r Prince Uupctt Daily J3cUi0 JLtD. r THE MARKETS- Vegetables omiles and Chucll RDEN 'NOTEBO' Potatoes, lb .05 Parsnips (unwashed) lb .09 Turnips, lb. . .05 es MAY BUILDING PERMITS UP Mushroms, lb 75 former Canadian Army garage on the southwest corner of the Second Avenue-MeBride Street intersection. Last month's construction con- 10141 brings to $84 755 the value Gardeners may depend upon now do VILLAGE PROUD OF NEW SAWMILL AIYANSH The new community sawmill here, the pride of the village, is making an impression as stacks of new lumber go into home 'reconstruction. New sidewalks were laid in time for the May 24 celebration during which Aiyansh was host to three other Naas River villages. The mill, which has a capacity Head Lettuce, bunch 35 Cucumbers, each 53 D.D.T. and rotenone, singly or murning? ,uu "el I" on PhonePin. 11111111! Green Onions, 2 bunches .15 A permit authorizing t ruction of a S9.2G0 service sta-! Permits issued for the first Australian Onions, 3 lbs .29 v-w 1 1 1 1 1 1 combined in either spray or dust, as all around insecticides in both flower and vegetable gardens. No new pest killers have yet proved superior to this it H-, v 411 Mil lh" " aK,s 0 mai. months of 1948. This is a'jout of Second Av- tion at the corner enue and McBride Street by Bob 2.0 neater than for the Parker was the largest of the 20 same Pnod last vear-Uuilding permits issued by the,1 Permits issued during April Gity Engineer's department dur- totalled $6,710. school Cabbage, lb 10 Rhubarb, lb 10 Spinach, lb 24 Beets, bunch 30 Turnips, new, bunch : :.. .27 Building contractors have their troubles nowadays, too, not the least of which is the poor o.uality of lumber frequently offered them. A despairing contractor recently dispatched this telegram to the mill that had Just sent him a carload of lumber: "Knot holes received. Send the knots." Agricultural scientists revea! that some 50 gallons of water are required to produce one ear tablet. stone taMrt of about 10,000 board feet daily, i i hX tag May. Total value of permits . h.' Stangbye, Ninth issued was $15,400. I $200. A Kt-ntutky ' I 1 mi Avenue Avenue, team for home garden use. D.D.T. is safe to use, easy to apply, and long lasting in iU effects. Retenone will kill the insects on which D.D.T. fails. This combination can be used generally on garden crops except such as squash and mel culunei a 4 1 i also will cut lumber for rehabilitation of other native villages on the north coast. Tomatoes No. 1, lb .70 New Potatoes, 4 lbs 23 Canned Vegetables Dill Pickles, gal 1.75 Cut Green Beans, fey. each 20 Atlin D. Negrych, . The new service station is to be situated on the site, of the r u"y son " u one asked him why "Thp jii,v, ... repairs, $100. Macey's Confectionary Third No. 3 Peas, fancy .20 ons. On these use ' retonone oi corn. However, many public J speakers frequently come up ( with a lot more than that just FAIR EXHIBITS NEW TEXTILES LONDON Kfi 1-.VO new inter alone, or one of the older in ,(h ' "lUKps my mouth J secticides. New Insecticides have been de ,' " tt" not care u mah drink." r Mixed Vegetables Diced Beets, tin Wax Beans, choice , Mixed Peas and Carrots Pumpkin Corn, choice 10 veloped, and found .safe on esting motifs were seen among the designs in the textile sec greenhouse crops; but for the .id u frtunting the World Corn Niblets .24 home garden they are still ex perimental. Chlordane, which re tion of the British Industries Fair held in May. They were West African and Old English. ST Array Array o of Mutual Mutual Art,, Xoi1 ' Baked Beans, 20-oz., per tin .21 Baked Beans, 15-oz. per tin .17 sembles D.D.T. in action, and V. n o rrv nnf. L i 1 ' t t - ..... nn Avenue, laterations. $50. George Ho'e, Fourth Avenue West, repairs, $200. John Bulzak, Sixth Street, repairs, $200. H. b. Wallace. Sixth Avenue East, construction, $150. D. Crockers, i'ark Avenue, repairs, $250. Grand Cafe, Sixth 3i,reet, alterations, $450. Bill Way, Seventh Avenue West, repairs, $200. H. G. Helgerson Ltd., Fourth Avenue East, repairs, $75. Mrs. N. E. Arnold, Fourth Avenue West, repairs, $300. M. Vanderheide, Eleventh Avenue East, repairs, $300. j iioo giLawi funci uii Fi-ait Bananas, lb 2i i household pests and aphids, may prove to be an improvement for Apples, cookir.g. 3 lb 2J Fancy Apples, 3 lbs 35 g ii de nuse; but is still in the Voiles, piece-dyed and printed, in addition to the usual choice of delicate floral patterns, are also being produced with sombre colored-patterns inspired by native West African designs. These shades navy blue and wine is a typical combination are suitably styled for city wear. testing stage D.D.T. is different in action from the older contact insecti cides and stomach poisons. In sects had to be hit by the con tact poisons, and it was not easy EU'CTIUCAL --- j, ftniB1 Lettuce seed germinates best i Lemons, large doz 38 Grapefruit, Texas (white), 96's. 4 for 25 (pink), 96'a, 3 for 29 Oranges (Navel) 25 - .49 Dates, pitted, lb 25 tiesb -MUk . Quart .2C Pint - .11 Cream, Vi pint 18 Grade A: jarge, cartoned, doz 58 Medium, doz 55 Fish Halibut, lb 40 Salmon, lb 42 Cod, fresh ling, lb. 25 Black Cod, smoked, lb. .39 Smoked Kippers, lb .22 Butter POSTMEN GOING INTO GREY SUITS OTTAWA The postmen cf Canada are to wear grey Instead of blue uniforms. This is because textile shortages force the change, grey being easier to find, than blue. The new dress will be provided as the old wears out. J. A. Belanger, Second Avenue West, repairs, $250. R. H. Parker, McBride Street and Second Avenue, construction, $9,200. T. M. Le Claire, Fourth Avenue East, addition, $1,000. Allan Morgan Ltd., Third Avenue, sign, $150. Fraser and Payne, Third Avenue, sign, $125. G. M. Prusky, Eight Avenue East, repairs, $1,500. FIXTURES APPLIANCES CLEANERS SERVICE in a soil temperature of 60 to 65 degrees. If necessary to sow j when temperatures are higher, place the seed between moist ! cloths and store for several days 1 on ice. Dry the surface of the j seed before sowing. I The Best In Boys' Clothes Whether it's for graduation days or everyday wear, whether it's for seventeen year old or five year old SEE PHONE WRITE: to hit leaf hoppers, for example, which swarmed up and flew away when you approached the plants they were destroying. Stomach poisons only affected insects which ate plant tissues, and left the juice drinkers unharmed. But DDT. gets both kinds, by contact; only instead of hitting the insect direct it lies waiting on the plant until the insects walk over it, through the feet of the prowler. Thia "residue" may remain sufficiently on the plant for days, or months, depending on its strength in the first place, and its exposure to sunshine and rain, both of which shorten the toxic period. But In any case it remains effective far longer than the older poisons, requiring fewer applications. RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Every hour devoted to a garden wtfl save at least its current labor-market value on the bill for food this summer. H. Whalen, Fraser Street, construction, $500. J. Trudeau, Piggott Avenue, repairs, $200. UNIVERSAL WORD The word tabu is a Polynesian word meaning forbidden and Is used by many other peoples. PHONE 644 313 THIItl) AVEM'E WEST BOX 1) JRTERS FOR -Si WEAR ' it J i ii- .72 Kaicn Co-op .31 First Grade, lb , Milk Evaporated Milk. 16-oz. tins, 2 for Case Cheese Canadian Cheese, lb. f RUPERT MENS & BOYS STORE 5 6.1 SPORT FISHING SUPPLIES .49 OMELET ON HIGHWAY LONDON, (f Makings of an estimated 240 omelets spattered along a highway near here in a recent accident are the subject of a damage suit. Percy Bice, Westminster Township farmer, suing Robert Hill of Delaware Township for nearly $G00, claims that Hill's automobile struck his parked truck, destroying 20 dozen eggs. You read it in the News! Flour Pastry Flour, 7 lbs 53 Of the herbs which have sur- NYLON LINE SPOONS REELS - SPINNERS RODS LANDING NETS Hour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 2.95 , vived in cooking, parsley is the SAVOY Flour (24's) 1.55 most popular. TIPS - SINKERS HOOKS - FLYS GUIDES Phone 179 ' Box 1127 v. rl ;i , ! ' :l Tea and Coflee DeLuxe Quality, lb 1.14 Coffee, lb .09 i Ul'. r s Quick-grown, young vegetables are the best, and only the home 251 3rd M j garden, where they may be har- HOTEL Carl ZareJli, Prop. Tomatoes, 20-oz 17 vested as needed can provide 40 oz. 35 , them gallon 5 Phone 37 P.O. Box 544 n'nfi p JT-lJil. .. .. .. .....jL FRASER STREET Prince Rupert Apples, 20-oz. tin, per tin .. 40 oz Orange, 20-oz Blended (orange and grape 15 Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs 47 35 Seeded Raisins. Ib 24 15 Shelled Walnuts, Vi lb 47 Shelled Almonds, V2 lb 49 15 Shelled Brazils. 2lb 4b 35 Jams Pure Strawberry, 24-oz 09 35 Raspberry, 24-oz 49 fruit, 20 oz. .. INCOME TAX RETURNS PREPARED SEE! B-ackberry, 28-oz 53 Cherry, 24-oz 60 R. E. MORTIMER Canned Fruits Apricots, 20-oz Cherries (fancy) 20-oz. Loganberries, 20-oz Peaches, choice Lara DON'T SPLIT GERMANY SAY REDS A prominent sign placed by the Russians over Brandenburg Gate, main entrance to the Soviet sector in Berlin, Germany, reads: "Who is splitting Germany, aids reaction!" This is in obvious reference to the western powers. 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRj 29 Peach, 24 oz 50 Apricot, 24-oz 50 Pure, lb 27 UPS Shortening 33 Canned Soups, .13 to 13 i 1 II b r i s p i I ': 1 i rfs i 1 Li- At &n 4 II- r o'-Wvtii id -1 ?lf I j ' Hlr MiT ' Soap, face, 2 for 17 j H.M.C.S. Ekholi, the coast's Laundry, cake .08 - .2d Sunlight, cake .OH first oceanographic survey ship, I now operating out of Prince Ru- 5aP 'pert, is having her work inter-Soap Powders, lars.- 35 fered with by Skeena River flood Glace Fruit I conditions. With Lieut. Robin Cherries, y2lb. pkt 3P' Hay ward R.C.N, in command, Almond Paste, lb 42 there are 16 men. The vessel, MERCHANTS OF PRINCE RUPERT How Much Business Are You Losing to the Mail Order Houses? Coconut, lb 63 regularly based at Esquimau, Fruit Cake Mix, lb 45 was part of the fishermen's re-Dates (fancy), 1-lb. pkt 35 scerve fleet during the war. i IN TERRACE . . . A Modern Department Store Nationally-known lines in Ladies' Wear, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . . plus a new Self-Serve Food Section with a Free Delivery Service. 'i THE SKEENA MERCANTILE IN THE Seabee Amphibian Plane Non-Schedule Charter Service Commercial Hunting to turn "hopeless" gloomy DnntpH FTI 1 r fl Q an enchantina, cheerful K B H I B U ' U U ' It's no trick at all surroundings into Are you telling the people of Prince Rupert that you have the goods of qualily and at prices as good? Or are you letting the catalogues beat you to it? The Daily News, which evcryliody in Prince Rupert reads every day, can help you get that business. The money spent at mail order houses is cash money. You can have a share of it by telling the home town buyers you have what they want. Do so by Advertising in the HJAHLY NEWS It takes ADVERTISING to sell goods these days. Don't be left behind because you have failed to advertise in your daily newspaper. We are equipped to meet your advertising needs. Let us help you. TOE HDAHILY HEWS PHONE 98 OR 86 room. Yes, even on a slim-Jim budget! Try a gay print bedspread . . . wallpaper trim around the windows Fishing Sightseeing SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. Thats nook. But be sure vou .art with o soarklina new Gold Seal Congolcum rug Terrace: PHONES W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney, Ltd. 35 Prince Rupert Red Top Cabs 319 color xhemt the way to get a floor covering that lends excitement to your whole that is smooth, easy to clean, comfortable underfoot. Best of all, it's such a goo hes a wea "buy"l For Gold Seal Congoleum both rugs and by-the-yard - 8 coats o layer of heat-toughened paint and baked enamel equal in thickness lo .... i ij n.,t rrmcmber best floor paini applied ty nam,. it isn't without this familiar Gold Seal before Yu Congoleum I So look for it uch quon'T A how m ..... .. ..,.. ..... . .. :' , ' f f turns f LsAmfArnowcaAVumzi ouyi tou ii wo Mr"- you can buy for so little money. FOB THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . Bee Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Buick CbeT. Track Pontiae Oldsmobile G.M.C. Trucks 1 MACHINE WORK A SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B. C. dud -u c i rnnnnleum is a P' jcrwii a , -l.J UnntrGOl. , 1 i 1 Canoao umneu, Ifl (I of Congoleum j . i.in haaast F L Ynw Heater may Iw tempmrliy w ;"- " " " s