I?tnce nuntri an raetoi Tuesday, OctobeT 11, 1949. FOR BEAUTY AND UTILITY REASONABLE COST Mrs. John Boden, wife of Capt. Boden, master of the steamer Catala ,is making a trip north. She arrived from "7(1" rvihc i-w... . ... . "- increased. Industrial First Aid Classes availahir9A ftaVC cars 10 commence Tuesday, Oct. 11, Vancouver on the Coquitla'.i i Friday afternoon, made tht! "aJi rJ. . " uay' rnone at 8 p.m. In Fire Hall. All Inter "-'"-w vitos. mv.nr.ntn ested please attend. (237) Stand-Bud's Cigar Store. H) All thRkncs.ses In stock from Vi" to V" At New Lower Prices plume now for your copy of ' Lxtia Living Space in Your Hume" MAILED FREE Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gordon left on yesterday afternoon's plane for a business. C. V. Bvnies anH trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands at the week-end ai d boarded the Catala here Sunday right to travel to Alice Arm and Si e wart and thence back to Vancouver today. Efn lnft at 4k. ... t .r o' ," e" W lne w ttP to Vancouver, Lin-io wnere uiey will take up future residence, Mr. Syn.es having purchased a business there. trt & McCaffery Advertise in the Daily News! i J. K. R. Wood of the contracting firm of Wood, Parr & Mc-Clay. which has the job of n.-censtructing the Prince Rupert Highway on Kaien Island beyond the city limits, left by yesterday afternoon's plane on his return to Vancouver after spending a few days here on busine.-s. Mr. and Mrs. John Currie re LIMITED I PHONE 116 J TK Cwrp Maiitvw AJmm ScrviM, la Regular mcetim; Loyal Order of the Mooe, Tuenday, p.m. Membji-i please attend. ;237 1 v ( V CHOOSE Mrs. L. M. Felsenthal return turned to the city at the end of ed to the city on the Catala on Sunday evening from a trip to!the WbA trom Vancouver vav.it .aneouver. ...1. I ntf-in T5'.,,,.. i . ARROW WHITE -is ALWAYS RIGHT! And we hove a goM srlertinn at Arrow'! famous white shirts with variety of up-to-the-minute, perfect-fittiiig Arrow collars. Come in today and see our Arrow shirts, ties and other Arrow products. i Canadian Legion Executive Meeting tonight 8 p.m. Regular Monthly Meeting (with Initiation of new membeis, Can Mr. Currie has been on business preparatory -to the stalling of construction of Famous Players Canadian Corporation new wh-utie at the corner of Tbird Avenue and First Street. Miss Sheila McRae left on yesterday afternoon's plane for a trip ro Vancouver. sing is payauie u.e. icasc jeiraui irorn !itds, 2c per word per Insertion, minimum "My girl friend made them!" h Notices sue, uaras or i nanus, ueatn Notices, Uarriaiie and Engagement Announcement: 12. ECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICE adian Legion Hall, Wed, Oct. 12, at 8 p.m. (it) FOK SALE SAl.ll Prince Rupert and District K. F. Harding, Capt. A. M. FOR SALE 8 room hotM. 4 ;;v shop cquip- .Union Board of Health will have att nusen and Martin Eiir.U.- bedrooms, dlnini? r:m and a meeting Wed.. 3 D.m at. th .n lPft rm t,0.i,n -f... . i friwit. rtMim Kull riimi'i'tp - . . - - - - - - - V VI. UU .1 1 -1 riie . basement, heating system hot Health Unit. Members pleasj noon'o plane for a trirj to Vun- VICKERS'li DISTIlliO IN CANADA A no 1 1 oiitaiauTie avCalVftt Ttiis advertisement is not published or dij played by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia water. On two lots, ienced in fcss Hohner d as new. good garage. Apply 1133 Am-orose Ave. or phone Blue 441. (2)2) r (238) 477. attend. (it) couver on Prince Rupert Fish- .j-jj., er.nrn's Co-operative business. HOTEL ARRIVALS i UUle Theatre Association I meeting Wednesday, Oct. i2th, Dtluxe 6 Pon- for SALE Practically new GOVERNMENT OF-CANADA 3iX FIRST WAR LOAN BONDS' Due February 1st, 1948-52 BEARING CALL LETTER B ONLY HAVE BEEN DRAWN FOR PAYMENT February 1, 1950 Bonds of thii issue bearing fhe call letter shown should be presented for redemption on February 1, 1950 or as soon thereafter as possible with all coupons of later date attached. No further interest will be paid on these bonds after the above date. eiitaeni i washing machine, Maytag. Bhrck Plume 1430 8th E. between li & 6 p.m. (242) Ail (2371 . Civic Centre, 8 p.m. ested welcome. BALAGNO Florists Phone Green 787 Box 1193 (Prince Rupert) jera'.ion won- L. Hart, Vancouver; L. F. May, Vancouver; l. Bourque, Edmonton; E. Macdonald. Vancnuvpr' A Senior School Dance, by the Council, will oe held FOR SALE As new. Fleetwood combination mantel rauio and record player with automatic changer. Oreen 784. ?38i FOK SALE Wartime .iou k't-chen ranixe. 1404 6th East. (239) jii-ji beuan, o ace. 3 nood .n'.ing. Owner 4.1000. mi 296. 1237) Cary rurnac- Naval Drill Frklay. Oct. 14 &t th S. B. Bannister. Calrv- T a ANNOUNCEMENTS Job's Daughters Fashion Show and entertainment, Oct. 21, 8 V. Tremblay, Victoria; I. Cloak, Hal1- Admission: Cuup: 50c; i i i FOR SALE 2 desks, f. chest.r. Pentlcton; Mr. and Mrs. T. D. stags, 35c. Grade N'.U's invCxd.1 desk lamp, hlirh chair, white Stockdale, city; O. Bairle, ' Prince carriage, brw springs &sprin.j: rrfwl,. ueorge; w w. M. tit) p.m., Civic Centre. .ers .11 oe n.- Ramday, Kel Oivic Centre Bridge, Oct.- 21st. iinea manress. I'none Ked . or call ai 1020 8Ui E (U) I Rebekah Bazaar, Oct. 26. WINS' Mother Says WANTF.H Sonja Ladies Bazaar, Oct. 28. St Peter's W. A. Fall Bazaar, Nov. 3. own a; Mr. and Mrs. R. Johnson, city; H. H. Rlchotte, Philadelphia; Mr. and Mrs. C. Skuse, Juneau; J. B. Collins, Vancouver; N. F. Putnam, Victoria; K. V. Jameson, Smlthers. W. O. Drake, aVncouver. II Fors'ccrg, Vancouver; A. Van-eeryafct, Vancouver; D. Murphy, Vancouver; A. 2. Ellis WANTED Small furnished house or apartment bv young couple. Phone Blue 661. (237) WANTED TO RENT ByDec 15 or Jan. 1, 3 room apartment. Apply Box 583 Dally News Oflice or Phone Black 608. (tf) .wrrc.seu up i,-inr4ll I'l .jj. tAd'l :, Sit u-J. 0i:a'lH-3, bi'inr, more jcnoci -is lol-tu v. sc. cor-t bunk U'.'i.y uioni .4p"i.u 1 miit oi Shames r:y 9 miles; tie, passim; jarm-a Creek; .,;. Soulhcast- w puna of a'iuuing in -; & except prl- Legion Auxiliary Bazaar, November 9. ' Presbyterian Fall Bazaar, No. 17. H ;Y WANTED Metal, copper, brass,' Vancuover; R. Dupa:, Vtnc-.c i-and car batteries. See B ever; James Wood, Vancouver, furniture uuuu pmco. imh yv; pinau, Vancouver; B. van Prince ' Rrupcrt Symphony Orchestra Concert, Nov. 18. I O D E. 'Chapter's Fall Bazaar, ' """ " '" Nov.' 24. St. Andrew's Cathearal Fall Bazaar, Nov. 26. Saturday. ill llil 1 Tl llS h Rhyn, Carlisle; W. Willis, rren.- sinsiiuniui iK.r: u w. potvin, Vancouver. -53 At Goodyt.r't reqwtt, Mr. S. M. Marrs, 1J9 Boytan Rf.s loronio, made the "Twin-Test". Bill (left) had NEOL1TB loles; Bob wore shoes with leather soles. not SITUATION WANTED I will look after boats at Fairview ' Gov. Floats at $5 00 a month. Crange Ladies Sale, Dec. 7. Salvation Army Home League Sale of fancy work and home Mr. or.d Mrs. C. G. Waitherill. Vancouver; L. Bate, Vancouver; K. Rai-zell, Vancouver; R. .?. TucUer, Victoria; Mrs. P.. E. Elliott, Juskatla. J. Blake. Boat K.O. (242) WANVF.D .-tru. x c. c. cooking at Sons of Norway Hall. ' Dec. 8 at 2:30 p.m. , , S.O.N, whist drive and dance every Friday. (246) ' ' 4 S FOK SALE ' 23'J I FOR SALE Pressure cooker -Si Kurd V-a. 1242) spr.'ia.ly seldom used. Price $25. Blue 825. (238) f-'.c Mark 3 HELP WANTED E..Derienred butcher. Apply at Sheaidowns Gixjcery. 'M' BOYSAND "GIRLS Opportunity for earning, after school hours by delivering Dally News routes. Honest, reliable boys and girls apply at Daily News oflice. (tft HEAL, ESTATE LOST AND FOUND shot Snorting I Tha ovan it lha haart of any ranfl . . . with actvtiv Syncre-motic Machonicol Draft and fameui FAWCETT Fleeting In Flama Ovan, Terrjrf-Oil QHuras i ik. a t irti onlv $41. (ib. aratiun $3.00.1 LOST Two month Old Black Springer Spaniel. Answers to "Boots." (237) -WV Limited lor w.H'.) :md! The two active Marrs young iterj romped and played together all day longj Like other normal boys, they gave their shoes plenty of punishment until Bob's leather-soled shoes had holes in themi But not Bill's! His NEOLlTE-soled shoes still had plenty of wear left in them after the test! Yes, it's a proven fact NKOLITE soles far outwear the toughest leather. Start cutting family new shoe and repair bills with NEOL1TE soles right nowl They're waterproof, healthful, gloriously comfortable ! Vi.wy niunded FOK RENT jry So;,' .Sales 1 Iff' ? Tlf'plMtf)!!! ing ond operating ii 3 ranga that momy mn I J fcvyl" SAVOY: 1 HOTEL W. L.',W00DS, Prop. PHONE 37 P.O. BOX 1397 FRASER STREET PRINCE RUPERT Si, O.tawit, i283i '.-'0s all-wavp FOR SALE 4 room wartime rnsulaied brick chimney, stoves, newly painted exterior. Only $2600, terms arranged. See Armstrong Agencies or Phone 342. (237) FOK RENT Tourists sleeping room. Phone Red 471. UP FOR RENT Room and board ior two men. 613 3rd Avenue. , (tf) FOR RENT SleeplnR rooms or board and room. Phone Bi.ci eoo. (''' radio, uer- in-i-avi-i and fully guar- mio Clinic. FOR SALE Large four, nicely Worn Oi Leather N EOLITE Still Good '"l also be seen Phone 311 !Mi Bride Street decorated, on Overlook, good view, easy terms. For Information see Armstrong Asen-cies or Phone 342. (237) (238) 342 Panel De-F')rri nir'k.tn numbirifi. Phone HOME FOR SALE Wartime Without this NAMt tt'f not th samel 238 ' kitchon rnkJ m outwear eatter over 2 to R"d 183. (237) four on bus route, handy to school, stores. Apply 1020 9th Ave.E. C!37) GOOD HOME for family Inter ested In buving a duplex house in town. Six rooms to each suite. One suite already rented. Immediate occupancy. For further information write TM. The Good?m Tire it Rubber Co. of Cuudt Ltd n"r. anrl -i niu ndnioti. Red 513. 1237) Box 592 Dally News. 2J) 't-ir. Ap)ly )4lj ,243,FOR SALE 6-room wartime You saw it in the News! 'f'ort lumw house. 50 ft. lot. close in. Fur- C1"629eih Ave. nlshed or unfurnished. Phone ... m lip 4.in nr rii .mo olii nv. CSegal Printers West. (238) CHIROPRACTOR rtt''r sh:ivi.k 222 Second Ave. PHONE 24 'i'";;s: Adam' ; Littlrford Bros. VICTORIA, B. C. Larrse 10 room house on Hillside Ave. 10 minutes to P.O. Offered at a snap for cash. Particulars Prince Rupert Realty Co. 1238) '-n Clamshell Kiift ri. John F. L. Huehr, D C, Th.C 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment HOIKS 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and a to 6 p.m. 1 '$ & Concrete Mixers; Trucks; Nelson ATTENTION IN PRINCE RUPERT AT THE .'K':;l m Pumps; Na- KVKMNtlS i Monday nrt Friday. 7:30 p m. for ; Island City Builders Supplies ana Mrltririe Street Blue 820 touts: m',c thoac- unnble to come during tne day. RECEPTION 1ST In attiina "mini """iai ; National ' , and p Conveyors unce afternoons. PnlNCE KVPEKT REALTY CO. Listings 5 lixwn house and basement Section 2. $3600.00. First class residence at Seal Cove. 5 rooms and bath. $5H00. Terms. 5 rooms ami bath. Hot water heated. $2000.00 down, balance as rent. 5 rooms and bafih on two lots. Close in $3000.00. 7 room house, cement basement. Hot air furnace. Close in. Garaue. $7500.00. Terms. Prince Rupert Realty Co. Phone Green 667. (239 Co. WE HAV E THE RIGHT BUYER FOR YOUR HOME! Take advantage of our excellent list of PROSPECTIVE BUYERS. For satisfaction and prompt action, place your listings with the .... V .PRINCE RUPERT REALTY CO. - rilONE GREEN 667 L' (tl'i Scliool for Tomorrow The newspaper boy .... the boy w-ho delivers your Us?d"Furnr- wood Kit papers .... is a typical Canadian boy. He is the business man of tomorrow. And as a carrier, he learns those lessons ' f rnric Hot which will prepare him for a successful future. '5ey 3-nlv R7;?r nt Tea U7," Chtiy PEIYSONAL Carrier Conpetition Starting on October 3 the Daily News is sponsoring a t BjitiI'i..0uUarS ' !shiP Llno- A PICTORIAL TREAT "A Visit to Norway" COLOR FILMS TRAVEL AND WINTER SPORTS (English Text) Narrated by Fridtjof Enderson of Association of Norsemen Thursday, October 13, 8:30 p.m. SONS OF NORWAY HALL, Fifth Avenue East ADMISSION 50c Jr?$ Prices. Black 324 OF TASTY MEALS AT THE I&exCaJte Chinese Dishes a Specialty CHOP SUEY CHOW ME IN ifar, Ji m - u-i nnn carrier competition with a bicycle as first prize and many other valuable cash prizes. The boys will be awarded points for obtaining new subscribers for dependability and for efficiency in collections. So any help that you can give your uror. Kirii.. 00 PERSONAL Ambitious gentleman 45 vears, wishes to meet refined lady of means, Who Is Interested in business. Matrimony if suited Box 587 Dally News. (239) NO NEED . TO' SUFFER From Eczema Psoriasis, Impetigo, acne, ringworm, Itch, burns, shngles, chafing, skin blemishes, etc. Use SOOTHING HEALING XMR OINTMENT 65c box at Drusgists or P.O Box 9R7. Vancouver. (Hi tcinn"? thousand:' V" x 6 per VLr thounand. uarrier nll be appreciated by him and he in turn will try io serve you .... his customer .... to the utmost of his ability. (243) j-- Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 ajn. to 3:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders