1. Prince. Rupert JDaflf lacto LtD. Monday, June 28, 1048 I SHIPS AKD WATERFRONT a O '. - I AIR PASSENGERS To Vancouver Miss A. J. Morton; F. G. Daniel, A. Govett, L. Lachapelle, D. G. Anderson, S. Antonsen, F. Neave, Mr. Richards. To Sandspit George Eales, M. Gavey, Mrs. Hoban, T. Tolmie, Mr. Wong, Mr. Strand. 10 V With a full list ol 116 passen o 0 gers, C.P.R. steamer Princess' Norah docked here at 10 o'clock ' this morning, sailing again tor t Alaska at noon. She was under , command of Capt. Graham I Hughes. Two persons disem-1 barked here from the Norah and four went north from this port.. i Yacht Club Busy With Visiting Cruisers Gillnettcr -Sinks in Metlakatla Pass The Prince Rupert Yacht Club was a busy place at the weekend, with three large vlhltlng yachts moored there over Saturday and Sunday. The 110-foot diesel power yacht Prlncipia of the Tacoma Yacht Club arrived at 5:30 Sunday evening, southbound after a trip to Alaska. She carried a doztn persons on a charter cruise. The 40-foot cruiser Nika, operated by George M. Ross also stopped overnight, southbound from Alaska. Members of the wine-making Callo family of Stockton, California, visited briefly in their 50-foot yacht Vintner which is also returning south. The Vintner was In port last week, heading for Alaska. V,- The two 18-foot speedboats Aleta and Skip, in which Mr. and 1 Mrs. J. Caylor and R. E. Harris1 and son of Bellingham made a I "mm 9 l Cottons Enter the r? 1' WAM'M- Class CI amour trip to Alaska arrived Sunday after a successlul trip. The quartette reported fine weather and a good trip all the way to Juneau. Roughest weather they encountered was between Ketchikan and Prince Rupert on their way back. lummer dresses ' that first place In every 2 I tiolci AUSTRALIAN AGRICULTURALISTS INSPECr CANADIAN CATTLE Holstein-Friesian dairy cattle at the Central Experimental Farm. Ottawa. Ont.. are admired by W. A. Meares and M. R. Buttsworth, leading Australian agriculturists, d.iring a tour of Canadian farming institutions and larm areas from Winnipeg to Montreal. Th? Australians are members of a three-man team which won the "Progressive Farm Competition" sponsored by the Rural Bank of New South Wales, and their six-month all-expense tour takes them 'to the United States and England as well as Canada. Left to right, M. R. Buttsworth, Hannam Vale, N.S.W.; Dr. P. C Ripley, Central Experimental Farm, and W. A. Meares, For jcs, NSW. I worn sin's heart. Size for J the dainty Miss and stylish I Btovts. J FitlCEI) RIGHT I I STYLE!) RIGHT You reaa it in the News! TODAY and TUES. The glllnet boat Violet W. of Port Simpson was towed to the Cow Bay floats here Sunday af-: ternoon after striking a rock and sinking in Metlakatla Pass Sunday morning. The boat struck and settled on a falling tide. When the tide rose again tiie boat filled. She was placed on the Co-op grid for examination and repairs. gressive publisher during this anticipation of a six million dol-staee of his career was chang- lar hotel. Once, long ago, the I'ltASER VALUj Id inM RUPERT I I ! 1.001)8 7 km. -J pi,. ' J PE.OPLES STORE ing the British press. Papers G.T.P. Railway pictured some-were becoming less ponderous thing like that for Prince Ru-and stuffy. Stories were shorter, pert and, in an unguarded There was more directness the moment, provided a site which lighter, clearer touch. And has not moved an inch since. As Reminiscences By w.J. Reflections people liked it. sites go, it could be worse. It's (always ready for the next item One does not wok for snakes right in town with fountain of business. The old timers would in a hospital, where strict so- playing night and day. But It have chuckled at such strange briety prevails. Netley, however, should be remembered this has I refinements, had hundreds of serDents. In reference, not to a hotel, but I 1 The Popular RENT - a - RADIO S.S. PRINCE RUPERT Sails For large glass jars, on scores of, to a site for one. Between the stout shelves ,the stuffed forms two, there is a fundamental dis-of reptiles from the ends of the tinction, earth could be studied at leisure, j EjQIILEI BY THE DAY BY THE WEEK BY THE MONTI 1 Each jar bore its scientific and slang name, and place of origin. Life in some hospitals can almost be pleasant, providing there is nothing much the matter with you, recovery steady, and no bill at the end of the stay. We once spent a few months at Netley, near Southampton, England. Being a convalescent, after a goodly bout with enteric fever, is not without compensation. Netley, as it looked in June more than a decade before the First Great War, was spacious, solid comfortable. The south coast of England, as one recalls the country, is leafy and verdant Tough old wallopers like John AIX NEW 1948 MANTLE MODELS AT thing in common an irrepressible sense of humor. One amiable Briton would persist in making jokes at the expense of a missing leg. I was the only "Canoydian" there. " j It was the daily Buty of someone belonging to the, mess to go for the stout a tin pail of refreshment wearing a high, collar, and guaranteed to restore the near dead. To stroll the ; stone-floored corridors, gaze through the tall windows at passing shipping, or chat with some non-com who might be feeling curious made the time pass agreeably. IRON FIREMAN You never know what you may L. Sullivan and other in a hospital. ; chested worthies, never dreamed RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC STOKERS GET 30 MOII HIAT rilO.M 644 313 TII1UI) AVEM'E WEST BOX 13 of the fight game as It is todav This is the season when gra- Now, in the upper brackets, it's duation exercises are the order a kind of perfumed, financial, of the day and good advice is scientific, motion-picture, social, freely given. Some has been ab- publicity, razzle-dazzle racket sorbed by the Boy Scouts Asso- with the income tax collectors ciation ol Canada. Graduates ; SMITH & ELKINS Phone 174 Box 274 VANCOUVER AN X NTERMD1 ATE PORTS THURSDAY AT 11:15 PJ. For KETCHIKAN WKIDNESDAI MIDNIGHT For information call or writ City or Depot Ticket OfXlcta -K.INC RUPERT, B.C. indeed in midsummer with more ( j sunlight and warmth ihan mist 'and overcast sties. are ureed to auoroach the lut- THAT MBIT Ut IOLD AT OMCt I M , 75,650 GALS.- i "Ere, remarked a middle-aged ure with a humility tinged with BAPCO PURE PAINT There is a Banco Pioducl ior every sur!trc Good results are certain if directions arc followed. THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD, 223 Third Avenue Phunt II! ihougn a military , hospital sergeant, learning the young courage. It will be well for them there was ample latitude and fellow with the Yankee accent to expect both knocks and dis-! privilege in the long, grey stone came from near Nova Scotia: "I appointments. Soon, or later J building with wide lawns over- know Aulifaux. 'Ow's Aulbemaul each will surely arrive. Harsh WAR SURPLUS PAINT $1.75 All colours including white. Manufactured by C.I.L.; W. Moore; Gliddont; Sherwin-Williams; Paralac; Lowe Bros., etc. 100 SATISFACTION OR MONEY REFUNDED Go m an th- bargain tolt WiHo today for lm aw ks lis). looking Southampton Waters. Street?' medicine, but wholesome and Less than a dozen occupied It was good u loaf the hours invigorating.' our ward. They were typical away, reading letters and papers , Tommies and a jovial crew, from home and also Harms- j Joe Walcott, before he fights even though still under medical worth's Daily Mail, fresh from again on Friday, perhaps may i Advertise in the Imlly News! ton 1005. Fatlal Station C. Toronto, Ontario think twice! ffry a. Classified Ac in The News observation. They all had oneLondon. The original and ag- Hollywood Cak PRINCE Ri mtT'S M WTST AM) MOST 1T-TO-IMTK ItKSTAt lfAST OPEN FKOM 3:30 P.M TO 3:30 AV Can you sloj, if you hare to - Safety Fast It takes a well-informed, shrewd and well-balanced mind, in times like the present to distinguish clearly between what Is malicious and deliberate propaganda and what is not. It is true enough that sometimes what one takes for Communism is actually nothing of the sort while that which inspires confidence and faith, is not only false, but devilishly clever and CHINESE DISHES A SPf fiAI.TV CHOI For Outside Order. OP' SUEY rhone 133 MEIN TO GET ffip MORE Jam or Jelly from your fruit subtle. S (Jul) Eiy L Y f OK ARE YOU A "l'KDAL lTMI'EK?" That fraction of a second delay may mean Trouble NOTE With 100 efficient brakes and good mental reaction it takes. 87 feet to stop at 30 miles per hour 170 feet to stop at 45 miles an hour 280 feet to stop at 60 miles per hour Think il over If in doubt, don't delay have jour brakes examined at . LINDSAY MOTORS LTD. PHONE 8G6 O GREER & BR1DDEN BUILDERS AND CONTRACTORS HTrHNO ASK OF FAIUR$ Joe Louis told the world last week that it was his intention to retire from boxing and interest himself in politics. Miyhty Puncher or Member of Congress! It could be both. R-imiri Con-truction Alteration! Floor Sanding a Specialty Edmonton licks its chops I'.O. ItoxE Phone RED 561 i 'il' With the cost of living so high, Certo is grand news for jam and jelly makers. The merest beginner can use Certo knowing her jams and jellies will turn out right. And she'll get one-half as much again from her Ituit, These results are easier to understand when you realize that Certo is actually the natural substance in fruit which causes jams to "jam" and jellies to '"jell". It's ex tracted from fruits, in which' it is most plentiful, to make jam and jelly-making quicker, easier, more economical. THE WONDERFULLY SHORT CERTO BOIL Certo ends the need for long, tedious, wasteful boiling to make sure your jams and jellies will set. With Certo, jams need only a one-fo-rwo-mnofe full rolling boil . . . jellies a half-minute to a minute. This extremely short boil means : A 50 greater yield became your COTTAGE CnEESE New Creamed Fresh Made VALENTIN DAIRY Tour Dally - ALL-WEATHER BERVICB IN TERRACE . . . A Modern Department Store Nationally-known lines in Ladies' Wear, Yard Goods, Men's Clothing, Shoes . . . plus a new Self-Serve Fuud Section with a Free Delivery Service. I; EVERYTHING HASN'T RAISED IN PRICE . . . precious Iruit juice is not boiled down and down to waste away id steam. A very short time only is spent in boiling and stirring. There's no long boiling to dull the linsrrs an" hut inn ' f 6" HSU" Carta J 2 fC'TV 7l R"'t "re SURE with If- l'i CT I Certo if you follow eicy ? THE SKEENA MERCANTILE It may surprise many Ciimmunity Siivcr flutware pricf is the same hefnre Hie war. - Ami Mil- lux is now nfl it shmihl be lub" IN THE Seabee Amphibian Plane f, .o I I :" the Certo recipes pro- I (( l 1 g-yV vided. Different fruits 1 fj i ltf --AjN I V need different handling. I wt W. t jf! Wy-' I There's a separate kitclien- J 11 V V a'W' A teted recipe for each one. I T J Y Non-Schedule Charter Service lovely natural colour or spoil the luscious, fresh taste of the fruit. They stay in your jams and jellies. BE SURE OF RESULTS. MAKE YOUR JAMS AND JELLIES WITH CERTO. YOUR GROCER HAS IT. GET CERTO TODAY. Commercial Hunting attractive. BulRer1 always sell standard S Is advertised pri. es even tlii.uch express . more than those of places nearer to the u For Instance a BiK Ben clock or set of sllw s lor the name price as in Ontario where U A larpe part o our slmk is made up of . rtan advertised Roods and we try to keep thr line wilh the nriees of other t itles. And o Fishing Sightseeing SKEENA AIR TRANSPORT LTD. PHONES Terrace: W. H. Martin, 23; E. T. Kenney Ltd., 35 Prince Rupert: Prince Rupert Hotel, 466 Two Ballings per week (or VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Cardena Saturday, 9 a.m., Calata STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays. 12 mldniRht FOR 'QUEEN CHAKLOTTE ISLANDS b.s. C(Kuitlam, June 8, 19, and 2911 p.m. o FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Anent Third Ave. Phone 568 antee t lie satisfaction of our Roods. Bulgers is always Something from worth having. FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE . . . See Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Chevrolet Bulck Chev. Truck" Fontiae Oldnmobile G.M.C. Track MACHINE WORK A. SPECIALTY Terrace Machine Shop & Garage TERRACE, B.C. il!!" ' RECIPE B0 E A Prwhd f.Gerwrol Foods 1 INCOME TAX A pound of jam or jolly mads with Carta contains no mora sugar than pound mado hSo old long-Boil way. RETURNS PREPARED SEE' R. E. MORTIMER 324 2nd Ave. (Near CFPRi