rnursaay, April 8, 1948 pnuce Uupcct aili? jactt UO. 1 .J ioras' iepactgheot t opehs raiflv z will be Four Main Departments Under One Roof Lounge, Rest Rooms Interesting Features K to attractively utilize corner space. The babies' department Is situated in the rear of the store, opposite the cashier's counter and the stairway leading to the shoe department. Conveniently located just off the baby department is the lounge and rest rooms. On the lower floor the entire Dom and Sev Dominate Both Pr. Rupert Born HAVE FAITH IN PRINCE RUPERT Young mothers will be particularly pleased with Dom9' Department Store. Under one roof she will be able to. buy a complete wardrobe for herself, and arv of her family from teen-ager down to her tinniest tot. If she feels the need of a rest or wishes to wait for someone there is a cozy lounge for just he will be that nuriMjse which was thoughtfully designed with two adjoining rest room?. 'floor spare is confined to Doms 1 1 ! shoe department. department. Extend Extending ins IWEE1S- The front of the store, an attractive appeal ance low diamonds. The ladies' depart-1 es and in fact everything for the along one wall are shelves con-ment will occupy most of the 'young boy or girl will be found 1 taining women's, children's and smrp nn the left side of tht in this deoartment. ' babies' footwear. Facing these I ( Exemplifying the faith - - with its 325 square feet of dis Near the front are the; To give variety and distinction : aie uie ib " ; , . h th play windows Tiamed. in black j building ail one to display arrangements, there; h ine insiauauon oi apprew-; lustrelite, has two-entrance ways 'dressing rooms and along leading from McBride Street. ! wall there is an alcove contain-1 are a number of small countev- mately 50 flourescent lighting , home CltV. are UOXXl ana The Interior color scheme is i ing dresses for all occasions and1 like stands with steps rising units throughout the stor3. :y?v iorr.;;,U-,c VVi.O Will and from their tops. Blue, witii Doms' have ensured that their j their depart- crtdcirinately white with blue in a variety o! styles pat-: new 1 J i j j i.i i i custnmprii will !iav absolute I've i r . . . and pink trimmings. ; terns. rounueu eus t.immcu ... ment Store tomorrow 11 comfort. Steam in the heating in Down the centre of the store ; Clothes for children are at-1 chrome, some ot tnese stancs are a series of short, round end ' tractively arranged in the right j are fitted with a glassed-in spacs comters in blue, trimmed with half of the main floor. Slacks,! in the centre of the main sec-chrome and placed to form hoi-; jackets, coats, suits, party dress-itlon and some are constructed "' Oui building, combined with an air j the recently, completed Bmsa-circulating system will provide ) njCh Building at McBride Street comfortable temperatures at a.l j and Fourth Avenue. 1. ' , . .. . Dom ana SeV are equal part-The interior decorations, in- , , i eluding counter, display alcoves il tn H""8 "",ldt mae th h and stands were all designed byi111 Jrl oms Department Store where Dom and Sev Dominato. 'they will iiavr tne capable as- ' stance of Elsie Houston who FASHION FOOTWEAR H ILL NEW STORE -j wlu ln m ol u,e aal-' CONTINUE TO SERVE PUBLIC i wear ueparimem. Norman campoen, formerly : with Sterling Shoe Stores of Eel-: monton, will take over the man-; igement of Fashion Footwear Of Course - ue aren't forgetting Those who have graduated from Babyhood to the 'Imp' and 'Angel class. We have a complete Children's Department where they will receive 'Royal' service. ENTIRE DEPARTMENT has been given over to AN the apparel needs of this 'Royal Couple.' You will find everything your little 'Majesty' requires . . . everything of the best, the sturdiest and the prettiest for his or her summer health, comfort and happiness right here in which will continue to give the public the same "Dominato ser-vice." Assisting Mr. Campbell at Fashion Footwear, will be "Whitey" Inermela who, like his j employer, is a native son of. Prince .Rupert. 1 Invitation to r Opening : THE MANAGEMENT AND STAFF OF DOMS' DEPARTMENT STORE EXTEND A HEARTY INVITATION TO THE PUBLIC OF PRINCE RUPERT TO VISIT AND INSPECT THIS MODERN DEPARTMENT STORE AT Mc-BRIDE . STREET AND FOURTH AVENUE. IMS' DEPARTMENT STOKE PIONEER FAMILY Dom and Sev Dominato are popular sons of a pioneer Prince Rupert family. Their father, At-tilio Dominato arrived in the city in 1906 and their mother followed just six years later. BoH) boys received their aca. j demic schooling here which In ! eluded a commercial course. Specials Courtly Service WILL BE EXTENDED TO THE You may have a Little Lady or a Little Gentleman a Tomboy or a Toughie Whichever it is, we have the clothes to match their personalities. From overalls to party dresses you will find in our stock the clothes that suit the need. Keeping them shod is always a problem but we can help you there too, with expert advice and a selection of shoes for every weather or occasion." tippers . . . 89c LADIES S SHOES 99c I 4 1 V't All Price Clashes FROM ITED SHOES in a Department Exclusively theirs ! mm $1.95 $2.95 $3.95 O&FERS, PUMPS !PS AMD OXFORDS N THIS DEPARTMENT WE PLAN TO CARRY A FULL SELECTION FREE NYLONS One pair of 42-gauge Nylon stockings will be given to each customer making a $5.00 or more purchase. This Gift Offer will be good for the opening day only,' Friday, April 9, 1948. PURSES $1.95 $2-5 OF LADIES' WEAR. WHEN OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE, YOU WILL BE ABLE TO CHOOSE THE DRESS. SUIT, COAT, ENSEMBLE OR AC-CESORY WHICH BEST SATISFIES YOUR PERSONAL DESIRE. ELSIE HOUSTON WHO WILL BE IN CHARGE OF OUR LADIES-WEAR DEPARTMENT, WILL BE HAPPY TO ASSIST . IN MAKING YOUR SHOPPING AT DOMS' A PLEASURE. HE SHOE DEPARTMENT WILL BE LO OTED ON THE FLOOR BELOW THE 1,A'N STORE. IN THIS DEPARTMENT rE WILL SPECIALIZE IN FOOTWEAR OR WOMEN AND CHILDREN. In this modern building, officially opened March 2, DOM's' DEPARTMENT STORE will occupy two floors in the southern portion of the structure. Area of the two floors will be approximately 5.200 square feet. A r 16 10 mi X U PHONE RED 846 McBRIDE & FOliRTH AVEMjE PHONE RED 846