V FRAXCOM LAKE AKE irflK L ! FRANCOIS LAKE FAIR MEETING timely Topics from Terrace Mr. and Mrs. F. Ball and Dick -Ldrfiuc tiitpctt iHp flctos ttO. Thursday, April 8, 1948 Classified Advertising - - MES DELEGATES r staying at Paradise Lodge j FRANCoiS LAKE On Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Tierney until . evening there was a meeting of The Ladies' Guild to Knox United Chlurch held the ly kicked some months ago and the just recently was oblldged to en Atjrll the ferry crosses the lake again ls LAKK-int- . .i. W(.i!!lCl)'S Insti Fair Board an e ngraved cup to ' be presented to the student ' winning most points in the j school work. i Various donations were! brought for the English parcel. At the January meeting, Mrs. Evan Nobles had been chosen as delegate to the convention early In June in Vancouver, but she Is now unable, to go down so at this meeting Mrs. Harold Neave was chosen to attend. The next meeting will be at Mrs. Claude Lord's home at Tthesinkut Lake on May 6th. 0' . .M FOit KAI.fi FOR SALE so that they can go home to Moosehorn Lodge, Uncha Lake. They spent the winter near Pasadena, California. i ;lt .Mrs. niuwu ,j 'fiiirsrtay af- ter the hospital for surgical treatment. He was discharged from the hospital this week and can now get around as well as ever. the Fair Board at Mrs. Lee Cooper's home, with eleven present. Mrs. Clarence Snyder has undertaken the position of Secretary-Treasurer. It was a busy meeting and the revision of the Fair List was completed Mrs. Cooper served lunch at the close of the meeting. FOR SALE 1 chicken incubator, like new. 'and two bread axe? S23. Oreen 108. (85) hi:V Kin n"i ir; nnd twd nprn meeting last Friday In the church basement. Each member brought a cup and saucer and the proceeds of a silver collection purchased a teapot, all of which will be needed for future entertainments. It was decided to ask for the use of the Hod Cross rooms for the Friday of next to make over old clothes for Mrs. Hamilton returned to d t pan- u. brouaht to be "l to The roads are starting break up and heavy traffic not allowed. Terrace on Friday from Prince i FOR SALE OR RENT Walk-in Refrigerator, 18 ft. by 34 ft., in four compartments. Red 441. (ID j Rupert where she spent the Easter holidays. i i: lum ul was and tile TOO LTK TO ( f.AsSIFV ... m.if)- r C- Inn -the European refugees. At the Vic Oiraurl paid a business dune People are walking across the lake evey day and the Ice appears quite strong. m,,I)Ic.s ana WANitu Dctuiiu naiiu until . ncn r.f th Mrs. FOR SALE Tenders will be received by th? undersigned tor the purchase of the rc):owi:r; described properties, together with improvements and effect.3, etc., located theron. up to nonp of Monday, May 3rd. Lot 1355, Queen Charlotte Dir.-. trlct containing 42.7 acres N.E, U Lot 2374, Queen Char, lotte District I-Terms: Strictly cash Highest or any tender not riecj? ' essarily accepted. i. ' 'M GORDON, F. FORBES, OffieUf Adlninlstratot , Administratis of the Estate of Karl Morris fegVrrson, deceased, GottH House, Prince Rupert, B. C. 88c meeting :arre. FUMIGATED ATHENS Acron, a Greek physician, is reputed to have originated fumigation in 473 B.C., when he halted a plague in Athens by ulresh- visit to Prince Rupert at the weekend. hid in gooa condition. Apply rnent were served. FOR SALE--Simplex Engine l'2 to 31 HP. air cooled; 30 to 185 HP. Marine Straight oi Reduction Drive; also Stationary-Industrial. Northern B C. Agents. BYTOWN MACHINE ii! ,s:ituip is the Box 326 Daily News. living There is a charming picture Mr. and Mrs. Hans Koch re I of litle Everead Hickey on the burning aromattcs in great turned to Terrace on Monday cover of the Family Herald this flres night after a holiday spent In .week. He is sitting in the WORKS. t) i LEANER, The hall wa well-wishers. same evening crowded with j , At a joint meeting, of the ; members of the Canadian Legion and Women's Auxiliary, held last Wednesday night in ! the Legion club loom, Bill Watson gave a humorous account of his recent stay in Shaugh-ncs.s Military Hospital anrl the Hyercroft Convalescent Home. the south where they purchas- meadow with a litter of pigs ed a new car. It took them five! around him. days to drive from Vancouver, as the roads were In a very I bad state from Clinton oh, the I Mr- and Mrs- T"iM RatIIftV last 30 miles being the worst of left bV car on Wednesday for all 'Abbotsfuid where they expect Mr. and Mrs Verne Taylor and Mrs. V. E. Funnell were visitors at the Clarence Corliss home on Easter Sunday. BRIGHTER to live. Mrs. Peterson has FOR SALE Used Kitchen Ran-j ges for wood and ccal, Kitchen ! Chairs, Electric Sewing Ma- J chine. Electric Ironcr, China Cabinet, Electric and Battery ' . Radios, 5-picce Bedroom Suite, Frigidalre, New Kitchen Ran-' ges best quality. Other useful articles at real saving prices. Come and look them over. ! B.C. Furniture Co. Black 324. j (tf)-' FOR SALE- Scrap wood, random lengths. 1 cord, $6.00; 3 cords $16.00. Phone Green 977. (801 bought a house with half an Norman McNabb is How Mrs. acre of land in Burnaby. rtuoy and Bobby will live with her. Welcomed by President Sum ' KlrkaUly. there were about 1 r i of the ladles present.. Arrange-! menU 'were made for the Vi-liy Rlfl,;t' 'dance which is bcln;.' 1 'he'.'.' on April !) At the close of jthe meeting refreshments were' served by U,e Legion members. ! able to be up and out again after having spent the past two months confined to her home through illness. Twelve children at the west end of the district bought a batch of welners and had a welner, roast on the beach In Corliss'Bay on Easter bay. The parly broke up after a grand FOR SALE Davenport; baby buggy, violin and gUllir. fZ 6th Ave. West. Green 943. 81i FOR SALE One Beaver wood lathe, 34 60-cycle electric motor, one set lathe chisels, calipers, etc. Phone RedfiQ. I86 FOR SALE-Cheap Beautiful walnut flat-top desk, lamp, swivel chair and blotter. Phone Red 51B i 1B4M Miss Mary Gllgaii and George Axen were married on Tuesday and their wedding dance was Rev. R. Hills left Terrace on Monday night's train for Spok at the Institute Hall here the .snowball fight. C. L. M. Oigeey is a sur-patient in the hospital ane where he will make his fu- "" . . . , i, i ,,k t, lure home. A lot of his Old IMMIGRANTS SUPERIOR IN HOME Mrs. ! Bieal here. FOR SALE 7,000 leet 2x6 fir flooring, 4.000 feet corrugated galvanized roofing, doors, windows and timbers. Apply R. C Mutch. (tf) Kin; RLvi friends were at the depot to see him off. In the meantime, it is not known yet who will take his place in the Anglican rV The The regular monthlymeetini; regular monthly meeting FOR RENT Warm, comfortablti of the Terrace Parent-Teacher church here. rgo 2"i ton i room, very reasonable.. 04 FOR SALE 1944 F Fraser Street. truck, 160" wheelba.se complete with Galion Hydraulic Hoist pQR rent 3 2-roomed apart Association was held In the primary school last Thursday evening. There was a poor attendance, due, no doubt, to the Easter holidays, and, as thri j were not enough for a quoi uni. FORMER LOCAL OSRL IS SATISFIED WITH EUROPEAN HOME DOMESTIC OTTAWA Domestics, coming fl-otn among: displaced person? in Europe, continue to flve great satisfaction in many Canadian homes. This seems to be particularly true of Ottawa. One maid, descrihed as a hurt from Germany is called "better than a doctor." , Carl and Ellen Richmond returned to their home In Burrts Lake after spending the Easter holidays with relatives and f i lends in Terrace. ments. 960 1st Ave. ' .Vyest" Apply 221 5th Ave. East, -ivd ana n x i rial ucck tiociy. j Completely overhauled, in first I class condition. Price $1925.00. 1 Don't sit surrounded by drab, dingy walls do your own decorating with ALA HASTINE. You can do a whole room for less than a dollar. Just mix ALAHASTINE with water and brush it or) over your old walls and ceilings. It dries quickly, without odour, and will not rub off. ALAHASTINE comes in ivory, cream, buff, light buff, pink, light blue, grey, light green and white. !- Apply Rupert Motors Ltd. tf t FOR RENT 3 -room rurnlsficA huite, 1028 2nd Ave. Blue 271 - .fi3f FOR SALE White enamel En terprise range with "Liti'.e Queen" pot burner. Nearly FOR routine business could nt.t ue disposed of. the president an- j Bud Sheet! of Salmon ArM nouncPd that the play which (nas been spending a few weeks the P . T. A. had hoped to stag? jhere with his mother, Mrs. at the beginning of Mv. vp"v i Barney Colbachinl, who will ac-maklng no progress at all. Play- company him when he return? RENT Room and Board. new. Black 482. (83) (FOR SALE 1932 Plymouth much Another is regarded as the deputy minister of mines and resources and daughtsr of J. H. Pillsbury, under whose direction the tov site of Prince Rupert was surveyed. to his home at Salmon Arm. Suspension of Jones ; Act 1$ Beng Sought ers had dropped out faster tharl they could be replaced and, at present, a leading man was needed and no one could be found to take the part. Time was getting on now and it was for young working girl.. Close to wwn. Very , reasonable; Phone Red 323. (85) FOR RENT Store on Second Avenue West near Third Street. Apply, H. G-. Helgtr- son Ltd., 216 6th Street . 185 1 FOR RENT Nice, clean, warm furnished suite. 1142 Park Ave. Call after five.- (91 1 coupe with rumble seat and heater. Four cylinder engine and hydraulic brakes. Car in good condition, having just had considerable work done, overhaul and tuning up, et. $425 cash. Phone Black 543. i87t I.OS1 I Prir.LC Runert Chamber ot better than any maid ever experienced before. Of her, the mistress says: "In two days she; lrprned to operate the vacuum cleaner, toaster, iron and every piece of equipment we have '.n ; Uis house." Said Mrs. H. L. Keer.leysid; , formerly Katherine Pillsbury oi Prince Rupert, referring to tha domestic In her home in Ottawa: "Intelligent, good - natured, very willing to work and speaks English most perfectly. Much better tlv&n a.iy Canadian maid. LOST Black leather wallet at the Civic Centre, Thursday night. Phone Green 248. 84 FOR SALE 31 ft. trolling boat, fully equipped. Phone Grjerv, 894. 83 1 felt that if It were postponed tf 'commerce arid Vancouver Board the fall there would be better 0f Trade are joining forces In cooperalon from the P. T. A. i making discretionary represeh-meihbers. The next meeting tatlnns with a View to having the will be held In the primary united States government stis-school on May C when Mrs. II. ; ' ponrl pperatlbn of the Jones Act Philip will give her"re"porl on with a view to permitting Cana-the Parent-Teacher conven- (iian vessels to carry freights as tion which was held in Vancou- -veil as passengers to Alaska ROOM AND BOARD KOOM AND BOARD $43 each double; $48 single. Sleeping rooms for rent Table meal.v' Mrs. Lawiev, 822 Fraser Strei 1 ,ttfi FOR SALE Learner's telegraph instrument. Phone Green 2G8. 84 ver during Easter week and to l Which she was the Terrace usiness and Professional tVAX-?KU FOR SALE Portable Remington typewriter, like new. Box 325 Daily News. 8ft ports. Canadian ships, it Is felt. would be glad to get the business and availability of Canadian ships might relieve the situation in Alaska. Don't lorgat that those gir's have been through a lot and appreciate what we take for e ranted." Mrs. Keenleyside is the wife of WANTED Old copper, bras aluminum, tin, zinc, babbit) "hbv Earl had his leg bad- I, HUCHKS lead and old storage batterie.-I FOR SALE 16 h.p. Marine engine, 17' newly-built boat hud. Phone Green 943 aftrr 6 p.m. (84) I hironi'jictm- Northern Eenterprines next t Enterprise Grocery, 144 3ria EESNF.R BLOCK DRESSMAKING Children's Clothing Maternity Wear a Specialty Be smartly dressed with hidden expansion features TllONE BLACK G87 -84 West, one block from McBridi Phone 343. (91 251 Plume Blue 441 FOR SALE Six horse power Vivian Gas Engine, clutch, shaft, prop3llcr. A-l condition. $150. Apply 226 5th Ave. West or Phone Black 949 evening?. (85) WANTED TO RENT by two working girls, three -room furnished apartment, with bath. Phone Blue 637. (83 lA Hftfll IhW HMW WJI TDKLIVK MY MI'XSKNCF 'M)t Service CEOnGK L. KOUIK Public. Accountant, Auditor, etc. Income Tax Returns Compiled. Bcsner Block Phone 387 YOUNG MARRIED COUPLE tte'-sire 2 or 3-room furnished! suite with private bath. Phone' Gtcen 268. ( 83 1 Freight Express lie 269 -. 322 Sixth St. FOR SALE Boat 'Iceland I", 42 ft., 11-ft. beam, Chrysler motoe. $8,000 or nearest offer. Phone Green 612. (83) SECTION II 4-room bungalow, basement, furnace, 2 lots, harbor view; needs some repairs. Bargain for cash. Armstrong Agencies: Phone 342. (83) J Calls Orprri M) WORK WANTED '"CEMcWmNNEY MIDDLE-aged woman will ioo liter children evenings. Phoi4 JONES NEWS STAND We handle Eastern and Western Papers Swedish-American Tribune and Western Miner XTIXC AND i "A lot of people," mused the 1 Old Tinier tins morning, "get the idea ttiatConummists and Socialist are just reformers in a hurry. ; " They aren't, of course. They are j eich it illowing a complete political i philosophy, anJ uch refocras as they i advocate arc for the mo.t part just 1 means of gaining wider influence so ; that tlK-y can hnng the people to acceptance of the rest of their doctrines, which do not constitute reform at all but a complete levoki' ; tion in the social system, j "You only have to watch pav R HAN(JIN(J MFTA1, WORK THE TAYLOR p0 Box l-l''fi -31-ft. Apply FOR SALE-"Eider." Room 18. trolling bjut Knox Hotel. (8G) Sixth Street Red 808 " St. Phone Green 391 HOUSING KAN SOVlCt, he 807 if. At PIANO TECHNICIAN Tuning, Voicing and Repairs KUICKSON FOR SALE-1941 Ford Deluxe. Good mechanical condition. Can be seen at Levine Apartments after 6 p.m. i8ai s0 TECIIMir-TAv s0 AND REPAIRS MIKE COLUSSI Phone RED 739 ' 1361 Overlook Street 411 West 7th Ave. PLUMBING Installations ah! repairs. SHEET METAi, WORK Furnaces, tank. eavestroughlng and stac work Letourneau ti Sons, fcit Sixth West Phone 543 Uf MACniNfr.KI FOR SALE 1 TO SAW better lumber wore economically use the modern and up-to-date type National Portable Sawmills manufactured by National Machinery Company Limited, Vancouver, B.C. W i cecdings in a country such as I Ca-chosH-akia to see how it op-' erates. The Communists and some . of the Socialist parties were after ! reforms in a hurry supposedly. niOM SHEET METAL SIIPKIMOP FOR SALE 2i-2 h p. 4 cycle air-cooled "L a w s o n" outboard motor with 14 ft. skiff. Telephone Red (S09. (881 FOR SALE 28 foot cabin cruiser "Rudon" fully equipped, at Yacht Club. Phone 422. (881 : PAPERHANP.TNn LTD. 253 East First Avenue ERIC SPEERS, Mgr. 701 East 8th Avenue They worked together, got some key position in the government, started to brand everyone who opposed them in the slightest degree as reactionaries. Then when they juJirtfJ the time was ripe they announced discovery of a plot for the over-throw of the niis mil n,..i to loe- tea fisox I jj-l Tut TAVLra, (. WIM Q O'NINt Li 1 F:j" W I I . ' T M ta v to a " " ' ' '" ' - "", FOR SALE 4-roomed modern bungalow, furnished. Apply 215 $th Ave. West.' (881 I 1 1 Classified Aawvrus.U Pays! hi : " r' J. C-HKNKY DENTIST HELEN'S REAtlTY SHOP Permanent Wav)ig Beauty Culture in all Us branches !04 4th Street Phone 655 'E5' SMITII BLOCK government by these so-called reactionaries, sent out their police and 'action committees' to sirest and purge all opposition, and grabbed complete control. "Now all iudses. poli P-O. Box 1401 IN THE SOPRFMI COURT OF BRITISH COLUMBIA IN PROBATE 111 the Mailer of Hi" "lmtiiMr:ition ACT" Ami In the Mutter n the K-tatc of IIkiiikis Mlnslou Kovs, heveased. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that bv Order of KLKINS LTD ticians, editors, school teachers and so fe.rth have to be Communists. HIr Nnnnr .Tnripe W O Pult.nn Inral t tnRineprs HANDYMAN HOME SERVICE GENERAL CONTRACTORS or eke. There is complete Control Judge of the Supreme Court of Brl I was on the 6th day of the the radio, education,. press, AprVi" April, A A d D. P.O. Box. 274 1948, appointed Admin OCEAN VIEW HOTEL (Formerly Knox) A Quiet, Pleasant Place to Live COMPlETltT RENOVATED Rooms Redecorated Spring-Filled Mattresses New Management Proprietor, TOM PESUT PHONE Tl M0STAD Building and Repairs of all kinds Hoofs, Chimneys and Oil Burners 'ntru and mented by a large open terrace. The stairs rise out of a spacious hall off which the coat closet and the lavatory open. The front door is reached from the kitchen without passing through the living room. The breakfast room is 11 V2 feet by 6 feet. The location of the garage eliminates the necessity for a long driveway and turn-around. The three bedrooms on the second floor arc large and with abundant closet space. Tfco of them open onto the canvas covered deck, which Is ideal for sun bathing and outdoor sleeping. Although the TAYLOR Is larger than most of the houses that have been built during the period of war shortages, war costs and war restrictions, its simple straightforward lines and its unbroken hipped roof make it an economical house per cubic foot of available spaLe. THE TAYLOR Modern lines distinguish this six room, two-story house, the TAYLOR. Pictured here it is finished in wide clapboard laid 8, to the weather to the top of the parapet around the second story sun deck. Above the parapet level flush siding makes a perfect background for the triple-sash casement windows. The house would look equally appropriate built of cement cinder block with a plaster coat of smooth white stucco. In addition to Its six rooms and bath it has an attached garage, a good sized breakfast room adjoining' the kitchen, a first floor lavatory and a full basement. with ample space for the heating plant, laundry and for a large recrea-tionroom . The living room is 25 feet; long. A dining "L" ll'i lept dcfP extends the living room to over 36 feet for large parties. It opens into a rear covered porch whiuh in turn is supple istrator of the Estate of Thomas Wlnslow Ross, late of Terrace. British Columbia, who died on or about the 14th day of November. 1947, at Vancouver. British Columbia. All persons indebted to the said estnte are required to pay the amount ol ,thelr indebtedness to me forthwith and all MrHons having claims attainst the said estate are required to file them with me properly verified on or before the 15Ul day of May. 19 H. failing which distribution will be made having regard only to such claims of which I shall have been notified. MAKER h HlONE PHONES: Green 486 Red 894 RED 752 even the Boy ocouc movement. Democracy in Csechoslovakia is finished, and it will be long time More this freedom-loving people knows the breath of freedom again. "They preached reform, but what they wanted was a dictatorship, their dictatorship, and the people who listened to them should know better now, and so should people everywhere." (TJif tlrt Jj of thi (Ma Tftner are prtsenttS in lliis tieu'sfiptr unaW lh sponsorship cf the British Columbia Federation of Trmle nd jHtlttifr). F-36 -I nth.r DATED at Prince Rupert. B.C. this ' 'PR.) QUALITY ItFTAlRS For Downtrodden Heels aiid Worn Soles. MAC SHOE HOSPITAL Box 774 Second Ave 7th dav of April, AD. 1948. GORDON FRASER FORBES. Official Administrator. Prince upert. B.C. (96) 'St