i- i. printe uupm Daiij? reetog Tuesday; October 11, 1949 t0 announce tnat lk'a;iel' very .T-rn p. f I TMITIMA M E'mi LiijuiriiJ em i()TT -Mc? -Mi carry a complete line of "?lneit QitoCitlTca . m-J ,i r i ion uxygen rroauas Personalities Organizing Glee Club , - including w elding: apparatus 1' .... u: ...Jo . ..II ochool oym Overhauled The school (yin b having lis face lifted. A group of enerji tie t-ms mider supervision of Marlon Greenwood, girls' sport H'FX" tum UU" ou 1 1" n .O-Mlri appiianix-s VL, Lt MBKK and BUILDING SUPPLIES at mm Eaptotue ILPOTT EUITT Jem girls P.-T. teacher, have Grade EiKht and Is now In Grade been busy neew the floor Eleven, taking the university en-and clearing the rafters of cob- trance course. She plans to be webs, painting the alls' floor--, Her nurse. hobbies are art lines. The walls are white and sports of all kinds She be- & Co. Ltd. Call 631 wc lines aie reu. u is nopea .nai me .eaii la the wall ai.-l Dries Quickly with a beautiful flat finish. Paint today move in tomorrow. $1.40 qt. $4.50 sal. .uu. win oe nienuca so ir.Pi ir e not enough good looking boys volley-ball games vhich will be over six feet tall and the tepeh-played soon will r,oc bt rsdned er cive too mart homework Imperial Oil Miss E. Stevenson of the nurs-li-ft this ln staff of Miller Bay Hospital t calala mi THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. 8HARI INGALLS (Vice Prudent of the Stud , enls' Council) Sharl was born In Vancouver, December 5, 1933. She received w .,mo, . .:,l 1 Westmlnster and at port Ed longs to the I.O.D.E. Her cnlv complaints are that there are ARNOLD OLSON (President of the Senior High Council) Arnlod Olson, the six foot tro president of the Senior Council, .was born in Winnipeg, Manltoo.i on MaMy 16, 1932. His primary and unior high educations were received In Winnipeg, the latter at Lord Selkirk School. In 1947 Arnold came to Prince Rupert, i where he has attended Booth since Grade JO. He is taking the University Entrance course and although, .to use his own! words, his.'uture Is uncertain,! he hopes attend Booth for grade 13 and continue to university. He has developed several Interests since coming to Rupert among which are boxing and basketball. His home life is taken up with his coin and geo logical specimen collections ana he is an ardent chess player. In addition to these he is no stranger to skiis, a skill he has en-Joyed since early in life. Arnold, v.ho is a good student, is now ' Ipvonnw TYVltori nt Vile flma tn his office as council President. Good luck, Arnold! out. : Enthusiasm, which was quite liit;h at fifai, hua I-ilit.il a bit but Uie work is prog.'e.-it'g at a very fivorun'.-' rate. My H ome (By M. G. 10-2) In a wooded hidden valley, Laden deeply with snow Lies the great Peace River, Still it flows and flows. Though its hills are darker, And skies so cold and blue, Always Joy and gladness ther.1 Because It Is so true. Over Its broad hilltops, Round Its sweeping bends, Lies my tiny home town, There gay life never ends. a sailtnl on the CoquiUam Sumluy nltiht on a trip to Vancouver. fml -"" MXe"h i njz3ar?j i w (m--m sood sPPW W W which do ,bloln prol-mor. at y-" ; v wimxmm 1 Fiirjfo. Trucks U in I AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY ,f G-t mo STAIF EDITOR-IN-CHIEF- -D. Kerrijc- fcan. I REPORTERS Carol Muore-house, Irene Hansen, Shiela Bennett, Bill Petersen, and Oliver Strand. Advertise :a trie viAiy News' r i i a 5? i VICKERS IS CISTIlliD IN CANAfA and it DifTinuim irCalvrit This advertisement is nt published or displayed by tlic Liquor f onlrol board of by tlie Government of British Columbia. S ' ' ''t y. L. on a famous PRIKCESS STERNER For antKcelled accommodation, 9n food, courteous service and s thoroughly luxurious ip, travel South by one of the ever-popular Ptinccn ihips. Monday, Od. 17 Thursday, Oct. 27 Monday, Nov. 7 B Prince Rupert Florists nn 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel 777 1 Flowers for All Occasions NOW AVAILABLE LOOK FOR THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL T---0$ GREER & i; BRIDDEN CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS CONSTRUCTION ALTERATIONS REPAIRS FLOOR SANDINO A SPECIALTY RED 561 P.O. BOX 721 , lamp i I 2- Ton Chassis and Cab, 152" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. 3- Ton Chassis and Cab, 170" Wheelbase with reinforced frame & 2-speed rear axle. ,4b mo'" Mr. Huber Is organizing a Glee Club. The total he hopes to Get ! is a hundred tAudenU so that he will be able to have a four part naruiuuy. niariraiet airacnu.'i is the pianist, and assistant piant.sU are Mardale Soilan-1 and Olive Strand. Mr. Huber says that they are planning to do popular songs, semi classical and ;.Tne classical music. Later Mr. Huber plans to have an operetta to enter In the Music Festival. IN THE SUPREME COUHT op i BKITISH COLUMBIA iu rnoiiATE i in tile MutlcT of Hie l.-lalc or Arthur Kenjufiiill KtaiiH ana ' In the MatUr or the "AdmlnlMy-atlon Art" TAKE NOTICE that by Ordur of His Honour ' Judge W. O. 'ulton, made tli 4th day or October. A. D. 104U, I was. appointed .Aumiii intra tor of the Ebtate of Arthur Benjamin TrTX X Z?,' ST. umbte. - : . ALL PARTIES havillB claims j ngulnftt the said Estate are hereby i required to. furnish sume pnnrly verified to me on or before the 2u(.U' day of November, AD. 1949. after which date claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims of which I then had no knowledge. ALL PARTIES Indebted to the .aid EsUHe are hereby required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. pert. In the Province of British Col- umbla thlB 5th day of October, A p. 194U. GORDON P. FORBES, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B. C. 2451 IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE IN THE MATTER OP THE "ADMINISTRATION" ACT ' '' AND 111 the Matter of the KM ate of l.mils Ivertoti. Ileeeased TAKE NOTICE that by Order of His Honour Judge W. O. Fulton, Local Judge of the Supreme Court of British Columbia, I was on the 6th day of October, AD. 1949, ap pointed Administrator with the will annexed of the estate of Louis Iver-son. of 8tewart. British Columbia who died on or about the 5h day of February, 1948. at Stewart, British Columbia. All persons Indebted to the said estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith and all persons having claims against the said Estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 15th day of Novwnber. 1949. failing which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C. this 7th day of October, A D. 1949. GORDON FRASRR FORBES, Official Administrator, Prlnoe Rupert, B. C. (240) iii LL'XI RY STEAMER PRINCE GEORGE SAILS FOR VANCOUVER and Intermediate Ports Each Thursday at 11:15 p.m. . For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT For Reservations . Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. SMITH & ELKIHS PLUMBING AND HEATING Phone 17 P I. Box 274 HEW ROYAL HOTEL Home Away From Home 50 Rooms Hot and Cold , water PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. iM,.SH him .oda,-M n-. .. ,,lnr sil. tlitng M r'r i I 5 1 1 Rupert Motors Ltd Phones: 866 Office, 568 Shop f III . V Professional JEANNE FAURE ART CLASSES 211 NINTH AVENUE EAST ' Phone Green 928 KEN'S RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service CALL 53 118 Second Avenue West B. & W. TRANSFER j DRY FIR KINDLING WOOD 50c Per Sack Delivered PHONE GREEN 188 FOR YOUR I FOCK & CONCRETE WORK CALL BLUE 839 M. J. SAUNDERS New, Modern Equipment All Work Guaranteed A. P. GARDNER & Co CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS 1118 Melville Street VANCOUVER - BC. MARGARET McLEOD OPTOMETRIST Room 10 STONE BUIDING PHONE BLUE 593 P.O. BOX 1184 GEORGE L. RORIE Public Accouitant, Auditor Income Tax Returns Compiled Besner Block Phoni 387 DR. P. J. CHENEY DENTIST SUITE 5, SMITH BLOCK Phone 765 P.O. Box 1401 QUALITY REPAIRS For Downtrodden Heels and Worn Soles MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave. REPORTING and PUBLIC STENOGRAPHY PHONE: Days, 342 Evenings. Green 188 i 1 ni .imn..i - - r ' ' !iiii'iiiipi:;iiii:i!iwiiii,iiiii'Ni!ii ,- i i iii-. i IE ' -By CHIC YOUNG CTTpT LET'S SEE P j CoPtSOTaM. ' 1 OH,Bw3J fLT I (M SUPE I HAVEji A THING FOR WU) . J " ClF I JUST WAOCJfyffjr1 , and Business CATHERINE LAURIE PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER 401 Third Ave. West , (Prince Rupert Realty Co.) Phones: Green 667 Days Green 412 Evgs. K. J. & B. CO. PAINTING OF ALL KINDS Remodeling Rooms Bathrooms and Kitchens Our Specialty Willing to Go Anywhere All Work Guaranteed BOX No. 1141 STATION B JACK AND JILL KINDERGARTEN MRS. E. Oi McLEAN Phone Black 712 Sixth and Tatloiv BYTOWN MACHINE WORKS Agents for SIMPLEX GAS and CUMMINS DIESEL ENGINES Sales Service and Parts ' Boat owners and users of Industrial Engines are Invited to our showroom to view our various engines and talV over equipment problems. DR. GARNET E. IT-MONTGOMERY DENTI5T Suite 7, Smith Block Phone 525 P.O. Box 1218 PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs ' MIKE COLUSSI Phone BLACK 758 972 10th East HELEN'S BEAUTY SHOP Permanent Waving Beauty Culture In all its branches 204 4th Street Phone 655 WELLS CARTAGE LIMITED H. S. Whalen, Manager Complete Moving Service Crating Packing Cartage BLUE 780 RED 518 HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Building and Repairs of all kinds ROOFS CHIMNEYS OIL BURNERS PHONES Black 334 P.O. Box 1670 P.O. Box 1670 MATTSON'S UPHOLSTERING Phone Blue 818 P.O. Box 62e 330 Second.Av'nn' Prince Rupert, B.C. WD4B h- W -71' ft' a,-.:...-, i iMm i-yi i Mmmm i y -nTT-;. i..m"! n i . j . i i i,;,i I " .i-,ii, iMiiiiiiiHl l MliiHIiiniHllH'M'" .. 1 JW HATE TO WAKE V. C:- ' yX-i iTnTll'nlllilL.lhm. -nrrm,Trm-m-rTrrrrn nmtmnnimmi BKM FllinSIinnill Kli!iillll lJ ir-A'll I I I" ' 1 ia I mfvfp mimd. DEAKj Tri Vrvr, d iKVa :Ui-2-C4l -if,ij I FOUND IT-"- S i ,rilGwoot?, wu tic rv2 f -113 rrt"! 1 T rS- I had placed ) x ! UPSTA PS SlT LOOKING FOC A h2 4 IT'S NO USE--IVE A )fi ,T OM THE J ! v fnirPETMV tvl (THIMBLE IS LlkE LOOKED EVEJ5V PLACE ) FINGER ) WU ! JHIMBlE v Ao " " LOOKINS FOR I'VE COMPEP TME J - J" ,Z MM'-Cl FOR ME? si I :S-xy Cx , C aneepleim j whole ufstaips n :. I r7r W'x-iiu TRAIN SCHEDULE For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday 8:00 p.m. From the East Tuesday, Thursday, 8a(urdaj 10:15 p m. I Phone 281 P.O. Box 11)6 - - I