Prince Rupert Daily Rew Tuesday, May 30, 1950 f I wt x r"?1! i J 1U5 , V Football is Opened The football season got off to e good start last evening when in the first game of the North Star trophy the Canadian Legion and the Oeneral Motors played to a scoreless draw. The Legion attacked and Murray and Armstrong threatened but Boulter saved. The Motors Third Game Falls Victim to Weather The weather man and Prince Rupert baseball association just don't seem to be able to get along this year at all. After a reasonably clear morning Sunday he just seemed to open the skies to let the water pour out I - W J. . i ;f V " ' ' .IV.v.' - - O il - i at game time. attacked and Eby blocked a m 7i -r"i- Sunday's scheduled game was the third in aid of the Mani toba flood sufferers to be rained j out. Ma) be the weather man's : spite is against Winnipeg and JXs not the ball association. Seagram's Kings Plate hard drive. Baxter tested Boulter who cleared and then Ford's hard drive was blocked by Eby. Olren fed Hornell but the latter fhot high. Currle stopped Armstrong and Murray. Wilson drovo wide but there was no score at half-time.' Boulter had to run out to save and was lucky later when his clearing drive was blocked by Armstrong but the ball was scrambled away. A cross from Wilson got the Legion defence in ,a tangle but Yelland saved. The Motors defence got in a Jam too but survived. Then a lovely cross by Baxter beat the Motors defence only to find Armstrong with an open goal turning the ball yards high over (Continued on page 8) i 3 v54 ONE YEAR TO FAY on the material and labour for your NEW ROOF &r Seagram's Smithers Team Coming Sunday Smithers baseball team is coming to Prince Rupert Sunday to play two games with local clubs. Sunday afternoon they play the Commercials. Monday they play Abel and Odowes if store, are closed for the King's birthday. Otherwise the second game will be played Sunday, al.-o, in a double header for the visiting team. The local association has also promised to send a second team to Smithers July 1, while the first team will play Ketchikan! here. A return engagement with' Ketchikan will be played in the! Alaska city July 4. i Dogs and cats, as well as people, sulWil in the evacuation during the Southern Manitoba floods. Shown above are just a few of the 7") abandoned or lost dogs rescued lv tho Humane Society and brought to Winnipeg. Gordon House of the Manitoba Flood Relief 1'umf (left) and lien M. Bort, Humane Society n-presentative, exatniiic the dogs for identification tag. The animals are Ix'ing kept until owners claim thorn, and all dogs brought in are classified by ago, sex and breed o that owners wilt find it easier to identify their pots. The Manitoba Hood Rehef I und will handle rehabilitation of flood victims and thus britiR about the reunion of many owners with their pets. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS BRINa hiding - Insulation or Asphalt Tile PERSONAL PLUMBINu ana Heatlne -Sheet Metal work Tar and Gravel Roofintr. Call 629 6th West. Phone 543. Letourneau and Sons. uf) by ART MURRAY Pr? p 3 f ?sevcIt Park stated Sunday that he will have Classified Advertising is payable in advance. Please refrain from telephoning. Classify rnnce Kupert Baseball Associ- an announcement to make later word per Insertion, minimum charge 50c. Blrtji Notices 50c. Cards of Thanks Death!! nT ,rgain endeavour t0 ln week regarding the Invlta- eral Notices, Marriage and Engagement Announcements $2 00. BASES ALL opt n ns iyau season. With con- tion from the local Association SPKCIAL DISPLAY, DOUBLE PRICE CARD OF THANKS HELP WANTED FOUND sistent interference from the ! for a team in the league from rain man this cpening game has Terrace. At first it was feared been on lap for over two 'weeks that it would be impossible for and. players and authorities Terrace to field a team, tiue to TONIGHT 'h.t? exDress our sincere HELP WANTED Hosnital cooks. TOWD- -Black dud. Grade 4. $2 280-S2.5H0 ner an 703. thanks to the manv friends who save their kindness, svmnathv num. Department of National HeaRh and Welfare. Millarl Bav. BC. Open to oualified, alike are fast becoming irritated ' so many men working in the by the situation. Tonight it will ! woods, but now it arrears there WANTID and beautiful floral offerings I during the illness and death of our beloved husband and father. male residents of the Prov 1 WANTED ince of B.C. Full. particulars be Abel & Odowes vs Commer- has been a renewed interest in , Cials as announced in these ml- the nanw and ujb mnv cop nn Arco!ifc Bux f Doehterman. on nf. Offipps of Nn-1 tional . Emnlovment Service! . umns many times already. ! entry after all. We are pleased j to announce that GREER & BRIDBF.N, your lo ?Lffii- CAU.?I WANTED - .Scran Abel & Odowes vs. Commercials special thanks to Rev. L. G. Sieber fro his consoling words: also to Drs. R. O. and A. W. Large, the nurse of Prince Rupert Oeneral Hospital and special nurses. Mrs. Frank Dibb George Dibb and family FOR SALE watson Island, the team that the Association was rather re- , Bill Lach of Smithers has uctant to do business with ear- kept the wires humming all week i her in the ' month, is rapidly ac- lining up a series for his team quiring playerc from here and with a local nti-stnr outfit herP iv , A w V r X " i . u cornier. Datlerln nV.tJa.ti-er ators. Phone 543. cj June i no i 17. inn 19a0. with the Civil wesf Service Commission. 701 York-! -JH' shire Building. Vancouver. B C.1 WANTED House (If I rooms or more. ( . , ,... Ctr.,i r.., cat building contractors, are now in a position to bring you HELP WANTED Application ' a superior product for your If meie and yesterday announce- next Sunday. This will be the FOR SALE 1947 Ford Tudor for the Dosition of caretaker.' 6:30 D.m. V Roosevelt Park sedan. Low mileaee In ex WANTED TO RENT t ) building requirements, with materials from U tellent condition. Price reason- McClvmont Park for June Julv and August, will be received bv the underpinned iiieia oi two steals from the first visit from an outside team Commercials by Dan Doswell has this season and will no doubt, aoie. rnone Green 481. ADDlioants to annlv in nersonl (128p) irKea fcd Davis enough to have ' draw cnnslrienihle Interest In room fuite or turni bv 1st of June. P: 979. WANTED TO RENT BCILDIXG PRODUCTS LIMI at the Civic Centre bv Satur day. June 3rd. Work ns hours 1 FOR SALE "Paramount" Model TED, the largest manufactur him make the statement that sports circles hereabouts. j his team won't lose a game to . , Islanders all season even if he afternoon and evenine. Salary) ! iv MS Ball Beunnir. 2-staze nished house bv hi close in. Phone Bk. centrltuaal Pumo nl excellent condition. Also Wisconsin En III I II $175 monthiv. E. D. Forward Chairman. Citv Parks Committee. (It has to go to New York for playe- gine, model AHH 6.8 to 9.2 h.D.J usiness an d Y0 essiona new. Also considerable piping' :, . rrr.jTlu WASH?) HELP ers of asphalt shingles in CANADA. SHINGLES are available in1 weights from 125 lbs. to 210 Excellent for irrieation Armlvi " c.-' r.!jrrieiictu whu- Aoolv Broadwav Cafe. if Opening Up to Weatherman Bulklev Vallcv District Hos. WANTED-Reliable Bi 120 WANTED Capable stenog lbs. per square, and feature I ers. The players in the cleat are Haryluk, the Hotelmen's first baseman, who caused so much trouble last season over the eligibility rule in the playoffs, and none other than silent "Miner" ; Simundsen - who still seems to have the odd game left in him. joitalmlthers. B.C. (12ic; FOR SALE Deep well pump, in good condition. Aoolv Bulklev Valley District HosDital Smithers. B.C. U26c rapher towards end of June the new 165 lb. TITON, the1 Apply in writing to Brown and Harvey. Box 8:18. statind an fur housework Hot Snrincs. Addi.'?: west of Orean M afternoonsf)r even; Bl'ILDERS & CONT. FOR electrical contiir; laree or small, riiiijtj Newton. Black i self-locking shingle in an at DR. GARNET E. H. MONTGOMERY DENTIST Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 52E P.O. Box i210 A. P. GARDNER & CO. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER, B. C. training, exoerience and salary exoected. ( 130 tractive design. FOR SALE See the Kermath Sea Pup. 5 h.p. water-cooled marine engine. Cow Bav Boat Works. (125) FOR SALE FOR SALE Double bed Oi FOR SALE 38 Troller 14 h"n Ben Dodds, the Terraca pharmacist, who doubles in at the interior town, heater. Dro 1 leaf table. Beattw FOR bulldlnir and d it's Northwest CA Limited. Phone 5H3. i-eavv Dutv Engine. Fair con- Wa.'her. Slnele cot. BedroonJ If the weatherman smiles tonight, the local baseball association hopes to get under way finally with a game between Commercials and Abel and Odowes. To date three attempts i ) start have ben abortive. The clubs are Itching to try each 'Uier out. Abel and Odowes arj still smarting under the shellacking handed to them in a pre-season game by the hotel-men. They think they can do better. suite. Annlv 310 fith East, onion. Apply 221 5th E. (126p) e e n r is (126o (MARINE and metal work. Ti & HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture ln all fts branches FOR SALE 40 ft. deep sea troll Metal Works. er chrvsler crome. also poles, eurdies (two spool set) com vAf til? f raMPt PTR bul drrs plete for 28 ft. boat nearly FOR SALE 1934 Oldsmobile Coupe, new rubbers. enxine A-l condition, heater. Phone Blue 527 after 5 D.m. 129,1 NATIONALLY KNOWN NAMES Ling-belt SDeedor Shovels: 204 4th Street Phone 655 fast service. Island new. Phone 539. ( 129pi Gordon D. Ronson OIL BURNER SPECIALIST New wick or pot type burners supplied All types of burners and stoves serviced-An unconditional guarantee of perfect satisfaction covers all service ?33 5lh West Black 503 Ina SuoDltcs.JJlue r-j FOR SALE Reasonable: 8 m m Mauser. 30-30 Winchester REAL ESTATl CHIROPRACTOR JOHN F. L. HUGHES, D.C. 21-22 Besner Block Hours, 10:30-12:30 & 2-5 Evenings, Mon. & Frl. 7:30 Phone Blue 442 Pocket aneroid 8000 ft. Kodak! postcard camera. R.P. 1300' shutter. Balda 2V4 sauare camera 2-9 lens contour shutter. Kodak raneefinder. tripod." treadle sewing machine.l sleeoine baas, roll rim sink.l FOR SALE Six iv It PAYS to Advertise 1 n:n s lives S2.UUU Ave. West. Phone i: food-blenders. 2-soeed. electric! FOR SALE Bids arr ians and heaters, outboard INSULATED SIDING comes ir three shades of brick, witl two houses, one ; Cranes: Draglines: Adams Road Graders: Litt.lefnrd Bros Black Tod Road Maintenance Euuinment: Owen Clamshell Buckets and Rock Grannies: T. L. Smith Concrete Mixers: Clark Forklift Trucks: Nelson Bucket Loaders for Stockpile and 6now Removal: Rice Portable Centrifugal Furhps; National Dragline ScraDers and Buckets: National All Steel Gasoline Hoi s t s: National Portable Sawmills: National . Rotarv Screens and Conveyors Full Information from National Machinery Co. Limited Vancouver. B.C tf FOR SALE New & used household furniture and hardware boats. 29 Studebaker. Call at BOWLING j GEORGE RORIE & CO lllti 7th Ave. E. li-9 p.m. a30i Street, and house b white or black mortar lines also the popular stone finish com- Mi.tmg or two I' Mav be inspected j John or Sniro Guij ..ill Ka, .r.nliofl .Tllllffl FOR SALE Double bed plete with Slumber King NOW Mat or the new INSULTEXIihingl Ml Kb COLUSSI Piano Technician Pianos Tuned Repaired PHONE BLACK 389 210 4th Street tress. Phone Green 782. typo in buff or birch grey. Highest or anv bid Public Accountants and Audl tors. Income Tax Returns compiled Q. L. RORIE, A.A.E. 8. B. LAIRD, B. Comm. Besner Block Phone 387 (130p) f.ariiv accent ;ed. G'tjv Cmc ALLEYS FOR SALE Dinette set. 2 beds' talcs, per Jonr m with mattress. Also row boat. 7018th East. (126p NSTJLATION of FIBERGLASS, comes ln paper encased rolls, of either 2" or 3" thickness. blcvcles for bovs and men. FOR SALE-3-room, ur unDalnted chest of drawers. FOR SALE Used brick, like bath. Phone tu,u end tables ana coffee tables. new. thoroughly cleaned. 5d batterv radios, floor covering each. Also fire brick. 1 steel 654 tTOTiMe.a WANTED circulating fireplace form,1 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P. O. Box 1401 rifles, pressure cookers, singer sewine machines, office chairs, sleeping bags, lodging boots er for well duhi HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS OPEN PRINCE Itl'PERT . BOWLING, ALLEYS Open from 3 pm. till 12:00 pm. Daily BOWL FOR HEALTH house ln good mant onr) fliniaCC end scores of other good SlOPhone Red 969. U27p) FOR SALE Marconi Portable Battery and Electric Radio articles. Oood values at lowest oolliilir VI Canadian Beautv Electric! possible prices, ts.u. Furniture. Phone Black 324. (TF) 11 vuu aic -""" i ask about our crj listing plan for 0111 Greer & Bridden Offer you this service at attractive and competitive prices. They fully guarantee the workmanship as well as the materials. stove. Large Norge Oil Heater t i i l mi overtiicfttrrt ti not nub iihJ . j Seven foot skiff. Phone Blue FOR SALE! Two piece Eet daven Armstrong a'11 342 or Green 297 ?aL'Tr W tilt CtlMMrf Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOF8 CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS port, and chair for day andl night comfort. Call at 1039; 639. (127pi FOR SALE 1 portable typewriter with carrying case, Havs Cove Ave. Phone Blue 836 FOR SALE Large foiij , (125pl FOR YOUR ROCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 939 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed practically new. Phone Red! house. Piggot "vtil' 622. (126 Prince Rupert, Phone 867. ACCOUNTANTS FOR SALE Kodak Reflex cam PHONES Black 334 Red 894 P. O. Box 1670 era case, trirxid. Dan tilt head cable shutter release, flash gun. 4 filters. 2 portrait lens, lens hood. 1 floodlight. 2 snot PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, Incomf Tax specialist. S. G. Furk Stone Building. Red 593. (20m) lights, etc.. complete witlJ For free estimate or further information phone or call at ROBERT F. i MONTADOR FOR SALE -Four rodii on bus line, attracj orated. Full chimnit furnace. Enterprise Furnished if dt'sllf Call Blacky 145. FIVE room house nraf School. Sandv lot. J ment. Immediate 'j Onlv $1500 down. I $2i',50. See Armstrong Phone 342 or Green leather carrying case. $160.00. Phone Red 298. j (ltpi FOR SALE Rifles. Shotguns, FOR RENT MATTSON'S CFHOLSTERINQ Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 52e 330 Second Avenue Prlnca Rupert, B.C. Learn to Dance Expert Instruction in Fox Trot, Waltz j Jive, Rhumba, Tango PRIVATE LESSONS' Hours: Mon. Thru Frl. 4:30-10 p.m Saturdays 2:30 - 8 p.m. For appointments GREEN 491 Tetescooic Sights. Large as MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 " STONE BUIDINO sortment. Variable choices fori shotguns, etc. w rounds .30.1 FOR RENT Our own fullv furnished suite Julv and August. Other accommodation bv September. Please interview Mrs. J. Llnnev, Submit Apt. Phone Black 277. (125) British ammunition $2. 9a. Dealers e n a u 1 r 1 e s Invited Write monthiv for latest de- scrlntlve folders and orices. I ..' I " TV i t i ( t REPAIRS Limited Sales Agent Scope Sales Co. Ltd.. 326 FOR RENT 2 -car garage, 61 Oueen St.. Ottawa. One. (tf) uTr,JiPfmlrs pr"? uun west. Phone Green 698. (130pi QUALITY REPAIRS Tor Downtrodden Heels and Worn Boles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Becond Ave. nient service. G?" PHONB BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 Phone 11 3rd Avenue boat. 135p) FOR SALE One glllnet Phone Green 803. Mary MacDonald, Director: Jeweller. Satlsfactu" formerly of Arthur Murray FOR RENT Quiet, comfortable sleeping room. Phone Greerd teed. FOR IMMEDIATE SALE 2 PRINCE RUPERT DANCE STUDIO JI38. (127p 1 DTT. " RtlRNER SPEll year-old Great Dane. Apply Stove Service &KH). FOR RENT Two room suite. 330 D. Clark. Port Edward. , . (128p) via west, U30p; Ronson. BiacK m..