Prince Rupert Daily News. Tuesday, May 30, 1950 jBabine Lake Patrol Boat will be delighted ivith According to information received from Edward T. Apple- Special Purch ase whaite, M. P, a new fishermen g this jragram tea mm i 'r, 4 - t !Y!ad? by a well known manufacturer SHEETS 81" x 100" (Irregulars) Pair GgJK patrol boat,has been built for the Dominion Department of Fisheries for service on Bablne Lake. This launch named the "Barnta" Is 35' 10" in length with a beam of 9' 10". It U of stout wooden construction, chiefly yellow cedar, fir and oak. A special feature Is the modified tunnel design of the stem which gives the craft a shallow draft of 12" when loaded. The hull is constructed to give extra resilience and the propeller and rudder are protected by an extension of the PILLOW CASES 42" (Irregulars) Pair --- 1,49 AT The Universal IOMNAIRE News of Francois Lake District Candidates National Chamber iron keel. These features are special protection for craft designed to operate In waters in which are frequently found submerged logs, sandbars and other ; from 31 7w a home Housing jh-luiul l0r payments oI at K-ast twenty TTival contractus have proceeded l," the new act ',., are willing to fl the SJiin"- v..mld involve 4'n ol a number of uie and then the M fe the op--jje (during con- Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gillan are living In the cottage at the Caldcr farm. Mr. Oillan will be with the Nicholson's Mill later on. A letter from E. T. Apple-whalte, M.P. for Skeena, confirming a recent announcement of the institution of air mail service for the Queen Charlotte Islands, was read last evening at the meeting of thi Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. Boards of Trade and Chambers of Commerce of Central British Columbia have agreed to support candidature of F. M. Dock-rill of Telkwa for regional vice-president for British Columbia and George Ogston of Vander-hoof for regional director at the A HOLY ROLLER A tank of the First Husrars, tagged the "Holy Roller," will be presented to the City of London, Ont., June 4 to be mounted as a memorial to citizens who died In the Second World War. It Is the only Canadian tank which fought its way from D-Day to the end of the year in battle. Presentation will be made at the First Hussars reunion. . 'CP Photo) Fred Knowles Is staying In one of the cottages at the Landing. underwater hazards. Power is supplied by Chrysler-Royal M-28 marine engine to develop 141 horse-power and turn over at 3200 R.P.M., giving the craft a cruising speed of eleven ta twelve knots. Steering and hydraulic clutch controls are in duplicate, one set in the wheel house and one set aft in the I cockpit. Fuel Is carried in a riisnersal svstem of four tanks 1 Pleads For I Orval Oorlay's parents and brother and sisters of Telkwa spent a short visit with him on Sunday. Terrace imely I opics from annual convention of the Canadian Chamber of Commerce to be held in Banff Septembei 11-14, it was reported at tht meeting last night of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce , j A communication from the Can- j Local Firms awmi)ii-iiuni un-;i 0 the National v that everyone erfcU-u in home Ins the lines siplrte the sur- Mrs. C. R. Newhouser, Terract Reporter The weather has been most disappointing cold and wet. Gardens are backward although J i most have the rows showing , green. j adian Chamber invited resolu Holding that It was wrong In wlth a capacity of 140 gallons principle to let contracts to out- wnicn will give forty hours cruis-side firms for construction of lng Cabin nnd wneel nouse " new liquor stores, particularly pr,,vide " sleeping accommoda-wheh bids were close, J. T. Har- . f Dersons. There is a Mrs. Joe FeJber, A.T.C.M., was Last week's Issue of the "Ter-LWft of honor at a shower rate Tribune i expected to be given by the students of her the last one as Mr. Willouphby, tions for the national convention, , this matter being left to the ex ' ecutive to deal with. emor meory group at the the owner and editor, is soma. SO SOFT ' jvey proposed to the Prince Ru- well.equippod galley and modern nome 01 Fastor and Mrs. W. out of business here 8alonluk. The dinner table was SO pert Chamber 01 commerce idsi plumbing something novel m night night that mat representa representations be walF f -raft desiKn is COMFORTABLE SO INEXPENSIVE Local stiifli-nts nf Mrs .t Foi. prettily decorated, with fringed. pink ;treameis bedecked with ber who are aolna to Prince Ru- made to the Liquor Control rnnnine of hot and cold The Post Office Kepanment! has decided to establish a win-: ter post office at Greenville on the Naas River. Dicording to word from E. T. Applewhaite, M.P. , for Skeena. It is expected 1 that Henry Herman McKay will . be appointed postmaster. I S50 silver stars over a background pert for music examinations Board in the matter of the let- water Tne not, water coming of white. A small baby carriage early in June are Lorna Mclvin ting of a contract for new liquor rom tng engine manifold, held the lovely gffts which were and Colleen Site3, who will take store construction at Prince Ru- The interior is treated with cpr-ied by the guest of honor both music and theory exams.; pert, Terrace and Vanderhooi. j fire-resiatant paint and three before the serving of a hot Flora Melvin and. Betty Mc- Yesterday it had been an-, fire-extinguishers . , n hejp reduce - NOTHE 1 NolU-v In hrebv given that Ixrts' t to 1:1 Inclusive of lt C7U3 and Lou 1 to A and 8 to 16 Inclusive of hut C79S. Runne V Court District. Plans ?0H9 and 2000. situated at Lnkelse , I ake. will rx offered for aale at Public Auction to ba held In the DC. Police Office. Terrace. B.C.. at( 10:00 am.. Saturday. June 17th. 1W. 1 Further tniurmaiion may be ob- mined ..from the Oovernment Agent.! Prince Rupert. B.C.. or from the! 1 SupVrlntontlent of Lands. Department ! of Lands and Forest. Victoria, B C. i Terms and conditions will be announced at the time of sale. I the fire hazard. dinner. Those prent were, Cabe, Anita Brue, Aaron Haa- nounced in the piess that the Pastor and Mrs. W Snliminlt. l.nH ii,vr ujiii inw th 4hn,.r ... t .. .1 , v,oH Mr. and Mrs. J. Felb?r. Flora examination. Ivv Gillesole and v,Qn ipt. t the Fraser Valley Tne boat'. which .? n0W " Pected to be employed as it is Family Shoe Store Ltd. Charlie Roberts Phone 357 Box 638 built in Nanaimo and tne intention 0f the Department and Lorna Melvin, Peggy Laird, Marilyn de Kergommcaux who Builders Limited of Mission In pleted ,was . oMnn t k arlU fnlro th m ! iminit.lrn ... u,i lo U i Win ue umracu Colleen Sites, Anita Brue, Betty McCabe and Aaron Haaland. to turn this ship over to the present Fisheries Department staff. preierence ui uius nuu Deputy Minister of Lands GEO. P. MELUOKE. ! May 57th. 1950. . Victoria, B C. I (120 ! 1 j as soon as Provincial Public Works' regulations allow the carrying of heavy loads on the ln each case' Leslie DonlidnT nephew of . .. Mrs. H. King left for his home " a very unwlst pf cy; v Wally Peterson Crov: to Prince Rupert at the wetk-end in Telkwa at the week-end fol- ir. naive, , .- hiehwavs .it being the intention returnint? with his wife and two rons who have been living in Gibson's Landing until Mr.' lowing a short visit here. He firms in sucn a manner. i.t u- "Branta" ln by truck, was accompanied by Mr. Burnt the large amount ol prlmarlly in of the Smithers garage who wui money that went out of Prince wUh patromng dur- drlvlng a demonstration car, an Rupert in the way of liquor pur- spawning season and FINE PRINTING at REGAL PRINTERS PHONE 24 222 Second Av. ! Peterson found a place for them' 4 "Vanguard.". chases be employefl at other times may here. Wally is contractor for the, cording to me pie,s, u . connection with the scientific remodelling of the army build-j The cemetery board met on tanners ' 111 ijnaic the Fisheries Ings Into bunkhouses for the Sunday at the cemetery and and bid- or otner work of f ,h lr-ressful 1 woiKmen 01 tne Columbia t:euu- decided to have a shelter, made w""v " . nonartment. lnv,. rnmnnnv . fk f . der. The unamDer ae'u ...j...,. I ivjl LliC UJC Ul VUWIO. V V.V .. No additional men aie c.t.- there. Those attinding the Mr. Harvey s suggesuoiu 1 TO Aff I , i Mr. and Mrs. Alex Nelson, late of Terrace and Remo, and frn I n. is not published Ol meeting were H. Kin, R. Corey, W. Warner. W. Donald, J. Nor-mandeau, Mr. MacKay and Jira MacKay. - s auc-rCof trol Ho,rd Ol now of Prince Rupert, spent Bntish Columbi4 May 24 in Terrace and took-ln the sports at the Civic Centre. Reverend Hay hurst of KiS Maurice Cote, who !s witli ', wanga is expected to arrive here Woodward's Store, In V. n; li ve., Saturday's train to condu-.t is rnpnd'n-z a two werVs!-' morning services ln St. Mat- D PIPE AND Ho fiih v.u nnr-i.;s Ur r,,i i ihew's Church WELDERS AND I ETC. ABRICAT1NG i Breakfast Preference of Millions - W -far After Year J(J Mrs. H. Cote, driving vp l.'cr.i the south. He will be returning next Wednseday. Accompanying him is his fiancee, Miss Mary Fetchke. who is a nur3e In the Powell River hospital. tap boxes, steel The Instructional Unit of the Fire Marshall Office drove lnt3j town from the coast cn Thur.i-j day afternoon with representa-1 tives, J. Newall, E. Rickey, J. DifkcnF, to hold classes for the) I - I . . I V Nwl, Dollars Don't ! l$XJr raft Grow majx-s, storaRe i, trailers flea Kfinrnrio T'hoir nl"iiii.-f. 'llinj and repairs a business Olaf Hanson was is to give Instruction to firemen j A Product of General Foods visitor In town last week. He left Thursday for Prince Rupert ;o spend the week-end. Don't skimp breakfast the day's most important meal Then you'll not feel tired, irritable later. Instead, One that helpsyou start eat a good breakfast regularly. right, stny right all day. "k Guaranteed I Estimates i km -s j You Can Stretch Them j If You Take Your Radio to ifriltn RADIO of both salaried and volunteer depprtments, so that" all fire fighting departments may keep in touch with one another. On Thursday niftht they gave instruction in ladders, knots, first aid and then showed films 'owl chemical explosion, laboratory experiments and -different, Will Rublnson drove to Prince Rupert on Thursday to meet Hon. E. T. Kenney who returned to Terrace with him Friday. Millions find that Grape-Nuts makes breakfast more appetizing, satisfying they relish those delicious kernels made from whole wheat and malted barley, so tasty with milk or cream. A delightfully different nut-like flavor 1 And Grape-Nuts brings you useful amounts of carbo-' hydrates, minerals and proteins. Many other uses. For cooking, packages carry different recipes. Today get Grape-Nuts from your grocer. A grand recipe is shown here. Try it. An able food expert planned CO. I iVtli 0 CLINIC j 'r I ..'.II.. l .M UnnLfnrt methods in flrefighting. On Friday night they will conduct more classes and those attending both evenings will be given a certificate. , I SO Uay uuarmiirc 1,1 I I ... . .. nllunr III Green 884 a tOOQ specially maue iui uicdman Grape-Nuts-the favorite of millions! ' Guaranteed WO PICK Up unu ui.i.v . . II 1 Phone Blue 902 ' - - 1 I SPOT NEWS1-------;- b " Tosfs ' GrCIDe-nW" .,. water , Combine su6.r. - over i0 he alt. ,w until cup u9"" BROADWAY CAFE THE BEST in Plumbing Service PHONE 108 PRINCE RUPERT , PLUMBING & HEATING BUD SCHUMAN (Old Post Office Bldg.) V,cup mo'"" ,up "!!;n occasionally: (IN) 'oTape-Nut., 't""" V w i U REGISTERED TtADE-MARK tRAND i Best Food When next you buy a cereal make it Grape-Nuts. Economical ? Well, a serving is just two tablespoonfuls costing less than a cent. ENGINES Sl EQUIPMENT We stmk onrt liavf fur salf riiiuniifis illf-srlA. Mniilr (Ins Kuglnra l'lrlhl( dif-aM phaHst piping, Hrllilr ful Hups. Trolllin PiiIf Si"K (lllihrlvt iai kn and Piirt. Itruw anil Inm IW.w Riillrrv I'lslon Rlnct. Iiii ana I'lpe t-'lttliiKS, , Halibllrrt Idix B'ailiH. Juw l.ilclirs amlior Mxer-lieaiK Rlrrl and Itrnos Hliafllm. Ihills. Nuts, Hfuils and 'P Halibut Wil Rollpra Hheavra. AiK-hnr llnrdy MRRMhfarts. Klal Mild fterl. Various mlli lrn of marine har:l-wari and riiilpnirnt, too iiuiner-(iiis lo inrntioii. BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS rinest Cock ng Hours 7 .m. to 1 a.m Take-Home Orders Phone 200 ANNOUNCING I The Opening of the Penguin Hobby Shop Complete HOBBY SUPPUES Toys and Novelties, Children's Furniture, Plastics, Venetian Blinds, Furniture, Signs SPRING CLEANING , TIME for your cleaning needs MOPS WAXES BRUSHES CLASS CLEANER, etc POLISHES, etc. - IN STOCK.... delivery to retnlWa In IVip Prince Runert Wstrlct Butcher's wrappings THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL Odd pieces of furniture, tables, end tables, magazine racks at Real Savings. Always Prompt and Coutteour nil We're Here to Serve YOU Shopping Si Cellophane srorrry bags Toilet tissue bags 1 Wrapping pnprr CALL , JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST o John Bulger LH. . ITilrd Avenue PENGUIN HOBBY SHOP tUIIIUIUUUlc van. Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street Phone Blue 446 or 232 Box 744 "Hospitality and Good Food";! Phone 17 for Hend-Out Orders;! 1A PAPER CO. LTD. i2JXL ULLiil 'MLU i3rd Ave. Davltl unow, mBi.j !!j;k 931 ADVERTISING IN THE DAILY NEWS BRINGS RESULTS. , Free Delivery r-v--.v.v v.-.w--.-.-----.------'