PROVINCIAL 13u AY 21,-49 BUIIJC Prompt Service i rnwnt At au hqut STAR CABS J VICTORIA, B. C. ! NORTHERN AhVfflSWAn BRTTSBB COLUMBIA'8 NEWSPAPER onr.iEs DRUGS Daily Delivery i PHONE 81 I . Published at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest" . VOL. XXXVII, No. 151. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, JUNE 28, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS ATONAL EMI ME DEGLARED-IN'STRK I DRASTIC ACTION TAKER HI DOCK TIE-UP . S. Flying Supplies To Berlin RYltIG TO BREAK BLOCKADE Two More Ports Liverpool and Birkenhead Are Now Involved LONDON (CP) Prime Minister Clement Attlee said today that the government has advised the King to declare a state of national emergency to deal with the wild cat dock strike that threatens Britain's food STRANGLE KILLING Toronto Foundry Worker Is Under Arrest For c,. Murdering Woman ' TORONTO (CP) A foundry ACTOR MURDERER? MANILA A double murder charge was filed today against VESSEL FINED DIRECT DEMAND MAY HE MADE UPON KREMLIN BY WESTERN POWERS I supplies. He said that "communist mischief" is partly CURRENCY RIOT Seven Persons Injured by Trampling Crowd In Berlin BERLIN, Oh Police said that seven persons were Injured when trampled In a crowd seeking exchange on old currency for new at Russian military headquar kpora Assessea unurr responsioie ior me worn stoppage. iisloms and Immigration filiations worker, Leonard B. Smith, aged 25, was charged Sunday with the milk-stocking murder of Leila A-lams, aged 38, of Toronto. The woman's nude body was found in a garage In east central Toronto Saturday and police say she had been strangled by a stocking. Her face was wrapped WASHINGTON, D. C. (CP) The United States rushed a fleet of hucre nes totalling $480 were levied LOCAL TIDES (Standard Time) Tuesday, June 29, 1948 Two more of Britain s supply arteries were threatened today as the dock workers' strike spread from tondon to Liverpool and Birkenhead. It in estimated that 9000 workers quit at the two nst a Vancouver halibut boat Bernardo (Narding) Anzures, handsome movie actor, in the fatal stabbing of his beautiful dark-haired leading lady, Lil-. lian Velez, and her maid. Anzures admitted plunging a hunting knife into the actress. Vivian, four year old daughter of the victim, told police she peeked through a crack in the bedrpom door and saw the slaying. ' i - THE WEATHER .per here lor iamng to re- High .;. 6:34 15.8 feet KING, QUEEN COMING OTTAWA Prime Minister King told Parliament today that he believed the time was coming wiien Canada would be the leading nation in the British Commonwealth and the King and Queen would reside at least part of the time in Ottawa. Mr. King was speaking in connection with a bill to provide iunds for development of Ottawa as a national capital. SWALLOWED BY REDS PRAGUE The Social Democratic party of Czech Slovakia was formally swallowed up by the Communist party yesterday. It consisted of 250,000 members, making the total strength of the Communist party now 1,750,000. 19:30 17.4 feet to customs and immigration cargo planes to Germany iters- The crush became so seri-'oday to help break the,0"8 that firemen . with hoses Russian blockade of dlsPersed th crowd. ground transport to western in blood-stained clot'iing. ports while Army troops moved on to the Lonuon waterfront to Low 0:49 9 1 feet fcorities after returning to 12:49 7.1 feet pre Rupet from a foreign Berlin as food supplies dwindled ters soiway, snipper oi mc Italy Signs for two million Berliners. Diplomats predicted that the western powers shortly would make a direct demand on the Kremlin to lift the traffic noose in their unload food supplies. Truckloads of troops waited to see whether work would be resumed after a two-week lay-off protesting at penalties imposed when eleven hands ref used to unload ."dirty cago." A strike vote was held yesterday. Union leaders claimed the Synopis utter Zapora, was finH by the customs office and The barometer Is high over PALESTINE PEACE New Proposals Made by Mediator to Jews and Arabs' RHODES, 0) Jews and Arabs received from the United Nations mediator, Count Folke Ber-nadotte, today proposals for peace in Palestine. The suggestions, which Bernadotte called "basis for further discussion," V. member of the eight ma,i sectors. actlon ave .. WAR DEAD ARE HONORED AGAIN Annual Decoration Day Ceremony of I.O.D.E. The annual Decoration Day ceremony, which la carried out First of Nations to Formally Agree for Aid Under Marshall Plan all sections of the province this morning. Clear, warm weather will continue today and Tues f was--fined $10 for failing other indication of determina- tcport immediately the boat'ii t'on of western powers to star.d vote, taken by show of hands. day. Forecast val from Kodiuk. Alaska. The!fast and resist the Russian ef- WASHINGTON, DC, tfc Italy was expected today to become the first of the 16 Marshall plan Fish Sales Sea Ranger, 55,000, 19.3, Queen Charlottes and North was In favor of returning to work Strike leaders, on the contrary, declared It was In favor of continuing the strike. IB L.ra brought 56,000 pounds of'f"rts to blockade rail, canal and fabul here Wednesday from ( highway traffic into Berlin. each year by the Imperial Order, countries to sign a long-range !and 10- Royal j are not published. . " Three. a ornisn roreign umce spoKes-man said that the western pow No. 1, 50,000, 19.3, Daughters of the Empire, took place on Sunday afternoon, icilway was said to haw; waited ers were considering direct "ap- States. those attending mustering outside the Canadian Legion Hall 18 and 10. Atlin. Allavery, 33,000, 19, 18 and 10, Storage. hours before reporting the proach" to Moscow In an effort ,hpf MrtWranl, are Japanese Earthquake uva. &vbv.u . iaj uuvaiu ail uiuci Hum tiusvpil Coast Northern Section Cloudy today and Tuesday. Southern Section Clear with fog patches over water today and Tuesday. Winds light and little change in temperature over entire area. Lows tonight and highs tomorrowPort Hardy 50 and 65, Mas-sett 45 and 60, Prince Rupert 50 and 65. f- ' ' due to sign later agreements lis require that ships enter- Stalin to reverse Soviet policies. which commit each to programs ! Canadian ports from foreign! It was reported late today that of help and mutual aid as part Lois N., 44,000, 19.3, 18 and 10, Pacific. Miss Jean, 40,000, 19.2, 18 and 10, Storage. Advance No. 2, 12,000, Co-op. j Tidal wave warnings were is-isued to the Japanese, who re Its must declare their entry British supplies were getting into from which point the parade under Parade Marshal J. S. Wilson "fell in" and marched to the Cenotaph in the Court House grounds. The parade was led by the Prince Rupert Shrine Club Band with bandmaster Peter Lien in of the over-all European recovery programs. membering the 44,000 who died tiiecliately on arrival. Berlin by barges. THOUSANDS MAY HAVE PERISHED CITY OF FU.KUI HARD HIT n the 1923 Toyko and Yoko r hama quake, were jittery. Japanese news service, Asahl,' said that 90 per cent of the TOKYO (CP) West charge.- Following the band were HOT BREAK ID E0SVE sia coBaBaiiciisir bloc representatives of the local coast 0f Honshu Island buildings in Fukui had collapsed and communications were Chapters of the Imperial Order. rocke(j tod fe viol. Shtf"J T: X?ent earthquake, that may MARSHAL TITO IS CHARGED VE DEAD IN DROWNING TRAGEDY killed thousands of members. of the Canadian Le-'have gion (members of world War I Japanese. Tokyo news- Boys predomlnatlng), and their stan- papers estimate the dead at 1000 dard bearers, and members o! rom tne first reports but it was Ing trip, have been identified as: Henry Hornscth, aged 36, Men and Three !'wo lie In Boat Capsizal hi Kootenay Lake KB. Voting Polling Light After Quiet Campaign Results This ' Afternoon ST. JOHN, N.B. A total of 125 candidates filed their nomina the Women's Auxiliary or tne iater sai,i the toll would probab' Canadian Legion with their jy amount to 5,000. SIRDAR Kf Two men and CHICAGO HOLD-UP Bandits Escape After Killing Two Policemen Following Robbery CHICAGO, m Five machine gun bandits who killed two policemen after a hold-up of an alleged gambling spot Saturday appear to have eluded the biggest manhunt in the history of Cook County. Police believe the gunmen slipped through a cor lie boys were drowned in YUGOSLAVIA NOT PLAYING HALL WITH RUSSIA IT IS CHARGED PRAGUE (CP) The Communist Cominf orm charged today that YugoSlav Communists had departed from the Marx-Lenin line and that their leaders, including Marshal Tito, were pursuing a hateful policy toward Russia. The Cominform called for "either a return to Marxist policy or a change of itenay Lake near here Sun- standard bearers. The town of f ukul was "twlst- At the Cenotaph wreath3 were ed like taffy" homes of the most laid by Mrs. James Stewart, sec- of the population of 85,000 being ond vice-regent of the Municipal destroyed. Fires sprang up af-Chapter, Ralph P. Smith, presi- ter a series of earthquakes which dent-of the local branch of the , began at 4:12 p.m. and des- when an outboard motor- Art Rowsell, 36, Klmberley: Gordon, 11, Klmberley. John Kollman, 11, Klmberley. Buddy Annable, 10, of nearby Tyc. Sirdar is 35 miles cast of Nel-son in the Kootenay district. fet was caught In an under- tion papers for the provincial election in New Brunswick which is taking place today. Liberals are contesting all of the 52 seats. Five Social Credit standard- rent, whirled around ana cap- Y. Canadlan Legion (British Empire' troyed half pf the city. They still I Service LeaRue). and Mrs. J. S. were raging six hours after the sixth boy, Edgar Horns?tli bearers, one In St. John County don of 200 qflcers to jump a freight train after having been oi-i, ,cirfr,t f ih Wnmpn'K tremors. A fully-equipped Uni The survivor said that the boat 1 12, swam ashore. lie dead, who were on a fish began swinging wildly as the motor re-started 1000 feet off leaders In Yugoslavia." Thus is marked the first break In the ranks of nine eastern nations which form the Cominform, international Communist "information bureau", set up at a meeting in Poland last fall. Auxiliary of the Canadian Le- lea S"ies nnny renei wain wa surrounaea in a stone quarry, of tho ruslied to Fukui wn Ich Is on trie About $1,000, bulk of the hold- eion After the laying . nno pf r9 tVna Caa nf Tunon Armu !im mnnin mas fnnrif. w . Ik mint anQ others in Madawaska brought the total to 125. Tills will be the first time the Social Credit party has made a bid for election, In this province. Bitter Debate OTTAWA Wi A bitter debate on prices exploded In the House wreaths those taking part in the " "'v "v H " . 7" " " I " shore. He said the boat was r.aueht in a terrific undercur Darade. as well as many who ,r ' ..." S. V " Prince Rupert's rent. were in attendance at the Ceno- injured at Dalshojl, 20 miles; the men are believed to have northeast of Fukui but there are forded the Desplalnes River in no known dead. Five hundred an attempt to escape a police homes were destroyed. trap. of Commons Saturday, blocking the prorogation drive and bring taph, proceeded to the Soldiers' Plot at Fairvlew Cemetery In the lood Dyke HIGH-POWERED TEAM COMING many cars kindly provided for Of the Liberal candidates, four were members of the last House. The Liberals, under Premier John B. McNair, had a head start with five candidates nam ing from John Diefenbaker (Progressive-Conservative, Lake Cen the occasion, as well as in a Ludwigsen is bringing Ralph Thomsen and George Wteg as tre, Saskatchewan), the charge that recommendations of the all-party prices committee had been " : : TODAY'S STOCKS : : Courtesy S. D. Johnr.ton Co. Ltd. ed by acclamation In Gloucester B.C. FLOOD EMERGENCY CAMPAIGN county. Fnwe rful Ketchikan Baseball Outfit to Invade City Ketchikan's all-star baseball team "will be supported by plenty of spare pitching power when It invades Prince Rupert for the annual Dominion Day swat chartered bus, while the Navy assisted as usual and provided transportation for the band. A brief, but impressive service was held at the cemetery, Rev. Basil S. Prockter, rector of St. Andrew's Cathedral, .officiat The remaining 16 ridings, all tailor-made by the government. As the House rose at 11 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time it still was a question whether the ses- multiple seats with two to four members, are being contested Objective $25,000 by 47 Liberals, 40 Progressive pitchers, and is prepared to mounA the mound himself if conditions warrant it. Otherwise, he will take a turn at second base. Catchers will be George "Pinkie" Tomlinson and Robbie Roberts, with Red Quinn standing by. Quinn also will work the outfield when needed. Other members of the team will be Gall Jones, first base; Jbscrip tion t o Date S11.G63.36 series this week. Manager Harry ing, in the absence of Rev. Chas. L. Lomas, chaplain of the local siofi could be brought to an end Conservatives, 20 7.C.F.'er, eight bv Tuesday or Wednesday. Independents and five Social branch of the Canadian Legion , Credlters. Ludwigsen, wno win De a reuei pitcher, is bringing along a couple more experienced moundsmen. The service opened with the singing of "O Canada," accom With rain and heavy clouds cd by Diefenbaker, were con- . ,. , ' . ... ... ... . prevailing .the vote up to this The Invading team, numbering ainea in a committee report artemoon was lignt. The cam, laoicu DitunuHy mm inuu-K.-a , k, ml,d ad aulet 15 will arrive here on the boat(Chet Fltzell, second base; Larry ra'taivst in time to Dlay one .Erickson, third; Dick Johnstone, one for the removal of the excise wnich aUo gured as a factor ln taxes and import controls which tne indicated light vote. shortstop; Duane Vincent, right naa Deen imposed in last wovem- Elibigle voters are unofflcl-ber's currency conservation pro- aly estimated at 257,000 to el- panied by the Band, followed by a special prayer for the occasion which was read by Mrs. S. A. Keilback, regent. Queen Mary-Chapter, I.O.D.E., at the conclusion of which "The Last Posy was sounded by Bugler W. J. Ranee of the Canadian Legion, the flag, which had been flying at the mast-head, being lowered to half-mast. Two minutes silence, in memory of those who had fallen then took place, the pame on Wednesday evening. This will be followed by a double header on the afternoon and evening of Dominion Day. The three-game encouter will be the first section of a six-came series, final three games field; George Flllltz, centre and Mark Bussanlch, left field. Tomorrow night's city league baseball fixture between Merchants and Moose is cancelled so that the local all-star team may have a practice. gram, ect the new 52-seab house ' brought about by partial distri bution. Bobjo .12 Consol. Smelters 118.75 Conwest 1.15 Donalda .67 Eldona - 1.32 East Sullivan 2.70 Giant Yellownife 4.55 God's Lake .58 Hardrock 134 Harricana .. .07 Heva i - .10 Hosco 37 Jacknlfe - .04 Joliet Quebec .38 Lake Rowan 07 ' Lapaska .03 Ys Little Long Lac .80 Lynx 08 Madsen Red Lake 2.40 McKenzle Red Lake .37 McLeod Cockshutt .... l.pO Moneta M Negus 2.25 Noranda 49.00 Loulcourt .60 Pickle Crow 1.B6 Regcourt 04 Vi San Antonio 3.00 Senator Rouyn 38Va Sherrit Gordon 2.36 Steep Rock 2.05 Sturgeon River 4 .15 Silver MlUer 22 Vancouver Bralorne , 7.75 B. R. Con 03 B. R. X .09 Cariboo Quartz 130 Dentonia .11 V Grull Wihksne 04 Vi Hedlcy Mascot 49 Mlnto 01 Pend Orel lie 3.95 Pioneer 2.50 Premier Border 02 Privateer 18 Reeves McDonald ........ 1.90 Salmon Gold 16 Sheep Creek . 1.15 Taku River , 37 Vtmanda 36 Congress 03 Pacific Eastern .05 Iledley Amalgamated .02 Spud Valley 12 2 Silbak Premier .30 Oils A. P. Con 13 Calmont 45 C. & E 6.20 Foothills 2.75 Home 8.25 Toronto Athona .07 Aumaque '. . , .18 Beattie 61 Bevcourt .26 session of at least private one PoUs opened at 8 a m AUaa. aircraft. tic Standard Time (5 a.m. Pa- Club membership fees are $100 ciflc Dayllght Tlme) and ci0Sed for life membership with no an- at 6 p m (3 p m pacinc stand-nual dues; $25 for a sustaining arJ, Time), membership, with $5 annual ( dues and $5 for Instructional silence being broken by the sounding of "The Reveille" by Bugler Ranee, while the flag was AIR CLUB DRIVE Aims to Increase Membership to 100 Prince Rupert Aero Club which nowas 60 members, is putting on a drive to increase member memoersnip wnicn auows iiymg v. re I a Iff Wt a ft. IT once more hoisted to the mast head. of which will be played at Ketchikan ? part of the July 4 celebrations at the Alaskan city. Local baseball brass is taking great care In the selection of players, because this Is serious business. A work-out of prospective selections has been railed for tomorrow night. Involved is the repuatlon of Prince Rupert as a baseball town, a reputation that was darkened more than a little a year ago when Ketchikan took five games ! straight, three at Prince Rupert instruction, but not club prlvl- A IAY ISIAMr 520,000 szu.uuo $15,000 $15,000 f 1 $10,000 $10,000 $5,000 $5,01)0 " . I f y i r-m Bin a After a brief address by Rev. Basil S. Prockter, all present joined ln singing "O God Our ship to 100 and at the same time is laying plans for the purchass if a training plane this summer. Help in Ages Past" after which representatives of the various organiatlons present proceeded Says Western Powers are Responsible for Situation in Germany MOSCOW, SP) A Tass dispatch from Berlin t oday blamed the western powers for reductions ln coal, steel and food supplies there. It said that this "shows once more that the west- A meeting of the club learned that prospects Ire good for the leges. The meeting laid plans for a dance at the new Aero Club headquarters at Seal Cove for members and guests. Clifford Abercromble was named chairman of the dance committee. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Skinner of Copper River have been enjoying a holiday visit through the district. Mr. Skinner is a well known merchant. This is the with the ceremony of "decorat commencement of flight training lng the graves," a flag and a red and two at Ketchikan. George Stanbridge, local base-hnii lcacue secretary, who took for students in the near future poppy being placed at the head of each grave. All arrangements Chairman of the membership a aulck trip to Ketchikan last for the day's pragram were in em' states want by all means !week to complete arrangements possible to retain the dismem NOTICE TO ACCOUNTANTS All Accountants Interested ln hearing about the aims and 1 objects of the GENERAL ACCOUNTANTS ASSN. are urged to attend a meeting in the Civic Centre, Wednesday, June 30,8 p.m. H. M. CLARKE, Executive-Secty. (1U for the series, brought back the Ketchikan line-up. Listed are committee, which plans a thorough canvass of the city, is N. R. Youngs. Members felt that it is time Prince Rupert joined other northern communities , ln pos the hands of Mrs. J. A. Teng, chairman of the cemetery cop.-mltte of the Queen Mary Chapter, I.O.D.E. berment of Germany and ruin her economy ln the interests of first time they have been away names well known In baseball from home in 28 years. Imperialistic policy." fionymous $ 5.00 circles here. i ii i.i pwTO w i, Y