, it is stated ' ' ruicmcril ;thllt, ,, completed, expecta-: Get Dentistry ; lion is that about three thou.-,- j TORONTO Civilians in the v'l!1 h0 employed. j J far north and othr(- isolated. ; I parts of Canada where ordinary PROLIFIC WRITER fc I civilian d;ntal service is not av- M-tx Brand, writer ol western . ailable may now recelv? treat- stories and author of several msnt from available dental of- movie stories, in 20 years has j ficers or the Royal Canadian published more titan 25,000,001) j Dental Corps at a set scale of words in books, stories and j fees. scenarios. 'A ' t ,1 V V i f" tP - THIS AND THAT P.. T. PC" 1 n m i r ' ,w - i 'it liif mwmsi 1 "I R ' : A7 'A U" i- t j ' ' j i 5 and quickly raised. We would venture to say that the most of the people who would stall or evade the subscribing of a few dollars to the Red Cross would not find .it, hard to dig up the same amount for many another less worthy or less necessary pretext. Maybe; after seeing the exemplification of the blessing which the Red Cross brought to a neighbor community the fine little outpost hospital at Terrace this week we are rather enthusiastic but, nevertheless, we would suggest to the good people of Prince Rupert that, if they fall down in their support of the Red Cross, they should be downright ashamed of themselves. WHY PICK ON US? MAYBE IT WAS just a passing and ill-considered suggestion put forward to develop another point but we heard a radio speaker last night say something about the banning of the daily newspaper from -the home because it contained crime news. What we take objection to is even mentioning the daily newspaper as an outstanding medium of dissemination of crime literature. What about the movies, some of the comics, to say nothing of some of the terrible offerings that we see under lurid . covers among the magazine racks of the book shops and news stands? Why even mention the newspapers in this connection ? The radio speaker might as well have suggested even some of the school text books. We do knowbut probably she did not think, that, in the-modern school room, the much berated and little appreciated daily newspaper is more and more becoming an accepted authority on contemporary history and general knowledge. Indeed, it is tie-coming a text itself, by and large, we would sav, a mighty good one at that. BASIC DIFFERENCES . THE DIFFERENCE between the western world I and the world of Lenin, Stalin and Co. is a basic difference. Clement Atlee does not often sjieak of Russia and its way of thought as directly or as colorfully as he did to the students of Oxford. He said: Communism has len "bred on this continent . in an atmosphere of authoritarianism, and brought to flower in the soil of czarism." Our way of life ''has its roots in European civilization, in humanism, in Christianity and, in this country, in nur British history ... We here are brought up on the basis of a civilization whose roots go back in the past We are 111) flrainst snmpthilirr vvhirh Vina no rnnts in iho nod ' 'J- ' V.V - at i ' tV I f ' ' ; - v r ill , j, r r,r - i. v . if - V vr 72 tr "I would take her to the movies on the niRht her favorite hero i.s nlayinn! rv, 'A. Ku-I -J.1. ' ' "i '; 1'' Li 4 'W,V 1 -.v v4 v it Q See Our Smart, Stylish It; i SUITS 6 GABARDINE and BALLERINA COATS FULL LENGTHS AND SHORTIES The Mark of Mercy The. Med CroHH mark of merry lirlilcns 1 Kir luirden of millions f !iifl''r' r"" IM"',r ihoM- who lK-r the Koars of war; liandieapped children ; disaster ielinis: pri ileed. oitr finaneial Hiipport of llic Canadian l! d Cross is nrfrriill V M'' ' Won't you help ' ?;t g- ------ v. . ... T. m a -kj vivwu ail v 1 1 . ruiv which, indeed, tries to destroy the past." There is the essential difference. There is no common ground between people who guide their lives by the traditions of a thousand years of history and religious belief and established custom and the jieople who discard these things; whose only background is the improvised judgments of inexperienced or upstart leaders, who have no past, nor any wish to learn from the past. That is a deep gap that will hardly be bridged in our day. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SPRING IWESSI'S SIZES UP TO f2 ANNETTE mansell WALK UPSTAIRS IN STONE III II I.DINfl . Tin; ii ii ii si; or Ni;u;imi . . '. . .! of 'tins ativfrusemeiH is not )iiiii.siicci or display cti by the Liquor Control Board, or by tne uovr