V Ptititf Htiprtt at!r rjebis Ltd. s Thursday, March 18, 148 THREE MILLION FOR DIPLOMATS News It ems King Edward School White i Frinct George Chavthavadze, Kl'-plunt. Home Cooking Bale 1 internationally acclaimed pian-and Tea, Friday, March 19, 1st appeared before 81)00 in Al-2 jbert Hall, London. Reserve ST. PAl RICK'S TEA AND SALE WELL ATTENDED your tickets now lor Muiiday at D. K Wilson nrriuix-l i., iun Card I'urty, OTTAWA It cost $2.837 .SUf) j last year to maintain Canada's j !K5 diplomatic representatives j and their offices and staffs in , March (It) Conrad 19, 8 p.m. (Hi ; .IsllHMI III. Sllos Mif.. rl ;1 m i'" i.lmiiu ,, nil: n lyr city at the 8 JU p m' first of the week from Vancouver i,o join the staff of. Mr ni I 'll.ll N A MrKelvie toil-. ; ii'i'i- ( Yntre. ( inr Ormes Drugs here. He was eompanied by Mrs. Wilson. i in Mrs. O. V- Tinker is Kullini; tonight on Die Prince Rupert for Vancouver cnroulc to Naramal.i in the Okailaaan district. i67) 32 foreign and commonwealth J st Pal.ick.8 uay tea and sale countries, it was disclosed in aheld ja Uic Calholic Sthooi naU government return, tabled in the. w'CtnesUuy afternoon under House. The biggest expenditures nsorshi of Ulc CalUolic Wu. were in the United States, Brit-, ,.,. , , ,., . .,, ...i,,.,,. and daughter are sailing tonight on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver where they wjil resume residence alter having been in till Gregg, Shorthand Inventor, Is Dead NEW YORK The man who invented the Gregg shorthand system is dead, in his eighty-first year. An Irishman, John Robert Gregg developed the new method in 1888. It soon had wide usage and is used In thousands of textbooks in high schools. He started business in Toronto and Chricago. Easter Reservations Have you made your reservations for been In I,. i, , ,i hcic tor I , .ibic to be i ui ciiv for several months. Mr. 303 Taxi formerly at Three Sisters is now operating irom hill llinmiK ft.. ....I. QU Kaster ain and France. McKflvif K iTii.ii.in.; Hip htv. led, as was the card party which i ; Bert's Transfer across from the at Civic Centre Dining Room,1 ,',.,iv,., j,. r 1 1, u. u ,.a. km,... GENTLEMEN PREFER IlLONDES Is Open to Debate N V. .V Liquor Store. 07 1 yet? Better Phone 231 today! (tf) CLERGYMEN ARE FORGOTTEN MEN , ., -,,, meet- 15c sure to visit 11. M.C.8. .(i at 3 Chatham during "Open House'' followed in the evening. General convener was Mrs. Walter Luhti, C.W.L. president. In charge of the tea room were Mrs. L. M. Shannon and Mrs. N. R. Young, assisted by Mrs. J. Bruce, Mrs. Wick, Mrs. Martin Delayed in leaving Jasper on Mm trie Co Ail entry lurins for the Musi-.' and Drama Festival ni'ist be in the hands of I lie secretary. Mr;. J. H. Black not later than March 20. (67) FRIGATE GETS GOOD COOKING lJt Hi uuiuis on oatuiuay. ivuiai i, i.w w account of connections, tonight's t , take place 6 p.m. Dancing 0:30 to 12 p.m.) train from the East is reported lull on 5th Compliments of Commanding; sjx hours and fifty minutes late (66) Ofiicer, Chatham. (67) j which would bring it in at 5:35 19 '4 TORONTO Bitter attacks on clergymen's salaries were Schwab and Mrs. J. Basso. Pour- OTTAWA There's good cook- j ing aboard H.M.C.S. St. Steph- j n thfl c-llir llot cof.ifnnl x,, ' tomorrow morning. Jack B. Anderson, who wai i launched at a conference 01 mo ing were Mrs. L. Blain, Mrs. J. born in Prince Rupert and his j United Church here. Piemy oljj. Gillis, Mrs. W. F. Glassey and clergymen were termed 'forgot- Mrs. J. A.Smith. ten men." Salaries, it was assert- j Serviteurs were the Misses not bt'cn in th; city for twenty five years, writes to E. T. Apple 4 1 FASH ION -CKAI'T offers line iquality all-wool English gabar-; dines in made-to-measure suits, ihlacka, topcoats. Brown and four -'ii wtv- L4iip tuau ituiiiLU I '. cently from a spell of duty as a weather frigate stationed between Greenland and Labrador. They had a lot of heavy weather up there and serving regular and hot meals could not always whuite, secretary or the Princo j ea, naa oeen uncnangea since , Margaret Doiron, Gail Shannon, Rupert Chamber oi Commerce., 1 pre-war days. This was called ! Irene Schwab and Margaret Cib- BUT Men wlit insist on shirts with' a reputation prefer coiiditions and i a national tragedy. ' (son. shades of fawn. Order now at inquiring about j Watts & Nickerson. (168) opportunities :.cre. He inti- j In only three churches were j Mrs. C. P. Balagno and Mrs. visit during the coming summer, j ministers given increases that-j. Fornian wen cashiers. rinliic lit. in n; rMnm linrr frr u : miuht be termed substantial : a r k. .. 7-. , i be pxperted Yet, none were dis-' appointed. No matter what the . : 'from $50 to $800 per year. In ! toy Mr3. L. Blain. Mrs. Sclweffcr w(eather was like, the cooks were always equal to the emergency i i D,a,c T: n ; six other churches any increases and Mrs. S. Turcottc. Mrs. Leo I If ' 4 ' ' i were almost negligible. Others : Doiron, Mrs. J. Garon and Mrs. j .stayed stationary or were re-! o. R. Brett were in charge of Attention Did you know that you can now get Chicken in the Ruff to take out at Civic Centre Diningroom? Just Phone 231 and we'll have it ready when you call. (tf) Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Kcrgin bit on last evening's trajn for a trip Steaks of Whale ARROW SHIRTS duced. LONDON Crews for the Ox-. ford and Cambridge boat race j arj trained hard. The race, to the home cooking table. ! At the evening card party. I Mrs. J. McArthur and Mrs. W. j Lahit were cashiers. Refrcsh-i incuts were served by Mrs. L. i Amadio. and Mrs. R. E. Moore, assisted by Mrs. J. A. Smith, Mrs. HIGHER RENTS BEING SOUGHT I to Toronto, ort William and 1 be held the end ol March, has I 'elsewhere in tne east including 1 1"' ration problem and, to help it-Bran Muffins Good as Cake! 'J jiff w iugarno shortening ! Rochester. Minnesota wlipre Di- overcome it. wiiale steaks Will If 11 MUFFINS Keigin will visit Mayo Clinic. They will take delivery of a new be made use oi. This is not the best substitute lor roast beef but it's a great deal b. Uer than no Willi superior fabrics, in plain colors, prints and woven stripes, full cut andcorrectly styled, AUROW offers you the utmost in shirt value. tender, beet-you-ever-ttu-teil muflins. i Thee luRoiiiiiK, npiey muflins an1 m light anil tender hh ymir pmudi-xt j rake, but that isn't all! Tlii-y uisu 1 have a pleasant lexlurr-cnulrarl t hurikv ! car in the east and drive home OTTAWA Canadian landlords are preparing an appeal to the Minister of Finance for a higher level of rentals. Thi; G. Cloutier and Mrs J. McArthur. Card winners were: . Bridge ladies, Mrs. J. Moore-house; men, A. Ostershower. via Vancouver in about six subsititute. weeks or so. I i 1 1'" in f. , i has been disclosed by W. Le- Wrhist, ladies, Mrs. M. Rich-1 ,-r,l, (.1 llllllllSSfS . fi.r I "i iiimiilrK. i in ir- iniMiin-. I fin Ms and fruit, vi - lii-tliirilj n h;'I't:i"' own Mi,iii.t, Mukca 15 H. S. Hurn, director of school j and community drama for the j British Columbia department of J to the delientp tu-lil Mirrdx of KelloRg'H All-llran . . . and tliev Iiav the iiiiiiitli-ineltilig Iilit-wcct fl.iviiur only All-Uran can Riw! ( let KcII"kk'i AU-liran from your uniecr today and try them. I'.H.Dun'lfurgct! &alurtiuy is Atujfftn Uayl clair, president of the Canadian Property Owners' Association. It will be made within three weeks i FOR SALE Aiiiiittiiireit.eiit All lulvi'rtioi'ii.i hi.- In i!.!-. I'liumn will be cliiirucit !;r a lull month ht 2.j ri'im u nr1 Presbyterian Tt a, M:treli 13. PresbylPiian Church Hall. liebekah caster I'..raue, Civic Centre. March l'J. ards; men, M. Corkery. Crib'oage, ladies, Mrs. L. Lar sen; men, Joseph Bugyinka. Raflle winners were: Tea set, Paulette Turcotte. Tricycle, Geoffrey and Greg i and will be placed before Mr. Abbott by a delegation repre- senting sixty property owners' associations across Canada. i education, was a visitor to the I city yesterday enroute to Hazel-; ton where he will be adjudicator j to the Music and Drama Festival being held in the interior community today and Friday. ; He arrived on the Prince Rupert ! yesterday from Victoria and pro- Seattle. What increase the landlords wai.t i ory Lundquist TWO SIZES JREGULAR" VTURALLY Card Party, March 19, & p.m. Civic Centre. js sun to be determined. j ; . "It is perfectly obvious an in ! s W ft T. a. Sa'e crease is necessary in all fair-j Conrad Street i ness," remarked Mr. Leclair.j Box of Candy. Ruby MacKay. Ham, Phyllis Bury. Vanity set, Mrs. Georgette Moran. Cubs and S;-o' 1 Long established furniture store business .on Third Ave. The price for the stock and business is very reasonable. See the owner today, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. GKEEN 504. i ceeded to Hazelton on the eve-0 Home Cookini ning train. "Wages are up, hours of work are shorter, oil, electricity and j T. W. Brown is sailing 'tonight coal costs are higher and main -1 on the Prince Rupert for a three tenancc charges generally have weeks business trip to Vancou- ?r School, Saturday, March 20. St. Peter's Y.P.A. Bazaar, Parish Hall, March 27, Queen Mary Chapter, I O D.E , Daflodil Tea. March 29. Sea Cadets and Jobs' Daughters Combined Show and Musi advanced" ver.-Victoria and beattie. ' ! : A 1 !1 and April . . , ' 'I cal Revue, March ,w . . ... fPx 11 MM Wl .. 1 I. Navy Drill Hall. Canadian l.c.noti V Sale, March ;!! Anglican Master Sail-. April 1 JVC Smoker. Moic.r Tempi'. April 2. Card Parly. Cat la !i" Sch.i-. Hall, Hall. April April 8. . U. ai !i it pm. m. Prince Prince Rii.-rl Uupcil Symphony Symphony Orchestra cheslra Com Conceil, r:1, April April II. II. Prcsbylci ian Spring Sale, April 15. Orange Orange Tea. Tea. Apt Apiil 11 21. 21. , Women Women ol ol the the Moose Moose lea tea a, a. the the home home oi ol Mrs Mrs C. C. Mclntvre, Mclntvre, 541) 5413 8th ath Ave. Ave. Fast Fast on on April April 22. 22. Tr JUtSyC 990 Jj ' f'3& J SZ -J .j-pf5- '"V 1 Or-1 J rt - I -''jS5?f H ! "-X'iV 1 -2: TcS. IvC d COmlctC WCW I -r CSJLI'' " - rATl I 1 .ViaSH & ?f ' r (' . , . , j fl M OUtjlt JtO)H. lO tOC . . . t 4 Vd7HI C I 47-- , s? 1 4,ri.!lTl tJrvAXinfk . t00 Rotary tioUry Minstrel Mh,Mri' sl,,,w' Show, evenings rv,;- & ''v2'V'. . , , T "V f VVV.n'Aiff W nings April April 2'.t 2'.t ami and 21. 21. Chil- Children's I '. i - , Here S 111V WiinltoK", 1 m W tl &JrM3AlXr ' V v Hm matinee malimv A.nl April 21, 2a. ) fff -J 1 1 Church Church Sale. tUlc. - ' a,g'HI';e ypglpJ United United Spring Spring Vv5w CmQSP fiO L(t April T St. Peters Peters ,,,,,,,, iipiing sa.e. sale. May May B. ( K " i'-Hl'llI IJhr Alr.y Mi.llier's Mi.ther'.s Day Day Tea. Ten, llmnr Home Cook- Cooking, I J i? ' dDlC35 my AccCiiOl icS fkY f-y Vi ing, Sonja Sonja Ladies. Ladies. May May 8. 8. Suns Suns V j tcJV Kj4tSi K PlVt-' VVCV&IJ AA J j "I of Norway Norway Hall Hall H.O.D.E.i il.O.D.E.i 5U, 5t:i I Vi Ave. East, 2 p.m. Registered Nursi s' Ass'n Tea. Nurses' Home, Wed.. May 12. A ve?VJ v MYrfiIjJ -Iin.. !. l.i'fi""?-'1 t, , ond 1 fa as 1 wcar IVv Mt.'llU,tV JOvSiT - f f'Ji.' "" ' A -t on Sweet 10's pcn-onalizcd misS fek ' l: '"4 Plliftipi ill IV -: : X k-"-H G'M ' " J ' - . : A u invocfi Mention 11 I )Ucr Slkatteirs HiilENSFRlDAY, MARCH 19 V J NO carrying; charges! lit Jb. ( S6.95 : IxVj it" itfrjiPj&U GRAQ'LINE' . V iftA HOW serving you at: y " ,Sr" . , .... If X 61-:i W. ' 2201 Mam St. .(;.,!)(' tnlua 7(1. L VT AI' f, I " J HasttnKs St. . 444l) Street. New y. ,V V .M'ST Al.MtUH)! II I 5. ?j 807 Granville West Itltli Ave. Westminster . A f. -V X-sl oi'TV , :i0 '"Xf-luU- 727 Yates St., r-UII nD t M'C Jfc.." LHILD.KLN ll I v3 .2.4-i8. ... Ave . North Victoria """Hi'Hial Duslproof FI(mi 8 ( RUBBER BOOTS 11. Vr-- i . ! r A MM 1 1. , X """J'-h. CliANOK OK KCIII'Dtll,!': J I I I rV I s - commercial ur. - rviiiKsua.v auu l f WHITE AND RLD VV, . . s $ 2315 Main St. Clarke Drive Port Alberni. f ii sizes 5-n 1 1 I w I v x -a to H ,.v,,,.y fti'iii oir in Saturday im.rninK and kN I "l-0 Wl 5l 1 f-r ) I ft 152,50 ! V.S. i I c-Ji fJCmw f school children 9 a.m. I 'J C -n I Xt I ff.Il - l! h J V Jfa NflllH'Mlu' Wednesday Night BEGINNERS ONLY Free Instruction fi'les alter 9 t ree insiruciiuu ... i . ,, x i to 1:30 p.m. I & k J V I I f I Xr Mn E! B m n f 8! SI r ai I ... .. f Ivtty Thursday Al'tornooii 1 lo Saturday Nitiht 7 to 1 Figure .1 Give ( ti J m Skating ' to the - VI , o& ,-rt:i V4 i. Red Cross 1 : t V U If "The Credit ) IkLT" JJ: Hou of Quality" . Pert RfisMeff Rfinfic icti m . I H k j mm ii atf 11 urn m.m I . I