provincial Li3:.A?v'i, VICIC2IA, 2. -C. Iff'" A 131 Juris 31-t3 ,TTfTTTTTTTTTTTj NORTHKRN AMD CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER Blue 3 onr.iEs DRUGS STAR Daily Delivery Cabs PHONE 81 4 rubliHhed at Canada's Most Strategic Pacific Tort "Prince Rupert, the Key to the Great Northwest." VOL. XXXVII, No. 83. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY. APRIL 8, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Russia in Ontario City LP. P. Quarters and Satellites Grabbing Industries, General Says German Ship. Strike Nearly Over; One Sailing Settlement Appears Imminent On East Coast West Coast Still Hesitant HALIFAX 'CP Striking ship's officers here Wednesday night decided to accept the report of Incident of Plane Mr. Justice McNiven as a basis for settlement of the five-week-old strike of Canadian deepsea vessels. William Doherty, nation Discussed al secretary of the Canadian Communications Association BERLIN (CP) Russia SOU. Ont (CP) said: "We are very close to a I fv AnP my , L PlJi(y L'-i'" - A yJhl and her satellites have settlement." imunist feeling in One condition the officers stl- er town reached rh when 500 riot- ! pulate for settlement Is that the grabbed the lion's share of industrial reparations from the United States ship-owners not show "discriml inate students de- nation" against striking officers zone of Germany, General when re-hiring. the heauquar- a Labor-Progressive Lucious D. Clay said In his One ship, with terms accepted ! both by owners and seamen, sail jght and mauled four ed yesterday and others are pre paring to leave. . Utor-ProRressive oi- Meantime in Vancouver, where seventeen d;epsea ships are held 1! Prlnre, Windsor-regional organizer; unedy. rf KKJiial chal.'-Mirtin of Les- up, Dennis Heard, president of monthly reporf today. The American military governor said that Russia, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, Poland and Albania have received sixty-percent of the reparations based on reckoning in monetary Value. Meanwhile the back-and -forth diplomatic battle following Monday's plane crash goes on. Today there were suggestions that Great Britain might demand an apology for statements made by Russia in blaming a British traffic violation for the British-" Ontario were taKen yiive custody ant! es- a, the building by CZECH REDS TALK IT OVER WITH GROMYKO Andrei Gromyko, Russiandelegate to the United Nations, at Lake Success, N.Y., is pictured centering with two members of the Communist-dominated Czechoslovakian delegation. Thye had just heard Jan Papanek, former Czech delegate, who was admitted to the Security council by vote, blast the Russian policy of aggression in Czechoslovakia. They are, left to right: Dr. Vladimir Houdek, Andrei Gromyko and Gertrude Sekaninova. f ciyr opllce oiucera. the Association of Marine Engineers, said the officers of the vessels 'definitely will , not 'return to their ships until we have some really definite news." He said that ship's officers wanted "discussion on outstanding points overtime and pro rata leave which were not covered by Mr. Justice McNiven In his report as federal conciliator in the nu were taken into official, Walter Kop-tred cuts about the hands. Kik suffered Soviet plane collision. Marshal Vassily D. Sokolovsky described fcsim mound from fly- the British version of the acci RED DEMONSTRATORS IN ROME CLAMOR FOR RETURN OF TRIESTE A group of Communists, carrying placards pictured as they demonstrated through the streets of Rome. The sign reads, "Communists If you are not strangers, shout with us. Long live Italian Trieste." Foregoing the terms of the Italian peace treaty which made a free city pf Trieste, the governments of U.S.. Britain and France want to retu rn the city to Italy. However, Marshal Tito and the Yugoslavians claim that they are willing to barter the city for Italian Gorizia. The Italians will reject the Yugoslav offer. Meanwhile, British military police have reinforced the border in Trieste free state as a precautionary measure. Not only have British soldiers moved up closer to the Yugoslav border line in Trieste but they have dug machine-gun positions for road blocks. dentthe Russian plane - had crashed the transport a5 "slander." MEDICAL COLLEGE AT UNIVERSITY OF B.C. TO BE STARTED NEXT YEAR VICTORIA (CP) 7 A medical school will he DDnTFfTION irder arose from a ion aKainst action of board in permitting f school premises to for the holding 4 THE WEATHER Synopsis Below normal temperatures have a;ain been recorded In almost all rrgions of British Col FEDERAL GOLD SUBSIDY SURE OTTAWA r) Passage of gov BRAUHD HAS HO CANCER CURE; umbia. Lowest temperature was recorded at Prince George where opened at the University . . of British . Columbia in jllr AL AjRA 'S CALLED 'FRAUD' AMD CHARLATAN' the fall of HMD, Education j WASHingt6: - a return of M mister W. , T. . Straith ; wartime operations ot ' slaam- Stassen Strength Quite Unexpected MILWAUKEE Governor Htokl E. Stassen comes sharply to the forefront as a Republican presidential favorite for the party's nomination as a result of the primary in this poli 1610 ships lines to Alaska was urged said "we will be able to gradu ernment legislation providing for the subsidization of gold mines, is assured in the House, of' Commons. The proposed subsidies will be paid s for three years, beginning December 1, 1947. A complicated formula will be used to work out the subsidy. qn.p ) at, a SlUllllg Ul LUC mui tuilit: uiii ate fifty doctors per year ro H Y D N E Y, "Australia (CP) John Braund, 78-year-old Sydney layman, cannot cure cancer, says the verdict of a govern- the mercury fell to 5 during the night, 20 degrees below the average for early April. Varlabls cloudiness was present in the coastal areas this morning with clear skies in most of the Interior regions. There is little Indication of any marked change in conditions during the next 48 hours. Prince Rupert, Queen Char-lotes and North Coast. Variable JUDICIARY CRITICIZED Board I pels It irahlf to (,ivr mission here. The matter was brought up by Orenvllle Mellon, of the Commis-sio'n, who said the change should Include co-operation by Canadian ships. "We must" said Mellon ''recognize the Importance of Al merit committee report victoria, xp, - criticism of city of Vancouver would be relied upon to provide the necessary hospital facilities in connection with the medical college but these would not be required until 1951, Mr. Strallli said. tical key state of Wisconsin. The Minnesotan received unexpected backing especially in Milwaukee where strong support was expected for General Douglas N Instrui linn at Time the Judiciary of British Colum-iwnicn was laoieu m iww.ooum bia with one judge called "the Wales Parliament today. The morial High School hanging judge" was made in the cloudiness, clearing by late afternoon. Clear tonight and Friday. senior matriculation aska from a national viewpoint. ti advanced commer- Legislature by Opposition Leader Harold Winch and his father, E. E. Winch (CCF-Burnabyt. tion during the 1948- Mr. Straith said the Depart- ,Tne government ought to accel-mcnt of Education was having 1erate fortification of this fully in keeping up wltnjUai miutary outpost. If an en OVERHAUL OF SHIP S0U6HT Prince Rupert " Chamber of Commerce Is pressing immediately upon Canadian National Railways at Montreal to have a major overhaul job -which is planned for the coastal liner report followed two months of research and examination of patients claimed by BraunS to have been cured of cancer. The committee unanimously found that in no case it investigated had claims of cure been W it is highly un- vocational courses in Winds northeast '20 m.p.h.) exposed areas, light elsewhere. Little change in temperature. Lows tonight and highs Friday At Port Hardy 35 and 48. Mas-sett 26 and 48, Prince Rupert 30 and 50. Industry will be "There Is one judge whose mental stability I would seriously question. His name is Manson," said E. E. Winch. He did not further identify emy foreign power threw us out of Alaska it would be In a fine position to attack our Industrial centres." Ml Board last night British Columbia's" rapidly Increasing population. Eight hundred new children were coming to the province each month, 400 of school age. At present seven hundred new school rooms and a similar number of new teachers could be used. neral blessing to all The twelve -man committee of In the matter of pro Prince Rupert later this year carried out at the Prince Rupert Attorney General Gordon (laymen and doctors said that ves for training in Wlsmer defended the judicial Braund's "alleged specific cure dry dock. In addition to Mont-system and emphasized that for cancer is an injection of rea representations are also ;n? industry board st could not see how Judges were appointed by the alum into subsurface tissues ol being made to Bernard Allen BULLETINS t'KEVOLT" PLANE LANDING .MUNICH Twenty passen-. gers aboard a Czech transport plane revolted and forced its. flight into the United States of Germany Tuesday, the plane landing without warning at an American base near. Munich, Czech authorities said today. It was, a Czech National Air Lines plane with 26 aboard. Some of those on board, it is saiii, aid not want, to be taken to Czechoslovakia. SHOWDOWN ON RATES .OTTAWA The federal gov-, .eminent faces a motion of Communism is Illusion-District , Man Tells of Grim Experiences oe financed, next year j "" ' federal government. the patient, thereby causing manager of the British' Colum- such a course be arranged 10 gave approval to train young men to enter the by Principal Allan M. ' fishing industry. i 1 senior matriculation ."Certainly I think the course nerrosis (death of the tissues bia district of the railway, which consequent separation of j After the tourist season is over slough which he claimed to be this fall, it is understood that the actual cancer I," the report the Prince Rupert is to be with-sald. iSlough is the dead tissue drawn for an extensive refit, which breaks away from the the new steamer Prince George PRINCE GEORGE Don't be misled by the il LOCAL GIRL PASSES AWAIY piercial courses be I would be a valuable one, but I j Wing sufficient stu-lpm not convinced that we can available to lust.ifv i offer a nractlcal course in the flesh). tp carry on the coastal service vocational course. ! fishing Industry out of school lusions of Communism or other foreign ideologies, is the timely advice of James Stoynoff, of Hulatt, who has returned a trip "through several countries of Europe with a feeling of deep sympathy for the freedom loving people of Europe who are silently Numerous local friends of it while she is off. s a different matter J revenues," Dr. R. G. Large, Board two courses would i chairman, said. "This year's bud- ;-rcatly to the cost of i get Is all marked for spending. former well known farnUV lf Summing up, Dr. E. H. Morris, many years' standing will be' director-general of public, health, shocked to learn of the death accused Braund of "being a in Detroit, Michigan, of Mrs. fraud and charlatan" and that Cecil Frey, the former Miss Joy Braund's method was a "delusion MILLION DOLLARS ption providing the i Trustee W. J. Scott saw the and helplessly resigned to thei -- :r. L0 In Paris a ticket was procured A reign i of - oppression. I D. , . tH,c tw nwnum of "annmvi. rnnrsp as desirable but one Went enrolled' in j which could not be financed! Jailed on three occasions in! ' ' Berg of Prince Rupert. The sad and snare. ... , : nni.T.-,rl 1 with S2fmn or S3.000. non-confidence by the C.C.F. leader, M. J. Coldwell, and a wave of criticism as a result ol its refusal to hold up .last week's freight rates Increase pending appeal JOliO is given prisoners for the first nal training course "To cive a useful course we for drinking or washing. Crossing into Switzerland, the Swiss conductor. and the customs officer checked passports and gave news oi ner p.u.i. wda ... . Braund hf, lntends to last evening by her sister Mrs.. hig Inez Parkhouse of this city. Mrs. Frey was born in Van- gouver twenty years ago and came to Prince Rupert a a I flWtp T.wr- TAYf very early age. She received all LUTlLlX IhALJ OF CAHOL "JUNK" FORT ST. JOHN A million dollar cargo of what is loosely termed '"junk" is now on the high seas enroute to a Gulf of Mexico port. It was bought by an oil firm of Houston, Texas, and was formerly part of the Canol project built during the fishermen, how-, would have to have gear, en-ne which the board' glnes nets and a lot of other 1)11(1 .be. highly costly equipment. It would take more seek further in- like $50,000 to get it under way," from the industry's rlpplnrprf Trustee Scott. coupons for food. At the flrst eating stop in Switzerland, an i V fTTrAAi I A I rHMIJIl in- 1 M 1 1 v vl English speaking waitress formed our travellers that no T A lCC CTCD food coupons were required from ' MlL J J I Ll five days of incareration; travelling on trains without food or water, for washing or drinking, and going wlthou food for as long as two days while travelling, were part of his unpleasant experiences. Languishing in jail because of having resentfully blurted out "That's a He," to a propaganda broadcast In which It Wrial advisory coun-j Members agreed that the faking snpcifin nion. L.n,.-o ,,m nut. hp nut into her schooling here and was as-1 lr r AllfMT sociated with, the War Assets (f. jUUUn I 'fusion iii the school !nrprflt.lon this vear. and moved Corporation before leaving lor war in Alaska. The property is mainly high pressure steel pipe. "I the pnnnMI American or British subjects. From Switzerland to and throughout Italy the standard of living and the general con OTTAWA The Canadian Chamber of Commerce yester the United States. In June 1947 she was married to Cecil Frey, WASHINGTON, D.C. Legislation granting statehood to A!-ai-ka was approved yesterday by the House public lands commit Six more ships will be need- that it be referred to tne industrial advisory commltteee for investigation regarding costs and availability of equipment. P the March board day urged that the government ed to take all the Canol good3 with i suggestion that ditions were much worse than in France. Travelling from Milano to Ven tee. The bill must now go before the House rules committee lower taxes and cut down on its south. The material Is belnp as-own spending. sembled at Skagway. Fifty Iu a brief to Minister of Fin- trucks are working day , and ano? Douglas Abbott, the Cham-j night, hauling the tuff out. ber teclared that cuts In per-, These include huge brass valves, sonal income and corporation power pumping devices, diesel for clearance before the House ice and- down to Trieste was RulH Symphony Orchestra- phony Concert was stated that there was mass starvation and unemployment on the American continent, Jim Stoynoff learned the hard way a lesson these fear ridden and dominated people learned long ago, namely to keep innermost thoughts and opinions to themselves. Constant fear and distrust of even their neigh who was stationed here during the war as a corporal with the United States Army. Besides her husband, Mrs. Frey is survived by her fathei , Gus Berg, who is in tiie Merchant Navy; her mother, Mrs. Hilda Berg, -now in Vancouver; an older sister, Mrs. Parkhouse here, and a younger sister. Miss June Berg in Vancouver. ? LOCAL TIDES most uncomfortable. Four classes can take action, of accommodations are provided " on the trains, sleepers for those DIITTCP TEACF 1 lucky enough to get them, up-,DUI I Ll ILMjt taxes did not "necessarily" help power units which have never been used, miles of copper pipe, electric motors, tractors, trucks spread inflation. They would encourage greater production and lessen unit costs. lcnlrc Friday, April 9, 8:15 p.m GR.ArrES MooRE, A. T. C. M., Pianist at'E L. MERRILL, Coloratura Soprano TO BE PROBED and parts. usini, 15f nssisiing Artists BOXING Tournament Canadian Legion International OTTAWA W The House of Commons prices committee will launch an immediate full scale Friday, April 9, 1948 . j Students 35f all Gyro Members holstered scats for first class ticket holders, a seat If you can get one in a second class coach, while benches are provided as third class. Even though he had paid first -class fare, Mr. Stoynoff had to stand. No baggage checking service Is provided; everything had to be carried. After leaving Trieste all travellers were under close ob bors is their daily lot. Passing through England, Mr. Stoynoff was amazed at the havoc wrought by the war, but general conditions appeared to be about the same as here and at' Ormrs. Civic Centre and Investigation Into reports that CIVIC CENTRE, APRIL 10, SATURDAY 10 Bouts MAIN EVENT 10 Bouts SHORTY CONTREROS vs. LEN KITCHENS Ketchikan Prince Rupert High 1:20 20.4 rrer. 13:35 19.9 feet) Low i 7:33 4.2 feet; 19:37 4.8 feet i butter in quantities as high as carload lots are being used as tie-ins for the sale of other commodities. It has been re 'Ktball award dance ported that brokers are using food supplies adequate. me channel was crossed from Calais to Dieppe enroute to Paris. The destruction around Calais Is appalling, with nothing but rubble and rubbish stretching for miles. WVIC CENTRE AUDITORIUM BASKETBALL TRINCE RUPERT vs. NEW METLAKATLA VETS Wednesday and Thursday ' Reservations Phone 231 servation of the Yugoslavia military police. Food and cloth -'Continued on Page Two) the scarce article to push the sales of other goods, particularly poultry. SUsiJ ursaav. April 8th, 10 p.m.-l p.m. . " ... .a i , .... f our UUKCS lrei!