Timely Topics from Terrace Mrs. C. H. De Kergommeaux, Terrace Reporter I We are pleased to announce that we can now suppy BRIQUETTES INTERIOR NATIVES LAUD VOTE KITWANOA Assurances by provincial leaders that giving the vote to Indiana ,m i - - No Slack I Women's Institute Members Must Join Civic Centre Tiny Baby Is Born Every member of the women'g and sale. On May 28 a plait Institute will be required to be .ale, under the auspwl of 2 IT Aaxinary. will J'heUl Qm - Mj . UU way interfere with their abor- nL . : . . vn a wntown su,re. Mrs Os- CALL 651 FOIt ALL VOIR COAL NEEDS famous Foothills Lump, KSSt Nut and Washed Stoker Coal ...t.B Ul w i-Ti.iHU borne will be In charge ONE wrapper . . . TWO kwi rignts were warmly re-eeived by native of th upper Bkeena at a meeting called by Harold Sinclair, district vice president of the Native Brotherhood of B. C. Back from the nineteenth annual convention of the Brotherhood at Bella Cuola, Mr. Sinclair carried copies of letters from Premier Byron I. Johnson and Minister of Lands and Fnr. .. wuie KBe ner report of the Civic Centre directors' meeting. A full program of recreational activities is being arranged by the Centre's man crisp, crunchy, peanut-laden bars coatod with Moirs rich, creamy smooth The smallest baby born in the Terrace hospital was the SVs-lb. son of Mrs. O. Forkvam, which arrived 2',i montli ahead of time and is given an even chance of survival. aging director and the co-opera - XXX milk chocolate. Ask 1P0TT, EVITT & CO. LIMITED TM lion or the organizations in town is needed to earry it out, henc the Institute' rirr.i.i.in Mm m 9 A" for delicious Moir: I e-sts, E. T. Kenney which stated IX'MKEIJ - HUILDING SUPPLIES "Buddies" that their Drimeval i v, -1 Stevenson and Mrsi would be safeeuarded in th are to be In oharee of the rest advance .toward fact of their citizenship. room for mothers operated by the Institute at the Civic Centre LADIES J. Wilkinson, .S. At- Richards, kins. The Cancer Fund drive is off to a poor start in Terrace with $200 set as this town's objective. The subscribers huve iieen very few and Brock Norberg, who is in charge of the drive, has expressed keen disappointment in the lukewarm attitude- of the community towards this drive for funds. &xmn Kupen E)aiip rutm Monday, May 2, 1949 .PASSENGER? T IO Prom Port Hardy (Friday) Q. W. Walker, H. Lennox. From Sandspit Friday iIE. O. Daniels, w. Bodnoruk. of motion or thought and there the lecture tour ovtiw, 'which After having heard the letters, the meeting expressed satisfaction at the assurances received and moved a vote of thanks to the government leader and the Native Brotherhood of'B. c. which had made continual representations for such MOI.'UAV Muc Do are 17 of them. Each is clnssi he hurl iil nnu'rl finrl (m- E. Suil- .iiruuver Rev. fied into an activity such as he had even bought tin els-. : V i" To W. 8cuby, on May 24. It being Agricultural Nitiht, Mrs. T. Olsen gave an interesting talk on gardening; and passed on some good gsvden hint':. The flower contest was won by Mrs. Howlett and Mrs. Reynolds. The meeting was held at the home of Mrs. D. little and Mrs. Philip was chairman. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting, ; I, a Stiwarc search, "find." and "emsn ' v, D. C Wing. ndspit-J. Beaudin, E. I a move. Mr. and Mrs. Wllham Bryant and daughter Barbara returned to the city Sunday afternoon on the Chllcotin from a visit to Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Drurv. of ' Dr. A. W. Large returned mi the Chllcotin Sunday aliernoon from 'Vancouver,' where lie Attended a Surgical Society Convention. J ' - J Guide Cookie Week has passed' in Terrace and the young girls have done a good Job of selling their wares. There must be very few houses in Terrace which have no supply of Guide cookies on their pantry shelves. This motlon-in-study was at first applied only toward making industrial jobs easier but recently Dr. Gilbreth has applir-1 it to housework and to rehabili tating disabled persons. A "heart" kitchen, for women Vancouver Dr. L. W. H. S. Thain, Pr. L. M Mayor Nura Arnold, D. Analysis of Human Motion Efficiency Laws Bring; Honor to United States Woman By MARIENNE IZSAK Canadian Press Staff Writer It was viewed as an important milepost in the broadening of native rights. ' . Chief Harold Clifford, of Haz-elton, told the meetlnsr that Jy, A. JOIlilMW. . Whilehorse were passengers for the north on the Princess Louise Sandi)lt Miss M. At the Hospital Auxiliary meet- "the door i now .opened to us G. Haason.i which was In port today, Mr.! I. Conroy, Kinney, T. B. White. Drury is proprietor of a general End. a Ught ,s. hinmg on the store In Whitehorse I natlve people of this Province." SATURDAY The tribal elder pointed out p r . urn. m v, LZ1'.' "- HUP-1 that if his people were .to de- ing last Thursday evening plans Weeks of hard work for mem-were made for the June 4 tea bers t the Parent-Teachers' j Association and school teaching . j &l&tt will end on Friday next " "deement and not on when the operetta .xhe Cobbler u fa it i,TrnCe8' h , oi iryland" will be produced at J:- Civic Centre- The elabor-uon tat of the Native Brotherhood , . convent!' i.., costumes have been made Vmiwuver J. Jifrles, J, .:til, R. Larsen, Dr. J, suffering from heart trouble Mt,w vno(. RKW'-Dr- ,,. Gifbfh I U11,an emphasizes functional storage a" a,n,SWer f0f utensils which sh'd be placc-l women n who h complain the 24 at the centre of first use Tin, ?orUrtShem " l" a Sink Tf , . " . , are prepared there is storage for hA , v.'3'86 12 chU" everything needed in the" pro- hUSband ufen work- lZUf cess-peeling and cutting degree In your spare time, write vegetables m" dOTCn b00ka: an1i A nly-publiShed book ust for good measure, go on -cheaper a,. by the Dozen," writ. Lflilli, D. Dixon, A. Carl- "u "Vur ",e ,Muerai ue' velop this initial advance they ;partment of Public Works, New mJ prepare thm Wwtmutttar, arrived in the city reSponibllltlea which- III par! tins morning on the Princess Mattel of olUaenah,p. he f. '"in' "f! SnaB,b-t asserted, is vftal ana U is" p I kndsplt (Saturday) T. by the P.-T.A. members besides leariershin nf tYia nn,oni,nH,n A Buas, R. E. Gladding, o.,...&vw.. w iiiui i la receiving nnrenU In Reich and infant, . P. hull repairs at the dry dock ,ui ijw mm men. ,i.n htnnin, rniu...u. which Uu aso'tment of paper he said, had fought con- tinuously for nineteen years to flowers wh'ch will decorate the Improve the status of the nat- ata8e and which wiU be ""'d Ives, both from within and afler the concert, without. I r ciren, "xplams how the "Tlier- If you still find the day too short, add a few 'more duties blig" system was first tried ou and you'll be surprised to find on the children at home. Success achieved is Indicated,' Frecl Pulford of Vancouver, is w.vv VM 1 tttUtV. tA VV V(, " " - everything will fit in somehow he said, by the degree of unity visiting his cousin, Mrs. P. Muri . . . . . 1. ! 1 - i M n. their chlrdren take advance of educational opportunities. "Without education, we cannot express 'ourselves," he declared. "Let us encourage our children to regular school attendance so that they may become qualified to.' stand hand in hand with our fellow citizens." Haruld Sinclair ureed that This amazing woman, who is According to the book, Dr Gilbreth and her husband de ciiied soon after their marriage which nas Deen acnievea among "l ierruce the Indian population and the I still active at 70, holds the title feeling of brutherhood which is Particinants in the fnrt.henm. I of "Woman nf th Vi.ni- f,.r huh - expanding to all parts of the ing Music Festival in Prince Ru-i The American Women's Assocla. ! "1 ' few 1. To have a family of sir boys unci six girls. 2. To establish a family council so the children would par pert are: rianoiore nora and ne paia irmuie 10 tne bands Lorna Melvin, Robert Melvin tion. In a national poll, made the award for eminent achievement In "discovering, recognia- carfeul thought be niven tn di n.nn r,v,,i an COSMETIC SET " ynd that in cas - i which had been hosb. to dele-; riene and Rose Marie Tetrault, ing their h first vote, his people gates from all parts of the coast llvy Gillesnle Colleen Sites An base their choice on tTieir mn- ing and formulating the laws of human motion which in industry are accented Uxlav as luntla- ticipate fully in family life. 3. To try all methods and devices of effective work which her husband had discovered in i his manv vears nf rlivi.t iinort i.lta Brue and Perry Laird. These UMES and COLOGNES mc viic Lfuuiia ui mis. uallcl. 1 iiciifctti. How. Hew, Better Telber. In the vocal class arc! Dr. Gilbreth and her husband. ! industrial experience. Glurla Irving, Anita Brue. Ivvithe late Dr. Frank B. GilbreUi.l A After Dr. Frank nilhi-Kthv Chocolates ocolates - - St At tiillesnie, Allanna Cushlnn; and are credited with uioneerinff in Idea th in 1924. his u ifr rnn. ! STIP tin ued his work, even to takinc ' Marilyn de Kergammeau. I the field of scientific manage- j ment and with launching the Dale Steffanson is a patient science of "motion study." The in the Outpost Hospital suffer- firm they established many KEN'S if TfloncAeaj! . . . more wriinjbtc than ever before! Your waits will wsh ttuly with gentle iop nd water. Eight lovely ptstel tint! nd white. Eatily applied miard re.dy to ie. Contain) Sealiied Oil One coat covers your wall) witK WASyABlE BEAUTY lallarr ing from head injuries sustain- years ago, Gilbreth, Inc., has mi urinary ed when thp truelr in whinh he servpd as pf f icipnrv pvrwrt fra RADIO CLINIC For Satisfactory Service Call 53 718 Second Avenue West pmD AVE. AT SIXTH ST. PHONE 79 was descending the airport hill many big plants in the United ran into the hillside and over- States, Brltaia and Germany. turned. The other twu occu- The Gilbreths devised a meth- pants were uninjured. od of analyzing motion which they called "Therb'ig,"- Gilbreth THE Mrs. O. T. Sundal left last spelled backward with two let- 1 " week for Vancouver where she ters transposed will be joined next week by Mr. Sundal. MOTION UNIT A "Therulig" stands for a unit Before you burn that slash -or debris you must obtain a BURNING PERMIT , During the FIRE SEASON MAY 1 to SEPT. 30 I'HKMITS AUE 'AVAILABLE FUEE FROM VOUU NEAREST IX) REST OFFICE PREVENT FOREST FIRES British Columbia Forest Service Department of Lands and Forests . HON. K T. KENNEY, C. I), OUCHARI), Miss Yvonne Larsen has re- II, after an absence of almost eena Construction & Cabinet Co. Guilders and fiencral Contractors FLOOR 8ANDINQ AND CABINET WORK CONCRETE WORK AND REMODELLING It turned to Terrace to take up fier two months due to a severe ill-school teaching duties of Grade ness. to VANCOUVER VICTORIA JWs kuill under the N.II.A. Plan 20 down payment in f;nv imir.thly payments over a period of 15 to 20 Free Estimate? FOR FURTHER INFORMATION N "UCK 224 P.O. box lfi7C III Minister " Chief Forester m- v- ELECTROLUX The World's Most Popular Cleaner and Air Purifier NOW AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY . ALSO Ask to see the New Floor Polisher " Cleans, Spreads Wax, and Polishes all in one operation. Made by ELECTROLUX, of course. PHONE FOR APPOINTMENT . C. A. HULL at Prince Rupert Hotel aKATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Chileotin Friday, 5 p.m., Catala Sunday, 10 p.m., Coquitlam ALICE ARM, STEWART AND PORT SIMPSON Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR SOUTH QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, April 22, May 6, May 20. FOR NORTn QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS s.s. Coquitlam, April 29, May 13 FRANK J. SKINNER Prince Rupert Agent Third Avenue Phone 5CS WRATnALL'S PHOTO FINISHING ! Developing:, Printinc I Enlarging; X QUICK SERVICE 1 Amateur and Professional Supplies . 1 ia)4aaj. OF TASTY MEALS AT., THE I : f" - 1 2DV -Tricks of the Trade. V ' V , , By , CHICK YOUNG fbZXriJLe -wis wAy?) Ijy'jji"! M lfly, MMe step f . r ; - 7-:IT MP- TERS-- AND WHAT DID LTH6 W . I t.: M It 1 WONDER I" fB "Ll. v jSrv .l,!,..J rip. .'" Emmy Isn't Fussy! caic rood's X poes SE '.'fi NOT 'vilH ivT ,s ,T?r t v--v CJv S3lrTH0ME' ALEXANDER) fe-f?;'lr HERE, QX Al JT Ao VOu " exCaiiei TRAIN SCnEDin E For the East Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 8:00 p.m. From the Fast . Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday 10:45 p.m. PRINCE RUPERT SAILS FOR VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY at 11:15 p.m. For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT Chinese Dishes a SpeTtTiUy CHOP SUEY CHOW MEIN Second Avenue opposite Prince Rupert Hotel 7:00 a m. to 8:30 a.m. Phone 173 for Outside Orders PACIFIC For Reserevatlons Write or Call CITY OR DEPOT OFFICE PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Stevedoring & Contracting AITTION SAI.H TlnilM-r Siilp Xllilfi'! There will be offered for sale nt, Public Auction, at 2:30 p.m. on Monday, May 16th. 1949. iu the'lieiul office of the District Forester. Marine Bullcllnn, Vancouver. B.C.. the Licence X467C2. to cut 3.875.000 f.b. m nf Fir, fr!nr. Rpnire. Hemlock and Balsam on an area situated on Hmltley River, south Bentinck Arm. Range 3 Const Land District. Two years will be allowed for removal of timber. "Provided anyone unable to attend the auction in person may submit tender to be opened at the hour of auction and treated as one bid." Further particulars may be obtained from the Deputy Minister of Forests. Victoria. B.C., or the District Forester, Prince Rupert. (A 18.26, M 2, 9) Advertise in the Dally News! COMPANY LIMITED General Stevedores and Contractors , Stevedores for Canadian National Railways CABLE ADDRESS HEAD OFFICE "PACIFICO" PRINCE RUPERT.- U.C.. mmm rf prfeffejfl f fftflftf 1 ft J LltJUJ J. J J J -1-1-1 J J