1 1 u KOKTHXRN AND CZNTHU. BRITISH COLUMBIA 'B HZWEPAFKR r A MES DRUGS 1 l';VliCiAL . ,...,r,ul Wv 'cirery 7 vSr 4 ks 1 ' " j PHONE 81 i Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port'Trince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVII, No. GO. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS nflfWsTnn jt In alia Protest Against Sales Tax BoCn on rOsing BIG FIRE AT JERICHO CAMP Arras Slirnil rs' March and jjsliane Australia, (P A jH-lil between pol-jatUtrikcrs in Brls-v caused industrial khuut eastern Aus- 1 Municipalities, Labor and Merchants Protest Hue and Cry Over Three Percent Levy Proposed in Yesterday's Budget I L2 ii-:'" Army and Air Force Suffers at Vancouver as Result of F.arly Morning Blaze , ..I,..,, Bccuncu u i 1?' attempt by 2UU krch througn town. L coal miners in Wales .stayed away VANCOUVER, Q, A two-alarm fire of undetermined origin eariy today destroyed the officers' mess and small arms shed of the Jericho Army and Air Force camp in the Point Grey district. Damage is esti VANCOUVER (CP) Mounted wave of pro-test was indicated today over British Columbia's proposed three percent sales tax as municipal governments, labor unions, and merchants lined up in opposition to the new levy. Merchants throughout Way. other unions talk- kry-wide industrial mated at $250,GG0. Twelve Army oificers escaped uninjured but! the province have wired protests to George Pv. Mat- ft!." ' . i ?' lost all their bekmsinES. Exnlo- (thews, secretary -manager of the L HAS sion of shells m a shed prevent- i M AT CI Dl A 7C ed firemen from approaching to iIUIlL DLALl The mess building was former- M VANPOIIVFP British Columbia Retail Merchants' Association. Most of the merchants protest the extra expense of collecting the new tax. Mayor Percy George of Victoria, vice-president of the Union of British Columbia Muni V CALL ly the club house of the Jericho Golf and Country Club. from rianr Over Twenty Guests Flee in Night Attire Fireman Injured cipalities, said his organization Ids lOissian ! FINDING OUT ABOUT SALMON -Some interesting pictures ! juncture with Skeena, good spawning bed; (2t Lakelse Lake, i setlins p'ankioa net. winter 194G. 3i Moricetown Falls and considered the allotment of oniy one-third of the tax to the municipalities "completely unsatis First Baby In New. Hospital in connection with research work designed to stave off decline of fishery, (li KhtdaRiver, lower Skeena, August 21, 1940, looking downstream from a spot about Vr2 hours hike up from background as seen lroni bridge ; spring salmon drying at Bear Liike 4') fish. '!" Babine fence 194'".. Gi Operations at Lakelse Luke. t - Brigadier Gcn-J.iylor was injured and seven oilier 'rachuied from a factory." Labor protests have beim VANCOUVER, if In a second early morning fire here today 20 guests fled their rooms, many in night attire, from the Washington Hotel in the east end. The fire started at the top of an elevator shaft. Guests escaped unhurt but a fireman,- George Hill, suffered hand cuts from breaking glass. Property damage was light. wired to Premier Byron Johnson and the British Columbia Fed eration of Labor plans a lobby to Victoria. ..' over Berlin. j Hit United States j v ar crimes in (ier- i f(! a w renched back ; jj) injury ) i. who was flying j fcral. suflcrcd a leu Sulnwi i Fis 1 1 ( ries A red is Fill c rin if Research- in This Last of Four Years TERRACE Yesterday afternoon the first baby was born in the fine new ten-bed Red Cross outpost hospital at Terrace which was officially opened luesday. It was a fine seven pound -two ounce son for Mr. and Mrs. Kennei.n Kerr. He arrived at 2:05 p.m. and his name is Richard Alexander. The father, who was himself a Terrace child, served overseas with the Army and is now engaged in farming at Terrace. The mother is a Toronto girl. In a $77,000,000 budget to propel growing British Columbia through 1948-43 fiscal year, Finance Minister Herbert Anscomb placed before the Legislature at Victoria yesterday the recommendation Uia; approval be" given concurrently to a three i tii.' ! To romplrlc a four yrar pi'OKrani of rronomie icscareh u rk to .!iMcr the sii;'iiiie iiiifslion of what raits Conqress i 1 in tiie middle of UH'-inkim, Russian-llll ry. i line of the salmon fisheries in the Skeena River ssslem ami Fisln -ries ii.'search. Hoard of ('an;ula from the I'acili - I'.inlo r tin' tore I wh;ii nil lii', is may In- lisi-d to rrtit'y it, srirnt ists . iciil Stat inn at N'nnaiiiio will lie ill this nn'a iijt;iin s Split I' !)!, 11 il loii' to organize the final year of their invent ijrat ions which h.o lir lr. A- L. I'ritchard senior bioloKist, and J. R. Hrett, wtm wii irn;';n .-s I'm- J'cttr years. First to arrivr will in eliai'vie dl' lake and field survey work. J. l'j. he percent sales tax on everything but essential foodstuffs. Mr. Anscomb said the sales levy's estimated $12,000,000 yield Unlikely Truman Will Get All He Wants in Building Up Military Strength Milne, who looks after statstics as well as the lnlian fisheries, will arriw later in the season. While to Home laymen, the work that lr. A. I., l'rili hai .l. s niur I i 1 i-.! from the Naiv.irno .station, and his assistants have Ix-en carrying on these several year? may seem to hac ! n si nil what iihstraet, 'he fact is that there Ints brui:i nsi.s) .storm moved ci liii.i morning. jfl. Winds ill tin I are "expected to - tonight. Skies jzm - been a dt-Inute oljji.ctive, a-s GAMBLER'S WIFE 1 lia.'e "gone far afield in their search for information never be- NO TRUCK WITH REDS Truman Scorns Wallace and "His Communists" Would Lose Kratlier Than Join HERRING OUTPUT ON B.C. COAST by tin would be harvested by the province's low income groups through, hwreasedNsorial ervfces, " ; The Minister of Finance proposed that the municipalities receive for their own purposes a grant equal to one-third of the sale levy's net revenue, about $4,000,000, the remaining two-thirds to be devoted to social TMcTQ nWN ! IFF real real attempt" attempt" Fishenes forr oMdln,xi of Uu, natural his F MivHv l-U:,r in lim I WASHINGTON p. .C. -TjJJttJr ted States Congress split down trip middle today on President Truman's plan for storing up American military strength with universal training and revival of the draft. Party labels were lost in the shuffle as leaders divided over the two measures tory of the salmon. In so doing, they set up many ingenious as ANCHOKAGK - A veniitt of suicide has been retunn d in the well as conventional devices, ' Research Board to put the salmon lisiiery on a purely management program -a program of economic research designed for i practical application in conser- I valioii 1 the fishery. The iiernng canneries of British Columbia have to date 1947-48 turned out 1.245,175 48-pound cases. This pack com- iB-JlUI arras but scat-Kit ir! rain and snow xcstiiig over ln Queen . 'Iiee coiMlitions particularly in regard to the I NEW YORK, if, President counting of fishes which has 'Truman says he would not ac- services, health and welfare and been so thorough at some points icept support, 01 "Henry wauace wnicn lruman said were needed ,H aao ,tll;ir.,, single fish was miss-! and his Communists" even if his to flex the muscles of the coun- Past, work has largely been of j that not not a a death by shooting of Mrs. Irene Yanson, aged 34. The husband of the dead woman testified she was despondent oecause of his gambling. She left a note, saying: "I wish they would shut down gambling all over the rofuvjl mn'int. tils Hpfpat. in t.hf' trv that, has hprmip t.hp nrinpi1 a .scientific nature but much in- ec t.tiimlit as skies pares with 1.022,75'J cases pro-' and nuilh.dueed at the same time date in ! unsettled weather 1947. In the latter year, herr-tiie disturbance: ing fishing was suspended in fcvmee. Clearing is I February, - !(. "w tonight witli k IT li'iiuiiT'it iii-.w 1,1 wr k T-iMri teresling and useful information has been obtained. From principal bases at Lakelse and B. thin:' Dr. I'ritchard's men 'TEEN-AGERS IN SERVICES pal protector of the free world against communism. J The upshot seemed to be a trend toward giving the President one but not both lawsl world." Tagging has been one of the election, most effective methods in deter-: "If Joining them or permitting mining the life history and mi- j them to join me is the price of gration of the fish and on the j victory, I recommend defeat," he knowledge that has been acquir- declared at a St. Patrick's Day ed over these years of research j dinner last night, will, no doubt, prove of the ut-1 for raising manpower. Universal military training looked like a slightly better bet. tUnder universal military training youths Navy, Army and Air Force Colleges to be Opened Up to Them OTTAWA, 0 The armed most value in planning for the permanent luture preservation .Marine Inspection of the fish. . o. . around 18 and 20 would be 1 IN EUROPE ' ftrl. Queen Char-' LONDON, iV -Kurope divided lorthern Coast .along familiar lines today In re-PioAers or rain oc- action to President Truman's fced with snow dur- preparedness speech of yester-iioon, clearing by day. Non-communist newspaper tonight and Fri- ers liailed it generally as a forth-'sterly 1 25 m.p.h.i light statement in defence of I" light tonight, freedom against communism, jbi- Lows tonight Communist newspapers for the Friday-At Port most part took the line that, il f U Massed 28 and was threatening talk intended jperl 3U and 42. to create war panic. I 1 K JO t a OO 0 Q 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 O Q Q 0 O WUO 0 DO 0 0 Cf 0 0 0 V3 i General Broivne. Prince Ruperts First S'ontinislei Cusses Jwuy Prince Rupert's lirst scuuftnasler is dead. He was Maj. Gen. Beverly Woon Browne. G3. assistant, national commissioner of the Canadian RiM Cross .Society and chairman of the Canadian Army benevolent lund, who passed away yesterday in hospital in Ottawa. Gen. Browne, in Hie very early day.:, m partnership with Iv Flexman, conducted a lurnilure stole on .Second Avenue next, to Alex McRae's print, shop. He and Mr. Flexman organized the first Boy Seoul troop here and they met in the little old Anglican Church at the top of Centre Street. Mr. Browne attained distinction overseas in the First Great the doors af tw0 forces wlU Pen crafted for military training but would not be in the armed serv-, service colleges next September ices , j to some 500 High School 'teen- ers to be8in- training as offi-United Under arms in the regular States services (army cers of the Canadian navy, army air force and, navvi there are anc) air torce-now 1.392,000 men. The total' Opening the first full years authorized strength is 1,732.000, operations, the two colleges will By contrast the Russians have incorporate the latest in train-some 4.050.000 actually under mS methods and a variety of :.mis aernrcliny l,o most, recent subjects In line With new dlsCOV- is Meld loo otnet JUNEAU The Juneau Chamber of Commerce has adopted a report backing up the small boat owners of southeastern Alaska in their protest against the too rigid impractical enforcement of marine inspection by the United States Coast Guard. It had been the custom, in many cases, to grant waivers, due to the fact that former officers realized how waterborne HOUSE RENTALS STAYING PUT OTTAWA "iiiere is no immediate likelihood of an increase in residential rentals announce high government officials. The matter has not even been under discussion .other than when control, covering all services, would come up periodically for review. eries in warfare. estimates. 101)4 V 'S STOCKS : : For some War and became a general at the first, ot this war, tune he was quarter master general. i I United States services have been unable to maintain Courtesy s. D. Jor.nraon Co. Ltd. pdooooooooijooooe'Joooooooaoooao'iocK'OOC j commerce is life blood of regarded as the strength through voluntary en-the area and, if tistments. peiiiivrr loroiit" Athona .it, JT .:'.-iiA i.jtof r.r i tyL",9 they did not follow a reasonable; Moscow recently announced a ' attitude in the granting of pian to discharge all except the waivers, undue hardship would 1920-27 classes of soldiers but be worked on both small boat military men said here the Soviet owners and on those living in would still have a "far larger" the areas served by such craft. I army than the United States. Aumaque Beallie .go i r . v . ' ' vt - v Fishermen Protest High Price of Gas JUNEAU The United TrollerS of Alaska recently addressed an open letter to the oil companies in the territory protesting on the increased cost of gasoline. The fishermen saya their operating margin of profit is so narrow they cannot absorb any higher expense and. the inevitable result will be to raise the price on fish to the consumer. Bevcourt Bobjo Buffalo Canadian Consol. Smelters Conwcst. Donalda 92.50 ftUju , tjrJrrfr ' 61 S, ',i-- f j s v n o .. s- I lot I t ir jfder i- lonald Eldona ALL OF CANADA'S MAJOR PARTY LEADERS FIGHTING COMMUNISM Will Not Permit Infiltration Coldwell OTTAWA (CP) Loaders of Canada's four major political parties in the House of Commons yes- Elder Giant Y'knife God's I,ake llaidrock Hairicana 3-jU - vvftw f,1-; 3 i i .05h I "-,vv;-' H -u A f' I ii.75 03 1 2 ' .09 1.00 .09 .GO .02 2.45 3.00 .04 .20 1.15 .10 .13 la 1.00 .45 .11! .03',., .05 .03 .15 .37 3.(10 5.65 Hcva TWO MEN DEAD IN ARMY CRASH B-29 tomes to Grief While Landing at Tampa, Florida, From Spokane Jacknifc terday all declared themselves solidly against munism. Joliet Quebec Lake Rowan Lapaska John Uraeken, Progressive-Conservative leader, bluntly warned that the peace of Canada was menaced I by Communist agents. niA:i f r : I Justice Minister Ilsley urged Km Wgiiiiiaicd $ Little Long Lac Lynx TAMPA, Florida, (CJWTen men were killed and four injured early today when a B-29 from Spokane, Washington, United States Army air base, crashed i k - , . i . . x Tx w x. .. 1.12 ! . ' i I -H i s i, v J ,, f i M Madscn Red Lake McLeod Cockshutt Canadians to become "alert" and j:ee that communism in labor does not "spread any further." k X. 1 , X VX SX , , -'out ' E. Increases Announced OTTAWA Increases in vet- Moneta -30 ,Wxx A x,T 2.14 mw- lfcaajwi"w'-'ww,"; Solon Low, Social Credit leader, and burned while landing atMa- Negus Noranda Louvicourt .. Pickle Crow Regcourt San Antonio 44.00 .54 2.00 .06 4.00 .42 L TIDES (Tic erans' pensions and allowances saj(j the- Labor-Progressive party j dill Field here. Four survivors affecting some 400,000 pensioner was now trying to infiltrate into were admitted to base hospital, and dependents were announced his party. As long as he was Their condition was described as recently. Pension in disability leader, he would not permit com 1 good. cases for the ranks below cap- munist infiltration. The bomber was coming in for tain go from $75 to $87 per! Solon Low, Social Credit leader a landing in a dense fog when It t month. Pension for widows are said his party would give the hit the edge of the runway on increased from $66 to $70 and government fullest support in the southwest corner, of the from $60 to $70. combatting communism. t field. ll'l 19, 1948 RCN AND It.C.A.F. CADETS COMPLETE MONTH'S TRAINING It was a hard but exciting experience .ill the way ler the 67 Canadian navy cadets who returned to Esquimau recently, after a month's training in the cruiser II M.C.S. Ontario and the destroyer, H.M.C.S. Crescent. The cadets from the combined R.C.N.-R C.A.K. eoilege, H.M.C.S. Royal Roads, near Victoria, B C returned to Esquimau in the frigate, Antigonish when that vessel detached from the other two units of the West Coast fleet off the coast of California. Taking a "breather" after the frigate secured at her jetty are, left to right, Walter Tilden of Montreal, Vernon Murison of Vancouver, Pat Morton of Brandon, Man., and Bob Whyte of Shawnigan Falls, Que. Returning a day earlier were the 34 R C.A F. cadets who had 30 daysj training at Trenton, Ont. Senator Rouyn Sherrit Gordon 168 I 7:29 i 1:04 I 14:45 17.9 feet 15.3 feet 10.5 feet 6.1 feet Steep Rock l yu Sturgeon River 18 27 Silver Miller