S Prfttre duprrf Daft? Bff EtS. Monday. June !8, 1048 Fastball Upset 1 Today in Sports CO-OP CO-OP 11, 11 9!) 99 TAVI TAXI t I IT PA YS TO ROLL YOUR OWN VITH l n. ' Co-op, which has been trailing somewhat in the city fastbnU league, reached back three weeks into the past Saturday night to submerge the top-do? 99 Tax! team by a score of 11-4 in a league fixture which had been poslpoift-d from June 5. Despite the setback the taxi- mm Mmrmmmm. HOTELMEN OVERTAKE MOOSE SIXTH INNING BREAKAWAY DECIDES BASEBALL GAME Savoys 1 1 , Moose 4 A L : : i 1 i n i- n..i UDifJlOJ Eneinent Announcements: (a VUW FOR SALL TOR KfLVl Cigarette Tobacco men ...r.i are air still sun at i the me top wp oi of the me t maiii uijuiij urcuKaviiytny ocivuyu?, which iictirci heap with four wins and one loss thpm PiVht runs hrmioht tho le'jimiA.lwjdino- hnrolmpn FOR RENT 2 rooms, furnished. 336 9th Ave. West. l5ii FOR SALE One cabinet radio "Rogers" in excellent condition $80.00. Phone Blaek 294. (151) while Co-op has moved into a!,,,-, f.v, l-.!,; v, k,i m.,,, a .,., tie with C.N.R.A. for third place FOR RENT 3-room suite, fur with two wins and two lasses. nished. 616 6th West. Phone them an 11 to 4 victory in Sunday's city league baseball fixture at Roosevelt Park. It was a caricature of the routine which has seen BRIGHT V I p r, 1 ki 1 .SS' 1 MltD, SWEIT, Green 698. (tf) FOR SALE Piano accordian 120 bass. Professional. Phone Black 75G. 051, The fishermen showed clear-cut strength from ;:ie start when they clouted Taxi Ditcher Pilfold FOR RENT Furnished 3-room r . i i ,, i . i- iwuujie ucicaipu " " in " an oui Villt one 01 1 i ' apartment for quiet party; close in. Phone Blue 377 (It) Baseball Scores FOR SALE Gillnet drum, complete with Easthope drive. $50. Phone Red 666. 153 tor two runs In the first inning the nine games they have played ! Tuesday night s scheduled fix-and three in the third. Pilfold (this season. Either the lodge! tUre. in which Merchants were was then replaced by Bebak who brothers start strong and then; to have met Moose, has been carried through until the ninth. j let the opposition get away on: postponed ta order to aUow thf However, although he lasted i them Football Tonight Qualifying Game for Dominion Day ( up Final Set After postDoneme nts nn Fri FOR RENT Comlortable sleeping room, reasonable. 80S Fraser St.. after 5 p.m. (154i SUN DAT National Leatue Boston 9, Pittsburgh 1. Chicago 6-4, Philadelphia FOR SALE 36 h p. Semi Diesel Gardner Electric heating sys 2-7. only a Utile more than two in-i make a belated victory drive to practice for their internation-nings on the mound, Pilfold was that is too late to be of any us.-.! ai games wlth Ketchikan on tem, no torches. Apply at FOR RENT roomed apartment. 960 1st A veil marked as the losing pitcher by i 11.. Fishermen's Settlement Serv-; ',. (155) The early part of the game , Wednesday and Thursday. at. Louis 6, Brooklyn 4. Cincinnati 4, New York 3. American Leaga New York 7. Detroit 0. day and Saturday on account of rain, the qualifying game. in the Dominion Day Cun f,w.th;n the scorers. West. iir.t Phone m Red 807. (155i . - - - sr com o am-ir VwnrtA rt W.m.aKa'1 ABR went the: with Savov takine three runs S T HPO 2 2 1 Cy Kellett, who course for C.N.R.A FOR SALE 24-foot awning with FOR RENT Very nicely fur 4 2 faced 38ln the first inning, and Mooso , , rf 5 i,n i . iPalhster roner. snap. Apply I.Iaceys. (153) series between Canadian Legion and 120th. Battery is now set for tonight. The winner will meet High School in the final 0 0 nished suite, month of August. Suite 1, Summit Apts. (151) 0 1 12 2 batters, allowed 11 hits, Ls. struck struck out four and walked three. Pilfold allowed two hits and walked five In his brief t the second and one In the third. ,, ,, . , w , . , . . . , , Vanetta lb 4 1 Moose s 4-3 advantage lasted un- ; ,. . . .. Windle c o 4 0 on Dominion Day. FOR SALE Trolling boat, Al shape, fully rigged. Phone 130. (156) FOR RENT-for rent. -Housekeeping room 801 Borden Street. (tf) ui me iaieiui sixtn. in tne sue- ' , . , , alderoni ... 3 0 ceeding six innings, they made p 3b 4 0 only three wu. .Forbes i w . 1 Hitchens cf c .... 4 1 That. eivtH Inn nr a a tr CrimT mm m w mm m mm if rubber. Although Bebak cleared up the dangerous situation which developed in the third, he weak FOR RENT Flat, K-and. Block. "V" Kurdziel 3b cf 2 0 FOR. SALE NAILS Steel, 10,-000 ktgs available of all sizes. Write for price list. Sherman's, Box 1005, Postal Station "C", Toronto, Can,; (155) clout six hits, with two others Apply Max Heilbroner, Jeweller. . (tf) 24 14 - ; 35 4 ened in the fifth to allow three SUPRIMI scoring off fielders' errors. Arney CITY LEAGt'E BASEBALL STANDINGS 13 games) Savoy 6 2 .750 Merchants 6 3 .700 Moose 1 g u, W L Pet. Washington 5-1, Cleveland 2-4 Boston 2-e, St. Louis 0-3. Philadelphia 6-6. Chicago 5-2. Western International Tacoma 4-4, Wenatchee 33. , first game 10 innings), j Spokane 2-8, Bremerton 1-3. Parifie Coast League San Diego 3-4, Hollywood 12-5. Los. Angeles 0-4, Seattle 1-3. Portland 10-1, Sacramento 9-3. Oakland 0-3, San Francisco 5-2. SATUrtDftt National League St. Louis 8, Brooklyn 3. Cincinnati 4, New York 0. Philadelphia 3, Chicago 2. Pitstburgh 7, Bosiou 1. American Leacae New York 8. Detroit 5. walks, two of which scored. In Savoy ABR HPO and ivunur Minor Simundson oiiiiun!son eot roc on on ---jhjiu - the ., eighth, , the railwaymen got. hne nn t B. Simundson ss 4 1 1 3 ROOM AM- BOARD ill into I ( i him Kim aoir again, I FOR SALE WAR SURPLUS PAINT $1.75 per gallon and home by Jack Sharps off a single. ROOM AND BOARD $50 a M scoring their final four runs off four hits. Heaviest batting of the came ----- !... -I. . up. All colours available in month. Rooms $15 to $18 a month. Apply 22 Fraser St. or phone Black 548. ttfi cluding white. Manufactured was performed by Pierce, Taxi ; Arney 3b 4 2 i A. Simundson cf 5 1 Morgan c b 1 Sharpe p 5 2 Gurvich lb 5 1 Howe 2b 4 1 Bill rf 4 1 A 6 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 Morgan singled and came home on a hit by Ourvich. Sharpe and Ourvich were brought home by Alex Bill, 'who in turn, made the circuit after hitting a single. Fnllnwina thia rloHaMo MrtscA third baseman, who got four hits in five times at bat. one of f.n em WORK WANTED by C.I.L., Lowe Bros., Scarfe.'s, Moores, Sherwin Williams, etc. Write for price list. Sherman's Box 1005, Postal Station Co", Toronto, Can. (150) a double. June 29 Merchants vs Moose 1 " "iili WORK WANTED .Young- lady, " " """" Ko Kellett allowed Laurie If 1 0 ",c la-""r" I pitcher Forbes was replaced by Z, innings but ?Ja close nny Windle, who up to tht-.t' Pavlikls lf . fieldins bv Co experience 1 stenographer, urgently requires office position In Prince Rupert. Box 359 Daily News. (15Gi 40 11 15 27 10 time had been on the other end op kept the scoreboard clear ur.- 1 m w.i rm mm in the sixth. Then Rosedale knocked a two-bagger and was I m. ,4 Fm VmTJ LI 111 of the battery. Hitchens was Moose 000 000 4 called in from centre field to Srvoy 300 008 OOx 11 catch. 'Grounded out for Laurie in . . . . - i. .m ii i i r t - nrt t-i : x i Drought home on a single " bv FOR SALE New & (Jsed Furniture & Hardware. Slightly used bedroom suites, good quality; used carpet; kitchen sets from $18; Electric washing machine, best condition; 2-piece chesterfield bed $35; Good mattresses $8; 3-plece bed $15; Underwood modern OCEAN VIEI HOTEL Philadelphia 4, Chicago 2. Cleveland 5, Washington 0. Pacific Coat League San Francisco 14. Oakland 3. Sacramento 6, Portland 3. Hollywood 14. Sarr Diego 3. Los Angeles 7, Seattle 5. Western International League Tacoma 1-1, Wenatchee 0-0. Spokane 5, Bremerton 2. Victoria 15-5, Salem 2-4. Yakima 4-7, Vancouver 3-8. . cenny nem me noieimen aown noi raiiisier vaneiia, t tZ r.-Itl ?red,tW , mO,eit0 1 f0l,r hits m e final two in- Arney, A. Simundson, Morgan, in the eighth when A. Hartwia , u-... cv, o D, , o u ,iiiiig, lading iu uaiiers. in me dui uuitich i, rav got on base on an error by Smith six ,i .;. .. , I'kis. ,D 2B .n.k.(. . YOUR BEST earlier innings. Forbes faced -Guthrie, Vanetta, WORK WANTED NAVAL ARCHITECT seeks permanent position on west coast. World wide shipyard and dockyard experiences; merchant and naval vessels. Excellent references. Married. Thirty years of age. Box 301 Daily News. (154) EATING PLACE and ourvich singled. Pierce brought in the final run in the ninth off a single. ' 99 Taxi ABR H PO A f Pierce 3b 5 14 2 11 (Formerly Kaon A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPLETE!,! RENOVATED Rooms RedecoraW typewriter; house & office Cesks & chairs; chinaware; New British India rugs, hand made, beautiful designs; new Gurney stoves. Other useful . household articles. Come and look this over. B. C. Furniture Co. Black 324. 30 men, striking out two, allow-iSlmundson. 3B Hitchens I lng 11 hits and two bases m' Sharpe. SB Guthrie, Kerr, Cal- balls. ideroni, Hitchens. A. Simundson,) Savoy pitcher1 Jack Sharpe Morgan, Pavlikis. LOB Moose 0,' faced 35 men ln nine innings. 1 Savoy 6. BB-Forbes 2. Shirpei striking out four, allowing seven SO Forbes 2. Windle 4. j hits and six bases on balls. ! Sharpe 4. Hits Forbes 11 ln 'I.I - j LP Forbes. - s;-as jTssgg; I Umpires Dominate and Men- ! HELP WANTEtt fTLL-COl'RSE MEALS 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. BANQUET HALL FOR LUNCHEONS, DINNERS AND PARTIES CUINESE DISHES Forman 2b 4 Rosedale lb 5 D. Hartwig ss .. 3 A. Hartwig rf .. 2 Jackson If 3 HELP WANTED 1 stenographer Football Schedule Gurvich c If .... 4 tesano. Time 2:00. 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 FASTBALL STANDINGS (11 Games) Spring rillfd MaltidM New Jlanascmmt and 1 general office girl for Real Estate and Insurance office. Address applications giving full particulars and salary desired to R. W. Calder-wood, Box 122, Smithers. B. C. j FOR SALE 1942 Dodge Special ; PeIuxe Sedan. Newly painted. "Excellent condition. Apply 13 i Taxi- (tf) Pilfold d 4 of Dom- Julv l Final round nlon Day Cud. BROADWAY Ratchford rf .... 1 Christoff cf .... 1 .800 ; " .750 I DEEP CRATER .500; The deerjest fm-mnMnn nn v Giihnlv Cup.. Second Round "Juiv l-H'eh school vs. Leelon Ok SALE 6 room wartime , house,, fully furnished, hrlnfe (154i Beynon c 3 99 Taxi 4 1 General Motors .. .3 '1 C. N. R. A 2 '2 Co-op 2 2 High School 0 1 G. and A O 4 CAFE Proprietor, TOM PESCT PHONE 71 Batterv" 0 10 0 6 500 moon is probably the mountaln- , nnn ... Bebak p 3 Julv 14 Le?lnn v lv, " " '.. .ouo walled enclosure Newt nn chimney, on Bus line, very!WANTED Two experienced j large, lot. Partial basement, waitresses for Cafe In Prince near School. 38 4 11 24 808 3rd Ata. W. Phone 200 21 120th Batterv vs. .000 the lunar south pole. Co-op JUIV jeeion. ABR HPO ; ,FuU price $2700. Apply Robert! -George. Apply m person for ' Pnlt,7 i - ft, Montador Ltd. 152) lull information at the HmivJ,., JT J 1 - uiiiiLfi xs a wood Cafe. Cafe' 1 . FOR SALE ?i h p. 60 cycle elec- 151) Bellis c Z 4 I V-"C motor. 1 Beaver wood lath,! WANTED Immediately. Sales-1 PaU'ster If ;. 5 chisels and wood worker's ! man 25 tn sn vr ...itv, n. Vukovieh 3h e SCHEDULE MEN'S FASTBALL June 28 General Motors vs High School. Good prospects. Prince Rupert Scharf 2b 4 Warren lb -t momtt. omger isewing Machine Co., 639 3rd Ave. W., Prince Rupert (152) Kellett p 2 Nixon rf 5 equipment. Phone Red 656. . (tf) MACHINERY FOR SALE 70 SAW better "lumber more economically use the modern nd up-to-date type National - Portable Sawmills manf, MAWN BOWLING 35 11 9 27 11 WANTED 99 Ta 000 001 021 4 C N R A 203 020 04x 11 i JuIy 6 Paul vs. Frew; Ross vs We can supply all your needs in BUILDING SUPPLIES including WALLROARDS, FINISH LUMBER, PLY-WOODS, SASH AM) DOOR. NAILS, PLUMIHNC. SUPPLIES PAINTS PHILPOTT EV ITT & CO. LTD. iMacuonald. .K tared by National WANTED By C.P.A. agent to rent. Unfurnished or semi-furnished house with two bedrooms. Phone 795 or Black 941. (155) " Company Limited, Vancouver THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE r. 1' 1M"!:" -t ot mar. (tf) METAL WORK Tailored to Fit the MAN and the SEASON fUJMBING- ' AND FOUND ( TAKE MoncS 1 that by Order 0, Installations ana FOUND TwokeV; ' . "1 jJUT- uttKe w 0 n Chain ln ,ySJ ni,iHC'ff.?' ? ?Prne Court ol n.nr ., frltlsh Columbln. Letter, nf a.!1" Algoma Park. u-rerwirs. SHEET EET METAL METAL, - ORK- Tar and Gravel. " 'H'g- Letourneau U Sons, 629 ,,Wh West. Phone 543 (tf) have same by calling at OjZS News and paying for this ad-'dm 'fte Prm Rupert. BmiiTcoN vertisement. (tf , -w or tu LOST Ladies "Serving the North Since 1S20" Phone 6.')l-f32 LUMBER - nriusn Columbia, J. were erni,H t hand' 0''n"nlethet0,.mwC.' right orown pigskin glove Finder , lttorn'y ." , . J 1 1 1 1 S, 111. PAINTS COAL named th" ln the will i" of leave uany News office. the sa.d iT of (151) aLA?.J9- All penon. indebted "TENDERS will be received OP to noon Friday July 2, 1948, for the following described Property: Lots 1 & 2, Block 11, 0ection 1. and building 40' x 100' situate thereon. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. O. P. TINKER & CO. LTD. Besner Block, Phone 57. (154) , may have same by Lling .1 JTSS VS, v..c uauy ews and paying for Verified nn -m with me Pf"iy this advertisement. M.e..hB.!'n. ? " "2. ouly to FOUND KelTaTlSId Th ' "ave Orricerv n,. . been notified. t's one ol the mildest tobaccos grown and therefor particularly suketl for your pipe. Because of the texture of the Burley leaf, it burns slowly . . . smokes cool . . . stays lit ! For mellow, flatourful tobacco, you can't beat top-grade Burley leaf . . . expertly blended. It's a pipe tobacco that new smokers especially enjoy i . . that veteran smokers swear by. Try a pipe of Same bv cmZ J'TL AW.!!',h " Wnc. Rupert. BC C5i News M, 1 , mjhuj - 01 June. AD. 1948 and paying for this ad ROBERT EDWARD GLADDING ti ii "H sWfkJ Hnr .Sltn vertisement. (tf) Prince Rupert BC. (I2) PERSONAL IN THE SUPREME COURT OP BRITISH COLUMBIA WILL MRS ?, NEE SMYTHE, late of Toronto, call at News Office for uncle's address. (153) SUITS SLACKS SPORT JACKETS SHIRTS SWEATERS ACME CLOTHING STORE in the Matter of the -Artmrnhfratlon Ail" And p'" ih' M,'' -X the Etate of Perer MhiirDe. Iir..rt ........... PERSONAL Car lavi . TAKE NOTICE tk., L. Smithers and Prince George Honwo' about June 30. Will take three f."?8" ?' !" Bupreme Court of Brl- We are pleated to nnoun" that we have now oblaind the services of a trry m petent body man, n" Mr. Charles Heopnef who will be only too to give you a free fslim on that biulvorfcndrt u The Pick of Pipe Tobaccos Keep your cor running Sweet" YouH be sure of t sweet-running motor if you bring your car to our experts. Whether you need minor adjustments or major repairs, you'll find our rates are reasonable. We abiJe by cost estimates and have your car ready when promised. I HOUSES FOR SALE Seal Cove 5 room house on two lots; harbor view; $2000. Terms can be arranged. Sixth East 5 room house; 3 lots; new oil range. Near McBride St 5 room house; full concrete basement; furnace; corner lot; garden--a snap for cash. Section Two 0 room house; bungalow style; view; sun-porch; 2 lots; excellent value reasonably priced. Ambrose Ave. 6 room house! 3 well kept lots; view; furnished or unfurnished; Ideal family home. 5th West Five room house; full concrete basement; furnace; hardwood floors; superior construction; excellent property.- Armstrong Agencies, Ph. 342 Eves. Green 297. (151) RUPERT MARINE REALTY fUl- Mr. Heppnrr also spf or four passengers. Share ex- ip'! penses. BOX 362 Daily News. of 'the Estate of Percy Sharpe, aw uxroi FOR BEST HOTEL mST the Interior, stop at Telkwa hI tne sald MtBt re- Boto 244 miies from Prince 1 2-SXJEaK, S 2X." Rupert, Just half way to Prince 'pe1ion,, havln clBlm gainst the Oeor- (tf) with rWM PERSONAL, WE'LLHOFOR f YOU. If yon know what yon l-hT ?n,y ",ch c,l,,m ' want hut llo t , . U,ha" h,Te brn notified, want, out live too far away to! dated t prince Rupert, bc this find it yourself, write to th ,4th dy of June- AD 19 8e.ect Shopping Service. Dom! Krah5S" lnion Building, Vancouver (tf i Prince Rupert, b o. (186) work- izrs in upholslrfT JOHN H. BULGER OPTOMETRIST ' John Bulger Ltd. Third Avenue 1 T $l,m lbs) rvMtt to wi-iti . . with lludton FrotMiet iwvit. (J. CLAUSEN ti SON) We Take Listings of . . . BOATS FOR SALE OR CHARTER BROKERS IN BOATS, MARINE AND FISHING EQUIPMENT Tl., TRY RUPERT MARINE REALTY FOR QUICK SALES OR CHARTERS (Just East of Llpsetfs, Waterfront) B 5" .. r, n Superior Auto Body SB - r r rt r. .., "' ' 1