EVENINGS 7 pv, 0 ptfntc Hupett Daflp Jlftos to. Thursday, April 8, 1918 TODAY TO SAT- DISCUSSION OF a i it a ikininAHrr SATURDAY ' ' i 2:00 4:20 45 . j thos: who arc successful in mir- UN I II 111 JUKflHuL turins the most luxuriant JOHN GARFIELD LRU PHI Ml growths. The judging of the ! Prince Rupert Chamber of beards and the presentation of Commerce will seek rurtner m- Vancouver Pioneer Secretary Pastes Alex Mitchell, in his eighty-second year, died last week in Vancouver. He was secretary of the Vancouver Pioneer's Association. He had lived in that city since 1889 when he entered the employ of the late Thomas Dunn, a pioneer citizen of Prince Rupert as well as Vancouver. Mr. Dunn was in the hardware business. II ' formation Dciore u expresses the prizes will be one of many special features of the Klondyke Night when there will be a re- BEARDS STYLISH, PROFITABLE TOO Will he the Order for Prince Rupert's lie-Men Between Now and May 7 -To wear a beard in Prince Kupcrt between now and May 7 will not only be in style but it may be profitable. Gyros, who itself in regard to the merits of the new British Columbia compulsory automobile insurance set-up. A letter from Burns Lake and District Board of Trade read at 00 HAZEL BROOKE k introducmi eitiiim enactment of all the atmosphere and activities of the stirring days of 'ninety-eight when 1 I w men were strong and women wanted them that way. As for Monday nignts meeimg ui w.c Gyros the "pansies" who can- local Chamber urgca mat steps 1NNF PFVFPF 1 llt"BM COHno 'WY.TZrTvK ntytKtt.iROBLill t-flPint ROSSIN-rhBUB BOB ?r " 'H not or will not grow beards will be taken to arouse pumic upm- are to hold a Klondyke night in the Civic Centre that night. be specially penalized in cash as ion lor me aoopuun m oi-, Columbia of a plan like those well as in the scorn of their have already allowed their hir of Alberta or sasKaicnewau VICTORIA DAY PLAN APPROVED The School Board last night granted Municipal Chapter I. O.D.E., the right to have school children observe their annual Victoria Dav celebration on FUMMS rimit TMtltl JUL. J ADDED IHSXKV ( AKToon NKWS .suite appendages to sprout. Other virile menfolk of the city are being invited to do likewise where the premium was reput-edly $5 or $8. I Question arose as to the extent of the coverage of the nrairie province plans compar and, to further encourage them manly brethren. Jack Lindsay is chairman of arrangements for the Klondyke Night and his general committee consists of Norman Baker, refreshments; Joe Scott, printing; C. C. Mills, personnel; Don Forward, special events; Maur it is announced that substan May 24 at the Capitol Theatre. TICKETS ON SALE NOW FO II tial prizes will be presented to HENRY V" ed with that of British Colum-J Permission also was granted for students of Booth Memorial High School to attend a special afternoon showing of the film "King Henry V" which will be ice Brvdccs. finance; w. M. , LONG BEFORE WRIGHTS As early as the 13th century men were making serious al- It Don't ITean a Thing tter ErtplI.lJ bia. I The Prince Rupert Automobile Association, it was reported, was going thoroughly into the matter so information will be sought from it. ---t,". M dlsplayed at the Capitol Theatre tempts to fly with the aid of ar- 5 If it ain't got that Swing 2 " i' W1LI IAV What Is w'ron 1. here this month. tiflcial wings. sentence? The f,JOd t tasty, and we enjoyed If 2. Whati s the' pretty keen on a generous amount of sun. but thev have Watts, publicity; W. D. Lambie, decorations. Arrangements for the event were finalized at yesterday's weekly Gyro luncheon and there will be a general committee meeting on Sunday night. The affair is being staged for the playground fund and the major club project of the year a new swimming pool in McClymont, Park. FIRST PAVED HIGHWAY The stone road between Philadelphia and Lancaster, Pa-was the first paved highway in the United States. MILITARY SUPPLIES FOR TURKEY Ready to be hoisted aboard the Turkish ship Yozgat, a big 105 MM Howitzer dominates the scene on an Erie Basin pier in New York, where military equipment for Turkey is being loaded. In background, an M24 tank is being lilted up and swung into the hold. distinct likes and dislikes in the nunciatlon of "valiant' HE HELPED BY DYING matter of soil. For deep-rooted 3- Which one of tlirs is misspelled? Furlong lade, fuedalism. 4. What (loos the Wun mean? V f Strong Plea For Native Art Made Program at yesterday s lun jr f j ru f.iy. OTTAWA "Sometimes a man accomplishes more by dying than living" was the tribute paid to the late Mohandas Gandhi by J. H. Danderdale, field secretary of the Y.M.C.A. International Committee speaking at a things like carrots, potatoes, etc.. It is important that the soils be fairly loose at least a foot down. Certain types prefer sandy soil to clay. But no matter what the soil is like to start with by a little planning and care one can change it fairly easily. If very wet and heavy it may be necessary to drain either by rABDEN 'NOTEfeO' VANCOUVER A strong plea on behalf of B.C. native artists was made at a three-day confer m m cheon consisted of the presentation of an interesting travel picture on Lappland from the National Film Board service. 5. What is k wmtl b: with vo th-.' : ins eating"? Answers 1. S;y. "The food .. tasteful" 2. Pronmu. yant, both a s as in at. v unstressed. 3. Feudal; ence on Indian affairs at Aca- FIRST PLW'TINGS untcer plants in the spring. President Orme Stuart was in iuncheon here. He spent 12 years dia Camp. Usually there is one corner of Some of them, especially sweet the chair and welcomed two in Indian Y.M.C.A. work. new members A. M. Hurst andl "since Gandhi's death, he The speakers included Mrs. (ne garden which is dry before peas, must be planted Just as Ellen Neel, one of Canada's the rest. This is the spot to soon as possible in the spring if To destroy the sclf-jwsaJ Norman Baker and one guest, .qm. "there have been no fur x C ""'"7 it Bruce Rogers of Vancouver. tile drains or shallow, open I trenches. These heavy soils too, will greatly benefit if man-I ure, rotted leaves and all other I vegetable matter is dug in. Some people make a practice to so half the garden with some grecv. to confuse, disconcert B were at least three per the room whom nothin. abash." 5. Voracious. thpr communal outbreaks in "" piam, uk vnjr can u""s "w - TV. ,, Calcutta but without his guid- prominent speaker was Mrs. J. hardy vegetables and flowers before the hot weather checks i. Ing hand it is difficult to fore- Godman. They declared that that can go in the ground Just them. fast the lines along which the "factory made imitations of as S00Il as one can get out and In Your P.anninj ' l -,(11 ffPniir auuieutiu Aim ait juui.uii.h v. niff, r rost ana suuw luir uui no iuaiwr uuw umtu'w,t , new t k. ciH India death knell to native arts and wiU not hurt these and some of the location there is some flow- PREVENT HANDICAPS Approximately 60 per cent of Canadian youngsters entering school show one or more physical defects, statstics show. Tnfnr oHvUp the child he ex Moving, Pirkint Cm Ls haDDV to remain within the crafts." Indian artists should be tnem must make their first, er, vegetable or shrub that will kdv,i r th Rritih Em- permitted to use new and mod- rowth while soil and air are thrive in it. The ideal garden. crop like rye, buckwheat o. j clover and dig in when wel grown. Even a good crop o. ! Shipping and OnnJ Cartage and Stonii cool. I Among the vegetables in this .of course, is open to the sun and the soil Is a rich, well-drained loam. But there are many amined and treated so he will Pife" nnt Via Via nriipa nnpri In Studies I For Complete, ftrliabl' 5 for Fashion-wise Z Thrify Shoppers weeds will help If dug under All waste matter -like pea pods carrot tops, corn stalks, etc. should be saved and dug in. Classified Advertising Pays! AnUirnrw ii'ill ka raHiKh loaf lot. , nrt hv minor defects. i You saw It in the Daily News! j -lions and w"11-" uu "v" tuce, spinach, early on Efficient Service, u Lindsay's Card ideal conaiuons. some iiower.i. Strangely enough the same treatment is good for ligh; vegetables and certain varieties Wallace's- m r" , 'f " "'"r." - Z ": sandy soil. The rotted veget the hardiest of the garden peas. Of course, this Yefers to first plantings only. Main plantings should go in later, and final plantings after that. With vegetables It is Important to & Storage Cor. 2nd and Park A' RitHblL-herl 1910 what wani acm sou rawer iiani jm w, .,, . , Hrfc ables refuse dug in adds ... v. i ko.., ihor, of Course! if is technically known as humus, puts some body Into the soil so it will hold moisture better. Phonrs 60 and 0 loam or sand. The thing in planning is to consider these special likes and dislikes, then to select those string out the plantings so that the harvest will be equally ex tended. All tne vegciaDies men- - . , . , T1 7 Pnts thal suit ., ones sPecial lo" lA tioned be planted at least , can ny , j n three times, a fortnight apart, ca"on: . .. . lb I IXil 1 1 IIS 1 1 are Most vegetables, however, I f IVW 0 mm AFmmjVRz' IN W Back anPjinted Ml . Ml , , I and some like lettuce and rad- j ish, carrots, beets, beans, etc.. intervals week in 'at first can be planted right up to the DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING St'PEKPAN PRESS Take advantage of our nimlrni K.i'li'i Repair DepartrrKMit. KiiMiire (Jowl Ueeeptidii this sca,;on-Have your radio repaired now at RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC Free Pick-up and Delivrrj July. Among the hardy flowers will be things like cosmos, marl-golds, pansies, sweet peas and anything else listed as very KODACHROME and KODAK FILMS hardy in a Canadian seed cat-alogne. Some of these are so Cowgill Box 645 Chandler & Fourth St. resistant to frost that they sow themselves and come on as vol- PRINCE RUPERT. B. C. j 1 f WML 1K&i : The Popular S.S. YOUR BEST EATING PLAl PRINCE RUPERT Sails For I I I.L-f 01 RSR H ' 'Ur "'4 Drp ,n ani See ( II s m. to I P BANQUET HALL T LUNCHRONS. DINM i VANCOUVER AND INTERMEDIATE PORTS EACH THURSDAY AND PARTIfS r II I N ESE DISH - Now On Display , ) hSjMi Place your order NOW for the New Electric GLASTEEL Water Heater It's Glass-Lined It's Economical It's Automatic-It's Dependable. Saanich Plumbing and Heating BROADW For KETCHIKAN WEDNESDAY MIDNIGHT CAFE Two sailings per week for VANCOUVER VICTORIA SEATTLE Tuesday, 1:30 p.m., Coquitlam Friday, 12 midnight, Catala STEWART and ALICE ARM Sundays. 12 mldnieht QUEEN CHARLOTTES FOR MASSETT AND PORT CLEMENTS April 16 and 30 FOR SOUTH ISLANDS April 18 FRANK J. SKINNER mnce Rupert Arent Third Ave. Phone 568 Phon 608 3rd Ave. W. Cor. 4th and McBrlde-Blue 811 y': YOy ifcini. Yf (t luper-fough onf tST H5tj5P I II JZ! - F"r information call o' write I I ' I m?Kf,,,n lfa-oborben. VSP W "VP iy or Depot Ticket OfftcM MPSSftl g PRINCE RCPEB'l'i B.C. SEE US FOR ALL REQUIKKMENTS OFFICE SUPPLIES ' . t T I t of printing OUR CONGRATULATIONS - - - Consult us for your needs in all types l s M Bride Street Phone 311 Everything in high-class stationery . Fountain fens TO r Jow Available! varus lure cvcijr - .p DIBB PRINTING COMP J THIR" BESNER BLOCK DOMS' DEPT. STORE We Were Pleased to Supply and Instal the " Lighting Fixtures in This Ultra-Modern Store FOR THE BEST IN AUTOMOTIVE SlRVKE See Your - rcvcoAi MnTORS DEAU Now is the time to get at that shaky step, leaky roof or sagging fence. Repair or construction we have the materials to do the lob. - Complete line of Building Material supplies. Mitchell & Currie Limited "" " ' : PHONE 36$ Builders and Contractors Chevrolet Bulck, niHsmobile WUKIMV . , RUPERT RADIO & ELECTRIC MACHINE WORK A LOOK FOB THE NEW RED AND WHITE GOLD SEAL LABEL Terrace Machine Shop & H 'Phone 644 313 3rd Ave. West Box 1371 TERRACE, B.C