I?rfnce Rtiprn Dan? I3ttof Tuesday, October II, 1949. eeee AIR PASSENGERS 4 " W 1 U WUA 1 7 - i) P.M. " ' a-' f i 'llllC3IIIIa -ill" -'s I To Vancouver (Friday) F i Pallette, R. J. Tucker, S. B. Ban-jnistier, R. C. Gilfoy, Dr. W. S. ; Kerain. S. E. Tickner. A. J. Mc- Upside Down Or Rightside Up, "ON HaITmam i 1 I ! "'nit T Pornrtc To Sandspit (Friday) J. Rob- Every Girl Sh 7. ? J ' I illard, E. Amy, Mrs. R. E. Elliott - WFia wur Doy s H Winter Wear and child. From Vancouver C. Robins,) w . u w . .i u'.r 1 if t ' H. S. Whalen, F. Kohse, Mr. and "in 1 1 Can Take It! Mrs. N. R. Hebb, E. MacDonald, A. McKlnnon. From Sandspit (Monday) O. Burke, S. B. Bannister, Mr. and Mrs. F. Stockdale, S. Dumas, J. Bremner, P. Maslenki. For Vancouver (Monday) K. F. Harding. Miss E. Tims'iuk M. MATINEE FRICES TO 5:30 F.M. MON. - WED. and SAT. Rupert Mens and Boys Store SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Eiiikfn, A. Martinusen, J. TORONTO National Ho.-- i i.... ... . w. Spurr, j vrjr ix-ague Ail tsurs defeat.-! , Vfn'ng on tr-, raapie Lais 3 to 1 in v,nm, Turnb. 11, E. R. Gordon, Miss Sheila McRae, W. Wa'lice, E. Wmnfier, R. J. Tucker, Miss E. ? ubb, J. E. R. Wood and F. J. Cearlcy. For Sandspit Miss A. Math the annual all star game Mi,,,. .. . " No wonder a hen gets discour- A few women throw their, aed. She never finds things selves away, but most of 'em take where she laid them. . pretty careful aim. day. Bob Goldhnm p.,,,1 t e An-lic "Oilcan mu. vuiity it..,. at the II, Columbia. ers r rd R. Davis. AWAIT GUAY'S APPEARANCE This photo sh ows only part of the crowds that gathered outside the entrance to Quebec court as the preliminary hearing of J. Albert Guay. charged with the "bomb plot" murder of his wife, got under way. Police speeded Guay, who was booed by the court audience, into the building by a seldo m-used entrance. (CP. Photo) For Skidegate Miss E. Boils, iuuis avuuey scored for the National Hockey League wit;, Bill Barliko notching the lono Lear counter. The league season opens Wednesday with Bus. ton playing at Detroit. BLACK " to .k. In Mrs, O. Young and Mis'er L. Young. , s From Vancouver . (Saturday." Mrs. McVey and infant. Mrs. E. kp. Miss J Miller W Vc BROADWAY CAFE . . REST FOOD FRIENDLY SERVICE VANCOUVER 0 Stan Leon-- James Bremner returned to ard of Vancouver's Marine Drive the city by air Monday from Alderman H. S. Whalen returned to the city Monday by air from a business trip to Sand.spit where he spent the Iior. A. Dixon and Mias L. Min-lClub iumPi nt the lead in Advertise in the Dally Njws! Try a Classified Ad for Kesuitf last week on business. nick. the $2000 British Columbia open championship yesterday. Leonard tired seventy to spearhed the 73-ma field. Ed (Porky) Oliver wound up one stroke be-hnd wth seventy-one. The stc- M FOODS A SPECIALTY FINEST COOKING FOR TAKE-HOME ORDERS PHONE 200 Hours 7 a.m. to 1 a.m. Mrs. B. Macdonald, who has been visiting in the city as gueat of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Johnson, Seventh Avenue East, left Ray Reflects . . . .... and Reminisces at the week-end to return to, 01ld 18-hole round is bien play- Vancouver and Victoria. led today. Many Prince ' Ruert people here for anyone who knows what have never been further than J hc nt8 to do u not afraid 4& Terrace along the Skeena. It's ' of work, and Is not too impatient. An up and coming town , is Terrace! a scenic, "historic, productive land. About everywhere looms a pitcure gallery as the river S The 11,1 ! liniment ; I ki AND PWMS ) W- pS24 o on J ) SNACK mm iA ...ii-d ideas through the wilds, but the U"l?fiernpss tivinv ij nrrv e "ame "n Clt" is n.mnced. There Is not the soli-' muCn to than Mean-and lude of earlier times. Railroad 6fslor Pra" wKhwav, tourists and tra- skl. This early missionary v4 see this . village, with rtschurch and and you can fiv. forget the weather! ' i dwellinijs behind the trees Cdn i be sighted from across tlu Terrace has achieved "the skeena. IU colorful history new look." Terrace, today, is goes a long way back and none different. New faces, new en- Cf h can be charged with duil-tt-rprises, new ideas and ambi- ness. Tlie overshadowing peaks tions do not have to be sought, 0 the Seven Sisters fill tne because there are so many of background. They draw one them. There is opportunity ils au SjMters do. II Moving, I Sliipfin an . 1 , I Carlact in Jnrisay'j (4 rmWmi i uUlLilMvl Storage! Cor. 2nd ami, I'bones si 1 1 r If ! rmmmmi Stanfield's Unshrinkable Underw ear insulates you against chilly weather . . . right where insulation is needed most next to your skin. Always soft, warm and durable, Stanfield's Underwear is designed and tailored for free-action comfort. It won't bind, bulge, or shrink. Ask, to see Stanfield's Red Label, made from 100 lambs' wool ... or Stanfield's Blue Label, the same quality in heavier weight. At all leading stores in combinations or separate shirts and drawers, 9 " CONFU 'Belter to I than sit ini coat on.' , VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p m., Camosun 8unday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM. STEWART AND PORT S'MPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARI.OTTB ISLANDS s.8. Coquitlam, Oct. 7 and 21 FOR NORTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, Sept. 30, Oct. 14 and 28 FRANK J. SKINNER r-rlnce Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5r.R l or expert ( I -Hi ! reasonably CAll IJLACK d WRATH ALL'S rilOTO FINISHING Developing. Printing Enlarging QUICK RKH-nr.v T Seagram's Kinqs Plate . CANADIAN WHISKY The price is (rooc-Vdture(' too! SIIRKT MET II !. I'M tUtMUMfllWff Professional Supplies Amateur tnii ?&K1PDEH Truck Crane Thi. od.rti..m., h ihpioym6 by Uquof Confro oord , Govrnmnt of Brtl.sh Cotumbio. kMu STANFIELD'S Heovy Wool Work Socks Soft, warm and durable Approximately 10 ton capacity u Mountrri on ruhher. Tunrlrm alrj swine. Price $7.5. 'A).(.0- un"f" Bineham & HobFs Kauipmcnt Co l aicRAK IiROS. LTD. wish to announce their appointment as dealers for the complete line of MOFFAT ELECTRIC RANGES Limited 3J- West 5lh Ave.. Vpkcouvit t 04-4 Trade Mark Rf g'd. STANFIELD'S LIMITED, TRURO J . s vSS-C Aefss, 'mirnTniTTinTT li 701 FKATURINt; 1. Lux Minute Minder 2. Electric Clock 3. Synchro Chime auto matic oven control 4. Aluminum smokeless grill pan 5. Full size oven. ON DISPLAY 4 Models to c;ioo;se rrom in the table top size. 3 Models to choose from in the apartment size available In solid or open elements. m hot jv SENSATIONAL NEW -GABARDINE & WORSltD SUITS ffllft T ' DUE TO POPULAR DEMANl Commenrinff Mondav, ()iini"'r Oiioon rhnt-lntt-t Aairiiiies Limited vl FANCY BOX STATIONERY IDEAL FOR XMAS OR SPECIAL BIRTHDAY. GIFTS TO CLEAR Weed from $204.00 - $458.00 SEE MODELS ON DISPLAY AT - DIRECT FROM Fashion Centre NEW! GABARDINE TOP COATS in 4 colors CAVATWILL TOP COATS for $45.00 Twicc-WceUIy Scn'i I ninninjr a 99c BEAUT1FLLLY TAILORED FULL COLOR RANGE Priced From $47.50 to $70.00 See Them Today ACME from PRINCE RUPEK1 to i nf! lif.uT-n on Manday and I'TlfW. Tliii. will hn in aiMilion ii the Dai! Trips Island : originating t Atiforcl S18 3rd Ave. W. Box 1118 Phone Red 400 CLOTHING STORE AlRltS) THIRD AVE. PHONE 359 QUEEN CHARLOTTE nnnrc M'PICT 41 I