Local News It ffeittet, Homes ems tPtlnti Rupert Oailp 13etef Monday, May 2, 1949 II I n Ix f J 1 Skirts with color 1 -I ' ' Annual Football Meeting 11I be held In Civic Coiitre 7 30 May 2.. Election - of officers. Everybody welcome. uo2 A. E. Macmillan, manager of Cassiar' cannery, and Mrs m.. Donate your unwanted but saleable articles to the Kinsmen Auction. Phone 11 daytime, Green 213 or Blue 003 after (i p.m. Help Kinsmen help kiddies. (If) Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Brown re CITY INHALATOR PROVES USEFUL .. Effective use of thir in-halator by an ambulance team of city firemen played a vital part in conveying Capt. J. R. Complete Stock in Thickness from Mto Vin Albert & McCaffcry Limited 'EVerythiiiK for the Builder" PHONE US -si; - v '- ' - 1 vl Tl jj psybl In advance. Pleaae refrain from talopoonlni COURAGEOUS MOTHER AND "LUCKY" BABY Survivor of the St. Anthony's hospital fire in Effingham, 111., that claimed at least 02 lives, Mrs. June Aderman gazes proudly at newborn son, who came into the world one hour after she was rescued from the flaming building. At time flames were discovered, Mrs. Auernian was in hospital delivery room, but she was able to' climb to safety while her husband, Arnold Aderman, a truck driver, looked on. He took her home and then called a doctor. Mother and child are doing well . . . and for the time being baby's name is "Lucky." ort pw lnasrtlon, minimum charge, 0e. Birth JIoUoot. j Thank Iat& Notifies. Kunera Notice. Marriage turned to the city on the Chilcotin yesterday afternoon from a vacation trip to Vancouver and California. Prince Rupert Baseball As-! Soc. General Meeting Wcdnes-I day, May 4, 1949, 8 p.m., Civic Centre. Election of 1949 executive and other business. All interested please attend. (104) Please her on Mother's Day with flowers. Order early at Balagno Florists. (103) Klondyke Night Friday. Vod-vil, beard Judgin', pork and beans, phoney money. The Carnival of the year la days of '98 style. (106)' Hear Harold Winch. CC.fJ leader. Civic Centre, Thursday, May 5, 7:45 p.m. Also Wm. Brett. - (103) " William Scuby left today by air on a business trip to Vancouver. " Mr. and Mrs. Carl Pohle and Mr. and Mrs. A. Gobel of Ter race, who have been on a trip to i tro; ... .. .. I aiiLuuvci, iiiTivea in tne city on the Coquitlam yestrday afternoon enroute back to Terrace. '1 ind Ennaiieaienv Announcement: aj. 8PECIAL DISPLAY. DOUBLE PRICK Elfert to hospital Saturday afternoon when he was stricken with a serious heart seizure at his home in the Waldron Apartments. Responding to a call from Dr. W. S. Kergin, City Firemen A. H. Ivarson and John McLean rushed the ambulance to the harbor master's home and applied theportable in-halator to give the sick man oxygen until he was placed in hospital for treatment. Capt. Elfert was reported at the hospital to have rallied from the acute attack and to be in fair condition this morning.. Prince Rupert Florists 300 3rd Ave. Box 516 Tel. 777 Flowers for All Occasions HOME BUILDERS! Properly in a new subdivision available soon . . . Choice view lots at reasonable prices. N.I1.A. district. Place your reservations now with . . . ARMSTRONG AGENCIES 307 3rd W. Phone 342 Real Estate Insurance (98) Commodore Cale COMPLETELY RENOVATED "Better Than Ever" 2 Ah Best Food and Service In City Phone 17 for Send-Out Orders Third Ave. David Chow, Mgr. j REAL ESTATE COUNTRY HOME for Sale, partly furnished, also good work shop, store room and chickens. Good opportunity for work. WiiL consider tradin" for. good trolling boat. Write Box 512 Daily News. (108) FOR SALE 4 room furnished house close in. For particulars Phone Blue 909 Uf) FOR SALE 4 room Wartime House, furnished or unfurnished. Second Overlook. Redecorated inside and out Fenced In lawn. Phone Red 8'2- (104) FOR SALE Wartime" Y with some furniture. Full price $2500. $1500 down. Automobile would be given generous consideration on down payment. R. E. Montador Ltd. U07 FOR SALE A beautiful resid-ence on Fourth Avenue with very modern convenience. The price is $10,000 on terms. P. H. Linzey. Prince Rupert Realty Co. (107), MACHINERY NATIONALLY KNOWN NAM F c We oiler complete line of! equipment for Sawmills, Re-i manufacturing. Contractors, Link-Belt Speeder. Adams, Littlcford. Owen, T. L. Smith, . Clark. National, etc. Full in-' formation from National Ma-' rhincry Co. Ltd., Vancouver. Ml. UI) " LOST AND FOUND FOUND Engagement ring. Phone Red 904. (102) IIIXP VV ANTED WANTED-Middle Aged woman to care for two children. Rett 701. (103) HELP WANTED -Clerk wanted for Hanson Lumber Si Timber Co.'s office at Smithers. Required to operate typewrit er and take a limited amount of dictation. Apply Dvbhavn & Hanson, 315 3rd Avenue, City (102) HELPWANTED-Generaide7k for credit office Ladies' Ready to Wear. Box 513 Daily News. Of) HELP WANTEDSUMk department clerk required by auto dealer. Please reply in own handwriting stating qualifications and salary expected to P.O. Box 38. City. (107) HELP WANTED Youna man for lubrication work in garage. Apply main office Bob Parker Limited, 170 3rd Ave. East. (107) WANTED Reliable woman to look after babv. by month. Phone Red 788. (107) WANTED Woman for general housework. Blue 1G3. (107) WANTED Woman for housework by the hour. Apply 801 Borden Street. tf) Carrying 212 passengers and heavy freight shipments for Alaska and the Yukon, the Canadian Pacific steamer Prin cess Louise, Capt. Peter Leslie, docked here at 11 o'clock ' this morning. She sailed at 2 p.m. for Ketchikan, Juneau and Skagway. You Saw It In The News. t ? ' I t : 1 ROLL YOUR OWN WITH Tobacco BRIGHT VIRGIN millan and family arrive i m, city on the Chllcotln yesterday afternoon from Vancouver n route to the Skeqna River plant nere tney win spend the summer. John Morrison, eannorv accountant, and J. C. Haan also arrived on the Chilcotln. Canadian Club Annual mi. lng. Election of Officers, Wed nesday, May 4 at 2:3n nm in the Common Lounge nf tn Cviic Centre. Speaker: Mrs. W. A. McLean. Subject:. "My Visit to England." A28. M2. 3. ' The TOTEM POLE HTFT SHOP orfcrs "Gifts that, are Uifferent" for Mother's Day. (It)! Dr. Jens Munthe is leaving by tonighfs train for a week's trip to Smithers on professional business. Dr. L. M. Greene returned by air Saturday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver to attend a B. C. Suigicai Society meeting. Dr, L. W.' Kergin returned to the city by air Saturday afternoon from a trip to Vancouver to attend a B. C. Surgical Society Convention. Frank Clark, northern Liberal 'organizer from Prince George, Is a visitor in the city lor a few days on official business. He arrived from Smithers on Saturday night's train. John Hovland. pioneer mining man of the Portland Canal district, was a passenger aboard the Chilcotin last evening going through to Stewart from Vancouver. Mr. Hovland is the owner of the well known Unicorn property. V Rev. Earl Soiland, pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran Church, is leaving today by air for San Francisco where he will attend a church convention. He win be returning to the city at the end of next week by air. Announcements All aOertlaeiwx m CTiu oolumn WUI b charged for a t nil month at 31 oaota vurd . C.C.F. Public Meeting Thursday, May 3, Civic Centre. The United' Church Spring Sale, May 5. Catholic Oirl Guides tea-home cooking sate May 5, 2:30 to 5. Regular Card Party, 8 p.m. sharp, Catholic School Hall, May 5. - Gyro Klondyke Night, Civic Centre, May 0.' Kinsmen's Auction Sale, Saturday, May 7. C.C.F. Spring Sale, May 7, Sons of Norway Hall. Presbyterian . Missionary Tea Church Hall, May 12. Music and Drama Festival, May 12 and 13.. St. Peter's W.A. Bazaar, May 12. S.O.N. Smorgasbord, May 17 Eastern Star Tea, May 19, Mrs. L. W. Kergin. H.M.C.S. Haida Chapter I.O.D. E. Tea, May 21. May 24 Is Kinsmen Day Queens. Parade, Sports, Dance, Grand Pri7.es. Cathedral W. A. Tea, May 20, Mrs. W. S. Kergin. Sonja Ladies Tea May 28. United Church Tea June 8 at the home of Mrs. Nlckersoii, Borden Street. It. Pays U) Au crtl.se! Advertise In the Daity News! ; For Ruilding Supplies 1M10NE363 MITCHELL & CURRIE LTD. Builders and Contractors SHIPPING STRIKE AFFECTS HALIFAX, VANCOUVER Most of the officers, engineers and radio operators of three strike-abound freighters at Saint John, N.B., have refused to sail with members of the Seafarers' International Union (A.F.L.) Numerous arrests and charges ranging up to attempted murder marked the beginning of the deep-sea shipping strike as police in Kalii'ax, Vancouver and British West Indies rounded up members of rival seamen's unions, a well-tattooed seaman' gets some sympathetic attention from his buddies as he exhibits injuries' he received during battle with rival seamen in Halifax. Battle started when police attempted to escort 200 Seafarers International Union members through the picket lines. if SALE iill-sizcd steel crib ' tn. Apply Green 1102) 542 Chevrolet Se-t irood condition. iied. Can be seen l.iwrs. "r .Sot and Used Fur- mare and Oil ice 'siichtlv Used Ar- i and Coal Stoves, Birvcles. O I II c e icing Chairs. Ra-if and batterv sets. Floor Covering, :nm and buueers, to 50 less than 52-piecc English iff Sets. Enamel t Quart, etc. All at ps. BC. FURNI-lai 324. IM2 Dodee SiK'clal 3w Sedan, ran be it Rupert Motors !M2 Dodge Special .in. cood condition. i paint, tires $1050. jr atticK sale, Fiione 360. ( 104) Trolline boat fully Icneth 35 ft. cash I Mav be seen at 1a Apply 13G8 Firsts (105) H1 Dodge Special; ,an. cuod condition.; it paint, tires, ' cash ior quick sale.) or Blue 3i0. (104i Trailer Osumi, 40 i Hieh speed li roter cooled. At s Phone Blue 852. reasonable. (107) Acadia Gas Engine : condition Scc- !4, 100 HP. 2 12 near i Paragon i Can be had with tots and bearings fuel tanks and Darts. G. Gen-ale. (1031 Green Rug 6'6 'x9' nparlv mu ' ifter 5 a m. (104 Household fnrnl- mal chesterfield. lie. batterv radio machine. 3" x 12" stove, etc. (104 .TED "in or Board and ratre of ciiv. nrp- 3 nrivutn k,..., (102) Girl ror general OlCPn nut K Plume Blue 163. Ns WANTED porlt with one year muc 233 (105) N V-.TKI 'to'TED to nc f ' -' 1 1 ' 1 Werklu T-i,n! 'Tcilees rrc i Irin ' fttlaUon 470 St Airviu -Ireal '- Quo i lni? , WUG SUNDRIFSl twelve samnlps :itl in plain f. ratal,,.... , 1 peral Novellv Cn " Major St.. Tor. (107) Rn.ir " and (iraM.A Pi nriT i,i C. WUlient f,.l Owney McFadden, pioneer transportation man of Stewart, and his nephew, Ted McGee, were passengers aboard the Chilcotin last night bound north from Vancouver to the Portland I Canal' camp. Howard Haugan and Ted Capstick returned to the city Sunday afternoon on the Chilcotin from a holiday trip to Vancouver. tlo More Harsh Laxatives! Famous cereal brings lasting relief from constipation Are harsh laxatives causing you distress and unhappinesH? Then road this unsolicited letter: "About 8 months ago, I decidra to Rlart eating KKLLOGG'S ALL-BRAN . After o frw day, I realized that regular use of th is breakfant cereul was making my system work naturally. Constipation doesn't 'rouble me anv morn, lielieve me, it's J great relU:f." P. Isveille, 4U5 Uinard Street, Montreal. Yes, if you kuRVt from const ipation iue to lack of bulk in the diet, you may neirr have to take another hnrsh laxalive again. Simply eat KKLLOGG'S ALL-BKAN daily nd drink plenty of water, ALL-KHAN is not a purgative, but i wholesome cereal. Kat an ounce as 3 cereal or in muffins for constipation relief. If after UHing one package you are not completely satisfied, get iouble your money back as guaranteed on (he package. Get delicious ALL-BKAN from your grocer. Made by Kellogg'a of London Ontario. Remember 1 HER 1 with an appropriate jl: CARD and VAVT GET THEM BOTH ' m AT THE B Shirts with character! hyAHRQW Warm up your wardrobe with color. We have some of the neatest stripes and handxmicst colors, that have come our way in quite a while. And they're all Arrows . , neat-fitting, SANFORIZED Arrows ... in a variety of collar styles. See 'em! You'll want 'em! i!!iiiiIiii!!!i!i!i!i!'i!!i!iluliiiiliJ!i!!il!;lll Builders and Contractors NOTE New Roofing Paper, Red, Mineralized. 3-p!y special, roll $4 B.C. FURNITURE CO. (121) SMITH & ELKINS HAVE HAD YEARS OF PLUMBING AND HEATING EXPERIENCE PHONE 174 Box 274 JOHN H. BULGER 0PTOMETH fST John Bulger Ltd. . Third Avenue I (122) GOODYEAR FULL-POWER STORAGE BATTERIES Price Reduction due to lower material costs now in effect Factory Fresh GOODYEAR Batteries at ' SUPPLY HOUSE Phone 632 TOP QUALITY - ,WW.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.VW.VJVAV,V.V.V.V ANNOUNCEMENT I; (Formerly O. D. Haugen Grocery) ; is now in position to offer prompt, efficient service to its customers. IT PAYS TO Mttfeliitasds GROCERIES FRESH MEATS PRODUCE ij 1 , :: Phone Red 111 Free' Delivery ; N. P. BAKER S9 sixth Ave. E. N. R. YOUNG . . . . .... - . .f riTjf. Good News from GOODYEAR TISH COLUMBIA Iw THK MATTER OP THK KSTATK M.,,.".,-OF CAUL POUIJSKN. OTHEHWIKE IMOTFW KNOWN AS MART1NU3 T-AUUSEN. OTHER W1KE KNOWN AS CABI. MARTINU8 POUIJSEN. DKC!EAKD. TAKE NOTICE tlint by order of His H'"" Jurine W. O. Fulton. maUe on seal-ithc 2aih du of November. A D. 104H. mv nuruiim mont na RMPClltrlX of the estate of Carl Poulsrn. othenrtse J?j?zxr PRINCE RUPERT 712 Second Ave. 1 fXr' 1 Gv-r V ;:.-.Lr-J I v i4 hone Red vOO 518 3rd Ave. W. 1 its mm m ssm. w aw a 1 Cigarette MILD, SWEET, FOR ALL Y PRINTING 1 REQUIREMENTS V SEE REGAL PRINTERS 222 Second Ave. P.ox 423 5 Chandler & Cowgill PORTRAIT STUDIO Film Finishing EnJarginjr Flash Photos Taken at Home Phone Green 389 216 4th St PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. CHIROPRACTOR John F. L. Hughes, D C, Ph.C. 21-22 Besner Block Phone BLUE 442 for Appointment IIOI RS 10:80 a.m. to 13:30 p.m. and 3 to 5 p.m. EVENINGS Monday and Friday. 7:30 p m. tax those unable to come during th day. RECEPTIONIST In attendance afternoons. nimwil hh mill iiuiin i nuio. .... ... MnrMiiua Poulwn. UwcHsed, was con-firmpd. All pBrtlOH llBVlllg CtHlinfC. Cllliit tbr nli estBt- we hon-by required to furnlKli MtttiP. proMTly verified, to me on or before the 31st day of May. 1D4H, nftr which claims filed may be paid without reference to any claims oi which I then had no knowledge. And all parlies indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness forthwith. DATED this aist day of April. AD. eva rouiFN. Executrix, Estate of Carl PuuIkcii. otherwise known as Murtinua Paulsen or CHrl Martlnus Potilsen, co Brown i Harvey, Harrlstera & Solicitors, rrliicc Rupert, B. C. -1UO JUiUl. Pi , AV"1 1MU "nu nun; (103) j (101)! Aj.r BALANCED DIET FOR SAFE DRIVING WANT YOUR CAR TO PUKR ALONG THIS SPRING? LET US GIVE IT A COMPLETE CHANGE OF OIL AND GREASE. THEN FEED HER A STEAD X DIET OF OUR Af GASOLINE AND Sclon I Aii i: n-.:-. 1) n IS ci It r U L SI.K-VICE WHENEVER YOU DRIVE IN. '111.1.1 auuilS ltJan f See 5 Rt RRIDDFN BR BAPCO FLOOR ENAMEL POK FLOORS, LINOLEUM AM) WOODWORK ,anfie E nincK i Man,on S VUlrw Sage Green Golden Tan Dutch Blue g DRYING ft Dixie Grey Russctt Brown Navy Grey Mahogany Brown THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. LTD. BOB PARKER'S NtRactous and builders j Pluot Sandin, a Specialty UPTOWN SERVICE STATIOII wjij, r-o. bo j isi s Second and Mi Bride PHONE 791 or . V. VW. v. w. w. v. v Va v. v.sv