I. '''JVlrwUA. PROVINCIAL LIB3A3I, 1113 i VICTORIA, B. C. LAI 3 onr.iEs DRUGS Daily Delivey .,... . . 4 NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER 'n MSt P"rt-"Pri- , the Gra Nort-wesf PHONE 81 uuruii, u. u., invaouAX, JUNE 23. 1949 PRICE riVE CEIfTS rf" "IJ n F: 1 Britain May R un Yanatse Ri New Service inaugurated Federal Minister. Ladv iver polosy For Attack On Ship Mayor and Island Industrialist in 'Phone Talk Inauguration of the new long distance tcjephone service between Prince Rupert and the Queen Charlotte Islands - was officially marked at 3 o'clock Wednesday afiernoon with a three way conversation In which Reds Clamp On Blockade Anchises Was Mistaken For Communist Vessel SHANGHAI (CP) hi-i...-,.-. l J lir- . I 1 a federal cabinet minister at Victoria, the mayor of Prince Rupert and a Masse t industrial ist participated. Mutual greetings were exchanged between Hon. R. W. Mayhew, minister of fisheries, Mayor Nora Arnold and S. L. Simpson, shellfish cannery operator. All expressed eratifir-; Presence of a British sloop off the mouth of the KING OFFICER TAKES SALUTE OF VRIKCF pt i, ,,.' " " busby. King George take, the salute om Ws daScr B!-W1-Koed hand to bcar-e after the ceremony of the trooping 3 Z ' tion over the institution of the service which will prove a boon to carrying on of the increasing business between Prince Rupert and such Island points as Massct, Port Clements, Sklde- V Reefer Hay Change Style In DUTCH PLANE CRASH BARf. Italy A four-engirwd Roydl Dutch Ajriines plane crashed into the sea off Bari today, killing an estimated 28 passengers and crew of seven, a Bari newspaper reported. Twenty-one bodies have already been recovered from the sea.: The ship was bound from Batavia to Amsterdam and was piloted by the son of the Royal Dutch Airlines president. NEW ASBESTOS PLANT MONTREAL The Canadian Johiis-Manville Co. announced here last night that they have discovered new asbestos properties in Ontario, 70 miles east of Timmins, which will increase the flow of asbestos from Canada. Lewis H. Brown, chairman of the company board, said that $10,000,000, originally to be spent on further development of the company's property at Asbestos, Quebec, would now be used In connection with the new mine located near Larder Lake. gate and Queen Charlotte City Mr. Mayhew expressed the V shimmer fit PandiiltlA xangtse River today caused speculation that efforts may be made to run the nationalist blockade of Chinese communist ports. The blockade is due to be clamped down on all Red ports from Foochow northward beginning Sunday. f British sources here were mum on their plans but the sloop Black Swan, damaged only a few days ago by Communist artillery on the Yangtse, was known to be near the river. MeanwhHe the Chinese nationalist government has sent an expression of regret to the British government on the ma. chine-gunning and bombing of opinion that the service would WAGE DEMANDS BEING STUDIED Railway Companies Considering Latest llrnlherhoud Proposal he of great advantage to the lw.1ically-c.K,lc.drefrtK(.r.,t.iri! which irc-and-salt in pres fishing industry in particular and the residents of the Isl ide only one or lU rut refrigeration ral1 . NEW DESIGN FOR JET-POWERED PLANE-A series of tests are being conducted by U.S. research engineers at Muroc Air Force Base, Calif., with the Consolidated Vultee Model 7002 jet plane. The craft, pictured here from three different angles, was built to prove the design superiority of the delta wing configuration over conventional "sweptback" wing styles. Engineers say the triangular wing offers far less drag and therefore provides greater performance duing flights made in the transonic and supersonic speed ranges. in Canada will leave Uin is about 10 degrees above ands in general. Mrs. Arnold observed that it Rupert tonight as part ar trainload of fish and MONTREAL- N. ji. Walton. was a service which had been ciHss-rniimxy Journey it k the beginning of a in refrigerated trans- .uuve vice-president of the long awaited and was greatly Canadian National Railways, ( appreciated, and N. R. Crump, vlce-presid-1 Mr. Simpson hoped that the ent of the Canadian Pacific .service would weld more solidly Railway, said today that the de-, the business link between the mands received last week from Islands and Prince Rupert. He zero. It is believed that overall cost of operation of a mechanical reefer will be about the same as the ice cars, but greater efficiency may be achieved. This morning, the 'units sent the temperature in the car froi". T9 degrees to 24 degrees In atl hour and a half as It was being FOODSTUFFS TO BE SHIPPED VIA the British flying a British flag ar luiil .s like any oilier ..uii-upi-iaung railway Dro- urged Prince Rupert people to ilor car except for two lik'' devices, one at eaeh d the roar of motors and was believed to be a communist vessel. THE WEATHER thcrhoods arc being studied. These demands Include a reduction in hours of work from fortv- visit the Islands more frequently. Later there was a conversa times from it. It is the mctliaiiieally-coolod re- OPENING OF elglit to forty hours a week, but tion along similar lines be Mi rar in Canada and RUPERT TO INTERIOR OF ALASKA Transfer to Be Made at Ocean Dock Where Barlow Elevators Are Now Running: Again An experimental shipment of perishable foodstuffs, which may pave the way to a steady traffic, will be made from Prince Rupert tomorrow, bound for Fairbanks, Alaska, via the Haines Cut-off. The shipment, 19 carloads of vegetables, fruit, meats and other nroduce. will arrivp in Prin Rh. without reduction in present tween Mayor Arnold and W J " take U i. i .jj,., i . . . LIMBERLOST cooled to receive the fish. Constant temperatures within the zero range arc necessary to preserve frozen fish while in transit. I 'RKEZI It AMI IIE,mit u n the continent. a loaded with 30.0(1(1 Davies, prominent Queen Charlotte City business man and former Canadian National- Tele Official opening of the Lim- i down halibut at the graphs manager here. Rupert Fishermen's Co- home pay, and, in addition, for a further general wage increase of seven cents an hour. In the case of the Canadian Brotherhood of Railway Employees the request for an additional wage increase is ten cents an hour. Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Prince - Rupert, Region-Rain today, cloudy with showers tomorrow. Wind, westerly (25 ' m.p.h.), continuing cool. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Masset 47 and 53, Prince Rupert beriotit -Lodge, Prince Rupert's new summer resort on the famous north beach of Graham Island, Is taking place this Saturday when a special reception is being arranged by the man p fail view Bay plant niwn Tlie car is !-r Mimireal and enroute wive attention which fs of railroad rolling tional Railways and be loaded into refrigerated trucks aboard 47 and 53. A feature of the car is that it can also be used as a heat:d car with the flick of a swiu h. By reversing the refrigeration process, the units become heat pumps which take heat from the atmosphere and blow it into tne car. This principle was demon- a converted landing baree at -pjve. Last year all railway employees received a general wage increase of seventeen cents an hour which meant in effect the Alaska Highway between Dawson Creek, Alberta and the Haines Cut-off. The cargo originated hi Seattle and is travelling over Canadian agement, for inaugural visitors front this city who are Joining in the excursion aboard the steamer Coquitlam, sailing tomorrow night and returnine the ocean dock. The two Borlow lift elevators at the ocean dock, from which Port Hardy Region Overcast today. Intermittent rain tonight and tomorrow. Wind light. Cooler tomorrow. Lows tonight and highs tomorrow At Port Hardy 50 and' 46. monthly increases amounting to .i- i i..... c-.. .. i motors were removed after the i territory in bond. " reo.ua.y ncn me $35 36 an(, upwar(is car was used to shin a load of 1 t u..i - Jdr; d;. s' t wh. t.tl .. s'r iltl L t ne irvii srt lay 76 t j. i t 20 67G :S n)t Id. SE : 7p Sunday morning. for the This in war. nave Deen put inoperationl On arrival at Massett Satur BASEBALL SCORES TODAY National Boston 12, Chicago 5. Philadelphia 0, Pittsburg 3. WEDNESDAY American St. Louis 5-8, New York 1-0. Detroit 13, Boston 4. Chicago 4, Washington 1. Cleveland 7, Philadelphia 3. National Brooklyn 3, "Cincinnati 4. Boston 8, Chicago 9. Philadelphia 3, Pittsburg 12. New York 8, St. Louis 11. day morning, the visitors will crease is costing the railways over $71,000,000 a year. be whisked in cars out to the North Beach there to spend the Ted Applewhaite' day inspecting the new resort. unanagaii apples to Montreal. Temperature in the car during the whole journey ranged from 32 to 3G degrees, although it was 10 degrees below zero outside. Interested officials, both of the railway and the Fisheries Research Hoard will travel with the again and will be used in the transfer of the goods. These elevators may also be used for lifting automobiles. ' ' The barge will arrive in Prince Rupert today to await the cargo which will be shipped in refrigerated cars. From Prince Rupert, the baree The estimated cost to the railways of the new wage increases and to establish a forty-hour week without reduction in present, weekly pay would mean established through the enterprise of a locally formed com NEWSETTE !! ri'.se attention to the ' "f i'.s refrigeration i be representatives of 'fies Research Hoard of nl Canadian National whose recommendation ' the difference bo-'l"Mion as standard 1 r i'.s modification w r'i Kueecssful and ef-'rs r Hiat design may h" present ire-refriu-"''f'rs ' which arc now 011 continental rail- Miccr.f,,! rrfri;;era-'' "'f only considera-"' Hie railway must '' 1 - maintenance of b'ls of such cars is : f'ire il u'lini.i .,... ..i. i pany, partaking of hospitality and generally enjoying the surroundings of one of this a a iuiuici further annual iiimu.u expense 1'jipriiau to iu the uie YOUR FEDERAL CANDIDATE r . , , ,, . . , , ie rigerator. riding In a tounst for th groups district's most celebrated beau " l" uini-muiiui. I" flf mure th:.n tFi9 nnn fKlfl or a will go to Haines, Alaska, where Montreal. ty spots. total of over $74,000,000. It was announced this morn ing that further bookings for NAVY WILL BUILD SHIPS HALIBUT SALES FINAL COUNT June 24 Meeting at Port Edward, 7:30 p.m. LIBERAL RALLY, Civic Centre SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 25 at 8 p.m. Hear Applewhaite Speak Everybody Welcome the trip were still available. Among those already listed are Mayor Nora Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Gordon and famllv. the trucks will be unloaded and start a 700-mile run over the Haines Cut-off and Alaska Highway to Fairbanks. They are operated by the Alaska Freight Service. Purpose of the shipment is to test the feasibility of supplying foodstuffs to Alaska via this route which would cut off almost 1,000 miles of truck haul over American Thor. 55.000, Cold 20.2c, 20c and 16c. Storage, OTTAWA Xf' First step in a program of building fast new escort vessels for anti-submarine SET FOR JULY July 7 has been set by Returning Officer T. W. Brown as the date for the commencement of ('a nadian work was announced by the Navy yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Skinner and family, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Foster, Mr. and Mrs. H Stang-bye, Mr. and Mrs. A. Van Meer, Mr. and Mrs. G. A Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Kraupner, Mrs. T. W. Boulter, Mrs R. Allen, Miss Marie Boulter. Miss Winnie Mc- Margaret I, 38,000, Atlln, 19.6c, present, cars ,,ui"l) ('lenient in the known as "freon ' ""' "'(! in hou.selK.ld l rs There are two in- 1 '"'its. urcordiiiR ti) riv.i,,,...! the official count following the 19 5c and 15c. Contract has been let to Can repent. nmvlneint eleet.ion The ' r..Wnri f 1 .TuMnufinin 28,000, adian Vickers Ltd. of Montreal operation, complicated by hund-'cold Storage, 19.6c, 19.5c and 15c. 1.. ..r l. 1 u..it. .t r... - .. ,... . to start work immediaUlv on reds of absentee ballots from Pacific, Joan W. II, 20,000 Caskill, Miss B. Johnson, Miss M . mm. u i.v... v. u iviliu WUl'MllC 19.7c. 19.5c and 15c. drawing of the hull structure of nenung, k. Harrison, a. f, SEVEN DAYS FOR DRUNKEN DRIVING Two men were sentenced to Dovre B., 35,000. Co-operative.) the irs, tnree shipf. , Keneral uu- ' P"'i;hal)ln traffic for company. 's V.e,P t,,V(.oprd , Slates by the Thrrm.. Skattebol, Dr, J. P. Cheney, R. Dudley, George Martin and Q. within and without the riding, is expected to take at least a few days. Already there arc 200 absentee votes In for ALlin and Skeena ridings. '''I. (if HI .... si"er. Cv n,,.. . j hi ii j( i.-s Absentee " votes from " various seven days in jail on charges of drunken driving hi city police court Wednesday afternoon while a third man received fines totalling $350 this morning on " 1 " (IM on 1 l.r.... r.l iiieni They! ,yl)0 similar to thos parts of UlD l"'ovi,,('e for ,llls ",p -"imny n hunl '"c starting to come in. TrlKeialed trueks in ThC 11laJor,y of J' D- McRaf' ! SUips' the Coalition candidate here, is i .' alre-jflv viiffleiellt, 1.0 remove UlC L. Simons. LOCAL TIDES Friday, June 24, 1949 High 12:33 16.8 feet Low ! 6:16 4.1 feet 18:03 9.0 feet BASEBALL BOSS AND NEGRO BOY iwr,'r installed in the charges of Illegally supplying liquor. Sentenced to seven days in jai! by Magistrate Vance after entering pleas of guilty to separate charges of drunken driving were possibility of any change due to 'leers of ii,.. i. Ezzard Charles Called World's Heavy Champ After Beating Walcott ' .Youth Served Well In Bout At Chicago Last Night Jersey Joe Fought Gamely CHICAGO (CP)-Ezzartl Charles, 27-year-old lean, hungry negro from Cincinnati, last night won the National Boxing Association share of Joe Louis' vacated heavyweight boxing championship by a unanimous 15-round decision over 35-year-old Jersey Joe Walcott. ambling fightiner Daoov from Camden. - .. i- im Ties "ard under fii-n..- absentee votes. The "situation In AUin is .... . i.. nt,. ..... v(41 tu m , uunc nt BROADCASTS HON. BROOKE CLAXTON-Thursday, June 23, 11:15 a.m. TED APPLEWHAITE Thursday, June 23, 9:15 p.m. TED APPLE WHAITE-Friday, June 21, 11:15 a.m. TED APPLE WHAITE-Friday, June 24, 4:20 p.m. CCF AND DEMOCRACY VT bavy0U have a very great resPe for Social- ' um Ism of the CCF brand-wlth its passionate and young awareness of human irregularities tSS and its sincere belief iplr iS aUon' O0t human elf-development. But , there is one hitch. Socialism is not Democracy, in which TT V bC the agent of hls own PSvess and n which the state is an impartial referee, constituted by the people, neither a contender against individual enterprise nor any more of a protector than is absolutely necessary to save man from social abuses Those who aim at socializing Industry, production and distribution, and this is the CCF platform would make it impossible for Government to be such aTferee They wlsh jTf? maStCrS imtead f b'nes; masTers nn,,nl6 n Industries, and in the basic economy of the !! ? Way withln human nature. by which such a - policy widely applied, can avoid ultimate regimentation of the people or a destruction of initiative among the people, ' as rewards for effort depend, more and more, on governmental paternalism and not on personal competence There Is no. way in which it can avoid a decadence, sooner or later of the state, that finds itself in possession of so much unchallengeable, economic power and monopoly that it need no longer be answerable to the voice of the people. This is the main reason why Free People oppose the CCF. VOTE LIBERAL ON JUNE 27 (Published by the Skeena Federal Campaign Committee) Harry Cecil McVety and Michael '"ham "uvt ' ; somewhat clilierctu in nm ! "al ( rrfiiBeratlnn,' whcre w. d. Smith, the Coali-that-a minimum I tion candidate, has a majority " live degrees be-'so far of 116 with at least the iaawka. Clarence Leinrn was found guilty on a charge of supplying liquor to a minor and fined $300 . " niaintainerl, 200 absentee ballots still to be CHICAGO Frank Lano, general manager of the Chicago White Sox; baseball club, has been accused of striking a negro youth whom he caught sneaking '" mwest tempera- counted. into the ball park with five white or three months In jail. He was also convicted of a charge of supplying liquor to Indians and fined $50 3U or rf one month momtl in 111 M jail. ' ' ' t... t.., i new o riotr jr. Lane was arrested June 14 boys. it has become known, on a com-l"lea Tlie sec0,ld Jal1 sentence was t nlaint bv t.hP P.rm hnv Erturri C.F. FisiaH Eally llc Meeting SATURDAY, 8 p.m. f s of Norway Hall, Sth Avenue East Wallace, aged 13. He is accused run concurrently with the first one. of assault and battery. The filzzle-toppea Charles failed to flatten his ancient foe after having him on the way to a knockout In three rounds The last three rounds were fought to an accompaniment of boos from the crowd who wanted more action. Judires Frank McAdams and 78 to 72. Referee David Miller found for Charles 77 to 73. The Associated Press had it even more lobsided with an 82 to 68 point margin for Charles. It is possible that Charles may meet the winner of the British version of the world's championship between Bruce Wood L H. G ARCHIBALD i.r 1 IHIU G. ARCHIBALD X Baseball Tonight ROOSEVELT PARK 6:30 P.M.' Merchants vs. Commercials PERSONAL WILL EVA WEBB 'PLEASE TELEPHONE RED 213. ROBERT FORRER cock and Leo Savold later in the Harold Maroutz scored the fight " 1 IS (148i i the same way, voting for Charles summer in London the CCF Campaign" Committee i . it. r