Onr.lES C3C23 Daily Delivery NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER I'ublishcd at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Port "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." PIIOliE 81 VOL. XXXVWI, No. 102. PRINCE RUPEItT, B. C, MONDAY, MAY 2, 1949 PRICE FIVE CENTS rycA,5S ' GOV'T APPROVES 'PHONE BYLAW Ion C mm II will give Uie city autlior-ity, ubjeet to approval of a three-fifth majority of rate Half Million hollar Measures) Now Ready fur F.lectors Draft of a bylaw, which, if it n if t - v.1 ' v payers, to borrow $550,000 by receives approval of Prince Ru- jMulng 20.year to perts ratepayers, will author- rebllM thJ telephone u.l- city W uu.ruw sh)ce the draft 0j th(. byLaw to rehabilitate the municipal Gets first submitted to the was Desperate municipal department at Vic torla, there have been several delay?;, caused primarily toy telephone system was whipped into shape satisfactory to the Department of Municipal Affairs at Victoria last week, according to City Clerk H. V. Thaln, who returned ' from the provincial capital Saturday afternoon. Mr. Thain flew south on Wed-novrlav to confer "V.'ith "B. C questions - of methodsof financing the loan. . One of these was cleared up when the provincial govern HALIBUT RULES Last Escape Route Cut; Money Market Chaotic SHANGHAI (CP) Traffic was reported su.s- ment pave the city authority to make repayment of the loan ARE ANNOUNCED The International Fisheries primarily chargeable against Ql-npflujnll Hnnnlu Kjflnlyfnr fit Commission today announced that, tht rpffulntinns for thp tiendcd todav on the last railway escape rrora com- ' V . i ; J V ' "f ' - J 'J Pacific halibut fishery for 1949 munist-menaced Shanghai to the south of China, have been approved by the Gov- inside the city a chaotic money market crashed at ernor-General of Canada and mi,.i ,i,, 0ff0. rrarviarm V.onrlniiarlprs mit.lawpd free . the earnings of the telephone .i Municipal i i Affairs, at request ,r of. , f ., , , , ,,. fTstem, a featiu-e that had not i -7,. t J to effort city council in an . , . , , ,lf of Been admitted in utility f inane-speed departmental approval hfnr(, u'ore- the proposed bylaw which has been under review at Victoria! Mi. Tliain wa accompanied for several months. ' buck on "Saturday's plane by Satisfactory revision of the Mayor Nora Arnold, who has bylaw Involved only minor been in Vancouver recuperating changes, mostly in wording to! from, a surgical operation sev- clcar up possible ambiguities in j eral 'weeks ago. Mrs. Arnold the document Mr. Thain said was reported to be recovering this morning. I nicely. . ' trading in pre-war silver dollars on threat of death. It was ODVlousiy, a measure ui the President of the United States and are now in effect. Quota allowances and other regulations are substantially the same as for 1948. The Area Two limit of 25,500,- great desperation. The communist radio last night said that eight Chinese govern 000 pounds, the Area Three limit j of 28,000,000 pounds and the Area Four limit of 500,000 TORNADOES HIT SOUTH LO.D.E. Is Thanked pounds remain the same as last ment armies were "1pd out and part of four other armies "routed" In the Nanking-Shanghai-Han gchow are. A Chinese army usually consists of 2P.000 men). CO-ORDIII&TIIIG . i The regulations provided for NORMAN, Okla. 'W A series the opening of the season on 1. Area Two and Area of tornadoes lashed parts of the j May southwestern states during the ,One-B will close when the Area Assistance of Municipal Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughter; of the Empire, in Prince Iluj)' J t. to naval irsonnol, particularly COUIICIL ELECTS week-end, killing; nine ; persons and injuring almost two hundred. j LUDEK Leslie M. Frost, Lindsay, Out., lawyer, provincial treasurer and minister 3 tk cabinet of former Premier George Drew, was elected leader of tin; Ontariq Conservative party on the first ballot at a party convention in Toronto last .tMr. and Mrs. Frost arc cheered by the delegates after the result of the balloting iincwi. Standi!; behind Mr. Frost is Mrs. George Drew, wife of the national leader. (C. P. Tlioto) in the sponsorship of 1I.M.C.S. j STALINS FEATURED MOSCOW Prime Minister Stalin yesterday reviewed a magri'ficent May Day parade which put the accent on new jet planes overhead rather than troop-inarching across Red Square, Stalin stood atop the Lenin mausoleum as more than one million Russians celebrated the traditional Socialist holiday. The Premier's son, Major-General Vas-sily Stalin, led the Air Force show. Two catch limit is taken and Area Three and Area One-A will close when the Area Three limit Is caught. Area Four will close at the same time as Area Three unless it has been closed earlier i Prince Rupert and providing the Damage is estimated at $2,000-.000. - : .' ; " - ; Mississippi and Louslana were hit by tornadic winds yesUrdt-y. frin.atc with convenieoces aiid gifts during her war service, was Prince Rupert Co - ordlnathig Council elected its 1949 officers at a meeting held In the Civic Centre last week. Mrs. A. ' L. Haines was named president. The council, which is composed by reason of the attainment of Its own catch limit. formally acknowledged Saturday night- at a ceremony in the wardroom of II.MC.S. Chatham. On behalf of the minister of na Twisters struck Oklahoma and Texas Saturday. Western Kansas also received minor damage Saturday. . of delegates from many women'3 Area One-A Includes the waters south of Cape Blanco, organizations, has as Us object tional defence, Hon. Brooke Clax- Oregon, Area One-B includes the well-being of elder fork, in ite For Lifting Blockade ay Be Set This Week SEAMEN'S CLASH , SAINT JOHN. N. B. Two the waters between Cape Blanco the city. ton. J.t.-Cdr. J. D. McRae, coni-majiriing officer of Chatham, presented Mrs. Jens Muntlte, re- members of the Canadian. CUSTOMS REVENUE-UP. THIS YEAR and Wlllepa Harbor, Washington, Area Two lies between Wil- Seamen's Union are still in "quite serious condition' In Hrbor nd 8enMl Custom and excise revenues' CaPe Alaska. Area Three covers the hospital here after a pre Officers elected txo-xx the " 19 representatives of women's organizations were: .-. President, Mrs. . L. Haines. Vice-President, Mrs. T. Boulter. Secretary, Mrs. T. Olenn. Treasurer, Mrs. A. Thompson. Publicity Chairman, Miss E. ' t-ollt'i-td "at the port of .Prince Rupert 'during April totalled dawn waterfront battle with the police last week. The waters from Cape Spencer to a line running west from Cape I) WINCH IS Four Powers to Get Together $43,781.41, bringing the total eent'of Municipal Chapter, whh a liandsomc scroll of acknowledgement and appreciation. Mayor Arnold, 'just returned from Vancouver, where che had been receiving medical treatment, took part in the proceedings and, speaking briefly, ex months of Sarichef on UnlmaK island ana This Is an ' Area Four includes those waters for the first four 1949 to $187,010.50. llily mi'i'tiii". of Mi'' Kinnaird. NKW YORK (CP) i iirprrsontatlves of Russia and 'United Stales are already meft- Cf, Club held at of the Bering Sea lying north of that line. The, halibut regulations are ,.t u.. i.-.i if,.n, ...... 'rtM i i r . . ii ifr: ..JP . . r.u. ,u-,..va 1M(. (lau. lor U1e JUUllui j Great Britain and Ftarce pressed her happiness at hcintj it he IUlSsian Wockildo of are exported to join the falks ilomP. She congratulated the based on the results of biological fi'ilii a uuljlin incet- K' tct this a"v 1 i,r,' I.O.D.E. on Its ideals and joined ! ii.'i''ii-l Knreii.il Minister Rob- in the h mil eci:il ion of tin; war s Hall on Monday ) j;t. in may 1 and statistical investigations carried out by the Commission's 'licakcr to be the Increase of some $32,000 over the same period of 1948. Collections at Prince Rupert in March were $02,737. THE WEATHER Synopsis Cloudy skies and scattered showers persist over ' British Columbia in the wake of yestej day's storm. Clearing 1 Is ex-! pected to start in the coastal staff of fishery biologists. The if Opposition in the Week, (vlimaiic session in'nl schuma'nn of France said; work. The recognition marked the slow and careful HO- j'tdtluy it "seems iriore and more! by the presentation was well de regulations are guided from year iturc, Harold Winch, to year by investigation of the Executive Mrs. L. Lolron, Mrs. T. Solllen, Mrs. A. Hamilton. With the naming of visiting committees, the ' Importance of visiting older folk was stressed and an active year anticipated. The following visiting committees were , appointed: . Westview Mrs. J. Oaron, Mrs. O. A. Smith. Seal Cove Mrs. T. Olson, Mrs. M. Waksdale. ; . Hospital and east of McBrlde Street Mrs. T. Solllen, Mrs. A. Hamilton. collations to end the blockade probable" that the four power Winch is now tmir-irii-t and will pro- foreign ministers comcrcnce o;i Germany will be held this spring. clash occurred between some 200 police, mostly R.CM.I., and C.S.U. pickets after a 30-man crew of the rival Seafarers' International Unto boarded the strike bound freighter Cottrell ADJUDGED BEST PLAl'S TORONTO The Bessbor-ough Trophy,, symbol of the best in the Canadian theatre, was Saturday night awarded to the Hamilton Players for its production of "John Loves Mry" in a week-long Canadian drama festival. Best English presentation, excluding the winner, went to the Vagabond Players of New Westminster for their production of Tennessee Williams' "The Glass Menagerie." SPY CHARGES BEING DROPPED served. Lt.-Cdr. McHae recalled some of the incidents of the I.O.D.E. service to the personnel tf naval vessels on the Atlantic during i.s expected to come as soon as one of the parties tells the other tiiroit;:h various iwt Hubert, after Smitliers and th- He predicted the date will be d"- effect of past regulations on stocks of halibut and by annual conferences with halibut fishermen's representatives and vessel owners of the major halibut regions this ajternoon and meet." That, presumably,' tonnmr( later 'this week during will happen in New York this futir power conversations in New spread to the interior tonight. York. ports. week. . Setline vessels are again allow the war lie told of how a Christmas Day in Belfast of R.MC.S. Restigouchc had been made highly pleasant by the gif!,s from the. Order. Mis., Mtmtlie expressed ' the N WHARVES ACKKUI, ed to secure permits to retain West of McBrlde Street Mrs. T. Boulter, Mrs. O. Rudderham. lor sale one pound of halibut LOCAL TIDES t Pacific bandard Timet NB. ft Peaceful j with each seven pounds of other saleable fish caught incidentally "'ininl today to thp ! KING GEORGE DOING WELL' LONDON The Duke of (.lloui-e.st-cr said Saturday that the condition of the King is "riefinitrlv encouraging." The COALITION 'I'fi'Iront, scene tif ; Mniidiiy. May 2, dasnre in ti, -n ..!... 1U49 20.4 feet For tomorrow skies , w 111 . generally be clear along the coast and cloudy in the interior. Temperatures In the interior tonight will be slightly lower than they were last night while daytime temperatures will be generally warmer than for the past few days., .Forecast Queen Charlottes and North Coast Overcast today, cloudy tonight and Tuesday, scattered showers today and tonight. Winds light, incieasing to CANDIDATE fontm! of deep-sea! Ilteh 3:10 : between the Can-1 10:20 wi s Union and the ! 17.0 feet King f(, m ,,lsl fa,, wiUl a to fishing for other species of fish. Tills extends for a limited period after closure of the areas to halibut fishing. The Commission anticipates that the catch of halibut on the Pacific coast this season will be 4.0 feet circulatory ailment In his legs pleasure of herself and the Order at receiving the scroll. Everything that had been done for the boys was, indeed, a pleasure. Mrs. Charles Stokel, convener of postwar work for the I.O.D.13., spoke briefly, acknowledging the kind gesture of H.M.C.S. Chatham In arranging the entertainment and hospitality of the occasion. - , . . ws' Iniermil.l.innl I Low nnrl f mh ttu iiiirlfruilit. nil fill- 9.1 feet ! 21:48 M Justice Minister OTTAWA STEWART (Speclai to Daily Stuart Oarson said at the week-News)M a COttUtlon nomlnat. end that the Crown is with-, CQmeniim held ta the Can. drawing charges against Freda adhm Lpglon clubroom artU3 Linton, of Montreal, who end ot week, wuuaja DuRCan about 56.000.000 pounds, about 30 percent more than the un eration. Mrs. J. K. Moiin left last week for Vancouver to receive further treatmeht for serious in-iui'ies which she sustained last northwest (20 mph) this afternoon. Little change In temper Y'S STOCKS ICuuiUv.y IS. I). Jolinslou Co. Ltd ) There were about sixty per ature. Lows overnight and restricted fishery was able to take in the year before regulation began. This greater catch will be taken with one-third less fishing effort than was required highs Tuesday At Port Hardy vear while visiting in Vancou sons present at the function. - Refreshments were seived af- rendered to tne Koyai v uuu mth unanlnl0Usly choscn Mounted Police three weeks ago. to aent tne coaUtion In the He told Commons that the fm mn electoral diptrict Crown lawyers have advised that Mf (Jmlth g member of tne evidence does not warrant pro- lMt ,eglslaturft ceedlng with the charge. . Ml hlstorlc pect of the meet-Miss Linton was the n'ie-lngwas the presence for the first teenth suspect in the 1946 spytlme Qf a natlve delegate hi the 40 and !0, Massett 37 and 48. ver Mr. tdorln accompanied Toronto "'Oliver Prince Rupert 37 and 50. I ter the presentation ceremonies .a-r. 1 4 I i 1 Atliona to take the smaller catch in thai earlier year. The International Fisheries proceedings involving , pmon of Oordon Mackay of to be apprehended. She was , 0reenvlile on the Naas River. Aumaqiie Beat tie Ilevcourt Bobjo - Buffalo Canadian Consol. Smelters .. (.:niiwesl, i Donakla - Kldona Registered voters so far in At-iln district total 12C0 of which number 350 are natives. Commission consists of four members, two from Canada and two from the United States. Present members are: Stewart Bates, Ottawa, G. W. Nickerson, Prince Rupert, chairman, Milton C. James, Washington, and Edward W. Allen, Seattle. Mr. James is secretary. 96.25 1 ' ' O 1 58 , - "J-- - " .... Bum,.,. East Sullivai former government clerk at the national capital. FIRSTHAUBUT OF SEASON IN First halibut of the 1949 season at Prince Rupert was landed to the Prince Rupert Fishermen's Co-operative this morning by the local boat Cape Race, Capt. John Hall Johan- OiaiH Yellowknlfe Ood's Lake Hard rock TWO FIUE CALLS 11 EKE LAST MONTH Ilarricana i'H '"iiiipf Gulii inn; iC, 1 S PTx m -so ' i n - j W- ? p I ' T Jhh' 'i 11 ) 00" '-j 9UU '.03 10 120 .04 .21 3.95 3.30 .02:4 .17 2.05 .00 1.27 .31 .30 .12 .07 3.70 .22 .G7 , .41 5.3d .92 10.75 10 Vt 2.22 - 2.55 .29 .08, - .1614 Ilnseo .. .lollet Qiieh'-c Lake Rowan I.apaska Little Long Lac - Prince Rupert had a banner month for fire safety during April. The fire department answered only two calls, both being minor blazes with negligible daniake. Fire calls so far this year total 24, with loss set at about $2,000, as compared with BASEBALL SCORES SATURDAY American Boston 3, New York 4. Chicago 5, St. Loute 4. Cleveland 5, Detroft 7. Washington 4, Philadelphia 3. National New York'), Boston 4. Philadelphia 12, Brooklyn 4. St. Louis 4, Chicago 3. Pittsburgh 4, Cincinnati 8. . SUNDAY American Boston -11, New York 2. Cleveland 2, Detroit 3. Washington 9-3, PPhlladelphia 15-7. Chicago 7-14. St. Louis 6-11. National New York 5-2, Boston 6-4. Philadelphia 4, Brooklyn 2. St. Louis 8,. Chicago 3. Pittsburgh 10-2, Cincinnati 4-5. '""-nan 42 'for the same period of 1948, Lynx Maduen Red Lake Mcl,eod Cockshutt Moneta Negus Noranda Louvicourt Pickle Crow 2.3i ''m . . ,f t)' 1 53.7J j , ; - ! sen. The Cape Race was forced hi with a short catch by loss of gear In the stormy weather which has featured the open-. Ing of the season since midnight Saturday..- The vessel was fishing outside of Squad-aree. The down price of He and 9c was paid pending finsl settlement. The fish is going into cold storage, there not being enough for a shipment to eastern markets. iZ... 2.05 ' 4.00 with loss of $10,000. R. E. Burnett, of the Vancouver office of Burns and Co. was a passenger today aboard the Princess Louise, bound for Ketchikan on a tour of Alaska. He will fly to other Alaskan cities. San Antonio SCFNE OF MURDER This small house was the scene of a triple axe slaying recently at Tarnopol Susk 22 miles east of the town of Wakaw. Standing before the doorway is Joe T. stoski who discovered' the tragedy. Stoskl is a neighbor of Theodro Adamovic, one of the victims nd owner of the farm. Also slain were Mrs. Kathrina Balatsky, 29, and her six-year old son, Bohd-ui Andrew Baltsky, the husband and lone survivor, is in critical condition In Prince Albert hospital suffering from throat wounds as well a a fractured skull. The Balatskys came to .37 1.50 Senator Rouyn .... Sherrit Oordoll .... ' Julian L37 Steep Rock Sturgeon River 17 Silver Miller -40 i,.t Kinuamhpr ns niSDiaceu utusuna. v-"- Uainuui icwi 1-iutv.uwv. r . -